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Answers National Exams 2012 Tourism Geography

The causes behind the uneven or unequal of the earth is due to:

1. Exogenous or external forces/processes: these are forces originating within the

atmosphere. Ex. There are geomorphic processes capable of acquiring and
transporting earth materials these are known as geomorphic agents.
Which are the following :
 Water
 Ice
 Wind
 Erosion
 And weathering which is the decomposition of rocks through the actions of
various elements of weather and climate.
- Endogenous or internal processes: these are forces originating within the earth.
Endogenous agents or elements:
 Faulting
 Folding
 Warping
 And volcanism
2. The geographical location of mountain ecosystems in Rwanda that are important for
tourist attractions are:
 Nyungwe National Park; this is located South- West,
 Volcanoes National Park; this is located North-West
 Cyamudongo forest is located South-West
 Mukura Forest is located south- West
 Gishwati forest in the North West
 Akagera National Park is among Rwandan ecosystems however it is not a mountainous
rather is a marshland National Park located in East.
 The marshland is an area of soft and wet land. Grasses, sedges and rushes are the
plant species most commonly found in marshlands.
3. Five main hydrographic Networks flowing towards Congo Basin and Nile Basin.
a) hydrographic Networks flowing towards Congo Basin Congo;
1.Rusizi 8.Rubyiro
2.Sebeya 9.Nyagahanga
b) Hydrographic Networks flowing towards Nile Basin.


2. Akanyaru

3. akagera, Mwogo,Rukarara, Mukungwa,Base

 The following lakes flow within Nile Basin :Burera and Ruhondo
 Muhazi, Mugesra,Rweru, Sake ,Ihema,and Cyohoha at the Eastern part.
4. The vegetation zones and types of vegetation found in the VNP are:
a) vegetation zones: -altitude vegetation
-Middle land vegetation
- Low lands vegetation
- Marshlands vegetation

b) types of vegetation found in the VNP;

 Area of Bamboos dominate at lower elevation of the park with 2500m of altitude .
 Hygenia forest which is on 2800m alt
 Subalpine zone is above 3000 m alt. it is characterized by the presence of arborescent
 Afro-alpine zone; between2800- 4000 m. it consist of simple but fragile plants
These are known also as :Five (5) Level of VNP Vegetation:
 1. Afro-alpine zone; between2800- 4000 m. it consist of simple but fragile plants
 2.Sub-afro alpine forest characterized by presence of arborescent heather and lobelia
 3.Herbaseous forest
 4.Hygenia Abyssinicas forest
 5.Bamboos forest

5. The four (4) rainfall zones of Rwanda; This is the same as to explain the relief region of
Rwanda because the relief is the main factor of rainfall distribution in Rwanda even
for any location.

1.High land or Volcanic region also known as Birunga ;Lies between 3500m to 4500m alt
is located in north part of Rwanda.
-Receive heavy rainfall
-Existence of Congo Nile-Crest
-It has volcanic chain, and volcanic soil
-it has rainy forest and dense forest
- concentration of high mountains
2.Central plateau;
-It covers 80 percent of the entire country
-It is located in central and southern part of the country
-Altitude between 1500-2000m
-Vegetation is wooded ( arbore )and Shruby (arbustive ); alow usually several stemmed
woody plant while wooded is covered by trees
- Existence of panorama site (landscape) and galleries(forest growing along a water course in
a region)
3.Lowland or Eastern Plateau;
4.Bugarama plain
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