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THE ULTIMATE WARHAMMER MAGAZINE aT MARCH uy fy a3 us TSS Pe m Ths ISSUE eau toy Sey INTERVIEW WITH Uy ty Se Se ess BE SU Cason’ RVs pos } BLOODBOWL iI 116478'> MEET THE WHITE DWARF TEAM From their secret sanctum, itself hidden deep within the Games Workshop. Design Studio, the White Dwarf team work tirelessly to craft everyone's favourite Warhammer hobby magazine each month. MATT HUTSON Lead Designer c Mat has spent much ofthe ; ‘month preparing for this Pri ely or é mont’ Bate Repr, which isses games he ergarsed with ust edtor js about find the tire Pri Hes also started warkon paint one of the new 2 new projec fr Warhammer Boaters fr his Age of Sepa soreting to skaven army, though do with Tseich 9 — staan MARTYN LON Photogra Over the next few months, Marya wl te shephesing (morte wranging) ou Four rds as they bald ard inthe new amis. wo time, Mary has bean rg Ura fora Battle srpanescamgagn JOWATHAN STAPLETON Photogra Jonathan tas got secret project underway bu you wort out what tis tt next month inthe meantime he's ben shooting Assassins (with ame nota gu) ard painting an Endiigger fram the Realm of Li. ‘Tis MONTH'S CONTRIBUTORS atk Berd Tray Brown, Any Oak, Mase Corbi, Robin Cudoce James Galaghe, au Gop, Le Hd, Adam Ha Andy Howe Nic Hot, lan Hid Jans Johnson, James Karch, Pi Kly Nick Kye, James Liter Tor Maore, Pi Moss, Pau Nexon, Cvs Peach, Sam Pearson, Daren Pedi, Dave Sanders, Natale Sire, James Swalow, oss Watson, Rachel Wika. EXCLUSIVE SUBSCRIBER COVERS! If you subscribe to White Dwarf, you may have noticed that you have a different cover ‘on your magazine compared to the ones found in shops. Subscriber copies now feature a piece of artwork without the contents listing down the side, allowing you to appreciate the all its wonderful glory. This month’s cover was illustrated by Marek Okon. If you would like to set up a ‘subscription to White Dwarf magazine, turn to page 4 for more information. MARCH 2019 PREPARE FOR CARNAGE! wenty years after starting work on White Dwarf, Tam finally writing an editorial for this august publication (even though it’s March). The Grombrindal beard is a little impractical as it turns out; it gets in the way of the keyboard. Luckily I'm working with a very experienced and dedicated team who not only know this mag inside out, but also know how best to put curlers in duardin facial hair. For the next thirty days, this month's issue is, without doubt, the latest White Dwarf ever. | think it is also one of the best. There is a feast of fiction to sink your teeth into in our series of short stories, as well as returning favourites A Tale of Four Warlords and Index Imperialis. On the miniatures side we get a good look into the Realm of Life, and a showcase of the stompy, shooty goodness of Damien Pedley's Imperial Knights army. There are insights into the hobby from the legendary Jervis Johnson and the good doctor Robin Cruddace, as well as Warhammer Underworlds guru Dave ‘the Bear’ Sanders. There are features on venturing into (and even defining) the 41st Millennium, on navigating the hilarious carnage of the Blood Bowl pitch, and telling your own stories in Wrath and Glory. But the best part was rewriting and playing my favourite mission in a Battle Report - the four-player spectacular known only as Carnage. There will be blood (for the Blood God). Though the White Dwarf team have never really forgiven me for being a dirty splitter and leaving the team to write about goblins fulltime, working with the guys has been exceptionally rewarding. I have been collecting White Dwarf since I was a nipper, and contributing to it in one way or another for (gulp) a full haf of my lif. Its areal highlight of my career to be asked to guest edit the magazine, and fill an issue full ofthe sort of stories | loved reading as a kid. To those of you for whom this is your first magazine, good news ~ you've discovered a hobby so rich and rewarding it will sustain your escapism with cool characters and battles for a a lifetime. Venture in, friend, and never look back. PHIL KELLY Phil has been a member of the Games Workshop Design Studio for over twenty years — it's rumoured that he's written more words than any human could possibly read in a lifetime. And he’s still going! Turn to page 62 to read an interview with Phil. MARCH 20

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