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Human Nutrition: Review Article

Ann Nutr Metab 2019;74:322–330 Received: June 26, 2018

Accepted: March 30, 2019
DOI: 10.1159/000500071 Published online: April 23, 2019

Effect of Circadian Rhythm

on Metabolic Processes and the
Regulation of Energy Balance
Yeliz Serin Nilüfer Acar Tek
Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Nutrition and Dietetic, Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey

Keywords rhythm in metabolic processes and their effect on energy

Circadian rhythm · Energy · Metabolism balance were examined. Key Messages: Circadian rhythm
has a bidirectional interaction with almost all metabolic pro-
cesses. Therefore, understanding the main reason affecting
Abstract the circadian clock and creating treatment guidelines using
Background: The circadian timing system or circadian clock circadian rhythm may increase the success of disease treat-
plays a crucial role in many biological processes, such as the ment. Chronopharmacology, chrononutrition, and chrono-
sleep-wake cycle, hormone secretion, cardiovascular health, exercise are the novel treatment approaches in metabolic
glucose homeostasis, and body temperature regulation. En- balance. © 2019 S. Karger AG, Basel
ergy balance is also one of the most important cornerstones
of metabolic processes, whereas energy imbalance is associ-
ated with many diseases (i.e., obesity, diabetes, cardiovascu-
lar disease). Circadian clock is the main regulator of metabo- Introduction
lism, and this analysis provides an overview of the bidirec-
tional effect of circadian rhythm on metabolic processes and The term circadian is derived from two Latin words,
energy balance. Summary: The circadian timing system or circa (approximate) and dies (day), denoting approxi-
circadian clock plays a crucial role in many biological pro- mately “one day” [1]. Circadian rhythm is also called the
cesses, but the increase in activities that operate 24/7 and biological/circadian clock [2] and refers to behavioral,
the common usage of television, internet, and mobile physiological, and molecular changes with a cycle length
phones almost 24 h a day leads to a gradual decrease in the of approximately 24 h [3]. The circadian clock can be di-
adequate sleeping time. According to recent research, long- vided into 2 parts: the central clock, residing in the supra-
term circadian disruptions are associated with many patho- chiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of the hypothalamus, which re-
logical conditions such as premature mortality, obesity, im- ceives light cues, and the peripheral clocks residing in var-
paired glucose tolerance, diabetes, psychiatric disorders, ious tissues throughout the body. The peripheral clocks
anxiety, depression, and cancer progression, whereas short- play an integral and unique role in each of their respective
term disruptions are associated with impaired wellness, fa- tissues, driving the circadian expression of specific genes
tigue, and loss of concentration. In this review, the circadian involved in a variety of physiological functions [4].

© 2019 S. Karger AG, Basel Nilüfer Acar Tek

Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Nutrition and Dietetic
Gazi University, Emniyet District, Muammer Yaşar Bostancı Street
E-Mail karger@karger.com
Number 16, TR–06560 Ankara (Turkey)
www.karger.com/anm E-Mail acarnil @ hotmail.com
The main stimulus for the SCN is light [5]. However, or clock genes or dietary composition, meal patterns or
blind individuals have circadian cycles (e.g., sleep-wake meal time or physical activity or exercise or sports’’ were
cycles) and this cycle lasts longer than 24 h. This finding used as keywords. At the end of this scanning, 4,456 ar-
led to the idea that other stimuli, in addition to light, can ticles were found. After screening titles and abstracts, du-
act as a stimulus for the human biological clock [6]. A re- plicate articles and articles that were not published in
view study found temperature, hormones, nutrients, dis- English were excluded. The final count of articles was 82,
tribution of nutrients, some nutrients (alone; e.g., glu- which consisted of articles that were free and available in
cose, amino acids, ethanol, and retinoic acid), feeding/ the form of full text. In addition, the book chapters were
fasting state, sleep-wake state, physical activity to be ef- also used to examine the subject.
fective stimuli for the circadian cycle in various periph-
eral pathways [5]. Interestingly, it was reported that there
were variations in the effects of the circadian rhythm in Circadian Synchronization in Metabolic Homeostasis
men versus women [7].
Mainly, the sleep-wake cycle regulates the circadian Many studies explain the relationship between human
rhythm. However, in the modern world, the increase in physiology, certain diseases, and circadian rhythm [12–
activities that operate 24/7 and the common usage of tele- 15]. Metabolic homeostasis is an essential component
vision, internet, and mobile phones almost 24 h a day that regulates energy metabolism, especially in adipose
leads to a gradual decrease in adequate sleeping time [8]. tissue. The adipose tissue is a central metabolic organ that
An epidemiological study reported that the duration of regulates the whole-body energy homeostasis. The white
overnight sleep decreased by 18 min during the last adipose tissue functions as a key energy reservoir for oth-
30  years [9]. The deterioration of the sleep-wake cycle, er organs, whereas the brown adipose tissue accumulates
especially in healthy individuals, can be the main cause of lipids for cold-induced adaptive thermogenesis. Adipose
many diseases such as premature mortality, obesity, im- tissues secrete various hormones, cytokines, and metabo-
paired glucose tolerance, diabetes, psychiatric disorders, lites (termed as adipokines) that control systemic energy
anxiety, depression, and cancer progression, fatigue, and balance by regulating appetitive signals from the central
loss of concentration [10, 11]. Another epidemiological nervous system as well as the metabolic activity in periph-
study showed that working at least 3 nights per month for eral tissues [16]. For example, leptin has specific receptors
15 or more years could increase the risk of colorectal can- on the hypothalamus and is released from the main adi-
cer in women [12]. In rats, circadian syncope disruption pocytes. This hormone plays a regulatory role in energy
accelerates the development of diabetes by causing func- metabolism by increasing the activation of the sympa-
tion and mass loss in beta cells [13]. In an experimental thetic nervous system and increasing thermogenesis by
study, circadian rhythm disorder caused cardiovascular increasing thyroid hormones. In thermogenesis, UCP
and renal damage in hamsters [14]. In a study conducted (uncoupling) protein inhibits ATP synthesis in mito-
with schizophrenic patients, participants had severe cir- chondria, allowing energy to be consumed as heat. Leptin
cadian sleep-wake disorders although their mood, mental increases the level of thyroid hormones and activation of
status, and psychotic episodes were stable [15]. In this the sympathetic central nervous system, resulting in more
review, the role of circadian rhythm in metabolic pro- UCP formation and thus greater energy use [17]. The re-
cesses and the bidirectional effects of circadian rhythm on lease of leptin hormone occurs in a circadian cycle and
energy balance were examined. In accordance with this serum leptin levels peak at night [18]. Thus, disruption of
purpose, studies which were published from 2000 to 2018 circadian balance can affect leptin secretion, thermogen-
were reviewed. In addition, 3 significant articles which esis, and energy homeostasis, indirectly.
were published in 1984, 1993, and 1996 were also added. On the contrary, some hormones released from the
Basically, Google Academic (bibliographic database), hypothalamus show more activity at night. The most
PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, and Science Direct da- striking example of this is the “growth hormone.” The
tabases were used to scan scientific articles. Besides, re- levels of growth hormone peak between 2: 00 and 4: 00
sources in Gazi University Central Library were also a.m. If the crosstalk between circadian rhythm and growth
scanned. The terms such as “circadian clock or circadian hormone is disrupted via sleep disorders, growth hor-
rhythm” or “biological clock’’ and “hormones or metabo- mone cannot be released at normal levels. Therefore, it is
lism or energy balance or energy expenditure or thermo- necessary to pay particular attention to the sleep patterns
genesis, metabolic homeostasis or metabolic regulation of children [19].

Effect of Circadian Rhythm on Metabolic Ann Nutr Metab 2019;74:322–330 323

Processes and Energy Balance DOI: 10.1159/000500071
Cortisol is a steroidal hormone secreted from the ad- day [26–28]. In addition, mice studies show that choles-
renal glands. It regulates many metabolic processes such terol and lipid absorption in the dark phase are higher
as glycogenolysis, lipolysis, and proteolysis [20]. The than in the light phase [28]. Some lipid metabolism prod-
amount and frequency of cortisol secretion is regulated ucts exhibit a circadian rhythm as well. For example, cir-
via the circadian rhythm. The cortisol concentration in culating non-esterified fatty acids in humans are higher
circulation reaches a peak level just before waking in the at night due to an increased lipolytic activity [29]. In ad-
morning. The cortisol gradually declines throughout the dition, myocardial infarction episodes and asthma are as-
day. It reaches its lowest level during sleep after midnight sociated with the circadian cycle of metabolism. These
[21]. Cortisol is a major hormone that regulates the met- attacks peak at night or early in the morning [30, 31]. In
abolic events in the body. It increases the use of cortisol, the early hours of the morning, the cardiovascular system
glucose, free fatty acids, and amino acids from endoge- improves in response to the activation of sympathetic
nous fuel stores. Therefore, high levels of cortisol func- nerve activity, and in the evening hours, blood pressure
tion as a catabolic hormone that reduces lean body and and heart rate peak. Cardiac attacks, particularly early in
muscle mass, and increases energy consumption [22]. In the morning or in the evening, can be caused by this di-
addition, glucose tolerance and insulin secretion vary urnal rhythm of the cardiovascular system. The diurnal
throughout the day. In the natural course of metabolism, rhythm of hormones and some metabolic processes are
both insulin sensitivity and insulin secretion decrease at shown in Figure 1.
night (especially between 3:00 and 5:00 a.m.) in compar-
ison to morning hours. This metabolic process, the dawn
phenomenon, highlights the impact of circadian control Metabolic Regulation of Circadian Rhythms
on glucose metabolism [23]. In the natural physiological
processes of the body, hormones working as antagonists In mammals, circadian rhythms are controlled mainly
of insulin (especially growth hormone) exhibit hyperin- by SCN, which are called the master clock. Suprachias-
sulinemic activity because of the decrease in insulin secre- matic nuclei consist of multiple, single-celled circadian
tion between 3:00 and 5:00 a.m., so that blood sugar levels oscillators located at the anterior hypothalamus region of
return to normal. This is counteracted with additional the brain and produce coordinated circadian signals
physiologic insulin secretion in non-diabetic or non-in- when synchronized [32]. SCN is activated via a nerve
sulin-dependent individuals. Conversely, when insulin bundle called the “retinohypothalamic tract.” In this way,
release is disturbed, the effect of growth hormone re- SCN regulates the biological clock in living beings and
leased during the night, especially in diabetic patients, contributes to physiological processes by stimulating oth-
may not be mitigated. This results in a pathologic circa- er brain regions [2].
dian rhythm, which can lead to morning hyperglycemia Suprachiasmatic nuclei synapse directly with ventral
independent of eating patterns [24]. and dorsal subventricular regions, cell bodies located in
Melatonin is an important hormone in circadian syn- ventral and dorsal subventricular areas, and the dorsome-
chronization. This hormone is involved in many biologi- dial hypothalamus. Even though these regions interact
cal and physiological regulations in the body. It is an ef- with one another, neurons located in the dorsal supraven-
fective hormone for human biorhythm (circadian tricular region are more effective in regulating thermo-
rhythm). The main role of this hormone is to maintain genesis, whereas the ventral supraventricular region
the biological clock and to adjust the body rhythm [25]. mainly plays a role in the regulation of sleep-wake and
Synthesis and release of melatonin is stimulated in the activity cycles. In addition, the paraventricular hypothal-
dark, at night, while it is suppressed by light during the amus is responsible for corticosteroid release, whereas the
day [1]. Especially between 11:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m., mel- lateral hypothalamus is responsible for nutrition and
atonin secretion peaks and its blood concentration in- alertness [33].
creases 3–10 fold [25]. However, exposure to light at night Although SCN functions as the basic biological clock
causes the plasma melatonin levels to fall [1]. of metabolism, studies carried out in the 2000s have
Lipid metabolism is also affected by circadian oscilla- shown that autonomic circadian oscillators present in pe-
tions. Studies show that many proteins related to lipid ripheral organs and tissues, such as the liver, intestine,
metabolism (e.g., ApoB, ApoA1, and ApoA4), intestinal heart, and retina, contribute to metabolic processes via
microsomal triglyceride transport protein, and intestinal cellular clock genes in these organs/tissues [32, 34, 35].
fatty acid binding protein show changes throughout the Suprachiasmatic nuclei have an important role in the reg-

324 Ann Nutr Metab 2019;74:322–330 Serin/Acar Tek

DOI: 10.1159/000500071
Color version available online
Leptin levels peak at night

Adiposite hormone
Fig. 1. The diurnal rhythm of hormones
and some metabolic processes. The release attacks
of leptin hormone occurs in a circadian cy-
cle, and serum leptin levels peak at night. 9 3
The levels of growth hormone peak be-
tween 02: 00 and 04: 00 a.m. The cortisol
concentration in circulation reaches a peak
level just before waking in the morning.
İnsulin secretion decrease at night (espe-
cially between 03:00 and 05:00 a.m.). Syn-
thesis and release of melatonin is stimulat-
ed in the dark at night, while it is sup-
pressed by light during the day. Lipid
absorption in the dark phase is higher than
in the light phase. Myocardial infarction
peak at night or early in the morning.

Table 1. Genes of the circadian rhythm and their roles [2] In mammals, circadian clock homeostasis is enabled
by feedback (negative) and feed-forward (positive)
Gene Role in circadian rhythm mechanisms influencing transcription, translation, and
Per 1 PER/CRY interaction, CLOCK/BMAL1 inhibitor post-translational events [5, 29]. The transcriptional
Per 2 PER/CRY interaction, CLOCK/BMAL1 inhibitor feedback pattern is mediated through the Cry1, Cry2,
Per 3 PER/CRY interaction Per1, and Per2 proteins. The CLOCK and BMAL1 pro-
Cry 1 Interaction with PERs, CLOCK/BMAL1 inhibitor teins bind to the E-promoter region on the Per and Cry
Cry 2 Interaction with PERs, CLOCK/BMAL1 inhibitor genes and induce their expression. At a later stage, Per
Tim Dimerization with PER
CLOCK Transcription factor and Cry heterodimerize and translocate from the cyto-
BMAL1 Transcription factor plasm to the nucleus to inhibit CLOCK/BMAL1-induced
gene expression [37, 39]. This negative feedback mecha-
nism is important for the circadian system to work effec-
ulation of glucose metabolism. Insulin sensitivity and
glucose uptake are impaired in rats with lesions in their
SCN [36]. Deterioration in the circadian clock can lead to Circadian Rhythm and Energy Homeostasis
impaired insulin secretion and hypoinsulinemia [29].
Circadian rhythm-related CLOCK and BMAL1 proteins Energy metabolism is regulated by many hormones,
are involved in the production and release of insulin by enzymes, and transport systems, and circadian rhythm
binding to the circadian rhythm-regulating distal regions effectively modulates their expression, secretion, and/or
of pancreatic β-cells [37]. Both Type 1 and 2 diabetes have activation [40]. The metabolic pathways that provide en-
insulin insufficiency or absence due to β-cell damage. ergy homeostasis are coordinated by metabolites that
Therefore, the role of circadian rhythm in the etiology of propose changes and proactively prepare the molecular
diabetes should not be overlooked in terms of β-cell dam- environment as well as acute signaling systems that re-
age [38]. Clock genes and tasks regulating circadian spond instantaneously to changes in circadian clocks
rhythms in mammals are summarized in Table 1 [2]. [41].

Effect of Circadian Rhythm on Metabolic Ann Nutr Metab 2019;74:322–330 325

Processes and Energy Balance DOI: 10.1159/000500071
Hormone receptors, interactions between genes, and ketogenesis, urea cycle, and oxidative phosphorylation
intracellular oxidation/reduction reactions drive the reg- [33].
ulation of energy metabolism at the cellular level. These Intracellular oxidation-reduction (redox) status is an
pathways have important interactions with the biological important factor that regulates the clock genes in periph-
metabolism clock. The circadian clock can affect the eral tissues. CLOCK proteins can bind effectively only in
function of hormone receptors (peroxisome proliferator the presence of reduced NADH and NADPH, BMAL1,
activated receptor [PPAR]α, PPARγ, and REV-ERBα) and E-box sequences. On the contrary, nicotinamide ad-
and some genes at the cellular level (sirtruin) [41, 42]. enine dinucleotide oxidase forms (NAD+ and NADP+)
Nuclear hormone receptors (PPARα, PPARγ, REV- inhibit the binding of the CLOCK: BMAL1 complex to
ERBα, RORα, HNF4α, TRα, and NURR1) and ligands DNA [32]. Thus, the NAD/NADH redox status of the cell
present in metabolic tissues function as sensors that com- can lead to circadian phase changes by influencing the
bine circadian and metabolic pathways [41]. For example, transcriptional activity of the BMAL1: CLOCK genes
PPARs are a link between the circadian clock and energy [46].
metabolism. PPARγ localizes in adipose tissue and acti- Intracellular NAD+ levels as well as elevated AMP (ad-
vates transcriptional factors that increase lipogenesis and enosine monophosphate) levels are indicators of low en-
lipid storage. PPARα from nuclear hormone receptors ergy. When intracellular ATP levels are reduced, AMPK
triggers ketogenesis and hepatic fatty acid oxidation in (AMP-activating protein kinase) functions as a food sen-
response to starvation. PPARδ is the most prevalent nu- sor and activates intracellular energy supply pathways.
clear cell receptor in the body and is able to correlate dai- Thus, the AMP/ATP ratio may also be a link between cir-
ly changes in body temperature with the circadian clock cadian rhythm and energy metabolism [47].
The rhythmic expression and activation of metabolic
pathways are mainly associated with the coordination of Effect of Circadian Rhythm on Energy Balance
clock genes (BMAL1, Per2, Per1, Per3, Cry1, and Cry2)
in liver and adipose tissues. There is a link between The energy produced and stored in metabolism is used
BMAL1 protein, lipogenic pathways, and cellular clock to maintain metabolic activities such as basal metabolic
mechanisms. REV-ERBα (a transcriptional repressor of rate, physical activity, and thermal effect of foods [48].
BMAL1) and RORα (a positive regulator of BMAL1) are Francis G Benedict first described the circadian chang-
nuclear hormone receptors regulating lipogenesis. More- es in energy metabolism in 1915 [49]. Furthermore, Hau-
over, both are modulated by CLOCK: BMAL1. PPARα gen et al. [50] found that the resting metabolic rate was
plays a role in lipid and lipoprotein metabolism. PPARα 6% higher at noon than in the morning hours. One of the
directly binds to the promoter region of the BMAL1 pro- most important factors affecting the basal metabolic rate
tein, which regulates the PPARα expression via the is the sleep pattern. Sleep and circadian rhythm are the
CLOCK: BMAL1 heterodimer [44]. main components of energy metabolism regulation [48,
Another factor that affects the circadian rhythm func- 51]. There are 2 phases of sleep: rapid eye movement
tion is the sirtuin (SIRT) genes. SIRT family genes are (REM) and non-REM [52]. The sympathetic nervous sys-
NAD+ dependent class III deacetylase enzymes that af- tem activity and dreams increase during the REM period.
fect many cellular functions including human metabo- Body temperature, heart rate, respiratory rate, and blood
lism, aging, cancer, and cell senescence. There are 7 vari- pressure increase during REM. Irregularities in the REM
ations of the SIRT family (SIRT 1–7). The regulation of period increase due to the activity of the sympathetic ner-
gene expression is the most important mechanism influ- vous system [53]. Because of the increases in body tem-
enced by the SIRT family. SIRT1, SIRT6, and SIRT7 pre- perature and energy expenditure in the brain (brain en-
dominantly localize in the cell nucleus, SIRT2 in the cy- ergy consumption during this period is approximately
toplasm, and SIRT3, SIRT4, and SIRT5 in the mitochon- 25%), the metabolic rate during sleep reaches its highest
dria. SIRT1 plays a significant role in the regulation of point in the REM phase [54]. Therefore, deterioration of
metabolic processes such as insulin sensitivity, lipid me- the sleep cycle due to late sleeping, jet lag, shift work, and
tabolism, and gluconeogenesis, as well as human lifespan so on can lead to a decrease in the basal metabolic rate by
[45]. SIRT1 modulates CLOCK: BMAL1 activity and altering the timing of the REM phase of sleep.
contributes to the circadian cycle. SIRT 3–5 genes regu- In addition to the basal/resting metabolic rate, physi-
late intracellular pathways such as fatty acid oxidation, cal activity is an important component of total energy ex-

326 Ann Nutr Metab 2019;74:322–330 Serin/Acar Tek

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penditure [55]. However, studies emphasize the different emptying in the morning (8.00 a.m.) was higher than in
metabolic effects of exercise type, duration, and length. the evening (8.00–11.00 p.m.) [70]. In addition, circadian
For example, a review study highlights that maximal per- rhythm disturbances, such as shift work and jet lag, cause
formance in short-term anaerobic exercises occurs late in gastrointestinal system disorders such as abdominal pain,
the afternoon, usually at noon [56], which also corre- bloating, diarrhea, or constipation. These observations
sponds to the peak body temperature [56, 57]. Body tem- reveal a functional correlation between daily rhythms and
perature is regarded as the “basic variable” of circadian gastrointestinal physiology. Hoogerwerf et al. [71] showed
rhythm and is used as a circadian rhythm marker [58]. that PER2 and BMAL1 protein expressions were associ-
There is a 0.9 ° C difference in body temperature between
     ated with the circadian rhythm in the myenteric plexus
morning and evening hours [59]. Body temperature af- region, which has an important role in the coordination
fects muscle activity [60]. This difference between the of colon epithelial cells and colon motility.
morning and evening hours can affect exercise perfor-
mance and, indirectly, the basal metabolic rate.
Meal time affects the physical performance. Exercise Effect of Dietary Intake and Physical Activity on
before or after a meal has different effects on fatty acid Circadian Rhythms
oxidation and appetite metabolism [61–63]. However, it
is still unclear when (pre-meal/post-meal exercise) is the Here, the impact of the circadian rhythm on energy
most effective time to lose weight. An approach to reduce expenditure components and its role in energy balance
body weight and facilitate fat loss is to perform postpran- has been emphasized. However, some studies have shown
dial aerobic exercise after an overnight fast [64]. Exercise that some environmental factors (i.e., food, meal compo-
during fasting causes the use of glycogen deposits to in- sition, feeding time, and exercises) could be effective on
crease fat oxidation, and lowers plasma insulin by in- peripheral clocks that exist in several parts of the body
creasing plasma epinephrine and norepinephrine levels such as the liver, the pancreas or the heart [72–75]. The
causing lipolysis. On the contrary, some studies focused peripheral clocks play an integral and unique role in each
on the beneficial effects of postprandial exercise on body of their respective tissues, driving the circadian expres-
weight control compared to exercise during fasting be- sion of specific genes involved in a variety of physiological
cause of its positive effects on appetite and resting me- functions. The existence of all these clocks working to-
tabolism [65]. A study found that a 36-min of moderate gether and synchronized by the central clock, with many
exercise on a treadmill significantly increased the resting hormones and physiological or environmental variables
metabolic rate 40 min after eating a Mediterranean-style changing during the day, make this bidirectional interac-
breakfast in the first 24 h [66]. In many studies, the total tion on circadian system rather complicated [4].
energy intake, dietary patterns, physical characteristics, Food is one of the external synchronizers of our pe-
and duration and severity of exercise are not similar, ripheral clocks. The primary role of the circadian clock is
thereby leading to different interpretations of results. to entrain the organism to the environmental cues; this
Another component of total energy expenditure is the allows the organisms to predict food availability. Limiting
thermal effect of nutrients. The thermal effect of foods is food access to a particular time of the day has profound
influenced by the macronutrient composition of the diet. effects on the behavior and physiology of the organisms
Lipids have the lowest (0–3%) and proteins have the high- [72]. Damiola et al. [76] showed that temporal feeding
est (20–30%) thermogenic effect [67]. In addition, meal restriction under light-dark or dark-dark conditions
timing is an important factor affecting the thermal effect could change the phase of circadian gene expression in
of foods. Diet-induced thermogenesis is higher in the peripheral cell types by up to 12 h, while leaving the phase
morning hours compared to evening and night hours of cyclic gene expression in the SCN unaffected.
[68]. Similarly, in a study by Morris et al. [69], the thermal Feeding time has a significant effect on the repertoire,
effect from food during the morning was 44% higher than phase, and amplitude of rhythmic gene expression. In a
in the evening. The reduction in the thermal effect of study, it was shown that both temporal pattern of food
foods from morning to evening may primarily be due to intake and the circadian clock had an effect on hepatic
the effect of the endocrine circadian system on gastroin- gene transcription in wild-type mice [73].
testinal physiology. Intestinal motility in the morning The diet composition is another important factor that
hours is more effective than in the evening hours. Two affects the circadian clock. Kohsaka et al. [74] showed that
studies on healthy adults revealed that the rate of gastric a high-fat diet in mice led to changes in the period of the

Effect of Circadian Rhythm on Metabolic Ann Nutr Metab 2019;74:322–330 327

Processes and Energy Balance DOI: 10.1159/000500071
locomotor activity rhythm and alterations in the expres- Chronopharmacology studies the right timing for the ad-
sion and cycling of canonical circadian clock genes, nu- ministration of drug doses to increase the efficacy, ab-
clear receptors that regulate clock transcription factors, sorption, and/or efficacy of the drug [65]. For example,
and clock-controlled genes involved in fuel utilization in the HMG-COA enzyme, a cholesterol-rate limiting en-
the hypothalamus, liver, and adipose tissue. zyme, shows a circadian rhythm in humans. This enzyme
One of the notable non-photic cues for regulating the peaks at night, so it is recommended to take cholesterol-
peripheral clock is exercise. It is suggested that physical ac- lowering drugs such as statins at night to maximize their
tivity or exercise causes several physiological changes, such effectiveness [19]. Chrononutrition is an approach to de-
as body temperature and hormonal status changes, which termine the optimal nutrient uptake to maintain health
are known to affect the peripheral clocks via sympathetic and regulate circadian rhythm [82]. For example, caf-
nervous activation and glucocorticoid release [75]. The el- feine, nobiletin (a flavonoid present in citrus fruits), and
evation in body temperature may act as an input to the cir- resveratrol in foods may cause circadian rhythm changes
cadian pacemaker of mammals [77]. In addition, exercise at molecular or behavioral levels [83]. Chronoexercise
promotes the production and release of melatonin. The primarily investigates the effect of the length of exercise
beneficial effect of 4 weeks of melatonin treatment to mod- on the maintenance of health and athletic performance,
ulate the circadian components of the sleep-wake cycle rapid changes in the internal clock system, or re-regula-
commonly results in improved sleep quality [78]. tion of the circadian clock [84].
On the contrary, molecular circadian clock in periph- As a result, circadian rhythm has a bidirectional inter-
eral tissues can respond to the time of exercise, suggesting action with almost all metabolic processes and is a pri-
that physical activity provides important timing informa- mary factor affecting the sleep-wake cycle. Therefore,
tion for the synchronization of circadian clocks through- questioning and utilizing sleep pattern, quality informa-
out the body. While the exact duration and intensity of tion, and creating treatment guidelines using circadian
exercise required to alter circadian rhythmicity has not rhythm may increase the success of disease treatment. For
been determined, one study in mice found that low-in- this reason, novel approaches, perspectives, and treat-
tensity endurance exercise sustained over the course of ment strategies in metabolic balance could be developed.
2 h per day for 4 weeks was adequate enough to entrain
the circadian clock and alter circadian rhythmicity [79].
Generally, when the peripheral clocks are desynchro- Acknowledgments
nized from the central clock, it results in chronodisruption
[80]. This physiological alteration is related to different ill-
nesses such as cancer, cardiovascular diseases, depression,
obesity, and metabolic syndrome [72]. For example, in the Statement of Ethics
treatment of obesity, the basic diet treatment approach is
restricted energy intake [81]. Generally, factors that direct- This article does not contain any studies with human partici-
ly affect biological rhythms, such as meal times and sleep- pants or animals carried out by any of the authors.
ing times, are not routinely examined when diets are
planned. The circadian clock has an important role in en-
ergy homeostasis and metabolic processes. Therefore, the Disclosure Statement
evaluation of factors (shift work, irregular sleep, insomnia, The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.
etc.,) that may lead to circadian rhythm disturbances in
individuals who have metabolic diseases such as obesity,
and the planning of exercise and meal times according to Funding Source
normal biological rhythms (e.g., the choice of protein-con-
taining foods in the morning to increase thermogenesis) None.
can enhance treatment effectiveness.
In recent years, circadian rhythm-depending treat-
ments, nutritional interventions, and exercise approaches Author Contributions
have been developed to sustain metabolic health, and Y.S. conducted the literature review and N.A.T. organized and
these approaches are called “chronopharmacology,” drafted of the manuscript. All authors have read and approved the
“chrononutrition,” and “chronoexercise,” respectively. final manuscript.

328 Ann Nutr Metab 2019;74:322–330 Serin/Acar Tek

DOI: 10.1159/000500071
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