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Arpan Gayen(14115023)
3rd year E.E.

Problem <1> Prove that per unit impedance on both the primary &
secondary side of the transformer are equal.

If all the equivalent circuit parameters are referred to the secondary side and per
values of the new equivalent circuit parameters are computed with secondary
voltage and
current as the base values, there is no change in the per unit values. This can be
easily seen by,

Where a - is the turns ratio of primary to secondary
Z - impedance as seen by primary,
Z′- impedance as seen by secondary.
S′ base = Sbase - as the transformer rating is unaltered.
V′ base = Vbase*(1/ a)
From the above relationships it can be seen that Z′p.u. = Zp.u..

Problem.(2) Equivalent 𝜋 model of a transformer.

Power System Model for Transformer

Bus i yik Bus k
Ii ---> <--- -Ik

yii ykk

Pi-Equivalent Model of Transformer

Admittances yii, yik, and ykk can be found so that the above circuit is equivalent
to Figure 1. This can be accomplished by forcing the terminal behavior to be
the same. For the above circuit, the appropriate equations are

~ ~
 ~ ~ ~ ~
 ~
I i  Vi  Vk yik  Vi yii , and  I k  Vk  Vi yik  Vk ykk ,

or in matrix form
~ ~
 I i   yii  yik  yik  Vi 
 ~  ~  .
 I k    yik y kk  yik  Vk 

For Figure 1, the terminal equations are

 Vi ~ 
~ ~
 ~

I k  Vk '  Vk y    Vk  y ,
 t t 

and since
~ Ik
Ii  ,
t   t

~ ~
~  Vi Vk 
y .
Ii    
 t t  t   t t   t 

In matrix form,

 y y 
 I i   t t  t   t t   t  Vi 
~ ~
 ~  y
 ~  .
 I k   y  Vk 
 t t 
Comparing the two sets of terminal equations shows that equality can be
reached if the shunt branch in the equivalent circuit, yik, can have two values:

yik  from the perspective of Kirchhoff's current law at bus i,
t   t
yik  from the perspective of Kirchhoff's current law at bus k.
t  t

Next, solving for yii and ykk yields

y y y  1 
yii      1 ,
t t  t   t t   t t   t  t t 

y  1 
y kk  y   y1   .
t t  t t 

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