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Gear systems acceleration

Lab experiment
Objective of the lab:
To Calculate Geared arrangement acceleration along with relating it to the Theoratical
Basic of the experiment:
By discussing in actions, torques due to friction to shaft driving mechanisms put on Newton’s
second law has a tendency to be seemed

T1 – TR (1) = IEQ (1)α1

α1 = (0.5 m * g * d - TR(1))/(0.25 m * d2+IEQ1)


α1 = - increase in the shaft speed Angularly 1,

T1 = - Practical Torque at the driving shaft 1,
TR (1) = - Torque due to Resistance
𝑇𝐹2∗ 𝑛21 𝑇𝐹3∗𝑛21∗ 𝑛32 𝑇𝐹4∗𝑛21 ∗𝑛32 ∗𝑛43
TR (1) = TF1 + + +
𝜂21 𝜂21∗ 𝜂32 (𝜂32 ∗𝜂43)∗𝑛21

IEQ (1) - equal snapshot of inactivity:

𝐼2 ∗ 𝑛2 21 𝐼3 ∗𝑛2 21∗ 𝑛2 32 𝐼4 ∗𝑛2 21∗ 𝑛2 32∗ 𝑛2 43
IEQ (1) = I1 + + +
𝜂21 𝜂21 ∗𝜂32 𝜂21 ∗𝜂32 ∗𝜂43

TFof(n) = Sliding torques considered to shaft n,

In = inactivity considered with the shaft n,
nji = proportion of speed of shaft 'j' concerning shaft 'I', nji = ωj/ωi = ti/tj
ηji = productive transmission in between two shafts 'moment of inertia' and torque
d = torque measurement of the first shaft

Required Apparatus:
 Geared equipment arrangement rigs.
 Timer for counter orbit plus inductive probe.
 Collection for bulked, wire Figures
(t1) Ninety teeth.
(t2 ) thirty and ninety-six teeth.
(t3 ) twenty-four and hundred teeth.
(t4 ) twenty teeth.
The experimental data determined is as follows
I1. = 21.60 × 10-3 (kg-m2) TF1 = (2.190 × 10-3 )N-m η21. = (90.40%)
I2 . = 24.80 × 10-3 ( kg-m2) TF2 = (3.630 × 10-3 )N-m η23. = (94.10%)
I3. = 25.10 × 10-3 (kg-m2 ) TF3 =( 3.120 × 10-3 )N-m η34. = (97.90%)
I4. = 13.500 × 10-3 (kg-m2) TF4 = (3.110 × 10-3 )N-m
Note: the ratchet handle is attached along the shaft 1 .
a) Properly mesh all apparatus for distribute in 4-shaft.
b) Plinth trial for awning 60 starting cycle for latency circle combined to shaft number 4.
Use different masses 6-8-10-12 kg.
Experiment procedure:
1. Put on accelerated weight over drum and torque onto the shaft number 1. That mass will
bring collective speed till torque T1.
2. By using fastening handle, it will increase in weight to stopover all swivel into scheme.
3. Announcement the weight by expelling fastening handle for permitting accelerating
candidly in the motion under gravity.
4. Memorize the observation presented in the poker chip equal continually as they display up
till mass sensed during floor and 20 second afterward that. After it there are 60.0 gaps,
every recurrence perusing will speak to the normal rakish speed of this part by considering
in four cycles respective moment displayed at two second interludes. It is arranged to
employ a video tape recorder (mobile camera) to greatest these analyses for stake handling.

Time Mass 6.0kg Mass 8.0kg Mass 10.0kg Mass 12.0kg
Interval Angular Velocity Angular Velocity Angular Velocity Angular Velocity
2.0 31.0 104.0 77.0 20.0
4.0 135.0 172.0 174.0 172.0
6.0 174.0 228.0 244.0 258.0
8.0 213.0 283.0 313.0 341.0
10.0 252.0 336.0 380.0 423.0
12.0 289.0 390.0 446.0 503.0
14.0 327.0 441.0 511.0 583.0
16.0 362.0 491.0 574.0 660.0
18.0 398.0 540.0 637.0 737.0
20.0 433.0 588.0 698.0 812.0
22.0 468.0 635.0 758.0 887.0
24.0 501.0 680.0 817.0 919.0
26.0 534.0 725.0 877.0 900.0
28.0 566.0 770.0 905.0 882.0
30.0 598.0 814.0 886.0 864.0
32.0 629.0 807.0 867.0 846.0
34.0 660.0 790.0 850.0 829.0
36.0 671.0 774.0 832.0 813.0
38.0 641.0 757.0 816.0 797.0
5. Redo the steps all 1-5 for another acceleration masses.
Data processing:
1. Now we have to Compute the transmission proportion of the geared boxes

𝐷𝑟𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑛 𝐺𝑒𝑎𝑟
Transmission Ratio of geared box = G =
𝐷𝑟𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝐺𝑒𝑎𝑟

Gears Transmission Ratio

G1. = (T1/T2) =
1st Gear 96/30.0 3.20:1.0
G2. = (T1/T2 )=
2nd Gear 90/30.0 3.0:1.0
G3. = (T1/T2) = 1.20:
3rd Gear 24/20 1.0
For Gear 4 G4 = T4/T3 = 100/24 4.20:1.0
Total Transmission
ratios G=(G1)(G2)(G3)(G4) 47.0:00
2. All experiment reading (speeding up mass).

a. Plotting rotational speed ( rad/s) VS shaft (4) time.

Angular Velocity vs Time
Angular velocity rad/sec

Graph for Weight 6 kg

y = 17.09x + 73.035
Graph for Weight 8 kg
400 Angular Velocity vs Time Angular Velocity vs Time
1500 1500
Angular velocity

Angular Velocity
y = 22.414x + 165.51 y = 21.481x + 214.91
1000 1000

0 10 20 30 40

500 500
0 10 20 30 40
0 10 20 30 40
sec sec

Graph for Weight 10 kg Graph for Weight 12 kg

a. Using the graph ascertain the specific growing speeds of shaft 4 (the slanting of
the turn in (a)).
𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝐴𝑛𝑔𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑟 𝑉𝑒𝑙𝑜𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝛿𝜔
Angular Acc = =
𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝑇𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝛿𝑡

For Mass 6 Kg For Mass 8 Kg For Mass 10 Kg For Mass 12 Kg

Radian/second2 Radian/second2 Radian/second2 Radian/second2
4.94 2.56 4.997 8.05
1.994 3.93 3.66 3.50
1.994 3.87 3.61 3.34
1.004 3.77 2.50 4.29
2.93 3.82 3.45 3.18
2.98 2.67 2.40 4.18
1.86 3.61 3.29 4.03
2.86 2.56 2.29 3.03
1.84 3.51 3.19 3.92
2.83 2.46 2.14 3.92
1.72 1.35 3.08 1.67
1.72 2.35 3.14 0.99
0.67 1.35 1.46 -0.94
1.67 2.30 -0.99 1.94
1.62 -0.36 0.99 0.94
0.62 0.89 0.89 0.89
0.57 -0.83 -0.94 -0.83
-1.57 0.89 0.83 0.83
-5.26 -0.83 -1.93 -0.78
4.45 0.83 0.20 0.83

1.57 0.83 -0.89 -0.83
c) Calculate angular acceleration of shaft 1 applying consequences got the b in that particular
the accelerating of Rakish shaft 1 is different from accurate hastening of fourth shaft because of
development of the torque drums detachment across of first shaft and fourth shaft:

moment of force drum value of distance diagonally in first shaft as d1. = (76.2) mm approx. (3-
moment of forec(torque) drum value of distance diagonally in fourth Shaf as d4. = 50.8 mm approx.
Experimentally estimation of rotational acceleration of shaft 1 = 0.71
Calculations by theory:
Calculating for estimation for acceleration of first shaft or a similar acceleration weights
α1 = 2

Where, torque due to Resistance is by applying in efficiency values, n and torque we will have
𝑇𝐹2∗ 𝑛21 𝑇𝐹3∗ 𝑛21 ∗𝑛32 𝑇𝐹4∗𝑛21 ∗𝑛32 ∗𝑛43
TR (1) = TF1 + 𝜂21
𝜂21 ∗𝜂32
𝜂21 ∗𝜂32 ∗𝜂43

𝑇𝑅(1) = 0.025
Equal moment of Inertia:
𝐼2 ∗𝑛2 21 𝐼3 ∗𝑛2 21∗ 𝑛2 32 𝐼4 ∗𝑛2 21∗ 𝑛2 32∗𝑛2 43
IEQ (1) = I1 + 𝜂21
𝜂21 ∗𝜂32
𝜂21 ∗𝜂32 ∗𝜂43

𝐼𝐸𝑄1= 0.34

So, Angular Acceleration of the driving Shaft 1:

0.5 𝑚𝑔𝑑−𝑇𝑅(1)
α1 =

α1 = 0.3 rad/sec2
Applying the second law of Newton,
T1 – TR (1) = IEQ (1)*α1
T1 – TR (1) = 0.0870

1. Relate the values to experimented values.
α1 (Experimental result) 0.70
α1 (Theoretical result) 0.30

𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐮𝐥𝐭
% Error = * 100
𝐄𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐥 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐮𝐥𝐭

Estimated error = 0.3 / .71(100) = 42%

Final conclusion and discussions on the experiment:
The formula used in estimation for precise increasing speed first shaft, is hypothetically is outlined
underneath, angular accelerate for this time rate of progress of precise speed. In three
measurements, In SI units, it is estimated in radians every second squared (rad/s2),
α1 = (1/2 mgd-TR (1))/(1/4 md2+IEQ1)
The T1 = ½ mgd can't be utilized to compute quickening torque at shaft 1 since torque produces
precise increasing speed in an item is distinctive for various masses either torque drum width is
In rotational movement, torque is required to deliver angular increasing speed of an item. The
measure of torque required to create a precise quickening relies upon the dispersion of the mass of
the items. Understanding of precise speeding up among estimated and determined qualities
discloses to us that there is a of blunder among exploratory and determined qualities that distinction
is 42% between that qualities.
No, Angular acceleration isn't steady. Angular acceleration is the change due to change of precise
speed of an article as for time. It must be steady if an item is moving with a consistent precise
speed regarding time. Yet, here angular increasing speed is changes somewhat with the adjustment
in time. In this way, it doesn't stay steady.
Assumption for consistent precise speeding up, if rakish speed and rakish increasing speed are
both parallel to hub of revolution then at steady precise speed rakish quickening will be zero.
Technique to decide the mass of the heap utilizing tentatively estimated conditions of the rakish
speeds on time can be estimated as:

Masses Equations
6 Kg y = 17.09x + 73.035
8 Kg
y = 20.181x + 139.81
10 Kg
y = 22.414x + 165.51
12 Kg
y = 21.481x + 214.91

angular velocity is likewise a vector, pointing toward the precise speed. Angular velocity necessary
depend on mass and even distribution of mass. The condition demonstrates that the consistent
factor of 0.3 time in above given conditions is expanding at each 2kg of weight increasing. By
utilizing these conditions, we can recognize the relationship of precise speeds regarding time at
given mass and If we have weight given for one condition at exactly that point, we can without
much of a stretch distinguish the weight utilized for some other condition.
1. Advanced gear manufacturing and finishing process (Page 323-350) Sr. Lecturer,
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Technology, University of
Johannesburg, Johannesburg, RSA
2. Advanced Gear Engineering (Mechanisms and Machine Science Book 51) 1st
Edition, Kindle Edition by Veniamin Goldfarb
3. Dudley's Handbook of Practical Gear Design and Manufacture, Second Edition 2nd
Edition by Stephen P. Radzevich

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