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Department of Professional Education
Iligan City, Philippines



NAME: Sharmaine S. Ybañez COURSE & YEAR: BPED 1ST Year DATE: May 13, 2019 SCORE _____


(Adapted: The Teaching Profession by Purita P. Bilbao et.al., 2006)

Below is an excerpt of the findings of a study on Pre-service Elementary Teacher Training

conducted by Rosita L. Navarro, et al in 1994. (Navarro, Rosita et al. Study of Pre-service Elementary
Teacher Training (SPETT, June, 1994). Study them then answer the given questions.
The responses were from 1,460 respondents in 12 regions of the country. The community
respondents’ group consisted mostly of parents (26%), non-government organization (24%), principals and
assistant principals (23%), representatives from the business and industry sectors (21%) and School
Superintendents (6%).

Here are the research findings on:

Community Perception on the Role of Teachers in the Community

Teachers are perceived to be:

1. very important in a community
2. respected in a community
3. help in the community to some extent

Community Perception on Beliefs and Attitudes about Teachers and Teaching

The community respondents strongly agreed that teachers:

1. help develop the moral character of children
2. are second parents.
3. are assets to the community.

The community respondents agreed with 12 beliefs and attitudes, as follows:

1. The most intelligent child should be encouraged to enter the teaching profession.
2. Teachers set moral standard of the community.
3. Teachers make good parents.
4. Men should be encouraged to enter the teaching profession.
5. The teaching profession is one of the lowest paid.
6. Teachers should be paragons of virtue.
7. Children obey and respect their teachers.
8. Teachers play an active role in disciplining children
9. Praising boosts a child’s self-confidence.
10. A teacher is a child’s model.
11. Child’s interest in studies depends upon his/her teachers.
12. Parents entrust children’s welfare to teachers.

The community respondents were doubtful regarding this item: “Female teachers generally become old
They disagreed with this item: “Teachers may inflict physical punishment on children.”


The respondents of the study cut across various institutions in society – the home, represented by
the parent respondents, the school represented by the principals, assistant principals and superintendents
and the rest of society represented by the respondents from the NGOs, business and industry sectors. By
their responses, the respondents gave you an idea on how social institutions like the family and the school
regard the teacher. Answer the following questions then share your answers in your small group.

1. Which research finding is most interesting to you? Why?

- The research finding that is most interesting to me regarding the Community Perception on the
Role of Teachers in the Community is the Teachers are perceived to be a. Very important in a
community because Teachers are an extremely important facet of any society for several
reasons and their role in society is both significant and valuable. Teachers are the people who
educate the youth of society who in turn become the leaders of the next generation of people.
b. Respected in the community because teachers are the people who are teaching children and
imparting knowledge upon them in their most impressionable years, they are respected of what
they have done. c. Help in the community to some extent what children learn from their
teachers at a young age will most likely stay with them in some facet for the rest of their lives
teachers play an extraordinary part in the lives of children for the formative years of their
development and the importance of teachers is something that cannot be understated. They
involve themselves in molding their students into responsible citizens of their country. Without
the teachers, there will be no great professionals today, by the help of the teachers our world
today is as much better than to compare before.
2. With which findings do you agree? Disagree? Elaborate your answers.
- The Finding to which I agreed is the Community Perception on Beliefs and Attitudes about
Teachers and Teaching that the community respondents strongly agreed that teachers:
a. Help develop the moral character of children because most people think that a teacher's sole
responsibility is to impart knowledge in the classroom. Yes, imparting knowledge or facilitating
learning is one of the responsibilities of a teacher. In an age where parents are increasingly shirking
their responsibilities in bringing up children, it is also the teacher's responsibility to inculcate
desirable characteristics into the education of students. If the teacher fails to even try to do this, he
or she is a bad teacher. The characteristics of good teaching include the responsibilities of a
teacher. Besides being a source of knowledge and truth and facilitator of learning, a good teacher
works endlessly to foster the desirable characteristics of students.
b. Are second parents because as what many believe that the teachers’ primary role is to teach
children to behave and to judge what is right and wrong? But on the other hand, teachers play the
role of second parents to the pupils. It is they who correct the pupils if something went wrong like
what they do on their own children. The teachers also play a significant role in shaping the life of
the pupils under their care. They shape our minds and help us to recognize our talents and goals.
The teacher is always there for you, your guiding light, Sometimes, your teacher knows more of
your secrets than your mother – and keeps them. They are sometimes harsh, but only because they
love you. They are truly selfless, inspirational and can push you to explore your full potential.
c. Are assets to the community because if some people take for granted the teachers but for me, it
should not because as you walk through a school you see students depend on teachers for a
myriad of support, instruction, and direction. Teachers offer so much to their school community
like inspiration for students to learn, strive and achieve, role models for students to emulate,
recognition that not all students learn at the same pace, quality control to ensure that students
deliver, guidance to improve students’ performance, care of the ‘whole’ student, structure to ensure
educational goals are identified and achieved, innovations to the development and delivery of
curriculum, shared responsibility with parents for student’s educational, social and emotional
growth, direction on how technology can be harnessed by students to better their learning goals.
3. Based on the research findings given, what roles are expected of you, the teacher, in society?
- As what the research findings has given, the roles that are expected for me, as an inspiring
teacher someday, in society are those that the community respondents agreed with 12 beliefs
and attitudes, as follows: Teachers set moral standard of the community, teachers make good
parents, , Teachers should be paragons of virtue, Letting the children to obey and respect their
teachers, teachers play an active role in disciplining children, praising boosts a child’s self-
confidence, being a child’s model, helping the child to be interested in her studies, can be
trusted by the parents to guide their children. By following these all I’ll assure that I can
manage the classroom well with full extent of passion in my profession, providing the children
with good and quality education that they cannot forget and regret.
4. So much is expected of the individual teacher. Does this give you any message on how you are
going to spend your period of pre-service education?
- As there is a big expectation for me as an individual teacher, this has given me a message on
how I will be going to spend my period of pre-service education by encouraging myself to
engage in thoughtful reflection, critical thinking and increased self-awareness and
responsibility. I am letting my self be honed not just academically but as well as having good
character in pursuing and learning by heart the values education subject. As well as
disciplining my behavior because the behaviors a teacher models to students in the classroom
sends powerful messages about what is and is not acceptable ways of behaving. Able to apply
what has been taught to me and putting it into real life.
5. The findings reveal that teachers are perceived to be respected in the community. Is this respect
demanded of others or something earned by you? Explain your answer.
- Teachers are perceived to be respected in the community this is revealed in the findings. For
me, respect is something earned by you. Respect begets respect. The truth is, times have
changed. Long gone are the days when a teacher's presence alone demanded respect -- from
students as well as their parents. Today, in a society where good morals are on the decline and
self-centeredness is on the incline, we can't afford to educate students the way our teachers
did back in the day. We must get respect the hard way -- we must earn it. One of the best ways
to earn a student's respect in the classroom is by being the kind of person your students want
to become. Put another way, if your students don't want to become you then you don't need to
be there. It’s about integrity. Whenever we promote success to students without first modeling
it, we're seen as hypocrites in their eyes, even if they don't admit it. In addition, we lose
credibility in the classroom. I personally believe that, as an inspiring teacher, others should
want what we have. I'm not talking about material possessions, position, power, or perceived
status; I'm talking about good character. Character is something money can't buy, but
everyone admires and respects -- even if they don't like you personally.
6. The research was conducted in June 1994. Has the picture changed after twelve years? Any
hypothesis? On what observation is your hypothesis based?
- Based on the research that was conducted in June 1994. For me, the picture had changed
after twelve years. A hypothesis I’ve made because of the one research findings that “Men
should be encouraged to enter the teaching profession” because as of today’s generation many
male teachers are now teaching. This hypothesis is based on the observation of the research
finding on the community respondents agreed with 12 beliefs and attitudes.
7. If you have questions to raise regarding the research findings, raise them and as a group, answer
the questions. If you are not satisfied with the group answer, raise it with the class and with your
- Based on the research findings, why there are still people who neglect the importance of a
teacher? Teachers play an important role in our life to become successful in career and
business. A good teacher helps us to become a good human being in society and a good citizen
of the country. Teachers know that students are the future of any nation. So, the future
development of any nation is in the hands of teachers. Other people who don’t value the
importance of a teacher must understand this so that there would also progress in their selves.
8. Share your group answers with the class.


A. Read the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers. Read the articles that have bearing on a
teacher’s role in relation to the state, the community, the school, the parents and business.
B. Illustrate one teacher’s role in one social institution assigned to you with a skit, a drawing or a
picture, a poem or a song.

Group 1 - The Teacher and the State

Group 2 - The Teacher and the Community
Group 3 - The Teacher and Parents
Group 4 - The Teacher and Business
Group 5 - The Teacher and the School

I choose Group 3 – The Teacher and the Parents

By Sharmaine S. Ybañez

Sometimes you get them discouraged,

of the things you did that are foolish
yet they still look up to you and never get weary
always by your side to aid every pain even it’s not easy.

Words are not just enough to describe how great they are
Creative, Dedicated, Passionate, Caring, Innovative,
Determined, Motivated, Resourceful and a Superstar
These are a few words which we often used
And we unnoticed that we tend to kill their feelings and abused

Love is what they are holding on for us

Time does fly and move so fast
May we not forget their sacrifices
Thanks to all our teachers and parents.

C. Having seen your various roles in society, what competencies do you need to acquire now in
order to perform your future roles effectively.

Social Institution Competencies needed

A. State Effective Decision-Making, Responsibilities and Authorities
Commitment to career
Social Institution Competencies needed
B. Community Leadership
Conceptual Thinking
Concrete Organization
Proactive Thinking
C. School Trustworthiness and Ethics
Career Motivation
Intellectually honed
Consistency and Reliability
Conveying Role Value
D. Home Flexibility
Human Awareness
Internal Self Control


A. Any realization about teaching? Write them down.

An Inspirer. An Empower. An Engager. A keeper of knowledge. A guardian of emotions. A selfless
nurturer of the human spirit. An architect of confidence. A life raft for when the going gets rough, as it
invariably does. You’re a source of trust, reliability, and hope. These are just few of the characteristics I
could mention about a teacher based of what I had learned from answering this activity.
I am more inspired the moment I’ve finished answering this activity. I realized that we often forgot
the great impact of every teachers in our life. Schools are busy places, and teachers are busy people, so it’s
not surprising that sometimes we miss out on chances to stop and to reflect upon the influence that they
yield over the young people in their care. They are really our second parents who acquire the
responsibilities of being our mother or father. They carry our burdens not just regarding on academic
aspect, but as well as to our emotional side. They value their students not just in our uniqueness and
strengths but also in our weaknesses. They promote an environment where their students can feel like
there is a home and a shoulder to lean on, where and every single act is not just disciplined but is also
considered and appreciated.
Thanking all the teachers who became the foundation of every professions we have now. They have
built up mechanical engineers, CEOs, CFOs, sports coaches, children’s book authors, volunteers, artists,
oncologists, and a bunch of other roles. The teachers play the biggest part for the purpose to prepare
others to find theirs. And while it’s thrilling to think about and know that they played a hand in their
future, they are also the person who help others get through each day and keeps them coming back for
more. At some days the teachers are filled with joyful triumph. Other days they struggle to push through.
But they love what they do, and they keep on going because teaching is a gift—and those connections they
make, those lessons they impart, and that get-up-and-go attitude are the spices that remind our world of
what’s good, what’s honest, and what’s important. This work is what’s needed in our world; they play such
a crucial part of what brightens our outlook and improves it day by day.
As an educator someday, I’ve been inspired to do more and to do greater things to my soon to be
students, teaching doesn't just end up in the four corners of the classroom, I’ll make sure that my title can
ensure a role of heightening my knowledge, I need to dig up into the inside of them not just academically
but their totality as individual.
So, thank you to all the teachers out there. To show you how powerful you are, as individuals and
as a profession thanking the teacher who, in his or her inimitable way, changed their lives for the better.
Thank you for your dedication, heart, expertise, and stability. You do one of the hardest and most
important jobs in the world, directly impacting and inspiring thousands of lives over the course of your
career. Thank you for caring about each student and for being a role model that anyone—no matter what
age—can look up to. Above all I thank the Lord God as the greatest example of being the teacher. The
Teacher of every good thing, that everyone should follow and be proud of.

B. What is your decision? Pursue the teaching profession or not? Explain the basis of your decision.
- My decision is final and irrevocable! Yes, I want to pursue this teaching profession because for
me teaching as a career is a fulfilling Job. It requires passion to teach and love children, in
order to make a significance among them. Teaching is more than a skill. It is of God-given gift.
You either have it or you don't. Aside from the fact that teaching is the root of all profession, it
is considered the noblest because it requires not just your mind and heart but your soul as
well. When you teach, you are shaping not only the minds of the youth but also their hearts.
Teaching is a life - a profession like no other. The investment a teacher makes is far - reaching
and requires a stellar dedication. Teaching is a challenge and a joy. It is also a lifelong process
of reflecting and making necessary adjustments. To be a good teacher you must love teaching.
I love the uniqueness of every day and every child. I am very excited about the opportunity be a
part of the lives of students as they grow intellectually, socially, physically. It is a great joy and
privilege to impact the lives of children in these ways.

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