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Teacher Candidate:​ Caleigh Scanlon ​Subject:​ Global ​Grade Level​: 9 ​Lesson Number:​ 3

Central Focus/​Overall Goal:​ Students will be able to ​justify​(Evaluation) the differences between the two major
belief systems in India, Buddhism, and Hinduism, and how the Mauryan Empire was able to keep and
consolidate power.

Learning Segment​/Unit Language Function: ​Justify​ (Evaluation)

State-adopted ​New York Social Studies Framework 9.2a:

student academic Students will identify the place of origin, compare and contrast the core beliefs and
content standards practices, and explore the sacred texts and ethical codes for ​Hinduism​, ​Buddhism​,
Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Confucianism, and Daoism​.

21st Century Skills- Communication and Collaboration:

1. ​ Articulate thoughts and ideas effectively using oral, written, and nonverbal
communication skills in a variety of forms and contexts.

21st Century Skills- Global Awareness

2. ​Understand other nations and cultures, including the use of non-English

CCSS ELA Literacy Standards- Writing Standards 4

Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style
are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.
Lesson 3a. ​ ​Students will be able to ​describe​ (Comprehension) what the major beliefs and
Objectives/Targets/ practices are in Hinduism.

edTPA requirement

3a. Practice Questions

3a. Exit Slip

Common Students may confuse key elements of Hinduism and have trouble
Misconceptions/ remembering the names of the gods and the belief terms. How this will be
Possible Student
Errors & How they
addressed is by having students watch videos, and complete vocabulary
will be addressed activities with guided practices to help students understand the aspects of
Procedure –
Bell Ringer
Label:​ Instructional ● The teacher will show a series of photos in a brief powerpoint presentation
method(s), learning
style up on the board, taken from pbs.org
tasks, modeling,
guided practice,
● The photos on the board are all photos that represent Hinduism in India.
scaffolding, (​Visual​)
independent practice, ● The teacher is going to go through these series of photos and have students
activities and/or other tell the class and teacher what they think of when they see these photos.
These answers do not have to be related to the religions, but rather just what
comes to mind at first glance. ​(21st Century Skills)

Copyright Pending – S. Hackett 2018


Label:​ ​Bell Ringer ● This activity will last around three to five minutes. It is a way to stimulate
Also may be called: interest through visuals.
anticipatory set,
hook, introduction,
Transition​- ​After the bellringer has concluded, the teacher will hand out the worksheet
review, Do Now,
Write Now, Silent
packets for the lesson to the students.​ ​The teacher will also move forward with the
Starter, warm-up presentation on the board.

Video About Hinduism

● The teacher will pull up a video giving a brief description and overview of
Hinduism. This video is called “What Is the History of Hinduism?”, and will be
taken from Youtube. (​Visual​)
● The teacher will give out a worksheet that has guided questions for students to
Label:​ ​Transitions
● The teacher will read the directions which are: the students will answer the
guided questions while watching the video.
● The teacher will ask for two students to repeat the directions for the class.
● When the video concludes, the teacher will ask a few student volunteers to
Label: give their answers to the class.
Accommodations for
● As students are volunteering their answers, the other students should be
Learning Modalities
visual,​ ​auditory​, and
adding on to their answers on their own worksheets.
Transition:​ ​After the video on Hinduism, the teacher will move forward with a guided
reading activity.

Label:​ ​Checks for Guided Reading/Notes

● In the worksheet packet provided to the class, it will be broken down into the
directions​, and/or
content​ (formal or
different sections that make up Hinduism. On the first page, there will be a
informal) brief description of the origins of Hinduism and the main ideas that come from
religion. The second page will about the main deities of Hinduism (Brahma,
Shiva, Vishnu), and the third will be about reincarnation, dharma, karma, and
the Caste System. (​Academic Language: Introduced​)
Label:​ ​RBIS ● The teacher will ask for a few volunteers to read the short passage out loud for
the class. (​Auditory)​
● Students will have to answer the guided questions provided at the bottom of
each worksheet at the end of each passage provided.
● The teacher will give students 5 minutes to complete the answers.
Label:​ Evidence of Transition:​ The teacher will warn students when they have thirty seconds.
Cognitive Student ● The teacher will go over all the questions with the class. Students will have to
Engagement​ ​(CSE) correct their answers.

Label:​ Academic
Graphic Organizer Activities
● The teacher and students will continue forward discussing the main deities of
assessed​) Hinduism: Vishnu, Shiva, and Brahma. The teacher will show multiple visuals
of each of these three gods on the board, and discuss the importance of each
Label: deity. (​Visual)​
​21​St​ Century Skills ● Students will be taking notes about the slides while discussing.

Copyright Pending – S. Hackett 2018


● This portion of the worksheet packet will be split up into a graphic organizer. In
these boxes, the students will work individually to write the name of the god,
Label:​ ​Adaptations/ what he/she represents and their importance to Hinduism using at least two
Accommodations​ for
examples in each column. Students will be asked to write or create a visual,
diverse learning
needs ​(not required)
jingle or gesture to help them remember each god. (​RBIS #1,​ ​Academic
Language: Practiced, C ​ SE, ​Visual​, ​Kinesthetic​)
● The teacher will ask two students to repeat the directions. (​CFU-directions​)
Label:​ ​Differentiated ● The teacher will give students five minutes to complete.
Instructions​ ​(content,
process, and/or product Transition:​ ​The teacher will give a one minute warning. After the teacher will move
–ability/readiness) –only
required in 1 LP forward with the next activity.

More Graphic Organizer Activities

Label: ● The next portion of the packet will be another graphic organizer, created in the
Interdisciplinary Skills form of a pyramid to help students visualize the Caste System in India.
● The levels of the pyramid are blank, and as the teacher explains each caste,
students will fill in the levels with the name of the caste, and what comprises of
Label:​ ​ ​Closure
it. (e.g. the Brahmins-priests at the top of the caste system) (​RBIS #2​)
● The teacher will provide an explanation of the term caste system.
● A way to remember the caste system is: when you have a cast on your arm or
leg, you cannot move it. In a caste system, you cannot move up or down the
pyramid but must stay put.
● The teacher will also have students stand up and complete a gesture with her.
The gesture will start at her head, which represents the top of the Caste
System, and spirituality, then touch her shoulders, which represents the
second tier, the warriors, who fight with their arms, then she will go to her
knees, representing the third tier of farmers, who use their legs all day, and
then she will bend down to her toes/feet, which represents the bottom tier of
servants, laborers who are on their feet all day working away.
● She will have students do the gesture with her a few times and then practice it
alone. (​Kinesthetic)​
● Students will then be asked to write their own definition of the caste system in
their own words at the bottom of the page. (​Academic Language: Practiced​)
● The teacher will also explain of the terms reincarnation, dharma, and karma.
The teacher will provide a definition for each, and in the next box, students will
write a sentence with the term in it, and create a visual, jingle or gesture for
them to help remember these terms. (​Academic Language: Practiced,​ ​Visual​,

Independent Practice
● On the next worksheet provided by the teacher, there is a little activity to
practice what they just took notes on.
● The teacher will read the directions out loud for the class, which will be: to
complete the short answer questions regarding Hinduism. Students may look
​ 1st Century Skills)
back at their notes to assist them. ​(2
● The teacher will give students five minutes to complete the answers.
● The teacher will ask for two students to repeat the directions for the class.
● The teacher will also keep close proximity to students to monitor progress.

Copyright Pending – S. Hackett 2018


Transition:​ ​The teacher will give students a one minute warning. When the
independent practice is complete, the teacher will move forward with a self-evaluation
for students​.

Self Evaluation
● The teacher will ask students to turn to the worksheet titled “Bump in the
● The teacher will then explain what a self-evaluation is to the students before
going over the directions.
● The teacher will read the directions out loud for the class. (​Auditory​)
● The directions for this self-evaluation is for students to identify two to four
times they hit a “bump” or a struggle during the lessons for the unit thus far.
After they have identified these “bumps” students should set at least two goals
for how they plan to overcome these bumps by the end of the unit.
● The teacher will then ask for two volunteers to repeat the directions for the
class. (​CFU-directions)​
● The teacher will give students 3 minutes to complete this activity.

Transition​-​ ​The teacher will give students a thirty second warning.​ ​After the
self-evaluation is complete, the teacher will collect them and then hand out exit slips
to the class to pass around

Exit Slip/Closure
● The teacher will read the directions written on the top of the exit slips provided.
● The directions will be to answer the following questions: name and define at
least 2 main beliefs in Hinduism? What is the Caste System? and who are the
3 main gods and one reason each, why they important? (​Academic Language:
Assessed,​ ​CSE​, C​ FU-content formal​)
● The teacher will give students four minutes to complete the exit slip
● The teacher will ask for two students to repeat the directions for the class.
Transition​: The teacher will give students a one minute warning.
● When time is complete, the teacher will ask the students to write their names
and pass them to the front.
Formal Assessments

Name the assessment and describe the 1. Evaluation Criteria and 2. Feedback Method
purpose/what is being assessed
(include related objective(s))

1. How I would evaluate this assessment is

3a. The independent short answer questions- through the use of a basic point system.
the purpose of this is to see if students The number of points I would give for this
understand and are able to answer the terms would be out of ten. The questions are
in their own words. What is being assessed is short answer, and I am looking for specific
definitions. I would grant partial credit if
Copyright Pending – S. Hackett 2018

their ability to describe the major beliefs of they were able to name the term but mixed
Hinduism. (Objective 3) up the definitions. Each question would be
worth 2 points. For my on target students, I
3a. The exit slip- this is a formal assessment would allow 7-10 points, and for my below
because it will be done alone. By having target students, I would allow 3-6 points.
students give at least two examples of the 2. The feedback I would provide on the short
practices and beliefs of Hinduism, it can show answer questions would be such things as:
how much a student understands the material, “this god doesn’t represent this!”, “add
and where to move forward from there for the more examples,” “use your own definition
teacher. next time.”

1. How I would evaluate the exit slips is

through the use of a point system to see
how well students responded to the
questions prompted. This would be out of
eleven points. Four points for naming two
beliefs and definitions, one point for
defining the Caste System, and six points
for naming the three gods and a reason
they are important. I would allow partial
credit for naming but not defining the gods
or beliefs, or vice versa. For my on target
students, I would allow 8-11 points and for
my below target students, I would allow 3-7
2. The feedback I would provide for the exit
slip questions would be comments such as:
“give a definition next time”, writing in
missing definitions, “wrong deity
connection”, and correcting the deity on
students paper.
Academic Language Academic Language:​ Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, caste system, dharma, karma,
required for the lesson reincarnation
How​ will the language be
Introduced: ​The students will be introduced to the academic language through
introduced, practiced, &
assessed? the use of small reading passages about the main deities of Hinduism (Brahma,
Vishnu, and Shiva), the Caste System of India, and the ideas of dharma, karma,
and reincarnation. The teacher and students will read these passages along
together. At the end of each passage, students will have to answer the guided
questions at the bottom of the page.

Practiced: ​Students will practice the academic language through the use of
graphic organizers. The teacher will go into more detail about the three main
gods, and students will complete an organizer in which they name the three gods,
what they represent in Hinduism, and to create a visual, jingle or gesture to help
them remember the deities.
Copyright Pending – S. Hackett 2018

Students will also complete a blank pyramid representing the Caste System, with
all the different castes or social classes in each tier. The teacher will have them
participate in a gesture she created to help remember the tiers, and have
students practice it. Students will also have to write their own definition of a caste
system at the bottom of the pyramid worksheet.
The teacher will provide students with a graphic organizer to remember the terms
dharma, karma, and reincarnation. Students will have to create their own
sentence using the terms, and create a visual, jingle or gesture to help them

Assessed: ​The academic language will be assessed through the use of an exit
slip. In the exit slip, students will have to name at least two of the beliefs in
Hinduism and what their definitions are, define the Caste System, and name the
three main gods and their importance to Hinduism.

Instructional Resources/
Materials “What is the History of Hinduism?” video

Photos of Hinduism provided by PBS

Worksheet packets
● Brief readings on Hinduism
● Graphic organizers about the caste system and main trio of Gods
● https://freeology.com/wp-content/files/threecolumnchart.pdf
● https://www.studenthandouts.com/00/200801/4-level-printable-blan
● Short Answer Questions

Exit Slips

Research and/or Theory

Supporting Instructional RBIS #1​- Marzano (2012)- The use of allowing students to create their own
Decisions (at least 2) visuals in a graphic organizer, this ties into part of Marzano’s Instructional
strategies, in the categories of “nonlinguistic representation”. By allowing students
to create their own visuals to help them recall the information easier, it can help
students’ ability to represent and elaborate on knowledge using images instead of

RBIS #2​- Marzano (2012)- By having students complete graphic organizers, such
as a blank tier pyramid this also ties in with a part of Marzano’s nine categories,
using the category of “cues, questions, and advance organizers”. By having
students fill out these graphic organizers, it can help enhance students’ ability to
retrieve, use, and organize what they know about a topic, in this case how the
Caste System was set up.

Copyright Pending – S. Hackett 2018


Include key instructional materials and assessments. Provide citations for materials that you did not create.

Formative Lesson Plan Template Hackett 2018 – includes practice for the edTPA Prompts/Language in blue are requirements from the edTPA Secondary Handbooks - Copyright © 2017 Board of Trustees of the Leland
Stanford Junior University. All rights reserved. Reminder: This information can only be used with candidates in programs and courses that are preparing students for the edTPA exam. All materials must remain secure.

Objectives, input, anticipatory set, guided practice, independent practice, checking for understanding, closure

Hunter, M. (1982). ​Mastery teaching: Increasing instructional effectiveness in elementary and secondary schools, colleges, and universities.​ Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.

Copyright Pending – S. Hackett 2018


Copyright Pending – S. Hackett 2018

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