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Last Name: Dias First Name: Daniel Feitosa

Do you have a passport? YES

Passport Exp Date: Jan 2029

Home Airport: Sao Paulo International Airport - GRU

Have you visited our website NCL.com and reviewed our NCL Shipboard Yes
Employment information?
Have you been provided with and reviewed the job description? Yes
Can you perform the dut~!i° _d requirements oHhej~you areapplying for? I Yes
While NCL provides accommodations, most positions share a room with 1-3
roommates which are set based on position. Are you aware of your rooming

situation and able to accept sharing a room with roommates?

I- --------·-- ·-· ··------------ --- -------
Shipboard employment means living and working onboard for contract Yes
assignment periods of 4-1 o months, designated based on position. Are you
willing to commit to contractual assignments of these lengths? (These are
renewable contracts, based on performance.)
Employees are expected to work 7 d-a-ys_ a_w_e_e_k_w_it_h_ 1O
_ h_o_u_
rs_o_r- more per day.l Yes
Are you willing to comply with this schedule?

At NCL, our approach to hiring is unique. We are privileged with a steady flow
of well qualified applicants whom we consider for both current and future needs.
Yes l
Therefore, applicants that are approved may experience an average of 2-6 ·
months (or more) of a wait period before deployment assignments can be
made. Are you able to work with this arrangement?
All selected candidates, upon deployment a;sig~ment, must be able to
successfully complete all pre employment clearance steps, including police
· Y~-;-- ·---- ------------ 1
clearance/ background check, medical and fitness exams which includes drug I
I test and lab works. Are you willing to comply with this requirement?
All candidates who have successfully completed the pre employment clearance ..,
steps must be able to obtain a U.S. C1/D visa for shipboard employment. Will Yes. .
you be eligible and able to obtain this visa when time comes? (Are you aware i 1~m able to obtain C1/D
of any reasons as to why you may not be able to obtain this required visa?) ' visa.

Are there any reasons that you cannot fulfill the time & energy commitments
required for onboard work?
-- -- ----- --- ---·-·- -'---·----- - -· ·
Have you ever been terminated or fired from a job? Yes, resignated .
If yes, how many times? Please explain. I and my family decided to move
to a safer city

If you have planned or scheduled personal obligations that we need to know J;.
about, please list specific dates that you are NOT available to work.
- --·- - ·-·--·- ·--· ·--- - ---
Since applicants for shipboard employment on NCL are located throughout the . Yes
world, we utilize web cam interviews as a means of a face to face meeting. Do
you have or are you able to locate access to do a web cam interview?

Generally, when are you most flexible with time for interviews? (week day & Weekdays
Time) . 9 amto 10 pm
j (GMT-2)

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