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1.1 Background of Analysis

In the daily life, language has a big role. Every human kind, society, or

nation in this world has their own languages. In other words we may say that no

human kind and no society live without language, because we know that language is a

part of human being. In narrow definition language is a tool of communication. While

in a wide definition, language is a medium to deliver or share our ideas, thoughts,

intentions. What Noam Chomsky says about language is “when we study language,

we are approaching what some might call the ' human essence ', the distinctive

qualities of mind so far as we know, unique to man". (Noam Avram Chomsky, 1968,

in Jendra,2010:1)

Ronal W. Langacker (1973: 5) and John Lyons (1975: 1) state : linguistic is

the study of human language. So it can be concluded that language is the object of


What is sociolinguistics? According to C. Criper and H.G Widdowson (in

J.P.B. Allen and S. Pit Corder Ed, 1975 : 156), " Sociolinguistic is the study of

language in operation, its purpose is to investigate how the conventions of language

use related to other aspects of social behaviors".

So technically, based on those definitions above we can deduce that

sociolinguistic discusses about language use and its relationship to the society viewed

from social and cultural aspects.

Nancy Parrot Hickerson (1980: 81) argues that “Sociolinguistic is a developing sub

field of linguistics which takes speech variation as its focus, viewing variation or its

social context. Sociolinguistic is concerned with the correlation between such social

factors and linguistics variations (social factors in this case are age, religion,

sex/gender and occupation) ".

Sociolinguistis analyzes the language and language use and its relationship toward

social and cultural aspects. That is why we have to understand the role of a language

in social interaction. It is clear now that sociolinguistics is a branch of linguistic that

takes language and the relationship with society as the object of study.

Language and society are close and correlates each other. A language exists because

of social interactions. Language and society are not static, but dynamic. The

dynamism of language caused of that society is also dynamic. That is why this

situation will make some changes especially in language choice, vocabularies or in

the other aspects of language. Even nowadays we can find so many facts that show us

especially among people in Indonesia, that there is a tendency that many people use

more than one language when they have conversations with others, or sometimes they

change a language or mix a language into other language when they speak.

Not only language has a role in a particular group of community, language also has a

big role in a marriage, especially in a cross cultural marriage. According to Celia Jaes

Falicov in her journal Cross-Cultural Marriages (1995), she states that we all

intermarry, even if we marry the boy next door.

In Indonesia, there are 3 types of languages such as, (1) Indonesian language, (2)

local language, and (3) foreign language. Indonesian language is a language used by

speaker in formal situations. Local language (mother tongue) is the languages that

can be used in a communication between a group of people in certain ethnicity (same

tribes); meanwhile foreign language is the languages that come from another


In this research, the researcher is interested to analyse the language used in a cross-

cultural marriage between Javanese and Bataknese in the sub-district of Medan

Maimun, Medan. The diversity of two different people from different cultural

background in the marriage may creates the differences of communication that we,

the people outside of cross-culture marriage, may not know. From here, there may be

linguistic variations occur. This phenomenon is what makes the researcher is

interested to know further about cross-cultural marriage and the language used.

1.2 Problem(s) of The Study

Based on the background of the study, the problems are formulated as follow:

1.What are the linguistic variations that can be found in the daily speech?

2.What is the impact of the linguistics variation used in the cross-cultural

marriage to both parties, social, and the morphological process?

3.What are the social factors that impacted the use of language in a cross-

cultural marriage?
1.3.Objective(s) of The Study

The research is conducted to find out the answers of the problem statements.

They are:

1.To identify the impacts of the linguistics variation used in the cross-cultural

marriage to both parties, social, and the morphological process.

2.To find out the social factors that impacted the use of language in a

cross-cultural marriage?

1.4 Scope of The Study

In this study, the researcher makes scope and limitation to keep the focus to

the research. The scopes in this study is the linguistic variation used in a cross-

cultural marriage in Maimun sub-distric, Medan.

1.5 Significant of The Study

The researcher hopes that this research will be able to enrich the

researcher’s comprehension about cross-cultural marriage and also to

understand the type of the language they use in daily and the factors that

supported the use of the language. Furthermore, by doing this reseach, we

will get to know the impact of the language use to their life.
This research hopefully has some benefit for everyone especially to the

researcher and will enrich our knowledge about something we don’t know


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