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Proposed Dashboard

Issue / PR pipeline


new  assignee = null A PR without an assignee.


NOTE: This is a catch all state.

assigned  assignee != null Assignee, is the person who needs to do

perform the next action on this PR. This may
be the person who is reviewing it, person
who authored it to address feedback, or the
caretaker for merging it in.

A For PRs outside of angular core, someone

on the angular team needs to own the PR
until submission)


merge: master  assignee != null This label signifies that a reviewer approves
label: the change, and the reviewee has no more
- ​pr_state: LGTM edits to commit.
- ​pr_action: merge
- ​pr_risk: low/med/high https://github.com/angular/angular/pulls?utf8

merge: g3  no longer PRs, this is a delta of https://github.com/angular/angular/compare/

commits not yet merged to g3_v2_0...master

(close)  https://github.com/angular/angular/pulls?utf8

● Each PR should have a blocked on. I.e. the next person who needs to do some action.
This would be the assignee. In case of external contributors, an internal contributor
needs to be a surrogate who will represent that person.
● If a PR is not moving for a while (no comments) it should go up in priority and eventualy
be closed due to stalness.


new  missing labels

triaged  label: Add all of the labels. Each label has point value. Multiply
- ​comp: * all points together to get issue impact and then sort by
- effort: * impact.
- type: *
- freq: * NOTE: Any issue which does not fit to other states ends
- severity: * up here.
- workaround: *
severity[1-6]: confusing / inconvenient / memleak / broken
/ regression / security
workaround[1-3]: obvious / complex / none
freq[1-4]: low / med / high / critical
effort[0-3]: easy / medium / hard
type: chore / feature / bug

scheduled  assigned != null The issue has been scheduled to be worked on by a


accepted  assigned != null Assigned person started working on the issue

- ​state: accepted

fixed  assigned != null Issue has outstanding PR

- ​state: fixed


Use Cases:
● See all PRs which passed CI and have no LGTM (Looks like these PRs are ready to go
and someone should be looking at them.)



What do I need to know?

● What is the next action that a developer should take?
○ Show me all of the New PRs
● What PRs need to be reviewed by me.
● Where in the PR pipe the PR is.
● Chaperoned PRs

Labels need to be hierarchical per type.
● type: bug
○ effort
○ comp
○ workaround
○ severity
○ freq
● type: feature
○ effort
○ comp
○ workaround
○ freq
● type: performance
○ effort
○ comp
○ freq
○ workaround
● type: chore / refactor
○ effort
○ comp
● type: discussion
○ No other labels

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