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Thank you Alhamdulillah, the compiler of the presence of Allah SWT, whose majesty has blessed the
composer with all boundless grace so that the compiler is able to complete the preparation of this paper.
Prayers and greetings may always be abundant to our lord, Prophet Muhammad, along with all his
family, friends and followers.

The compiler is aware of all the shortcomings and limitations of knowledge so that the form of this paper
is still in a simple form. However, thanks to a helping hand from several parties who sincerely helped the
compilers by contributing knowledge so that the authors were able to complete this paper.

Along with a very deep thank you in haturkan compiler to the honorable:

1. Vera khairun nissa, M.Pd as a Supervisor

2. Colleagues of SI-Hukum students who have provided support, morale, advice, and input in this paper.

The author realizes that this paper is still far from perfection, therefore the authors ask for constructive
suggestions and criticism for the improvement of this paper.

Tuban, November 2018



A. Background

Homeschooling is now starting to become one of the models for parents' choice in directing their
children in the field of education. This choice arises because of the views of parents about the suitability
of interest by their children. Homeschooling is mostly done in big cities, especially those who have done
it while abroad.

In Indonesia the existence of homeschooling has begun to mushroom in Jakarta and other big cities. For
the first stage, the existence of this home-based learning and teaching process has not drawn interest
from the general public.

But now, its existence is actually used by many upper middle class people, such as artists, and
entertainers. Not infrequently found among sportsmen, national athletes as well as ordinary people who
want a home as a classroom.

The number of parents who are not satisfied with the results of formal schooling encourages parents to
educate their children at home. Often formal schools are oriented towards report cards (school
interests), rather than prioritizing life and social skills (faith and moral values). At school, many students
pursue report cards by cheating or buying fake diplomas. In addition, personal attention to children, less
attention. Plus, the child's identity is stigmatized and determined by his friends who are smarter,
superior or "smarter". Such circumstances add to the school atmosphere being unpleasant.

Dissatisfaction is increasingly triggering parents to educate their children at home, with the risk of
providing a lot of time and energy. Homeschooling is a place of hope for parents to improve the quality
of children's education, develop values of faith / religion and morals and get a pleasant learning

B. Problem Formulation

Based on this background the author formulates the problem in this paper, as follows:

a. How is a Brief History of Homeschooling?

b. What is Definition of Homeschooling?

c. What is the Purpose of Homeschooling?

d. What is the Legal Basis of Homeschooling in National Education?

e. What is the Homeschooling Curriculum?

f. What are the Trigger Factors and Supporters of Homeschooling?

g. What are the requirements in Homeschooling?

h. What is the Homeschooling Challenge?

i. Are Homeschooling Advantages and Disadvantages?

j. How are Homeschooling Developments in Indonesia?

k. What is the Difference between Homeshooling and Public Schools?

C. Purpose

Based on the formulation of the problem, the purpose of writing this paper is as follows:

a. Describe a Brief History of Homeschooling

b. Describe the Definition of Homeschooling

c. Describe the Homeschooling Objectives

d. Describe the Legal Foundation for Homeschooling in National Education

e. Describe Homeschooling Curriculum

f. Describe Trigger Factors and Homeschooling Supporters

g. Describe Homeschooling Requirements

h. Describe Homeschooling Challenges

i. Describe Homeschooling Strengths and Weaknesses

j. Describe Homeschooling Development in Indonesia

k. Describe the Differences of Homeschooling and Public Schools


A. A Brief History of Homeschooling

The philosophy of establishing a home school is "humans are basically creatures of learning and happy to
learn; we don't need to be shown how to learn. The one who kills the pleasure of learning is people who
try to interrupt, organize, or control it "(John Cadlwell Holt in his book How Children Fail, 1964).
Triggered by this philosophy, in the 1960s there was widespread discussion and debate about school
education and the school system. As a child teacher and observer and education, Holt said that academic
failure in students was not determined by a lack of effort in the school system, but was caused by the
school system itself.

At almost the same time, in the late 1960s and early 1970s, Ray and Dorothy Moor conducted research
on the tendency of parents to send early childhood education. Their research shows that including
children in formal schools before the age of 8-12 years is not only ineffective, but actually also has bad
consequences for children, especially boys because of their late maturity (Sumardiono, 2007: 21) .

After his thoughts on the failure of the school system received broad responses, Holt himself later
published another work instead of Education; Ways to Help People Do Things Better, (1976). This book
also received a warm welcome from homeschooling parents in various parts of the United States. In
1977, Holt published a magazine for education at home named: Growing Without Schooling.

Similar to Holt, Ray and Dorothy Moore later became important supporters and consultants for
homeschooling. After that, homeschooling continues to grow for various reasons. In addition to beliefs,
the growth of homeschooling has also been triggered by dissatisfaction with the education system in
formal schools.

B. Definition of Homeschooling

The term Homeschooling itself comes from English means home school. Homeschooling is rooted and
growing in the United States. Homeschooling is also known as home education, home based learning or
independent schools. General definition of homeschooling is an educational model where a family
chooses to take responsibility for their children's education by using the home as the basis of their
education. Choosing to be responsible means that parents are directly involved in determining the
process of administering education, determining the direction and purpose of education, the values to
be developed, intelligence and skills, curriculum and material, and methods and practice of learning (cf.
Sumardiono, 2007: 4).

The role and total commitment of parents is highly demanded. In addition to the selection of materials
and standards for home school education, they also have to carry out examinations for their children to
obtain certificates, with the aim of being able to continue their education to the next level. Many
Indonesian parents practice homeschooling take subject matter, exam materials and home school
certificates from the United States. The certificate from Uncle Sam's country was recognized in Indonesia
(Ministry of National Education) as a graduate of an Overseas School (Kompas, 13/3/2005).

C. Purpose of Homeschooling

The goal, so that every unique potential of children can develop optimally. The same formulation is also
held by other educational institutions that have begun to intensify the means of providing
homeschooling programs.

There are several reasons why parents in Indonesia prefer home schooling. The tendency, among others,
could be to emphasize moral or religious education, expand the social environment and of course a
better learning atmosphere, in addition to providing direct, contextual, thematic, non-colloidal learning
that is not bound by the limits of science. Want children to grow optimally in the sense that they grow
into themselves. They do things they like, they learn because they feel the need for themselves, they do
it their way / speed. And also, there is no limit that prevents them from growing. This view gives a broad
understanding to everyone to better express their desires and abilities in learning, not only in an
environment called school. Even the opportunity to gain more knowledge also has great opportunities in
line with the development of education.

D. Legal Homeschooling Platform

The Ministry of National Education calls home-school in terms of homeschool education. The school-
home path is categorized as an informal education pathway, namely family and environmental education
channels (article 1 of the National Education System Law - Sisidiknas No. 20/2003). Informal education
activities carried out by families and the environment take the form of independent learning activities.
Although the government does not regulate the content standards and processes of informal education
services, the results of informal education are recognized as being equal to formal (public) and non-
formal education after students pass examinations in accordance with national education standards
(article 27 paragraph 2).

In Law Number 20 of 2003 concerning National Education System, education is a conscious and planned
effort to create a learning atmosphere and learning process so that students actively develop their
potential to have religious spiritual strength, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character and
skills needed by themselves , society, nation and state. Also explained is the national education system is
that all educational components are interrelated in an integrated manner to achieve national education
goals (article 1).

Based on the definition of education and the national education system, home schools are part of the
effort to achieve national education functions and objectives, namely developing capabilities and
forming dignified national character and civilization in order to educate the nation's life, aiming at
developing potential students to become believers and fear God Almighty, noble, healthy,
knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent, and a democratic and responsible citizen.
This then made homeschooling chosen as an alternative teaching and learning process in the
development of the world of education in Indonesia. Until then the homeschooling model was included
in the revision of Education Law No. 20 of 2003.

Article 7 of the National Education System Law concerning Parents' Rights and Obligations (Paragraph 1)
Parents have the right to participate in choosing education units and obtaining information about the
development of children's education. Paragraph 2. Parents of compulsory age children are obliged to
provide basic education to their children.

Linking between homeschooling and Article 7, I conclude, homeschooling is actually good if it is

positioned as a vehicle to shape the character and personality of the child. Parents will actually be
involved and color the formation of their children's character and personality through homeschooling,
with teaching materials that focus more on planting the values of faith and morality that are
commendable. The result is not only a distinctive character is formed, but the child will later have
maturity in thinking and not mentally tempe

The government itself agrees with the existence of homeschooling through the National Education
System Law, Article 27 concerning informal education.

E. Homeschooling curriculum

One of the differences in Homeschooling with regular schools is that management in regular schools is
more centralized (the curriculum is regulated) while the homeschool curriculum depends on parents and
teaching material for their children.

Every Homeschooling family has the choice to determine the curriculum and teaching material that will
be used as a reference. The curriculum will determine the pattern of education in Homeschooling and
determine the learning stages of students.

Homeschooling families can use a curriculum in the form of package material (bundle), separate material
(unbundle), or by combining materials purchased with their own creativity.

F. Trigger Factors and Homeschooling Supporters

 Formal school failure

Both in the United States and in Indonesia, the failure of formal schools to produce better quality
education is a trigger for families in Indonesia and abroad to organize homeschooling. This home school
is considered to produce quality education.

 Theory of multiple intelligences

One of the influential educational theories in the development of homeschooling is the Theory of
Multiple Intelligence (Multiple Intelligences) in the book Frames of Minds: The Theory of Multiple
Intelligences (1983) which was initiated by Howard Gardner. Gardner initiated the theory of multiple
intelligences. At first, he discovered the distinction of 7 types of human intelligence. Then, in 1999, he
added 2 new types of intelligence to become 9 types of human intelligence. The types of intelligence are:
linguistic intelligence; Logical-mathematical intelligence; Space-visual intelligence; Bodily-kinesthetic
intelligence; Musical intelligence; Interpersonal intelligence; Intrapersonal intelligence; Environmental
intelligence; and existential intelligence.

Gardner's theory triggered parents to develop the intellectual potential of children. Often formal
schooling is not able to develop children's intelligence, because the formal school system often even
suppresses children's intelligence.

(The reference book that can be used regarding this dual intelligence theory in Indonesian is the Dual
Intelligence Theory, by Paul Suparno, Kanisius: 2003).

 Famous homeschooling figure

The many important figures in the world who can succeed in their lives without undergoing formal
schooling also trigger the emergence of homeschooling. Just say, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Alfa Edison,
KH. Agus Salim, Ki Hajar Dewantara and other figures.

Benjamin Franklin for example, he managed to become a statesman, scientist, inventor, civic leader and
public servant not because he studied in a formal school. Franklin only spent two years attending school
because parents could not afford the cost of education. The rest, he learned about life and various things
from time to time at home and other places that he could make as a place to study.

 Availability of various facilities

Today, the development of homeschooling is also triggered by facilities that develop in the real world.
Facilities include educational facilities (libraries, museums, research institutions), public facilities (parks,
stations, highways), social facilities (parks, orphanages, hospitals), business facilities (malls, exhibitions,
restaurants, factories, rice fields) , plantations), and technology and information facilities (internet and

G. Homeschooling Requirements

So that homeschooling can be carried out properly and children can feel comfortable in learning, then
there are several prerequisites for success in organizing homeschooling, namely:

 Willingness and determination

 Disciplined learning disciplines

 Availability of sufficient time

Esan Flexibility in the learning approach

 The ability of parents to manage activities

 Availability of learning resources

 Fulfillment of specified standards

 Legal provisions are enforced

 A socialization program is held so that children are not alienated from the community and peers

 Collaboration with local formal and non-formal education institutions in accordance with the principles
of openness and multi-meaning

 Good communication between homeschool organizers is established

 Availability of innovative learning assessment tools (for example in the form of portfolios and

G. Homeschooling Requirements

So that homeschooling can be carried out properly and children can feel comfortable in learning, then
there are several prerequisites for success in organizing homeschooling, namely:

 Willingness and determination

 Disciplined learning disciplines

 Availability of sufficient time

Esan Flexibility in the learning approach

 The ability of parents to manage activities

 Availability of learning resources

 Fulfillment of specified standards

 Legal provisions are enforced

 A socialization program is held so that children are not alienated from the community and peers

 Collaboration with local formal and non-formal education institutions in accordance with the principles
of openness and multi-meaning

 Good communication between homeschool organizers is established

 Availability of innovative learning assessment tools (for example in the form of portfolios and
H. Homeschooling Challenges

In its development, homeschooling also faces several challenges, namely:

1. Single homeschooling

Implemented by parents in one family without joining others because of certain things or because of far
apart locations.

 Difficulty in getting support / place to ask, share and compare success

 Lack of socialization to express themselves as a condition of maturity

 Parents must assess educational outcomes and seek equality

2. Compound homeschooling

homeschooling carried out by two or more families for certain activities while the main activities are still
carried out by their parents.

 Need to compromise and flexibility in certain schedules, atmosphere, facilities and activities

 Need experts in certain fields even though the presence of parents must remain

 Children with special skills / activities must adapt / accept other environments by and accepting other
differences as a process of forming identity

 Parents of each homeschool organizer must hold their own equivalence

3. Homeschooling community

a combination of several compound homeschooling that determines syllabus, teaching materials, main
activities (sports, arts and language), facilities / infrastructure and learning schedules.

 The need for compromise and flexibility for certain schedules, atmosphere, facilities and activities that
can be implemented together

 The need for professional supervision requires expertise in a particular field even though the presence
of parents must remain

 Children with special skills or activities must also be able to adapt to other environments and accept
other differences as a process of forming identity.

I. Homeschooling Strengths and Weaknesses

As an alternative education, homeschooling also has several strengths and weaknesses. The strengths /
strengths of homeschooling are:

 More giving individual independence and creativity is not classical learning

 Providing opportunities to achieve individual competence to the maximum extent possible so that it
does not always have to be limited to comparing the highest, average or even lowest ability

 Protected from brawls, delinquency, drugs, deviant relationships, consumerism and snacks that are

 More hanging out with adults as role models

 More prepared for real life

 More encouraged to carry out religious, recreational / family sports activities

 Helping more developed children, understanding themselves and their role in the real world
accompanied by freedom of opinion, rejecting or agreeing to certain values without having to feel afraid
to get reproach from friends or lack of value

 Learning children with various situations, conditions and social environment

 It still provides an opportunity to interact with peers outside of their study hours

While the weaknesses of homeschooling are:

 Children who study homeschooling lack interaction with peers from various social statuses that can
provide valuable experiences to learn to live in society

 Schools are typical learning places that can train children to compete and achieve the highest success

 Homeschooling can isolate students from unpleasant facts that can affect individual development

 If the child is only studying in homeschooling, chances are he or she will be isolated from a less
pleasant social environment so that he or she will be less prepared to face various errors or

J. Homeschooling in Indonesia

The development of homeschooling in Indonesia is not exactly known because there is no specific
research about the roots of its development. The term homeschooling is a relatively new treasure in
Indonesia. But when viewed from the homeschooling concept as learning that does not take place in
formal schools or self-taught, then home schooling is not new. Many Indonesian historical figures have
practiced homeschooling like KH. Agus Salim, Ki Hajar Dewantara, and Buya Hamka (Paper Dr. Seto
Mulyadi, June 18, 2006).

In terms of homeschooling in the United States, home schools in Indonesia have been around since the
1990s. For example Wanti, a mother who is not satisfied with the formal education system. Seeing the
risk that according to Wanti was very expensive, he swerved. In 1992 Wanti took all of her children out of
school and decided to teach her own children at home. He prepared himself for 2 years before sending
his child to school at home. All curricula and teaching materials are imported from the United States. We
realize that their decisions have severe consequences. He must want to be tired of learning again,
because going to school at home means that not only his children are learning, but parents who have to
learn a lot.

Likewise Helen Ongko (44), one of the mothers who educates their children by going to school at home,
to having to go to Singapore and Malaysia to attend a seminar on this matter. He wants to be really
strong, just make a decision. "Incidentally at that time the economic conditions were in crisis so we were
at home a lot. Eh, it turns out it's good to study together at home, "said Helen who started teaching
children at home in 2000 (Kompas, 13/3/2005).

In Indonesia, only a few institutions have organized homeschoooling, such as Morning Star Academy and
government institutions in the form of Teaching and Learning Activity Centers (PKBM). Morning Star
Academy, this Christian education institute was established in 2002 with the aim of providing
international education, as well as shaping the character of their students.

The Community Learning Activity Center (PKBM) is a government program in carrying out informal
pathway education. There are hundreds of PKBM organizing agencies in Indonesia. In South Jakarta
alone, there are around 25 PKBM organizers with around 100 students. Each PKBM program is divided
into Package A Program (for elementary level), B (SMP level), and Package C (high school level). PKBM
actually organizes the education process for 3 days at school, the rest, tutors come to the students'
homes. Students must take exams to get a diploma or continue their education to the next level.
Differences in diplomas with public schools, PKBM immediately issued them from the center.

At present, the development of homeschooling in Indonesia is influenced by access to information that is

increasingly open and makes parents have more choices for the education of their children.

K. Differences in Homeschooling and Public Schools

The most well-known and recognized educational model is the school system or formal education, both
organized by the government and the private sector. Public schools are often seen by some as more valid
and preferred.

But for some people, the public school system is a school that is not satisfactory for children's self-
development. Public schools are a scapegoat for the output they issue. This can be seen from the output
of formal education that many become corruptors, judicial mafia, lying politicians, and big-time
fraudsters. The reason for this disappointment triggered families to choose homeschooling as alternative

In essence, both homeschooling and public schools, together as a means to deliver children to achieve
educational goals as expected. But homeschooling and school are different.

In the school system, responsibility for children's education is delegated by parents to teachers and
school managers. At homeschooling, the responsibility of children's education is entirely in the hands of
parents. The system in schools is standardized to meet the needs of children in general, while the
homeschooling system is tailored to the needs of children and family conditions. At school, the learning
schedule has been determined and is uniform for all students. On homeschooling flexible learning
schedules, depending on the agreement between the child and parents.

Management in schools is centralized, such as setting and determining curriculum and teaching
materials. Management of homeschooling is decentralized to the wishes of homeschooling families.
Curricula and teaching materials are chosen and determined by parents.



A. Conclusion

General understanding of homeschooling is an educational model where a family chooses to take

responsibility for their children's education by using the home as the basis of their education. The goal is
that every unique potential of children can develop optimally.

Homeschooling has 3 types, namely: Single Homeschooling, Compound Homeschooling, and

Homeschooling Communities. Each type of homeschooling has its own challenges.

The homeschool curriculum depends on parents, or in other words parents choose their own curriculum
and teaching material for their children. Each family has the choice to determine the curriculum and
teaching material that will be used as a reference.

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