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Minimally Invasive Surgery Center, Department Section Head, Surgical Endoscopy, Department
of General Surgery, The Cleveland Clinic of General Surgery, The Cleveland Clinic

Laparoscopic repair of giant

paraesophageal hernias:
An update for internists
■ A B S T R AC T A artery
65- YEAR-OLD WOMAN with coronary
disease, hypertension, gastroe-
Paraesophageal hernias are typically associated with symptoms sophageal reflux disease, and osteoporosis pre-
and can sometimes lead to life-threatening complications. We sented to her primary care physician reporting
recommend laparoscopic surgical repair for patients with symp- postprandial discomfort and weight loss of 15
tomatic paraesophageal hernias. This article explains why and pounds.
presents a general overview of the laparoscopic repair of para- Physical examination. The patient
esophageal hernias and its merits relative to open surgical repair. appeared frail. Her abdomen appeared normal
(soft, nontender, without masses, and with
■ KEY POINTS bowel sounds in all four quadrants), but her
Patients with paraesophageal hernias tend to be elderly stool was heme-positive.
and often have significant comorbidities. Radiographic evaluation. A chest radi-
ograph (FIGURE 1) revealed a large intrathoracic
stomach bubble. An upper gastrointestinal
Laparoscopic repair of paraesophageal hernias is associated series showed a giant type III paraesophageal
with less postoperative discomfort and shorter hernia with organoaxial rotation and an
hospitalization and recovery times compared with open upside-down stomach (FIGURE 2).
surgical repair. Upper endoscopy revealed linear gastric
Almost all patients who undergo laparoscopic hernia repair She underwent an uncomplicated laparo-
obtain symptom relief, but patients in some reported series scopic procedure to repair her paraesophageal
have experienced asymptomatic hernia recurrence. hernia and was discharged home on the second
postoperative day. She resumed her usual
activities within 2 weeks.



Paraesophageal hernias usually occur in elder-

ly people and account for between 5% and
10% of all hiatal hernias.1 Hiatal hernias are
defined by the relationship between the stom-
ach, the gastroesophageal junction, and the
hiatal defect.1 Paraesophageal hernias occur
when the fundus of the stomach herniates
alongside the esophagus into the chest. The
more common sliding hernias, by contrast,



Paraesophageal hernia:
Chest view Upper GI series

FIGURE 1. Chest radiograph in a 65-year-old FIGURE 2. Upper gastrointestinal series in

woman, showing a gastric air bubble in the the same patient, showing a large type III
posterior mediastinum. paraesophageal hernia with organoaxial
Paraesophageal rotation.

hernias occur when the gastroesophageal junction ■ SYMPTOMS SHOULD PROMPT

moves cephalad, and may predispose to gas- SURGICAL REPAIR
account for troesophageal reflux.
5%–10% of Paraesophageal hernias tend to be large, Historically, surgical repair has been indicated
yet patients with these hernias may have no for patients with paraesophageal hernias
hiatal hernias symptoms. Upon detailed questioning, how- regardless of whether they have related symp-
ever, most patients report some symptom toms.3,4 The rationale has been that, if left
attributable to their hernia. Typical symptoms untreated, 30% to 45% of patients develop
and signs include chest pain, epigastric dis- serious complications, and mortality rates of
comfort, shortness of breath, postprandial dis- up to 50% have been reported among these
comfort, nausea, vomiting, weight loss, patients.3,4
esophageal reflux, and anemia. Recently, several authors have questioned
Moreover, patients with paraesophageal the need for repair in a truly asymptomatic
hernias may develop life-threatening compli- patient.5 Our current practice is to offer laparo-
cations, including2: scopic surgical repair to patients with sympto-
• Intrathoracic incarceration of the stom- matic hernias, but to use conservative manage-
ach with accompanying obstruction ment for patients with asymptomatic hernias.
(vomiting, dysphagia, and chest pain)
• Decreased pulmonary reserve (from com- Open or laparoscopic surgery?
promised lung expansion) Because patients with paraesophageal hernias
• Bleeding (mechanical or ischemic gastric tend to be elderly, they often have significant
ulcerations) comorbid conditions. For this reason, a mini-
• Strangulation mally invasive approach can be particularly
• Perforation. beneficial, reducing postoperative pain and the


length of hospitalization and convalescence.6 Paraesophageal hernia: laparoscopic repair
The alternatives, thoracotomy or laparoto-
my, result in significant postoperative morbidi-
ty and discomfort and require extensive post-
operative rehabilitation. Patients stay in the
hospital for 7 to 10 days, on average, after a
thoracotomy or laparotomy, whereas most
patients are discharged on the second day after
a laparoscopic repair. Patients also return to full
function more quickly after laparoscopic repair
than with the more invasive alternatives.


Preoperative evaluation
The routine preoperative evaluation consists of:
• A complete history and physical exami-
• Chest radiography CCF
• Upper gastrointestinal series to define the ©2003
• Flexible upper endoscopy to rule out other
anatomic abnormalities. FIGURE 3. Intra-abdominal depiction of a completely
Ambulatory esophageal pH testing and reduced stomach with a Toupet fundoplication performed
at the gastroesophageal junction. Here an anterior
esophageal manometry are not routinely gastropexy is performed with sutures placed in the gastric
obtained since they are often unreliable, body and a suture passer bringing the sutures out extracor-
owing to the anatomic distortion of the gas- poreally. When the gastropexy is completed, the sutures will
troesophageal junction in patients with a fix the stomach to the anterior abdominal wall.
paraesophageal hernia.

The technique They are then advanced to a diet of soft solids

Whether approached laparoscopically or for 2 weeks and then to a regular diet as toler-
through a laparotomy or thoracotomy, the ated.
optimal surgical techniques for surgical repair
continue to be debated. ■ OUTCOMES OF LAPAROSCOPIC REPAIR
Our standard laparoscopic technique
involves a five-port approach. All patients The open surgery standard
undergo reduction of the hernia into the If laparoscopic surgery is proposed as the
abdomen, complete mediastinal sac excision, method of choice for paraesophageal hernia
primary crural repair, an antireflux procedure repair, the operative principles and results of
(Toupet fundoplication), and an anterior gas- traditional open surgery should be main-
tropexy. The anterior gastropexy involves tained.7
suturing the anterior stomach wall to the Several large series with long-term follow-
anterior abdominal wall in two sites (FIGURE 3). up have shown hernia recurrence rates of 7%
Esophageal lengthening procedures (Collis to 11% following open surgical repair of
gastroplasty) are not performed. paraesophageal hernias.8–10 In one of these
series, Maziak et al8 reported on symptom-
Postoperative diet based outcomes following 94 consecutive
Patients are placed on a liquid diet on the first open surgical repairs performed over 36 years.
postoperative day if a meglumine diatrizoate Ninety-seven percent of the repairs were per-
(Gastrografin) swallow reveals no leakage. formed via left posterolateral thoracotomy.



After a mean follow-up of 94 months, 93% of deaths occurred. All patients experienced
patients were free of symptoms or had only symptomatic relief, and barium esophageal
“inconsequential” symptoms requiring no studies revealed no anatomic recurrences dur-
therapy. Clearly this is a standard that laparo- ing a mean follow-up of 21 months (range 12
scopic repair has to match. These authors also to 24 months).
reported two postoperative deaths, one of All of the paraesophageal hernias we have
which was directly attributable to a leak of the encountered could be reduced into the
staple line from the gastroplasty procedure. abdomen without undue tension after adequate
sac excision. Also, none of our patients
The laparoscopic record so far required an esophageal lengthening procedure.
Most series that have reported on laparoscop- This supports the notion that adequate
ic repair of paraesophageal hernias have used esophageal mobilization and complete sac exci-
primarily symptomatic follow-up and have sion with gastropexy results in satisfactory
reported hernia recurrence rates of 0% to anatomic repair of these defects. One patient in
5%.6,11–14 Because patients can have large our series developed transient postoperative
paraesophageal hernias without accompany- dysphagia that required endoscopic dilatation.
ing symptoms before surgical repair, it is rea- This rate is somewhat lower than previously
sonable not to rely solely on symptomatic out- reported rates of postoperative dysphagia (eg,
comes for evaluating potential postoperative 13% in the open surgery series of Maziak et al8).
recurrence. Two recent reports of laparoscopic
series that evaluated paraesophageal hernia ■ LAPAROSCOPIC REPAIR IS SAFE, FEASIBLE
patients with postoperative radiographic stud-
ies found high rates of asymptomatic anatom- The laparoscopic repair of paraesophageal her-
ic recurrence, ranging from 23% to 42%.15,16 nias is safe and feasible and can provide excel-
At The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, lent results. Because most patients with parae-
one surgeon (J.P.) performed 28 consecutive sophageal hernias are elderly, like the one in
laparoscopic repairs of large paraesophageal our case report, the laparoscopic approach
hernias between July 2000 and January 2002. offers the important advantages of minimal
One intraoperative complication (a small tear postoperative pain and convalescence and an
in the esophagus) occurred but was recognized early return to normal activities. This mini-
immediately and repaired laparoscopically. mally invasive approach provides these short-
The patient recovered without further event. term benefits while maintaining a long-lasting
No major postoperative complications or durable repair.

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