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Makalah diajukan sebagai salah satu tugas mata kuliah

Bhs. Inggris

Dosen Pengampu : Kurnia Akbar, SS. MPd.

Pemakalah :

Azka Uswatun Tsaqofah ()

Nur Maulidah Fitriyani ()


TAHUN AJARAN 2018/2019
A. Direct Speech / Quoted Speech / Kalimat Langsung
Adalah kalimat yang diucapkan secara langsung oleh pembicara.
Ciri-ciri :
1. Terdapat tanda kutip
American “ ---“
British ‘---‘
2. Tidak terdapat Conjunction (kata penghubung)
B. Indirect Speech / Reported Speech / Kalimat Tidak Langsung
Adalah kalimat yang diucapkan tidak langsung oleh pembicara tanpa diberi
Ciri-ciri :
1. Tidak terdapat tanda kutip
2. Terdapat conjunction
Contoh :
Direct Speech : Venna bilang,”aku punya banyak air”.
Venna said,”I have much water”.
Indirect speech : Venna bilang bahwa dia mempunyai banyak air.
: Venna said that she had much water.
 Venna said adalah Main Clause (kalimat utama) dan I have much water
adalah Sub Clause.
 Tell, ask, say,…..disebut sebagai introductory verb (kata kerja pengantar)
yang menghubungkan Main Clause (MC) dan Sub Clause(SC).
C. Kinds of Direct-Indirect Speech
1. Statement (pernyataan)
Untuk mengubah kalimat dari Direct menjadi Inderect pada kalimat
pernyataan digunakan kata penghubung “that” sebelum kalimat yang
Aturan perubahan :
a) Perubahan tenses
b) Perubahan pronoun (kata ganti)
c) Perubahan adverb (kata keterangan)
a) Perubahan tenses
 Perubahan hanya pada Sub Clause
 Main Clause bertenses simple past
 Tenses mundur 1 kali lampau
Direct Speech Indirect Speech
Simple present tense Simple past tense
(V1 (s/es)) (V2)
Present continuous tense Past continuous tense
(I/am/are + V.ing) (was/were + V.ing)
Present perfect tense Past perfect tense
(have/has + V3) (had + V3)
Present perfect continuous tense Past perfect continuous tense
(have/has + been + V.ing) (had + been + V.ing)
Simple past tense Past perfect tense
(V2) (had + V3)
Simple future tense Past future tense
(will/shall + V1) (Would/should + V1)
Future continuous tense Past future continuous tense
(will/shall + be + V.ing) (would/should + be + V.ing)
Contoh :
1. Direct : Usman said,”khodijah is sick”.
Indirect : Usman said that khodijah was sick.
2. Direct : Ulya said,”siti has eaten”.
Indirect : Ulya said that siti had eaten.
3. Direct : Kelly told her friend,”I will go to market” .
Indirect : Kelly told her friend that she would go to market.
Note :
Tenses dalam SC tidak berubah, apabila :
1. IV menggunakan tenses selain Simple past.
Contoh : DS = Dian has said,”vitri is happy”.
IS = Dian has said that vitri is happy.
2. SC menunjukkan kebenaran umum.
Contoh : DS = Irfan said,”the fire is hot”.
IS = Irfan said that the fire is hot.
b) Perubahan Pronoun
Aturan :
1. Jika terdapat pronoun I, my, me, mine……, maka kembali ke subject
Contoh : DS = Ulya said,”My honey likes my bike”.
IS = Ulya said that her honey liked her bike.
2. Jika terdapat pronoun you, your, yours……, maka kembali ke object
MC (jika MC tidak mempunyai object,maka object nya adalah me).
Contoh : DS = Harianto said to Bibah,”I love You”.
IS = Harianto said to Bibah that He loved Her.
DS = Irfan has told,”Nisa will kill you”.
IS = Irfan has told that Nisa would kill me.
3. Jika terdapat pronoun we,us,our,ours….., maka :
 Tetap “we” jika speaker termasuk dalam “we”.
 Menjadi “they” jika speaker tidak termasuk dalam “we” .
Contoh : DS = Desi and Oesman said,”we will marry”.
IS = Desi and Oesman said that they would marry.
DS = Hasbi and I said,”we study English”.
IS = Hasbi and I said that we studied English.
c) Perubahan Adverb
Syarat = sama dengan perubahan tenses.
Adverb (DS) Adverb (IS)
Now Then
Yesterday The day before / the previous day
Tomorrow The day after / the following day
Next week The week after
Last week The week before
2 days ago 2 days before
2 days latter 2 days after
Today That day
Contoh :
DS : Dani said to Desi,”I am waiting for you now”.
IS : Dani said to Desi that he were waiting for her then.
DS : Khodijah asked,” I met jay in the jungle last week”.
IS : Khodijah asked that she had met jay in the jungle.
2. Imperative (perindan dan larangan)
Untuk merubah kalimat direct ke indirect pada kalimat perintah / larangan
harus di tambahkan kata “to” sebelum kalimat yang dilaporkan.
 Kinds :
Positive (+) Pola V1 + !
Negative (-) Pola Don’t + V1 + !
 Aturan perubahan
Tenses = menggunakan kata kerja bentuk pertama (verb dasar / V1)
Pronoun dan Adverb sama dengan statement
Bentuk : DS = Imperative (!)
IS = Statement (.)
IV : DS = Say
IS = Dirubah dengan verb yang bermakna perintah
Ask = Meminta
Beg = Memohon
Advice = Meminta
Order = Meminta
Command = Menyuruh
Request = Meminta
Implore = Memohon
Forbide = Melarang
Tell = Meminta
Pola :
a. Positive
DS : S + V +,”V1 + !”
IS : S + V + to + V1 + .
Contoh :
DS : Jay said to Bibah,”open it”.
IS : Jay asked Bibah to open it.
b. Negative
DS : S + V +,”Don’t + V1 + !”
IS : S + V + Not + to + V1 + .
S + Forbide + to + V1 + .
Contoh :
DS : Nisa said to jay,”don’t love me !”
IS : Nisa asked jay not to love her.
Nisa forbide jay to love her.
3. Question (pertanyaan)
Untuk mengubah kalimat dari direct ke indirect pada kata Tanya, question
words seperti what, who, when, why, and soon dijadikan kata penghubung
antara main clause and sub clause.
Conjunction :
1. Yes / No Question
If ………….= Apakah
Whether……or not = Apakah….atau tidak.
2. Information Question
QW (8W + 1H)
Aturan perubahan :
Tenses,pronoun,adverb = statement
Bentuk : DS = Question (?)
IS = Statement (.)
IV : DS = Asked
IS = Asked
Contoh :
1. DS = Usman asked Desi, “where do you live?”
IS = Usman asked Desi where she lived.

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