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using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace cas4
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
//var now = DateTime.Now;
//var today = DateTime.Today;

//var independenceDayMk = new DateTime(1991, 9, 8); //godina, mesec,

// independenceDayMk.Day;
//new Date (1991, 9, 8)


Console.WriteLine("Enter your birthdate (in format yyyy-mm-dd)");

int birthdate = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

var today = DateTime.Today;

var a = (today.Year * 100 + today.Month) * 100 + today.Day;

var b = ((birthdate.Year * 100 + birthdate.Month) * 100 +


return (a - b) / 10000;
//working with methods, dates and strings
//sekogash funkcijata pripagja na nekoj objekt i ja vikame metoda
//ako ne staime return vo js funkcijata kje vrati undefined
//mora da se int Add(int x, int y){
// return x+y;
//string builder za generiranje na stringovi

//ova se vika akcija a ne funkcija....vo ne void metodite mora da se

vrati nesto a vo void metodi ne smee da se vrati nesto!
//void Print (int x){
// Console.WriteLine($" The value is {x}");
// }

//Print(Add(3, 4));
//while (true) {
// Console.Clear();
// Console.WriteLine("please enter an operator (you could enter + or
-) ");

// string Operator = Console.ReadLine();

// Console.WriteLine("please enter the first number?");
// int numberOne = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
// Console.WriteLine("please enter the second number?");
// int numberTwo = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

// if (Operator == "+")
// {
// Console.WriteLine(Add(numberOne, numberTwo));
// Console.ReadLine();
// }
// else if (Operator == "-")
// {
// Console.WriteLine(Subst(numberOne, numberTwo));
// Console.ReadLine();
// }
// else
// {
// Console.WriteLine("not a valid");
// }

//custom and standard numeric format strings

//Console.WriteLine("please enter a number?");

//int InputSub = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
//Working with Dates C#

//date time, utc - nezavisen od vremenski zoni

//opredelena specificna tocka na vremenska oska
//time span??
// 2019-03-04 20:45:32.123


//static void Substrings(int x)

// string name = "Hello from Sedc CodeAcademy v7.0";
// Console.WriteLine(name.Substring(0, 5));


//za doma nie da kazeme koj string i kade da presece i pc to da napravi dva
stringa od toa edno
//static int Add(int first, int second)
// return first + second;

//static int Subst(int noOne, int noTwo)

// return noOne - noTwo;

//static void Print(int x)

// Console.WriteLine($"The value is {x}");

//static void Print1(int y)

// Console.WriteLine($"The value is {y}");

//static void Main(int x)



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