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Suaib1, Syahrul Said2, Takdir Tahir3

1Masters of Nursing Student, Faculty of Nursing, Hasanuddin University Makassar
2.3 Lecture of Masters of Nursing Study Program, Faculty of Nursing, Hasanuddin University,
Email: suaibabubakar @ gmail .com


The nurse is a professional who has the ability, responsibility and authority in carrying out
nursing services/care at various levels of nursing services whose lives are fully influenced by
the quality of work life (QWL) as a consequence of a dynamic change in the work environment.
So that in order to increase the capacity of nurses in meeting the quality of health services, it
is necessary to research the Quality of Work Life. The purpose of the literature study was to
identify the nurses’ quality of work life in supporting the improvement of the quality of health
services. The database used in the making of this literature review is Pubmed, Science Direct
and Google Scholar published in 2012-2018. There are 6 articles that meet the criteria with the
results showing that the fulfillment of QWL nurses can affect organizational commitment, job
satisfaction and turnover. Fulfillment of nurses’ QWL is important to do, where if the nurses’
QWL is fulfilled it provides many benefits to the nurse and has a direct impact on the health
services provided so that organizational attention is needed because QWL is seen as capable
of increasing the participation of workers in the organization. The increase in QWL in the
hospital can improve the professionalism of nurses and influence the effectiveness and
organization productivity.

Keywords: QWL, nurses, hospital

INTRODUCTION condition and workplace environment that
The nurse is the largest group in the Hospital supports and promotes employee satisfaction by
(Vagharseyyedin, Vanaki, & Mohammadi, 2011). providing rewards, job security and opportunities
Nurse have the dominant number (50% -60%) of all to grow. According to Nayeri, Salehi, & Noghabi
human resources in the hospital (Kusnanto, 2004), (2011), QWL of nurses is the extent to which
providing 24 hours a day service and 7 days a week nurses will be satisfied with their important
and having more and longer contact or interaction with personal needs (growth, opportunities, security)
patients (Łaguna, Mielniczuk, Żaliński, & and organizational requirements (increased
Wałachowska, 2015) (Swansburg, 2000). Nursalam productivity, decreased turnover) through their
(2014) explained that the nurse is a professional who experience in their work organization while
has the ability, responsibility, and authority in carrying reaching the purpose. QWL is a degree of
out nursing services/ care at various levels of nursing fulfillment of human needs in a work environment.
services. If human needs are fulfilled, then the productivity
Issues related to nurse performance have always of the organization can increase (Beaudoin &
been a conversation in the community. Lack of Edgar, 2003). Fulfilling the needs of nurses is by
performance or nursing service is a global issue (Lee, supporting the rights of nurses, providing
Dai, Park, & McCreary, 2013). According to Gibson explanations about the impact of decisions, giving
(1987) in Sulistyowati (2012) performance is a explanations received by nurses, providing
behavior or performance that is relevant to solutions, providing explanations and realistic and
organizational goals that can be measured at the detailed descriptions. This is a manifestation of
professional level in accordance with the organizational justice and has an impact on
responsibilities imposed on him. Saleh, et al (2016) organizational commitment (Sjahruddin & Sudiro,
examined 170 nurses who worked in Class B Private 2013)
Hospitals City of Makassar about factors that affect job METHODS
satisfaction and nurse performance. The results of his This literature study through a search of
research showed that the variables that affect the scientific publications was range from 2012-2018.
nurse’s performance consist of the work environment The database used were Pubmed, Science Direct,
(CR: 3,286), transformational leadership (CR: 2,777) Google Scholar, based on PICOT search
and job satisfaction (CR: 5,692). Job satisfaction techniques. Searching on Pubmed database using
variables have a stronger influence on nurses' first keywords is quality of work life "AND" nurse
performance than other variables. (all fields) found 1645 articles, the second keyword
Nurses are some employees whose lives are fully is hospital "AND" organizational commitment "OR"
influenced by the quality of work life (QWL) as a job satisfaction "OR" turn over (all fields) found
consequence of dynamic changes in the work 46969 articles, if the first and the second keywords
environment. (Nayeri, Salehi, & Noghabi, 2011). are combined with range 2012-2018 and filtering
Beaudoin & Edgar (2003) define QWL as a favorable
Full text found 190 articles, articles filtering in English b. systematic review, and RCT article.
found 134 article. Article search results can be
Searching on Science direct database with the first described as follows:
keyword is quality of work life "AND" nurse found 1848
articles, the second keyword is hospital "AND"
Scienc Google
organizational commitment "OR" job satisfaction "OR" Pubmed e direct Schoolar
N=134 N=158 N=1690
turn over found 682 articles, if the first and the second
keywords are combined with ranged 2012-2018
filtering, 158 articles were found.
Searching on Google Schoolar database with the
first keyword is nurse, quality of work life, hospital, Database
organizational commitment, job satisfaction & turn over 1. Search literature Pubmed ,Science direct,
and published between 2012-2018 found 1690 articles. Google Schoolar
From the search results based on all databases,
namely Pubmed, Science Direct, google schoolar, 2. Full text, Double
Publication Eligibility N=32
found 538 articles, the next process is full text, double
publications and eligibility screening. From these
results found 12 articles, but as a final process, all 3. Screening abstract
articles are adjusted back with the inclusion criteria criteria
based on the literature title, as for the results obtained
6 articles. Below are the inclusion criteria and exclusion
criteria for the article search
1. Inclusion Criteria
a. Research articles about the quality of work life
carried out in hospitals.
1) Subjects are nurses
2) Publications are between 012-2018.
3) International publication.
4) Full text, journal article, open access.
2. Exclusion Criteria
a. Articles other than English.Literature review,
No Author Title of Country Method Instrument Result

1 Zhao (2012) Impact of China Cross- Anonymous self- The study

quality work sectional report confirmed the
life on job survey and questionnaires. hypothesized
embeddedne structural positive relation
ss and equation of quality of
affective work life with job
commitment embeddedness
and their co- and affective
effect on commitment and
turnover the
intention of hypothesized
nurses negative relation
of quality work
life with turnover
intention, that is,
high quality of
work life
perceived by
enhances their
and affective
commitment and
thereby reducing
their intention to
leave the job.

2 Actors (2017) Factors Thailand Questionnai Demographic The quality of

predicting the re Data Sheet, work life as
quality of Quality of perceived by
work among Nursing nurses in
hospital-level Work Life Bangladesh is
nurses in Survey, moderate.
hospitals, Expanded
Bangladesh Nursing Stress
Scale, the
Questionnaire of

Scale of the
Nursing Work

3 Kowitlawkul, Investigating Singapore A 6 Questionnaire Social support

Y. (2018) nurses' descriptive and sense of
quality of life quantitative coherence were
and work-life study found to be
statuses in design significant
Singapore predictors for
high quality of
life in all
domains. Most
spent time in
this study is
more time on
work than their
private lives.
However, there
was no
difference in job
among the four
groups of work
in private and
private life.

4 Almalki The Saudi cross- Brooks' survey Findings

(2012) relationship Arabia sectional of Quality of suggested that
between survey the respondents
Nursing Work
quality of were dissatisfied
Life, the
work life and with their work
the life, with almost
Turnover Scale,
40% indicated
turnover and
intention from
intention of demographic
their current
primary data questions
PHC centers.
health care

in Saudi

5 Lee (2013) Predicting Taiwan Descriptive three- Participants

Quality of survey questionnaire, rated QWL
Work Life on including the lower than 3 out
Nurses' Chinese version of a position 6
Intention to of the Quality of on three
Leave Nursing Work dimensions:
Life Scale (C- work
QNWL), arrangement
and workload,
work or home
life balance, and
nursing staff and
patient care.
ITLorg mean
score was
higher than the
midpoint on the
rating scale,
indicating that
nurses have an
average of al-
most monthly.

6. Abbasi Investigation Iran A cross- Work ability There is a

(2017) of the sectional index (WAI) significant
Relationship design of questionnaire. positive
between association
questionnai WRQoL Scale.
Work Ability between work
and Work- Statistical ability and QWL.
related analysis The ability has
Quality of Life also higher
in Nurses QWL.

Table 2: Synthetic Grid

RESULTS The quality of work life of nurses

Based on the search results, 6 articles were found according to research (Akter,
that matched the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Akkadechanunt, Chontawan, & Klunklin,
These studies relate to the quality of work life (QWL) of 2018), conducting research in Bangladesh
nurses in supporting the improvement of the quality of collected data from 288 registered nurses
health services. who were randomly selected, in six tertiary
Research (Zhao et al., 2013), confirmed the level hospitals. All nurses were asked to fill
hypothesis that there was a positive relationship out a questionnaire consisting of
between the quality of work life with work adhesion and Demographic Data, Quality of Nursing Work
affective commitment and hypothesis related to the Life Survey, Nurse’s stress level scale,
negative relationship of the quality of work life with the Organizational Commitment Questionnaire
turnover intentions, namely the high quality of work life and Nursing Work Environment Practice
felt by nurses will increase work attachment and their Scale Index and the result was that the
affective commitment and thus reduce their intention to quality of work life felt by nurses in
leave their work. The study involved 1000 nurses from Bangladesh was at the intermediate level.
5 large hospitals of the Heilongjiang provincial Best predictions related Monthly income
government in northeast China. depends on the work environment,
organizational commitment and work
pressure. The Greater monthly income helps nurses than 52.5% of nurses chose to intend to leave
meet their personal needs and with a positive work the organization. Seven QWL dimensions
environment makes nurses provide quality care to were significantly negatively correlated with
patients. ITLorg (r = −0.17 to −0.37, p <.01). The
The results of the study (Kowitlawkul et al., 2018) in nursing workforce market in Taiwan is not
their investigation by conducting a quantitative restricted, nurses can find jobs easily, and the
descriptive research approach to 1040 nurses in nursing work environment is getting worse
Singapore related to the balance status between the and it leads to high ITLorg.
quality of personal life and work life reported that social Research (Abbasi et al., 2017), about
support and sense of belonging are the main good investigating the relationship between work
qualities of the nurses’ quality of life. Most nurses in ability and work related to the quality of life of
this study spend more time to work than their personal nurses. This research method is using
lives. However, there is no significant difference in job questionnaire of Work ability index (WAI) &
satisfaction between time spent on work and personal WRQoL Scale, analyzed using a distribution
life. of Pearson and Spearman variables, One-
Creating and maintaining a healthy working life for way ANOVA, Kruskal-Wallis, T-test and
nurses is very important to improve their job Mann-Whitney is used for purpose analysis of
satisfaction, minimizing turnover, increasing p-values less than 0.05, statistically
productivity and improving the care outcome, as significant. The results of this study indicate
research conducted by (Almalki, FitzGerald, & Clark, that there was a significant relationship
2012), in Saudi Arabia using Brook's A survey of between the ability to work with QWL, namely
nurses in primary health care (PHC) found that nurses with higher work ability also have a
respondents were dissatisfied with their work life, with higher QWL.
almost 40% showing an intention to make turnover
from their current PHC Center agency. DISCUSSION
Organizational commitment is also a factor in QWL is an important concept for
fulfilling the nurses’ quality of work life, research (Lee organizations to recognize, attract and retain
et al., 2013), about the relationship between QWL and talented employees in order to ensure quality
organizational commitment in this matter discussing performance. Research (Akter et al., 2018)
the nurses' intention to leave their organization identifies several benefits of research that
(ITLorg) about the possibility of nurses to leave the can use findings through policies and
organization related to the non-fulfillment of the quality strategies for making rules, promotion based
of their work life, with a descriptive cross-sectional on educational qualifications and evaluating
survey approach conducted by using positive sampling its performance to improve the standards of
as many as 1228 nurses in seven hospitals in Taiwan. the nursing profession and the quality of
Researchers found that nurses’ QWL were lower, more nursing services. But it is necessary to
develop the 4 dimensions of QWL of nurses for good from
organizational commitment, increase job satisfaction, http://ijph.tums.ac.ir/index.php/ijph/artic
sense of belongingness and reduce turnover le/view/11253/5777
intentions. The quality of work life of nurses in
Akter, N., Akkadechanunt, T., Chontawan,
organizations or agencies in their implementation
R., & Klunklin, A. (2018). Factors
needs to be continuously monitored and evaluated so
predicting the quality of work life
that the perceived impact of nurses can be maximized.
among nurses in tertiary-level
hospitals, Bangladesh. International
Nursing Review, 65(2), 182–189.
Nurses’ QWL is an important element that must be
considered in the world of nursing, Quality of Nursing
Work Life (QNWL) has 4 dimensions, namely work life Almalki, M. J., FitzGerald, G., & Clark, M.
/family life, work design, work context and the world of (2012). The relationship between
work. The quality of life of nurses can directly and quality of work life and turnover
indirectly affect the safety and quality of patient care intention of primary health care nurses
(Kowitlawkul et al., 2018). Therefore, identifying the in Saudi Arabia. BMC Health Services
determinants that affect the quality of life of nurses is Research, 12(1), 314.
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