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String,String buffer,String builder difference.

Can u write your own immutable

class n how?
hashmap implementation and hashcode(),equals() method
he asked me to write 2 logical testing programs with reduced
complexity( 0,1,1,2,4,5,3,3,1,0,1 traverse once only n get the duplicate number's
along with the count).
printing pascal triangle
duplicate letter from a string with less complexity
reversing words of string individually(this is a tree---o/p: siht si a eert)

ava Developer Interview

1. xpath 2. default method 3. callable statement 4 . interface 5. marker interface

usage 6.

Interview Questions

minimum substring using mershell algorithm

Interview Questions

1. Explain yourself and about your project.

2. What is checked and unchecked exception.
3. How hashmap works internally,
4. Difference between map and set.
5. If we didn't declare any exception in super class then in subclass can we
declare any checked/custom exception.
6. Why string is immutable in nature.
7. How to make a class to be a Singleton.
8. How to make a class as immutable.
9. Difference between arraylist and linked list

implement power function recursively, handling all the cases with negative
exponents as well.

Sorted 2d array find position of n

Answer Question
Find duplicates in 1D array
Answer Question
Types of polymorphism in java

find given word from n*n 2d matrix

Accepted Offer
Positive Experience
Difficult Interview

I applied online. The process took 1 day. I interviewed at Oracle (Chennai) in

September 2018.


I got the interview invitation through naukri.

There were 3 technical round which totally based on coding and logic, you must be
great in logic to crack these interview.And best part is the person is interviewing
you will help you while solving the problems if he will get hints that you are
trying the right logic.
Interview Questions

Write a code to reverse a string recursively.

Answer Question
Matrix based backtracking question where you have find the path by checking 1/0 and
save the last position if 0 comes
Answer Question
Get the 3rd last not of linked list
Answer Question
Write a class diagram for car rental agency ..I mean write all necessary classes
and interface or abstract class with method name to create an automated car rental
Answer Question
Write a code to get the date after getting date as string and n as no of days to be
added , you cannot use date class no pre defined class or function . write the plan

Write a java program which has below oop features:

encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism
Answer Question
Write a program to find a number in n*n matrix with minimal iteration. After I
wrote the program they asked me to reduce number of loops in the code
Answer Question
Write a function for LCM
Answer Question
Write a program using JDBC to fetch employees details from table if it's his
birthday. (considering leap year birthday case)
Answer Question
ER diagram for student and faculty table for m2m mapping. and then they asked 5-6
queries on that schema consisting join, group by, having and subqueries
Answer Question
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