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Philippine Journal of Public Administration, Vol. XXIII, No.1 (January 1979)

The Identity Crisis in Public Administration

Revisited: Some Definitional Issues
• and the Philippine Setting

Paramount to settling the identity crisis (or the issue of conceptual identity)
being undergone by public administration is the resolution of its definitional boundary
- if it could be defined precisely - and a coherent and systematic organization of
normative theory. Previous to the description of the crisis, the concentration of
studies in American Public Administration had been oriented towards specialized,
applied concerns (service type) as against the construction of a general and ualid
theoretical framework (academic or basic type). The identity crisis, however, may not
be a serious problem from the point of view of Philippine Public Administration due to
three distinct features: (a) Public Administration has maintained some disciplinary
independence from allied disciplines and has not been insecure about its relationships
with Political Science; (b) the politics-administration dichotomy has no strong tradi·
tion and is thus inapplicable here; (c) the peculiarities of a developing country haue
necessitated Philippine Public Administration to give emphasis on or fauor to service
• type researches. Thus, tile identity crisis in Public Administration becomes relevant
and worthwhile only if it is /Iiewed from the perspectives of actual Philippine co,Jdi·
tions and dellelopment aspirations:
Certainty is an illusion, and repose is not the destiny of man.

Introduction disciplinary enterprise today continues

to suffer - or so its scholars claim -
In recent years. the dilemma of con- from sheer ambiguity. if not absence
ceptual identity confronting the study of a well-defined and concrete norma-
of Public Administration has increas- tive and definitional theory.
ingly become more pronounced. De-
spite claimed methodological capacity

to deal with standard and transient Frank Marini. The former refeJl'S to the ac-
issues inherent in the conduct of tivities "baving to do with the administra-
governmental affairs and public policy tion of public organizations anti public polio
making. Public Administration.1 as a eies," or in effect. the applied aspects. 'The
latter is used to denote the academic subject
matter or the study of behavior in public or-
ganizations. See Dwight Waldo. "Public Ad-
*E:xeeutive Assistant, Office of the Di- ministration" in Marian Irish (00.). Political
rector, Philippine Heart Center for Asia. Science: Advance of the Disti'pline (Engle-
wood Cliffs. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall.
1 For the sake of conceptual convenience. 1968). pp. 158-169. See also Frank Marini
I shall adopt the distinction between "public (ed.). ToWGTd a l:\'ew Public A<lministration:
administration" and "Public Admini<>bation" TN! Minnowbrook Perspeetil>e {Scranton:
used by Dwight Waldo and later adopted by Chandler PublishiIlg Co.. 1971 1. p. xiii

To be sure, the problem is an old field. The purpose rather is to re-
one. It is in fact a resurrected theme examine the identity problem of the
that was raised inconspicuously as study of contemporary Public Ad-
early as the late forties, and is now re- ministration as pointedly raised and
surfacing more prominently with a described by various scholars and stu-
vengeance.s The problem has since be- dents of the discipline, and within this
come so severe that scholars and perspective, view its implications and
students of the field have elevated the
issue to a "crisis of thought," or in
Gunderson's terms, "academic public
significance - or insignificance - from
the standpoint of Public Administra-
tion in the Philippines, where the

administration's self-lamented 'iden- desideratum of national development
tity' or 'intellectual' crisis."3 has become the "order of the day."

At length, the literature delving into How does the crisis as seen from the
this issue has articulated various critical eyes of Western scholars relate
themes and subthemes, and has now to or affect our problems of develop-
grown too vast for comfort to be ment, or more precisely - to put it
fused or captured in a single paper. bluntly - our day-to-day problems of
The substance, however, of these survival? Faced with a theoretical
articles conveys, more or less, the crisis shaped from the searing lens of
same sentiment: a scholarly discontent our Western counterparts, how are we
with the state of the discipline with an to react? Or how have we been re-
overarching concern for its normative acting? At the risk of editorializing,
and operational boundaries. this paper therefore seeks to appraise
the identity and normative crisis in

This paper, to begin with, does not Public Administration in relation to
intend to indulge in explosive theoriz- the development aspirations of a de-
ing along the fashion of Western veloping country such as the Philip-
scholars. Nor does it intend to join the pines. In doing so, I have to redefine
prevailing bandwagon of dissatisfaction the crisis for ourselves if only to care-
and skepticism over the state of the fully review its origin and background
and ascertain its nature and validity.
however superficially.

2Indeed. with the angry and disenchanted For all intents and purposes, the
thoughts raised in the Minnowbrook Con- identity crisis in Public Administra-
ference in 1968 catalyzing a "New Public
Administration." as documented and com-
tion may simply be an issue bother-
piled in Marini. ibid. References may also be ing a handful of "disgruntled" scholars
made to the sober but apprehensive articles unhappy over the development of the
of Waldo. ibid., and Vincent Ostrom. "The discipline. On the other hand, the
Persistent Crisis in the Study of Public Ad- crisis may be real enough, so real in-
ministration" in The Intellectual Crisis in
American Public Administration: The Crisis deed that it subverts systematic think-
Confidence (Alabama: The University of ing in resolving operational problems
Alabama Press, 1974) Ch. 1. confronting public organizations and
public policy making. For this reason,
3 Gil Gunderson. "Epistemology in Public
Administration." Philippine Journal of Public
it may be useful to first pin down the
Administration. Vol. XIX. No.3 (July 1975), concept of the crisis even at the risk
P. 145. of neglecting some important points.


In this regard, I venture what might direction and thrust of Public Admin-
be a haphazard interpretation drawn istration as a field of study. Specifi-
from the perspectives of those who cally, Waldo noted that students of
perceive it. The attempt may be an administration have become "more
overzealous disservice to the cause uncertain in recent years as to the
of these scholars considering that I ends, aims, and methods which they
have found it convenient for the sake should advocate.v- The observation is
• of conceptual economy to isolate or
operationalize the problem momen-
tarily into two overriding concerns,
significant considering the firm con-
ceptual tradition inherited from the
works of Woodrow Wilson, Frank
at least for the purpose of this paper. Goodnow, Urwick and Gullick, and to
These are: (1) the problem of defini- some extent, Leonard White. 6 The
tional boundaries which essentially dilemma, as perceived, was one that
deals with the resolution of the aca- inquired into the nature and defini-
demic question of where Public Ad- tional premises of the field especially
ministration begins, and where other where its theoretical postulates and
disciplines, especially that of Political principles are concerned. Up to that
Science, should end; and (2) that of time, the discussion was confined to
the issue of normativism, or the value just that - ends and aims, or to be
premises of the field. more specific, a reexamination as to
what Public Administration really is,
From here, I have felt it necessary and what it hopes to be.
to incorporate a brief and sketchy dis-
• cussion on the development of the By 1968, two decades later, and in
field as it started with the Wilsonian spite of the continued and determined
advocacy of a dichotomy between the efforts of scholars to derive a working
work of politics and that of adminis-
tration. The purpose of this review is
merely to set our perspectives on solid
grounds. 4Dwight Waldo, The Administrative State:
A Study of Political Theory of American
Released from this academic Public Administration (New York: The Ro-
responsibility, the paper then pro- nald Press Co., 1948), p. 206. Chapter 11 of
the book precisely devoted itself to a diag-
ceeds to a discussion of Public Ad- nostic appraisal of Public Administration re-
ministration in the Philippine setting, search during the period.
arguing in the process what it deems
5 The legacies of these authors are of
should be the proper focus of scholars
course contained in the following works:
and students in the country in the Woodrow Wilson, "The Study of Public Ad-
light of the identity crisis, and in the ministration," Political Science Quarterly.
context of national development Vol. II (June 1887), as reprinted in Vol. LVI
aspirations. (December 1941), pp. 493-501; Frank
Goodnow, Politics and Administration (New
York: The Macmillan Company, 1900)i
Luther Gullick and Lyndall Urwick (eds.),
The Identity Crisis Defined: Papers on the Science of Administration
What is it? (New York: Institute of Public Administra-
tion, 1937); and Leonard White, Introduc-
tion to the Study of Public Administration
In 1948, Dwight Waldo, citing John (New York: The Macmillan Company,
M. Gaus, paused to reflect on the 1926).



theory of administration," the prob-we are (subject matter) or how we

lem has reached "serious" propor- should proceed (methodsj.t''' Ostrom,
however, disagrees with Waldo's short-
tions, so disconcerting that it has been
term solution to the crisis pending a
elevated into the nature of a crisis, or
"long-run resolution" that Public Ad-
what has now been termed as a "crisis
of identity. "7 The issue that emerged
ministration as a discipline should
was the question of determining the "try to act as a profession without
scope, nature, and boundaries of the

ing and teaching it. As it is, the

actually being one, and perhaps even
without the hope or intention of be-
field, including the methods of study-
coming one ...." He (Ostrom) con-

dilemma of role and mission posed intends that this way of thinking leads
the forties was now securely ampli- to an even greater problem, one that
fied. may possibly affect the practice of the
profession. Thus, Ostrom views the
Waldo describes the problem more crisis of confidence in the following
succinctly in the following manner: manner:

In a period in which government is If the methods of studying, teach-

called upon to perform prodigies of ing and practicing the subject matter of
administration unparalleled in history, pu blic administration have become
the academic "sub-discipline" nom- problematical, then that profession
inally charged with providing a base cannot have much confidence in what
of ideas, education, and skills is having it professes. The practice of a pro-
difficulty in defining its relations with
its mother discipline, with the academ-
ic community generally, and with its
external clienteles. 8
fession rests upon the validity of the
knowledge which it professes. When
the confidence of a profession in the
essential validity of its knowledge

has been shattered, that profession
Ostrom echoes the same conten- should be extraordinarily modest
tion, maintaining what he calls a about professional advice it renders
while keeping up its appearances. "10
"crisis of confidence" in the discipline
as one really symptomatic of a lack of
identity, or what he simplistically In effect, to put it awkwardly, how
defined as a "failure to know where can a discipline such as Public Ad-
ministration render advice when it in
itself badly needs one? One can
6 See, for instance, Edward Litchfield understand and sympathize with Os-
"Notes on a General Theory of Administra- trom's view, aggressive as it is - for
tion" in Administrative Science Quarterly, the simple argument that the crisis of
(June 1956). Along these lines, it may be confidence as brought about by the
worthwhile to mention Herbert Simon, Ad-
ministrative Behavior: A Study of Decision discipline's lack of identity has defi-
Making Processes in Administrative Organi- nite far-reaching implications on the
zations (New York: The Macmillan Com- field's relations to the public service
pany, 1947) which appeared much earlier, profession.
and Herbert Simon and James G. March,
Organizations (New York: Wiley, 1958).
7 Waldo , "Public Administration," op. cit.,
p.158. 90strom,op. cit., p. 3.
8/ bid. 10/ bid ., p. 4 (Emphasis mine).


Frederickson, in fact, has gone as The most serious and devastating

far as suggesting, that for some time, attack in recent years, however, came
public administration has been treated with the categorical pronouncement
as a "second profession," that it made at the Minnowbrook Con-
"seemed to have a rather narrow defi- ference in 1968. In advocating for a
nition of its purposes . . . and that recasting of the study of public or-
most public servants, it was found, ganizations, Todd La Porte, for in-
• identify with one or another pro-
fessional field such as education, com-
stance, struck at the heart of the dis-
cipline by describing contemporary
munity planning, law, public health, Public Administration as "subject to
or engineering."11 In contrast to Os- great conceptual confusion," encom-
trom, Frederickson views this as a passing basic underlying ambiguity in
thing of the past, a reality that be- many implicit models. He goes on to
longed to the fifties and the sixties. lament that the discipline today exists
Still, he concedes an identity crisis, in "a state of antique or maladapted
to the extent that he accepts Ostrom's analytical models and normative
contention of an "intellectual crisis." aridity. "14
Thus, he observes categorically that:
From this morass of issues and
. . .it is clear that there is no body of points, two major areas of concern
theory which presently dominates the
subject. Thus it is possible to argue
can be singled out initially as distinct
that there is an 'Intellectual Crisis in problems that need to be surmounted

• Public Administration. ,12

Frederickson continues to assert

in designing a working "theory" for
Public Administration, especially
when theory in this sense is inter-
that the crisis is so only if "one as- preted to be that which consists, at its
sumes that there must be a single barest form, of "a set of definitions,
agreed-upon paradigm to which all in stating clearly what we mean by var-
the field are committed." 13 Perhaps, ious terms and a set of assumptions
that is precisely the first issue that about the way in which the world
needs to be threshed out: agreement behaves," and followed by a "process
as to whether there is a paradigm or a of logical deductions intended to dis-
cluster of paradigms in Public Admi- cover what is implied by these as-
nistration at all that needs to be chal- sumptions." 16 At the risk of over-
lenged, or simply a ragtag collection simplification therefore, I define two
of thoughts and concepts borrowed major areas that need to be resolved:
from other fields and fitted to the
• discipline. (1) the necessity of overcoming the
rigors of a definitional boundary, of
pinpointing what the discipline is all
11George Frederickson, "Public Adminis-
tration in the 1970s: Development and
Directions," Public Administration Review, 14Todd La Porte, "The Recovery of
Vol. XXXVI, No. 5 (September-October, Relevance in the Study of Public Organiza-
1976), p. 565. tions" in Marini, op. cit., p. 17, 21.
12 Ibid . 15Richard G. Lipsey, An Introduction to
Positive Economics (Great Britain: William
13 Ibid. Cloves and Sons, 1963), p. 14.



about, what are its terminologies, Setting a Boundary: Where Polit-

vocabulary, tools, etc., and how it ical Science Ends and Public
differs from other fields. As it is, Administration Begins
Public Administration has historically
grown out of the "inspiration" of the Public Administration as an aca-
wider field of Political Science, and demic enterprise has to the present
has used, as it developed, concepts day continuously languished under
borrowed from other fields, i.e., the predicament 'of being referred to
Sociology, Engineering, Psychology, as a child of Political Science. Whether

etc. In this sense therefore, it is imper- the child is now mature enough to be
ative to distinguish the academic ter- treated separately or independently of
rain of the discipline. its mother is a problematical issue
which scholars of the field of Public
(2) the determination of the field's Administration hope to resolve. And
normative stance, or the what-ought- in dealing with the problem squarely,
to-be aspects of Public Administra- the question of Public Administra-
tion. The normative position should tion's conceptual base and definitional
provide for the discipline's predis- boundaries will continue to crop up.
position of what is good and what is
bad in the conduct of public affairs Someone has said, according to
and public policy making based on a Dwight Waldo, that Political Science,
concretized set of value judgments. "like Poland is open to invasion from
Admittedly, this is a concern that can- every side." If this were at all a valid
not be settled by a simple appeal to peculiarity of that discipline, then
facts or crass ,empiricism. Public Administration has certainly

inherited this vulnerability. The sad
At this point, the dilemma that will fact is that Public Administration has
linger on, and perhaps, to be ma- been subjected to attacks from all
lingered for some time would be the sides, the most persistent of which is
troublesome question of whether its relationships with its mother dis-
Public Administration can approxi- cipline. Waldo sums up this problem
mate the use of the scientific method more definitely:
in its inquiry. Is administration an art
or a science? Already, we are bom- . . .the critical question [now I is
barded with a great deal of "sciency" whether at this stage in the develop-
postulates seeking to explain adminis- ment of Public Administration it is
trative phenomena, and already too, proper to regard it as "field" or sub-

discipline of Political Science. While
the issue of whether the field is art or for two generations it has been widely
science has become far too disturb- regarded as such, many persons are
ing.1 6 now of the opinion that it is or ought
to be 'something else'.... 1

"Something else" it is, or is bound

to be, if the trend in Public Adminis-
tration education and the bulk of con-
16 1 refer, for instance, to Waldo's brief temporary literature were to be any
but substantial discussion of the issue in
"Public Administration," op. cit., pp.11-12.
17 1bid ., p. 1.



indicator at all.18 For one, Public Ad- In any case, the distinction between
ministration has gone, or so it is the concern of Political Science and of
claimed, far beyond the concerns of Public Administration by way of
Political Science, enlarging its hori- standard or generic definitions of the
zons to include and adopt principles subject matter has always been nebu .
and concepts from Sociology, Eco- lous, although the dichotomy between
nomics, Psychology, Law, and even political processes and those of admi-
Engineering.tf Caiden in fact asserts nistrative conduct has been considered
that the "discipline of public admi- as a potential point of delineation.
nistration has outgrown its niche in Political Science, for instance, has
political science but maintains its been defined as "the science of the
distance from management science or state," and also, as "a branch of the
any other discipline that studies the social science dealing with the theory,
organizational society and administra- organization, and government, and the
tive behavior in large-scale organiza- practice of the state."21 Public Ad-
tions."20 ministration, on the other hand, has
been defined by its leading scholars,
18It would be interesting to note that a
Leonard White, for one, as "the man-
mushrooming of schools in Public Adminis- agement of men and materials in the
tration independent from Political Science accomplishment of the purposes of
Departments (commonly called Schools of the state.,,2 2 Simon, et al., describe it
Public Affairs) has been reported in several as the "activities of the executive

• universities and colleges in the United States.

See, for example, the discussion in Robert branches of national, state, and local
Presthus, Public Administration, 6th ed., governments; independent boards and
(New York: The Ronald Press Company, commissions set up by Congress and
1975), pp. 232-234. state legislatures; government corpora-
19Thus, the study of Public Administra- tions and certain other agencies of
tion cannot be deemed complete without a specialized character. "23 At most,
reference to: the works on bureaucracy by these representative definitions of both
the sociologist Max Weber, The Theory of
Social and Economic Organization. trans. by subject matters do not convey a
A.M. Henderson and Talcott Parsons (New marked and tidy distinction between
York: Oxford University Press, 1947); the the two fields. And this all the more
studies on scientific management by the en- makes a derivation of a suitable
gineer Frederick Taylor in Scientific Manage- boundary difficult. From these stand-
ment (New York: Harper, 1911); the studies
on the informal organization by the indus- points, it would appear that Public
trial sociologist Elton Mayo in The Human Administration is indeed a specialized
Problems or an Industrial Civilization (New field of Political Science.
York: The Macmillan Company, 1933) and
also in F.J. Roethlisberger and W.J. Dickson, Earlier, I pointed out that the
Management and the Worker (Cambridge:
Harvard University Press, 1939). Such other grand concept of the politics-adminis-
works in behavioral psychology by Douglas
McGregor, Rensis Likert, Chris Argyris, and 21Carlton Rodee, et al., Introduction to
Frederick Herzberg may also be worth men- Political Science (New York: McGraw-Hill
tioning. Book Co., 1967), p. 4.
20Gerald E. Caiden, "The Meaning of 22 White , op, cit.• p, 2.
Public Administration," in The Dynamics of
Public Administration: Guidelines to Current 23Herbert Simon, Donald Smithburg, and
Transformations in Theory and Practice, Victor Thompson, Public Administration
(Hinsdale, Illinois: The Dryden Press, 1971). (New York: Knopf, 1950), p. 7.



tration dichotomy, for all its simplic- The Normative Question:

ity, would set a potential' concep- Onwards With What?
tual boundary between Political
Science and Public Administration -
that the study of political processes The normative stance or the value
belongs to the former, and that of the prescriptions of the field of Public
executive administration of the state Administration is another issue that
and public policy to the latter. Still, deserves careful and meticulous atten-
the promise of distinction offered by tion. The normative dilemma in this
this conceptualization has significant- sense may be loosely interpreted as
ly lost currency in recent years, es- the ethical base of the discipline, or as
pecially with the explicit views crudely stated earlier, the "what-
essayed at the Minnowbrook Con- ought-to-be" aspects as contrasted to
ference. Lambright, for example, "what is existing." In effect, what
argues that the dichotomy is no longer norms should govern the field? How
valid in spite of the fact that its should administrators behave?
legacies continue to intrude into the
mainstreams of present thinking in Undoubtedly, most of the norma-
Public Administration. Thus, Lam- tive predispositions in Public Adminis-
bright points out: tration that have been proffered in
the past were more aspirational than
The politics-administration dichot- definitional, especially in the sense
omy is dead, but the ghost continues
to haunt us, to narrow the vision of
even those who take Public Adminis-
tration seriously. Virtually everyone
now admits that Public Administra-
that agreement as to their validity and
truth is
has not been made. The
that these normative premises
have been delivered in a cluster of ab-

tion exists in a political environment stract management aspirations couched
and that the administrator must in- in ambiguous terms. In fact, the ini-
teract with forces in that environ-
ment. 24 tial problem might as well be the de-
termination of whether there really
If this were so, and it appears to be is an existing normative theory of
so, then the task of boundary setting Public Administration or merely a
will have to require further theoretical handy collection of issues; or, to be
inquiries into other conceptual realms. more fastidious, whether a normative
The unsettling question that remains theory is possible at all.
now is whether it really is possible at
all to distinguish, to mark boundaries, With the politics-administration di-
especially given Caiden's confident as- chotomy virtually shattered by the
sertion that "fields must overlap; sheer weight of the argument chal-
[and that] their boundaries could not lenging its validity in recent years, a
be defined precisely. "26 refinement of traditional normative
issues has become compelling. To be
sure, critics of the dichotomy argued
24W• Henry Lambright, "The Minnow- vigorously that such a view avoided
brook Perspective and the Future of Public the realities of the governmental pro-
Affairs: Public Administration is Public- cess, and administrators, it is claimed,
Policy Making," in Marini, op. cit., p. 333.
are inevitably involved in political
26Caiden,op. cit., p, 11. activity and should, therefore, be



aware of its subtleties.s" Thus, it is simply pursue the values of efficiency

now conceded that the dichotomy without looking into the direction and
cannot, from the look of things, serve appropriateness of their efforts. Thus,
as a viable aspiration for the field. it may be possible that we are doing
things correctly with a considerable
At the same time this was raging, amount of efficiency and effective-
another dominant set of values tradi- ness, but it may be asked whether we
tionally upheld in Public Administra- are really doing the correct things.
tion was also being challenged. This Hence, a public entity may be effie
concerned the values of efficiency, cient in its output and effective in
effectiveness, and economy in public its goals of dispensing, say, medical
organizations which have figured prom- services. But it may be that this
inently in the rhetoric of scholars of agency may have failed to disperse
the field for some time. 27 The early its services more evenly, to make it
disenchantment was first hurled by more responsive to the needs of com-
Waldo and later cited by Harmon: munities which have been habitually
neglected. Definitely, these are issues
Dwight Waldo, while not denying the that seek to go beyond the static and
importance of efficiency, pointed out narrow concerns of simply being effi-
that it can be measured only in terms cient and effective. Moreover, it might
of purpose and 'that the less mechani-
cal and routine the instruments and as well be stated here that efficiency
procedures, and the more important and effectiveness, by themselves alone,

• or more nearly ultimate the pur-

poses they serve, the less likely is their
efficiency to be constant.' 28
cannot stand or hope to approximate
the entire gamut of values that need
to be incorporated in Public Adminis-
The traditional norm of efficiency
in public entities has lost much of its The conceptual material for a
appeal not only because of the incon- normative theory in Public Adminis-
venience of gauging or measuring tration is, however, rich and growing,
effects and direction, but also because and the validity of the old stock today
of the micro or organization-centered continues to haunt our senses. For
perspective that tended to leave other instance, Simon's positivist advocacy
variables as all-embracing "givens." of a fact-value dichotomy and his con-
This means that administrators cannot tention that decision-making is at the
heart of administration remain rele-
vant and open for further explore-

• 26Michael Harmon, "Normative Theory tion. 29

and Public Administration: Some Suggestions
for a Redefinition of Administrative Respon-
sibility" in Marini, op. cit., p. 174. The most recent, and probably the
boldest venture yet since Simon's Ad-
27For a distinction between efficiency ministrative Behavior in proposing a
and effectiveness, see the discussion by "possible" normative base for Public
Amitai Etzioni, Modem Organizations (En-
glewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Administration would be found,
Ine., 1964), pp, 8-10. again, in the Minnowbrook Con-
28HarQ1on,op. cit., p. 175. Citing Waldo,
The Administrative State, op. cit., pp, 204- 29See the discussion by Waldo, "Public
205 (Emphasis in orginal). Administration," op, cit., p. 6.



ference papers. Such aspirations as Administration as a field of inquiry if

"relevance," "equity," "post-positiv- only to identify the various stages or
ism," and client-orientedness have patterns of thinking that shaped the
been articulated to represent a new discipline, and later developing into an
way of thinking in the study of public identity crisis when its conceptual
organizations and its operant pro- area had become too expansive to be
cesses. La Porte, for example, attempts comfortably covered under the field
to reconceptualize what he feels should
be the objective of public organizations
in general:
of Political Science. The identity
crisis, to be sure, was a result of more
than eighty years of conceptualizing

and reconceptualizing, coming as it
...the purpose of public organizations did at a time when the academic land-
is the reduction of economic, social, scape has grown too vast to be treated
and psychic suffering and the en- simply as a SUb-field of Political
hancement of life opportunities for
those inside and outside the organiza- Science.
tion. 3 0 While this discussion could have
best been taken up earlier, I found it
La Porte further points out that practical to develop first the concept
"public organizations should be as- of the crisis, and from here, examine
sessed in terms of their effect on the the lineage of that crisis. On this
production and distribution of ma- score, I have also taken mild liberties
terial abundance in the efforts to in incorporating a brief and sketchy
free all people from economic depri-
vation and want. "31 This view repre-
sents merely a portion of the different
aspirations essayed at the Minnow-
discussion of Public Administration in
the Philippines to set the perspective
for ascertaining a prescription as to
how scholars of Public Administra-

brook Conference. There are many tion in the Philippines should deal
other perceptions, all bent on over- with the crisis, or for that matter, be-
hauling the customary ways of think- have in the light of that dilemma.
ing on the conduct of public or-
ganizations and public affairs, each of Public Administration Abroad:
them prescribing some normative The American Setting
premises. Still, while the contributions
of the Conference have probably en- The academic heritage of contem-
riched the foundations for a norma- porary Public Administration carries
tive theory, there is a need to organize within itself a long and hard history
these thoughts into a coherent and of inquiry and theorizing that has
systematic whole.

Development of the Field of

been classified and reclassified into
overlapping strands. Scholars, how-
ever, generally agree that Public Ad-

Public Administration ministration as a field of study started
with Wilson's monumental essay on
It would be convenient at this point the subject, appearing first in the
to trace the development ef Public pages of the Political Science Quar-
terly in 1887.
30 La Porte, op. cit., p. 32. In reviewing the academic tradi-
31 I bid . tion of Public Administration, Keith



Henderson, for instance, offers three saw a reinforcing of the Wilsonian

strands, which he divided into three ethic seeking to separate the sphere 0:('
time periods, each having its own politics from administration. Henry
respective emphasis.V These are: (1) mentions Frank Goodnow (Politics
the thesis stage which reflected con- and Administration, 1900) and Leo"
cern on the structural arrangements of nard White (Introduction to the Study
public organizations, covering the of Public Administration, 192() us
period from 1887 to 1945, and in- representative works expressing tho
corporating therein such contributions conceptual mood of. the era;
as Barnard's Functions of the Execu-
tive and the Hawthorne Experiments; (2) the era stressing the principles
(2) the antithesis stage which centered of administration, beginning from
on the Behavioral-Environmental Anal- 1927 to 1950, which witnessed the
ysis, beginning from 1945 to 1958; propagation of management principles
and (3) the synthesis stage which deals applied to Public Administration as
with the organizational system ap- embodied in the works of F.W. Wil·
proach, beginning from 1958 to the loughby (Principles of Public Admi u

present. Henderson's labelling of his nistration, 1927) and Urwick and Gul-
synthesis as a stress on organizations lick's Fupers on the Science of Ad..
as systems was largely influenced by ministration (1937). Within Henry's
March and Simon's Organizations. discussion of Paradigm 2 are incorpo-

. rated two important phases which he

On the other hand, Nicholas Henry arbitrarily labels as the Challenge
asserts that the phases of the develop- (1938-1950), involving a milieu of reo
ment of the field may be characterized examination as to the identity of the
according to whether it has a "locus" field, and the Reaction to the Chal-
which is the institutional referent or lenge (1947-1950) which saw the at-
subject (the "where" aspects), and a tempt to develop a "pure" science of
"focus" which he describes as the con- administration;
tent of the field (the "what" as-
pects).33 Along this line, he cites five (3) Paradigm 3 describes the mood
paradigms, again segmented into spe- of the 1950-1970 time span which he
cific and sometimes overlapping cells, points out as an era of "continued
based on the "locus" and "focus" of relegation" of Public Administration
the literature published during that as an area of interest of Political
period. These paradigms, according to Science;
Henry, are:

• (4) Paradigm 4 sees Public Adminis-

(1) the era of the politics-adminis- tration as part of Administrative
tration dichotomy, 1900-1926, which Science and consists of attempts to
break the discipline away from Poli-
tical Science. This covers the period
32 Keitb Henderson, Emerging SynthC$is from 1956 to 1970;
in American Public Administration (New
York: Asia Publishing House, 1966). (5) Finally, Paradigm 5 optimisti-
33Nicholas Hemy, "Paradigms of Public cally projects Public Administration as
Administration," Public Administration Re- a growing field, separate and indepen-
view, VoL XXV, No.4 (July-August, 1975). dent from that of Political Science.



In 1948, however, Waldo raised a Closely related is the problem of

critical observation on the thrust of providing adequate preparation and a
'philosophy' for our administrators.
research on the field of Public Ad- Are training in the mechanics of ad-
ministration, taking into account the ministration and codes of professional
quality and content of studies during ethics enough? Or should our new
that period. While he did not specifi- Guardian Class be given an education
commensurate with their announced
cally refer to any material, he noted responsibilities and perhaps be imbued
that there emerged then a tendency to with a political philosophy? The pres-
engage in empirical or functional ent gap between the content of our
studies in which "theoretical postu- administrative curricula and what we
lates are obscure." He observed that announce to be the responsibilities of
our Administrators is appalling. 3&
as Public Administration literature
developed, a situation where studies
concentrated on specialized research From here, the identity crisis which
became increasingly apparent. This did was described as so in 1968 became
not in any way contribute towards the apparent. As it appeared, the literature
institutional development of the field. of the field has thus been concerned
Thus Waldo states: with isolated areas of public affairs
and conduct, and not with basic
One of the most obvious features theoretical realms of great conceptual
of recent writing on public administra- importance.
tion is its large volume and wide scope,
together with an increasing tendency
to specialized, factual or 'empirical'The implication here is that there
occurred in the history of American
studies. This increasing specialization
is perhaps normal and desirable, rep-
Public Administration an era where

resenting healthy progress in the dis-
concentration of studies had been
cipline. Much of the specialization,
oriented towards specialized, applied
however, is in the functional aspects of
concerns as against the construction of
administratior., rather than in its insti-
tutional aspects. This fact, together
a general and universally valid theoret-
with the sheer volume and increasing
ical framework, or what Cariiio has
diversity of institutional study, poses
in a very acute form the problem referred to in her review of researches
in the University of the Philippines
whether there is a study of administra-
(U.P.) College of Public Administra-
tion 'os such '; at least Whether there is
a '(unction of administration, , as such,
tion as "the academic or basic type of
in which training or specialization is
researches" as contrasted to the service
possible. 34
type. 36 Thus, studies that aspired to
clear up the clutter of issues on Public
In a different light, Waldo as early
as 1948 has thus expressed his appre-
hensions about the discipline's lack of
Administration's academic identity

identity, which was described only in
1968 to be such. In the same vein,
he also raised the issue of normative 3S l bid ., p. 210 (Emphasis mine).

philosophy for the field: 36s- Ledivina V. Cariiio. "To Advance

Administrative Knowledge: Resean:h in the
College of Public Administration. 1952·
1972." Philippine Joumol of Public Admi-
34Waldo• The Adminismmue State. op. nismmon. Vol XVI, No. 3 (J1Ily 1972).
cit., P. 207 (Emphasis mine). P. 295.


may be classified as belonging to the The present discussion however does

academic type, while those, for not intend to examine the substance
instance, addressed to investigating of the literature on the field in the
phenomena on the effects of graft and country - a rather painstaking tusk
corruption on the operations of deserving fuller treatment in another
Agency X may be formally described paper - but rather, to identify some
as service type researches. of the peculiarities of the field in the
Philippine context, and thereby set
The same distinction was made by the perspectives for dealing with the
Coleman and Stifel of the Rockefeller identity crisis in relation to Philippine
Foundation in a paper on Public Public Administration.
Management Education and Training
when they differentiated between the It must be pointed out, as it is
general and the functional programs of hereby pointed out, that Public Ad-
public management education. "Gener- ministration in the Philippines did not
al knowledge," according to these grow out historically because of any
authors, constitutes the conceptual, Wilsonian vision of a politics-adminis-
theoretical elements while "specialized tration dichotomy, nor because of a
knowledge" provides public manage- disciplinary fission from Political
ment with its functional, procedural Science. If the establishment of the
compcnents.P" Institute (now College) of Public Ad-
ministration were to be used as the
An Overview of Public Adminis- point of reference for the genesis of
• tration in the Philippines the study of the discipline in the
country, it could be safely assumed
It would take a whole paper to com- that Public Administration here was
petently detail and describe the devel- exported, shipped, and packaged to
opment of Public Administration in Philippine shores as a result of an
the Philippines, especially in terms of agreement between the United Nations
content and academic themes as styled and the United States 'I'echnicel A.I)'
within the fashion of Henderson's and sistance Program, and facilitated
Henryts analyses of American Public through the technical cooperation. of
Administration. As it is, the institu- the University of Michigan with finan-
tional growth of Public Administration cial support from both 39
U.S. and Philip..
education in the country has been re- pine Govemme.."lts.
markablet with the convenient frame
of reference for its inception being That being the case, the identity
crisis could thus be intel1>reted as a
• generally associated with the establish-
ment of the U.P. Institute of Public superficial problem from the point of
Administmtion in 1952. 38 view of Philippine Public Admini;;tra-
tien, filtering to the Collcgt;~ from the
3'James S. Coleman and Lawrence D.
apprehensions expressed in the litera-
Stifcl, ·'Public Management Education and
1'raioi.ng: Objectives and Scope," a paper "Institute of Publie Administ:ra.tion. Univer-
prepared for the BeD.agio Conference, Au- sity of the Philippines.,. Public Adminmtm·
gust 11-15. 19'16. lion Review. Vol XV. No. 1 ~Ul55). pp.
380n the historical background of the
IDstitute. see John Lederle and Ferre! Heady. 39lbid.



ture of American scholars, and not Public Administration in the Philip-

from any natural insecurity directly pines has been more interdisciplinary
felt by our scholars here. As such, I in approach than its Western counter-
hasten to advance three distinct part.
features which need to be considered
here: (2) As contrasted to American Pub-
lie Administration, we do not have a
(1) Public Administration as a field strong tradition of a politics-adminis-
of study in the Philippines was intro- tration dichotomy in the Philippines,
duced and implanted in the U.P. especially as viewed in the context of
through the University of Michigan, the realities of Philippine political life
and hence, was not a result of some where administrators never had the
disciplinary mitosis or of an academic illusion of being politically neutral, in
reawakening on the part of the U.P. spite of colorful claims to the con-
Department of Political Science.e" Be- trary. And because the political situa-
cause of this, it could be claimed that tion did not allow much leeway for
Public Administration in the Philip- such a happy state as a dichotomy,
pines, to a large extent, identifies with scholars have not been inclined toward
Public Administration, regarding in its advocacy, especially as a normative
the process Political Science and other aspiration. If there were any inclina-
disciplines, for that matter, as allied tion at all, I would claim that this is
fields while maintaining some disci- more because of the impact of foreign
plinary independence. The fact is that literature rather than that of the actual
Public Administration here has not
been insecure about its relationship
with Political Science, and if there has
political and administrative experience.
It is my assumption that Public Ad-
ministration here has silently recog-

been any insecurity at all, it was nized the inapplicability of the dichot-
brought about artificially by Americm omy even before the Minnowbrook
literature which has heavily influenced Conference.
teaching and research in the country.
It could even be asserted here that In fact, Cariiio speaks of emphasis
on studies on the interaction between
politics and administration rather than
40 A handy compendium of information their separation. Thus, she states:
on the development of Public Administra-
tion education in the Philippines can be Issues of national development par.
found in the collection of papers in the ticularly the interaction of politics and
Anniversary Issue of the Philippine Journal administration have received much em-

of Public Administration, Vol. XVI, No. 3 phasis, perhaps bolstered by the popu-
(July 1972), op. cit. See specifically the larity of case studies in the Philippine
paper of Mario Nieves, coA Survey of Schools public administration scene. 41
of Public Administration in the Philippines"
which shows that it was in the U.P. where In the same vein, how.ever, she
P.A. education formally started. The article
largely deals with an exhaustive examina· argues possibly in the same manner
tion of the growth of the field in terms of with which Waldo did in 1948, that
enrollment IJgUres and not on the content
or themes of the discipline for the past two
decades. Cariiio, op. cit., gives a useful re-
sume on the thrusts of research efforts in the 41 Cariiio, op. cit., p. 291 (Emphasis
U.P. mine).



basic type of studies should also be of thinking and looking at things and
engendered. problems.

(3) The peculiarities of the Philip- The Identity Crisis: Reaction

pines as a developing country have ne-
cessitated Public Administration, espe- Much of the sentiments and argu-
., cially from the point of view of the
U.P. College of Public Administration,
to give emphasis on or favor func-
ments of this paper with respect to
the treatment of the identity crisis in
Public Administration in the Philip-
tional studies that relate to develop- pines has been hinted at in previous
ment processes and goals, which, for discussions. Earlier, I have conveyed
the most part, favored service-type re- the idea that the crisis may appear to
searches for public organizations. For be a superficial problem here, at least
one, basic researches tended to require in the light of the peculiarities of the
a longer period to accomplish, needing Philippine setting in general, and of
"dedication, interest, and concentra- local Public Administration in partic-
tion," not to mention the huge finan- ular. However, it may do justice to
cial costs they usually entail. On the scrutinize the issue more closely, and
other hand, applied research is usually in so doing, assess how it should be
of short duration and useful in the systematically viewed in the Philip-
short-run. 42 pines.

With these peculiarities, it could be As it is, a considerable amount of

• inferred that Public Administration in
the Philippines will naturally have a
effort and stamina has been invested
to vainly approximate a suitable defi-
different view and outlook in terms nitional boundary for Public Adminis-
of focus and thrust, something that is tration, or if not, lament grudgingly
temporized according to local ex- on the lack of one. And from all indi-
perience and pressures. To be sure, the cations, it appears that this lively pre-
thinking prevailing in the academic occupation with theorizing is bound
community of a society is generally to be pursued more vigorously in the
conditioned by the environment that years to come, at least if the Minnow-
envelops it. brook Conference and the papers it
generated were to be interpreted, to
From all indications, the identity use Marini's words, as "more of the
crisis of Public Administration may order of beginning ripples than crest-
not be as serious a problem here, es- ing waves."
pecially in the face of other more
pressing concerns. The point that is How should Philippine Public Ad-
stressed here is simply that the aca- ministration look at the identity
demic heritage of Philippine Public crisis? Is it so remarkable an issue so
Administration differs from that of as to deprive meaning to the efforts of
the United States. This difference, as a those who seriously wish to improve
result, naturally yields a distinct kind the conduct of government and public
policy making and thereby facilitate
the achievement of development
goals? Does it at all hamper or ob-
4'J 1bi d.. P. 294. struct efforts to prescribe solutions to


our day-to-day problems of govern- score, the position advocated in the

ment and development? first view is simple and blunt: dismiss
the identity crisis as a problem that be-
To begin with, it would be con- longs to United States Public Adminis-
venient to approach the problem from tration and therefore does not have
two polar sides: either the identity any bearing in the Philippines.
crisis is irrelevant from our point of
view and thus should be ignored, or it (2) A less dogmatic alternative
bears significance on the conduct of would be a reconciliatory one -
public administration and develop- taking the identity crisis as it is, and

ment processes here, so important that translating it according to our needs.
it needs to be resolved side by side This, more or less, sums up the second
with that of the American counter- view advanced above, and this I would
part. At this point, it would be useful like to develop in greater detail. To be
to itemize the salient issues which sure, efforts paving the resolution of
should be considered: the identity crisis must be seen from
the perspectives of its potential or
(1) To dismiss the identity crisis as promise of helping us solve problems
simply an insignificant theoretical exer- inherent in Philippine public affairs, or
cise from the viewpoint of a society in essence, an appraisal of its value and
obsessed with development aspirations usefulness to our problems. The point
would be a tempting move. As such, here is that it should be treated not
the first view rides on the argument simply as a pure and limited issue of
that the Philippines, at this stage, can- disciplinary identity in its overall, and
not afford to indulge in a frittering universal context, but of the direction

race for developing a definitional and of the discipline itself within the
normative theory for Public Adminis- Philippine milieu. The advocacy sug-
tration in the face of overriding im- gested here is that if the identity
peratives such as the need to study crisis, as perceived in the United
development processes and goals in States, were really an unavoidable
the country. From the disadvantaged problem bound to affect Public Ad-
or constraints-ridden view of scholars ministration even in developing na-
of Public Administration in developing tions, then the logical option is to
nations, the resolution of the identity reformulate or tailor it according to
crisis or efforts towards it may only the realities of the Philippine setting
compete with other priority concerns. in a manner that its resolution be-
The argument here is based more on comes relevant to, and consistent with,
the view put succinctly by Clemente our needs and aspirations. To put it
that the options for the exploited, re- another way, the reasons why we
ferring to the Third World countries, should resolve the identity crisis need
would be different from that of the to be distinctively established. Why
exploiters, or in this sense, the de- should that become' pertinent here in
veloped countries. He contends that terms of analysis? What is our stake
"Third World scholarship pays lip in its resolution or non-resolution?
service to this reality."43 On this
Philippines." Philippine JoW'1UJl of Public
43 Wilfredo ClementeH, "Thinking on Administration, Vol. XIX. No.4 (October
Trial - Observation of Think-Tanking in the 1975), Po 307.



The issue that becomes apparent then of Public Administration in that

here is that of relevance - relevance of society would radically differ from
the crisis according to the temper and that of the Philippines, where the
pressures of the local situation. Dean desiderata of development, industrial-
de Guzman offers a description of ization, modernization, etc. remain
what relevant Public Administration high priorities. Much of the problems
is, which aptly blends with the above conceived in the United States have
argument. Thus, he says: filtered indiscriminately to developing
nations where even the academic com-
. . .A public administration academic munity is known to suffer from some
program would be deemed relevant if vestiges of colonial thinking, of em-
it meets the educational needs for ad- pathy with issues and problems per..
ministrators equipped with the neces-
sary perspective, knowledge, skills, and ceived by Western scholars. In a climate
attitudes to enable them to perform where the derivation of appropriate
their various roles as expert, change development models and systems has
agent, and modernizer in the society. been most compelling, this has proven
The educational needs, in turn, derive
from the character of the development to be conceptually fatal. As it is, the
goals in the country. Ultimately, there- practice has been largely more to fit
fore, we have to take into account the our systems into Western concepts
given goals, objectives and priorities in rather than styling these concepts to
a society when making judgment of suit our systems. As Clemente validly
the question of the relevance of a pub-
lic administration curriculum and its asserts, "Westernization creates prob-

• component courses .... 44 lems-in the conceptualization of devol-

opment in the Third World," and that
"the critical problem [now] is how to
In this sense, the burden of over- reformulate Western concepts of devel-
coming the identity crisis in the Philip- opment to reconcile with the realities
pines becomes not only a question of in the Third World. "46
deriving disciplinary boundaries or pre-
scribing normative valuations for Pub- Thus, the identity crisis as a prob-
lic Administration at a "universal, lem, if allowed to go "unprocessed"
high-ordered level" but more impor- and therefore studied blindly in the
tantly of defining an indigenous philos- original context as American Public
ophy for teaching and practicing Pub- Administration has posed it, will nat-
lic Administration in the country. urally go down as another statistic in
the encyclopedic litany of issues and
(3) It is significant to mention here concepts that has been exceUently

• that the identity crisis is a product of formulated by our scholars only to be

attempts to restructure the direction redeposited at the library shelf of
of Public Administration in a post-in- some remote academe because they
dustrial society such as the United are lamentably useless and inapplicable
States. The vision of transformation to the country's problems and needs.
The fact is that the identity crisis can-
not and should not be narrowly viewed
"Raul P. de Guzman, "Achieving Realism from Western standards. It needs to be
in Public Administration Academic Pro-
grams." Philippine Journal of Public Admi-
nistration, Vol. XVI, No. 3 (July 1972),
p. 372 (Emphasis mine). 45Clemente, op. cit., P. 307; Po 309.



reformulated so that it becomes rel- tion during periods of rapid social

evant to us. Clemente, speaking on transformation. He further observes
development standards, for instance, that "the main thrust of development
points out: administration has been the study of
administrative patterns and behavior
The misapplication of Western con- in societies caught in the midst of
cepts will continue as long as Third
World scholars are intimidated by the transition along the path from rural,
standard of Western scholarship. In agricultural, peasant life toward urban,
terms of third world development ob- industrial, and more advanced form. "48
jectives, the greater challenge is not in In essence, development administra-
measuring up but in scaling down tion is the management of innovation
sophisticated concepts to local condi-
tions. 46 in developing societies, while New
Public Administration is the manage-
(4) The problem waters down even- ment of reform in a post-industrial
tually to relating the identity crisis society caught in the tide of sweeping
with our development goals. In effect, social change, discontent, and turbu-
what we have been saying earlier lence. From this vantage view, one can
could perhaps be best summed up by see that the identity crisis in the
this proposition: If the resolution of United States revolves around the iden-
the crisis can contribute towards our tity of New Public Administration,
development aspirations, then it be- and the one in the Philippines, and
comes a worthwhile endeavor. A corol- probably for other developing coun-
lary proposition would be: If the crisis
is an unavoidable question that assails
Public Administration of all nationali-
tries as well, as a problem of the iden-
tity of development administration.
As such, Development Administration

ties, developed or not, then it should has been defined in so many ways.
be formulated not only from a Filipino Nguyen-Duy Xuan of Vietnam, for
point of view, but from a development instance, describes it as "the adminis-
management perspective. tration of development progress de-
signed to achieve nation-building ob-
From here, the most promising, and jectives and promote socio-economic
probably most useful, concept that progress. "49
could be introduced here is that of
development administration which has At any rate, the identity crisis
been described as a fitting counter- should be viewed from the perspectives
part of "New Public Administration" of development administration or, for
in Third World settings.s? Najjar that matter, of a field now called
points out that the raison d'etre for
the emergence of both movements has
been the need for giving greater atten- 48 1bid.

tion to the role of Public Administra- 49 As cited in Kenneth E. Bauzon, "Asian
Processes and Development Administration in
Retrospect," Philippine Jou11IIl1 of Public Ad-
46 l bid ., P. 312.
ministration, Vol. XIX, No.3 (July 1975),
K. Najjar, "Development Ad-
47 George p, 240. This article also provides a definition
ministration and 'New' Public Administra· of development administration from the view
tion: A Convergence of Perspectives" in the of other scholars from Asian countries such
Public Administration Reuiew, Vol. XXXIV, as India, Korea, and Pakistan, along with that
No.6 (November-December, 1974), p. 584. of the Philippines' Jose Abueva.



Development Public Administration. is valid and relevant, or what Dean de

To now pose it in interrogative form, Guzman calls as a research program
what is the definitional boundary and that focuses on the problems in the
normative base of Development Public country, looking into the behavioral
Administration? How does it differ, dimensions of politics and administra-
not only from Political Science or tion and the accompanying factors
other discipline, but from contempo- that bear upon the governmental and
rary classical Public Administration developmental processes. 51
which we know now? How is it to be
pursued? What are its tools, tech- What is the appropriate philosophy
niques, assumptions, methodologies, that should guide Development Ad-
etc.? I contend then that this is OUT ministration? Should it be concerned
own version of the identity crisis, that with social issues as client oriented-
this is how it should be posed and ness, equity, or productivity? At
asked. It is therefore imperative for us length, many issues will surface, al-
to refine and recast the problem of the though the majority of them will
identity crisis instead of passively al- hinge on such standard fares as respon-
lowing it to conceptually bother us siveness, equality, improvement of the
without knowing why it should bother quality of life, poverty, employment,
us at all. etc. Such questions as graft and cor-
ruption, bureaucratic efficiency, and
(5) This proposition naturally com- the issue of what President Marcos
pels us to tinker with a philosophical calls as the "development dilemma" (;2
• question which, as Agpalo so fittingly
described, can only be asserted or
emoted, and cannot be subjected to
or the cushioning of the negative ef-
fects of development change (social
costs) will naturally come into play at
proof or disproof. 50 This, however is the operational level. At any rate, the
an obvious consequence of our aspira- philosophy will necessarily cling to the
tions to become relevant and useful. It determination of how administration
is important to deal with it: after all, should be conducted under conditions
a Public Administration that refuses of development and transition.
to independently reflect on its philos-
ophical stance can only be judged as On the whole, the identity crisis in
irresponsible and incompetent, un- Public Administration becomes rele-
deserving of its position in the acade- vant and worthwhile if it is viewed
mic community. In going through this from the perspectives of our actual
problem, it becomes immaterial conditions and development aspira-

• whether the form of research done is

the basic or the service type; the only
criterion is whether the research effort
tions. Thus, the challenge is there, and
with it, the responsibility.

51de Guzman, op. cit., p, 37'1.

50 Rernigio E. Agpalo, "Political Science
and its Challenge to the Association," Philip- 52 Ferdinand E. Marcos, Notes on the
pine Political Science Journal. Vol. 1, No.1 New Society of the Philippines (Manila:
(June 1974), p. 25. Marcos Foundation, 1973), pp, 83·85.


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