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SAME Survey Results

1. I consider myself to be very realistic and one of my friend's responses showed be as

25 realistic. I would think that anyone that knows me knows that I am very pessimistic,
so it surprised me that he chose that. I also consider myself to be adaptive to different
settings that I am in, so I was surprised people thought that I was direct. I foresaw the
realistic one and the dominance one, since I know that I portray those most in my
everyday life. I also assumed that people would choose me to be an introvert, however,
one of my friends put me as a 75 extrovert. This was very surprising and when I asked
her why, she said that she was comparing my outgoingness to her own. So with that, I
am more extroverted than her which is why she thinks I am an extrovert.
2. For me, the most important trait is introverted vs. extroverted. I can be categorized
as both, which the results from the SAME survey show me. I consider myself to be
more of an introvert, however, in different situations I can be very extroverted and can
be the one to break the ice. It all depends. This defines my character in that it decides
the actions I take and the communication I have with others. Another would be the
dominance trait. Both survey takers placed me high for dominance and I agree with
their answers. I like to be right and I will defend my stance. This trait is important to
me since I like to stand up for what I believe in and what I think is right.
3. Of these traits my weakness is being introverted. I would love to be able to be very
open in all circumstances, however, I find certain situations awkward and tend to stray
away from them. This weakness for me sometimes controls social situations and
inhibits my ability to interact with others. Another weakness would be my
indecisiveness. I am very passive, so when someone gives me a choice, I am unsure of
which is the right choice, although there nerviest is a right answer. This can cause me
to stress over deciding on a place to eat or which outfit I should wear. Unnecessary
stress is added into my life due to my indecisive nature.
4.I rely most on my ability to adapt to different situations. This is the most used trait in
my daily life due to the fact that during school, we are all put into different settings in
which we must adapt to. At school and outside of school, many social scenarios are
thrown my way and being able to adapt is very important for me. Also planning and
being organized. Even though I am very much a procrastinator, writing everything
down I need to do helps me plan ahead. I may wait to the last minute, however, I
always get it done. Planning is very important for balancing school and a social life,
which is a huge aspect of being a high school student.

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