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AUTHOR-DATE IN-TEXT CITATIONS Chicago Citation Style Examples

Type of citation Authors cited in text Parenthetical format 17th Edition (2017)

One work Pollan (2006) has argued this point. (Pollan 2006) Chicago has two systems of source citation.
by one author Greenberg (2008) stated that… (Greenberg 2008) Notes & Bibliography: The first uses a system of notes, whether footnotes or
One work by two Ward and Burns (2007) describe their (Ward and Burns 2007) endnotes or both, and usually a bibliography. This is preferred by many writers in
authors struggles as ... literature, history, and the arts.
One work by Heatherton, Fitzgilroy, and Hsu (2008) argue (Heatherton, Fitzgilroy, Author-Date: The second system of source citation is an author-date system that
three authors that... and Hsu 2008) is preferred for publications in the sciences and social sciences. Most reference list
entries are identical to entries in a bibliography used in the endnote/footnote system
One work by four Barnes et al. (2008) indicated that ... (Barnes et al. 2008)
except for the position of the year of publication, which in a reference list in this
or more authors
system follows the author’s name.
Direct As Edward Tufte points out, “A “A graphical… non-
Quotations graphical… non-data-ink” (2001, 139). OR data-link” (Tufte 2001, 139).
As Edward Tufte (2001, 139) points out, “A USING ENDNOTES/FOOTNOTES
graphical… non-data-ink.”
Note reference numbers in text are set as superior (superscript numbers). In the notes them-
To cite multiple sources in the same parenthetical reference, separate the citations by a semi- selves, they are normally full size, not raised, and followed by a period.
colon: Note Reference number in text:
There are at least three works that satisfy the criteria outlined in Smith’s (1999) study
(see Rowen 2006; Bettelthorp 2004a; Choi 2008). “Nonrestrictive relative clauses are parenthetic, as are similar clauses introduced by
(Armstrong and Malacinski 1989; Beigl 1989; Picket and White 1985)
(Whittaker 1967, 1975; Wiens 1989a, 1989b)
Notes, whether footnotes or endnotes should be numbered consecutively, beginning with 1,
throughout each article and for each new chapter—not throughout an entire book unless the
VARIATIONS text has no internal divisions. If the bibliography includes all works cited in the notes, the
Endnote/Footnote Bibliography & Reference Entry notes need not duplicate the source information in full because readers can consult the bibli-
ography for publication details and other information. In works with no bibliography or only
Single Author 1. Cheryl Strayed, Strayed, Cheryl. a selected list, full details must be given in a note at first mention of any work cited; subse-
Two Authors 2. Brian Grazer and Charles Grazer, Brian, and Charles quent citations need only include a short form.
Fishman, Fishman.
Full citations in a note:
Three Authors 3. Alexander Berkman, Berkman, Alexander, Henry Bauer,
Henry Bauer, and Carl Nold. and Carl Nold. 1. Brian Grazer and Charles Fishman, A Curious Mind: The Secret to a Bigger Life
Four or More Authors 4. Dana Barnes et al., LIST ALL AUTHORS. Word order and (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2015), 188.
punctuation are the same as for 2 or 2. Benjamin Bagley, “Loving Someone in Particular,” Ethics 125, no. 2 (January
3 authors. 2015): 484-85.
Editor 5. Meghan Daum, ed., Daum, Meghan, ed.
Shortened citations in a note:
Anonymous Begin with title Begin with title
These are subsequent citations of sources already given in full, consisting of the last name of
No Place of Publication n.p. n.p. the author(s) and the main title of the work, usually shortened if more than four words, and
the page number(s).
No Date n.d. n.d.
For further reference, consult: The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th ed. (Chicago: University 3. Grazer and Fishman, Curious Mind, 188.
of Chicago Press, 2010). COPY AVAILABLE ON RESERVE AT THE CIRCULATION DESK 4. Bagley, “Loving Someone,” 484-85.

U.S. Conn Library ● Wayne State College ● www.wsc.edu/library ● (402)375-7258

8 1
The abbreviation ibid usually refers to a single work cited in the note immediately preceding. Blogs
In a departure from previous editions, Chicago discourages the use of ibid in favor of short-
ened citations. To avoid repetition, the title of a work just cited may be omitted. Endnote/Footnote:
Bibliography: 6. Firstname Lastname, “Title of Blog Post,” Name of Blog (blog), Name of Larger Publication if
Sometimes an annotated paper will require either a full or selected bibliography. It is usually Applicable, Date of Post, URL.
arranged in a single alphabetical list at the end of the paper. Most bibliography entries are 7. Deb Amlen, “One Who Gives a Hoot,” Wordplay (blog), New York Times, January 26, 2015,
identical to entries in reference list used in the Author-Date system except for the position of http://wordplay.blogs.nytimes.com/2015/01/26/one-who-gives-a-hoot/.
the year of publication, which is instead placed at the end of the entry. Bibliographic Entry:
Lastname, Firstname. “Title of Blog Post.” Name of Blog (blog). Name of Larger Publication if
Applicable, Date of Post. URL.
Faulkner, William. Absalom, Absalom! New York: Vintage Books, 1990.
Amlen, Deb. “One Who Gives a Hoot.” Wordplay (blog). New York Times, January 26, 2015.
AUTHOR-DATE REFERENCE LIST ENTRY http://wordplay.blogs.nytimes.com/2015/01/26/one-who-gives-a-hoot/.
Faulkner, William. 1990. Absalom, Absalom! New York: Vintage Books.
Author-Date Reference Entry:
Lastname, Firstname. Year of Publication. “Title of Blog Post.” Name of Blog (blog), Name of
BOOKS Larger Publication if Applicable. Date of Post. URL.
Amlen, Deb. 2015. “One Who Gives a Hoot.” Wordplay (blog), New York Times. January 26, 2015.
General Format http://wordplay.blogs.nytimes.com/2015/01/26/one-who-gives-a-hoot/.

Endnote/Footnote: Social Media

1. Firstname Lastname, Title of Book: Subtitle of Book, edition, trans./ed. Firstname Lastname
(Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication), page numbers.
Bibliographic Entry:
8. Firstname Lastname (Screen Name), “Quote as much as first 160 characters/spaces of post,”
Lastname, Firstname. Title of Book: Subtitle of Book, edition. Edited/Translated by Firstname Type of Post, Date of Post, URL.
Lastname. Place of Publication: Publisher. Year of Publication.
9. Conan O’Brien (@ConanOBrien), “In honor of Earth Day, I’m recycling my tweets,” Twitter,
Author-Date Reference Entry: April 22, 2015, 11:10 a.m., https://twitter.com/ConanOBrien/status/590940792967016448.
Lastname, Firstname. Year of Publication. Title of Book: Subtitle of Book, edition. Edited/ 10. Junot Díaz, “Always surprises my students when I tell them that the ‘real’ medieval was more
Translated by Firstname Lastname. Place of Publication: Publisher. diverse than the fake ones most of us consume,” Facebook, Feburary 24, 2016, http://
Bibliographic Entry:
Book with Author(s)
Lastname, Firstname “(Screen Name), “Quote as much as first 160 characters/spaces of post.”
Type of Post, Date of Post. URL.
O’Brien, Conan (@ConanOBrien). “In honor of Earth Day, I’m recycling my tweets.” Twitter,
2. Cheryl Strayed, Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, April 22, 2015, 11:10 a.m. https://twitter.com/ConanOBrien/status/590940792967016448.
2012), 87-88.
Díaz, Junot. “Always surprises my students when I tell them that the ‘real’ medieval was more
3. Brian Grazer and Charles Fishman, A Curious Mind: The Secret to a Bigger Life (New York: Simon diverse than the fake ones most of us consume.” Facebook, February 24, 2016. http://
& Schuster, 2015), 188. www.facebook.com/junotdiaz.writer/posts/972495572815454.
Bibliographic Entry: Author-Date Reference Entry:
Strayed, Cheryl. Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail. New York: Alfred A. Knopf. 2012. Lastname, Firstname “(Screen Name). Year of Publication. “Quote as much as first 160 characters/
Grazer, Brian, and Charles Fishman. A Curious Mind: The Secret to a Bigger Life. New York: Simon & spaces of post.” Type of Post, Date of Post. URL.
Schuster. 2015. O’Brien, Conan (@ConanOBrien). 2015. “In honor of Earth Day, I’m recycling my tweets.” Twitter,
Author-Date Reference Entry: April 22, 2015, 11:10 a.m. https://twitter.com/ConanOBrien/status/590940792967016448.
Strayed, Cheryl. 2012. Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail. New York: Alfred A. Knopf. Díaz, Junot. 2016. “Always surprises my students when I tell them that the ‘real’ medieval was
Grazer, Brian, and Charles Fishman. 2015. A Curious Mind: The Secret to a Bigger Life. New York: more diverse than the fake ones most of us consume.” Facebook, February 24, 2016. http://
Simon & Schuster. www.facebook.com/junotdiaz.writer/posts/972495572815454.

2 7
General Websites—No Named Author
Endnote/Footnote: 4. Meghan Daum, ed., Selfish, Shallow, and Self-Absorbed: Sixteen Writers on the Decision Not to
1. “Title of Web Page” or Description of Web Page (website), Title or Description of the Site as a Have Kids (New York: Picador, 2015), 32.
Whole, Owner or Sponsor of the Site, updated/last modified/accessed date, URL. Bibliographic Entry:
2. “Apps for Office Sample Pack,” Office Dev Center, Microsoft Corporation, updated October 20, Daum, Meghan, ed. Selfish, Shallow, and Self-Absorbed: Sixteen Writers on the Decision Not to Have
2015, https://code.msdn.microsoft.com/office/Apps-for-Office-code-d)4762b7. Kids. New York: Picador. 2015.
3. City of Ithaca, New York (website), CivicPlus Content Management System, accessed April 6, Author-Date Reference Entry:
2016, http://www.cityofithaca.org/.
Daum, Meghan, ed. 2015. Selfish, Shallow, and Self-Absorbed: Sixteen Writers on the Decision Not to
Bibliographic Entry: Have Kids. New York: Picador.
Owner or Sponsor of Website. “Title of Web Page” or Description of Web Page (website). Title or
Description of the Site as a Whole. Updated/Last modified/Accessed Date. URL.
Microsoft Corporation. “Apps for Office Sample Pack.” Office Dev Center. Updated October 20, 2015. Book with an Author plus an Editor or Translator
CivicPlus Content Management System. City of Ithaca, New York (website). Accessed April 6, 2016. Endnote/Footnote:
http://www.cityofithaca.org/. 5. Gabriel García Márquez, Love in the Time of Cholera, trans. Edith Grossman (London: Cape,
Author-Date Reference Entry: 1988), 242-55.
Owner or Sponsor of Website. Year of Publication. “Title of Web Page” or Description of Web Page 6. Edward B. Tylor, Researches into the Early Development of Mankind and the Development of
(website). Title or Description of the Site as a Whole. Updated/Last modified/Accessed Date. Civilization, ed. Paul Bohannan (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1964), 194.
URL. Bibliographic Entry:
Microsoft Corporation. 2015. “Apps for Office Sample Pack.” Office Dev Center. Updated October 20, García Márquez, Gabriel. Love in the Time of Cholera. Translated by Edith Grossman. London: Cape.
2015. https://code.msdn.microsoft.com/office/Apps-for-Office-code-d)4762b7. 1988.
CivicPlus Content Management System. n.d. City of Ithaca, New York (website). Accessed April 6, Tylor, Edward B. Researches into the Early Development of Mankind and the Development of
2016. http://www.cityofithaca.org/. Civilization. Edited by Paul Bohannan. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1964.
General Websites—Named Author Author-Date Reference Entry:
García Márquez, Gabriel. 1988. Love in the Time of Cholera. Translated by Edith Grossman. London:
Endnote/Footnote: Cape.
4. Firstname Lastname, “Title of Web Page” or Description of Web Page (website), Title or Tylor, Edward B. Researches into the Early Development of Mankind and the Development of
Description of the Site as a Whole, Owner or Sponsor of the Site, updated/last modified/accessed Civilization. 1964. Edited by Paul Bohannan. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
date, URL.
5. Richard G. Heck, Jr., “About the Philosophical Gourmet Report,” Last modified August 5, 2016,
Chapter or Contribution in a Book
Bibliographic Entry:
Lastname, Firstname. “Title of Web Page” or Description of Web Page (website). Title or Endnote/Footnote:
Description of the Site as a Whole, Owner or Sponsor of the Site. Updated/last modified/
accessed Date. URL. 7. Glenn Gould, “Streisand as Schwarzkopf,” in The Glenn Gould Reader, ed. Tim Page (New York:
Vintage Books, 1984), 310.
Heck, Jr., Richard G. “About the Philosophical Gourmet Report.” Last modified August 5, 2016.
http://rgheck.frege.org/philosophy/aboutpgr.php Bibliographic Entry:

Author-Date Reference Entry: Gould, Glen. “Streisand as Schwarzkopf.” In The Glenn Gould Reader, edited by Tim Page, 308-11.
New York: Vintage Books, 1984.
Lastname, Firstname. Year of Publication. “Title of Web Page” or Description of Web Page
(website). Title or Description of the Site as a Whole, Owner or Sponsor of the Site. Author-Date Reference Entry:
Updated/last modified/accessed Date. URL. Gould, Glen. 1984. “Streisand as Schwarzkopf.” In The Glenn Gould Reader, edited by Tim Page,
Heck, Jr., Richard G. 2016. “About the Philosophical Gourmet Report.” Last modified August 5, 2016. 308-11. New York: Vintage Books.
6 3
Untitled Introduction, Preface, Afterward, etc. Magazine Articles
Endnote/Footnote: Endnote/Footnote:
8. Harvey Mansfield and Delba Winthrop, introduction to Democracy in America, by Alexis de 5. Firstname Lastname, “Title of Article,” Title of Magazine, Date of Publication, page numbers,
Tocqueville, trans. and eds. Harvey Mansfield and Delba Winthrop (Chicago: University of Chicago URL if found online.
Press, 2000), xciv. 6. Beth Saulnier, “From Vine to Wine,” Cornell Alumni Magazine, September/October 2008, 48.
Bibliographic Entry: 7. Karl Vick, “Cuba on the Cusp,” Time, March 26, 2015, http://time.com/3759629/cuba-us-
Mansfield, Harvey, and Delba Winthrop. Introduction to Democracy in America, by Alexis de policy/.
Tocqueville, xcii-lxxxvi. Translated and edited by Harvey Mansfield and Delba Winthrop. Bibliographic Entry:
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2000.
Lastname, Firstname. “Title of Article.” Title of Magazine, Date of Publication, page numbers. URL
Author-Date Reference Entry: if found online.
Mansfield, Harvey, and Delba Winthrop. 2000. Introduction to Democracy in America, by Alexis de Saulnier, Beth. “From Vine to Wine.” Cornell Alumni Magazine, September/October 2008, 48.
Tocqueville, xcii-lxxxvi. Translated and edited by Harvey Mansfield and Delba Winthrop.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Vick, Karl. “Cuba on the Cusp.” Time, March 26, 2015. http://time.com/3759629/cuba-us-policy/.
Author-Date Reference Entry:
Lastname, Firstname. Year of Publication. “Title of Article.” Title of Magazine, Date of Publication,
page numbers. URL if found online.
PERIODICALS Saulnier, Beth. 2008. “From Vine to Wine.” Cornell Alumni Magazine, September/October 2008,
Journal Articles
Vick, Karl. 2015. “Cuba on the Cusp.” Time, March 26, 2015. http://time.com/3759629/cuba-us-
1. Firstname Lastname, “Title of Article,” Title of Journal volume#, no. issue# (Date of
Publication): page numbers, URL if found online. Newspaper Articles
2. Benjamin Bagley, “Loving Someone in Particular,” Ethics 125, no. 2 (January 2015): 484-85.
3. Jio-Ch’I Liu, “Beholding the Feminine Sublime: Lee Miller’s War Photography,” Signs 40, no. 2 Endnote/Footnote:
(Winter 2015): 311, https://doi.org/10.1086/678242. 8. Firstname Lastname, “Title of Article,” Title of Newspaper, Date of Publication, edition or
4. Susan Peck MacDonald, “The Erasure of Language,” College Composition and section if applicable, URL if found online.
Communication 58, no. 4 (2007): 619. 9. Mike Royko, “Next Time, Dan, Take Aim at Arnold, “ Chicago Tribune, September 23, 1992.
Bibliographic Entry: 10. David G. Savage, “Stanford Student Goes to Supreme Court to Fight for Her Moms,” Los
Lastname, Firstname. “Title of Article.” Title of Journal volume#, no. issue# (Date of Publication): Angeles Times, April 27, 2015, Nation, http://www.latimes.com/nation/la-na-gay-marriage-children-
page numbers. URL if found online. 20150424-story.html.

Bagley, Benjamin. 2015. “Loving Someone in Particular.” Ethics 125, no. 2 (January 2015): 477-507. Bibliographic Entry:

Liu, Jui-Ch’i. “Beholding the Feminine Sublime: Lee Miller’s War Photography.” Signs 40, no. 2 Lastname, Firstname. “Title of Article.” Title of Newspaper (Location), Date of Publication, edition
(Winter 2015): 308-19. https://doi.org/10.1086/678242. or section if applicable. URL if found online.

MacDonald, Susan Peck. “The Erasure of Language.” College Composition and Communication 58, Royko, Mike. “Next Time, Dan, Take Aim at Arnold.“ Chicago Tribune, September 23, 1992.
no. 4 (2007): 619. Savage, David G. “Stanford Student Goes to Supreme Court to Fight for Her Moms.” Los Angeles
Author-Date Reference Entry: Times, April 27, 2015, Nation. http://www.latimes.com/nation/la-na-gay-marriage-children-
Lastname, Firstname. Year of Publication. “Title of Article.” Title of Journal volume#, no. issue#
if no month/season (Month or Season or issue#): page numbers. URL if found online. Author-Date Reference Entry:

Bagley, Benjamin. 2015. “Loving Someone in Particular.” Ethics 125, no. 2 (January): 477-507. Lastname, Firstname. Year of Publication. “Title of Article.” Title of Newspaper (Location), Date of
Publication, edition or section if applicable. URL if found online.
Liu, Jui-Ch’i. 2015. “Beholding the Feminine Sublime: Lee Miller’s War Photography.” Signs 40,
no. 2 (Winter): 308-19. https://doi.org/10.1086/678242. Royko, Mike. 1992. “Next Time, Dan, Take Aim at Arnold.“ Chicago Tribune, September 23, 1992.

MacDonald, Susan Peck. 2007. “The Erasure of Language.” College Composition and Savage, David G. 2015. “Stanford Student Goes to Supreme Court to Fight for Her Moms.” Los
Communication 58 (4): 619. Angeles Times, April 27, 2015, Nation. http://www.latimes.com/nation/la-na-gay-marriage-

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