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The Runner/Chaser paradox and the Stages

of the Twin Flame journey

– sorting fact from fiction

If you search for information on the Twin Flame phenomenon online,

you’ll receive hundreds of pages of useful and not so useful content.
Be aware that it can be just as confusing to study the Twin Flame
phenomenon as not having read anything about it at all. Let me explain :

What I personally have learned through this journey is that each experience is
unique to a certain extent, so the so-called “stages” of the Twin Flame journey
and anyone else’s experiences need not apply to you.

You are always in charge of your experience, and you have free will at every
stage of your journey. My personal advice is to go with what feels right for you,
when something will be of benefit you, your soul will let you know somehow –
usually in the form of a happy and light feeling.

Purchased by Jeena Prego, jeena.marie.prego@gmail.com #13261762

“Why do the Twin Flames have so many problems?”

I’ve been asked this so many times and it makes my heart sink every time I
hear it, because it’s not necessary for things to be that way. Being with your
Twin is supposed to be joyful, not a struggle.

I’ll explain: First of all you must understand that we are all energetic beings.
Science now testifies to the fact that the world we live in consists of grids of
particles vibrating at different frequencies – a table is not solid, it is a mass of
molecules with empty spaces between, and only appears to the human senses
as “solid”.

We are all energy. The world you live in and the universe is energy. Everything
is particles in vibration, energy in motion. Us included. A human being is not
simply a body “machine”, as previous ideas tended to suggest. We are infinitely
complex bio- organisms with a complicated consciousness that science still
hasn’t fully been able to map out.

Why it happens and how you can fix it

On the energetic plane, you and your Twin Flame are of an identical frequency
– the only two beings in the entire universe who are identical in that way. When
you come together, any energy that is “cluttering up” your frequency is stirred
up so that you can clear it out and be ready to come together in love with your
Twin at that exact soul frequency only you two share.

This is an automatic triggering and the process of releasing negativity is often

referred to as Ascension, because its purpose is to lift you UP from any lower
vibration energies you may have taken on in life. Our society is full of fear and
ideas of shame and anger and hatred and conflict. Jealousy and resentment
and frustration and many other low heavy energies are widespread. All of this is
released to be cleared when you and your Twin Flame come together.

Putting a stop to negative cycles

The issue is that this all happens on an energetic level, and many Twins are
unaware of what’s going on. Therefore, what’s really meant to be a beneficial
process to lift the two of you up into a high vibration so you can join together in
harmony, becomes a living nightmare – all the past hurt and pain and
resentment you may be carrying around from adolescence, childhood (even
past lives if you believe in reincarnation) comes up to be released.

And if you’re not aware of how to release instead of keep these energies
around in an endless loop, you may feel that meeting your Twin Flame was the
worst thing that ever happened to you.

Purchased by Jeena Prego, jeena.marie.prego@gmail.com #13261762

Trust me, this can be changed quite easily – all you need is some tools to clear
the negativity and any old soul contracts, marriage vows from past lives, karma
and so on. Once you have those tools, you’ll be able to put down your
“baggage” and move on with lightness and ease to a place of love with your
Twin Flame.

“What is a ‘runner’?”

“Runner” is a commonly used term for a Twin Flame who “runs” or withdraws
from interacting with their counterpart, and often avoids them or rejects them
altogether. This causes so much pain for many Twin Flames and is another
deeply misunderstood part of the journey – “running” is not necessary nor
natural to the Twin Flames.

“Running” is caused by the negative energy release, where the energetic

memory of past hurt is brought up to be released but the individual does not
realize what’s going on and acts on the emotions as if they are real to the
situation at hand – often the cause of running is a fear of rejection.

Inner love, outer coldness

The most prevalent fear I’ve encountered among “runners” is the fear of
rejection – many will subconsciously create a situation where they reject their
partner and “run” before they have a chance to get rejected themselves,
because their fear runs so deep. They may in other words leave a relationship
even though they are still in love.

In my extensive work as an intuitive coach I have encountered this a number of

times, and the paradox here is that whereas the “runner” may on the surface
seem cold or unloving, they emotionally still feel extremely strongly about their
Twin Flame – loving, sweet and caring – while they on a surface ego level
appear hurtful and cold.

“How do I stop my Twin Flame from ‘running’?”

I’m often asked whether it’s possible to alter the dynamic between Twin Flames
even if one is a “runner” and shows no interest in working to come together – it
really is. Because the Twin Flames are on an identical frequency energetically
(two parts of the same energy originally) any work one Twin does to lift their
vibration will impact the other Twin too and alter the whole dynamic between

“Running” is avoidable and can be remedied because it is due to an energetic

imbalance being brought up to be released – and we can clear this with simple
yet powerful energy tools. Once we start clearing out negative energy and

Purchased by Jeena Prego, jeena.marie.prego@gmail.com #13261762

unhealed karma, ending any energetic attachments to former lovers that may
still be in place – running will resolve itself.

Once the energetic basis that triggered the “running” is gone, the person will
not feel stirred to withdraw anymore. He or she will then be open to connecting
with his or her Twin Flame from a place of neutrality, then of love and

The problem for many Twin Flame couples is that they don’t realize that they
are reenacting an “old story” that’s actually meant to be released for good –
thereby keeping negativity around in an endless loop.

“How do I get to Union?”

The more you tune into your heart and use your internal guidance system to
find that place of love and light, the more you’ll strengthen your tie to your Twin
Flame. It is in your power to change the course of your journey if you are
hurting right now – and you are meant to: the process of Ascension is all about
clearing what doesn’t serve you; clearing out negativity so you may rise up to a
place of love where you’re in vibrational alignment with your Twin Flame and
ready for union.

Union will not happen until the Twin Flames are in a vibrational alignment – this
is why negativity is released; to get you to Union. The good news is that one
Twin can do the work for both, and once you clear the energetic blocks and
karma that has kept the two of you out of alignment, you will move swiftly
toward Union.

Your soul already knows

Remember that you and your Twin are always energetically connected, and you
know each other so well and love each other as souls – anything you
experience in life can be described as an “ego game”, mask wearing and role
playing, playing out the beliefs and patterns you have picked up here on earth
since your energies were originally separated.

Once you clear away what’s negative and blocking you, the bond between you
and your Twin will become stronger and stronger, readying you for harmonious
love and eventually for Union.

Intuition and guidance

Trust that your soul knows how to best get you to the place you want to be.
Allow your guidance to lead you to the right tools, information, inspiration and
methods to help you forward on your path. If you are here reading this right

Purchased by Jeena Prego, jeena.marie.prego@gmail.com #13261762

now, you have found these downloads for a reason.

If you can listen more to your intuition than your ego while on this Twin Flame
journey – you really can experience it as an endless adventure of joy and love
and connectedness. Remember, it’s in your power.

Now that my Twin Flame and I are in Union we have a mission to help as
many others as possible come together in love. That’s why we made this
Breakthrough Kit and the “Step-by-step Roadmap to Union” Vibrational
Alignment Course

If you know someone who could use this Free Breakthrough Kit for Twin
Flames, we’d love for you to share: please go ahead and send them the
link www.twinflames1111.com where they can pick up their free kit too.

Purchased by Jeena Prego, jeena.marie.prego@gmail.com #13261762

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