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Vision Quest

Luminous Shamanic Dreaming Your Life

Into Being.

Dream Recording Workbook

Sharon Ramel
1st Edition

Dream and Being .................................................3
Tips to get you started ..........................................................4
What Is A Vision Quest? ......................................5
Dreaming My Heart Felt Life ..............................6
I am here reclaiming my sacred dreams .............................6
Sleep Is The First Key .......................................... 7
Unleash your dreams to your vision quest .......................... 7
Discover Mindfulness............................................................ 7
What dreams are coming to you as you engage in conscious walking? Nature informs
us how to go with the flow and change rather than resist. In this way walking is
powerful as it informs us with every step we take. Record your ‘day dreaming’ in your
journal. ............................................................................................................................. 9
Dream Description & Date ............................................................................................. 10
Dream Description & Date .............................................................................................. 11
Dream Description & Date ..............................................................................................12
Dream Description & Date ..............................................................................................13
Dream Description & Date ..............................................................................................14
Dream Description & Date ..............................................................................................15
Dream Description & Date ..............................................................................................16

Diet To Enrich Your Dreams .............................17

Igniting your potential in all realms of time...................... 17
Supplements You May Find Useful ....................................21
Sacred cacao ceremony ...................................................... 22
Yoga Nidra To Vision Quest ..............................26
Active dreaming through the divine practice of yoga nidra
will leave your refreshed and dreaming. ..........................26
Yoga Nidra To Vision Quest ...........................................................................................26

You Are A Shaman ............................................30

Your Solo Vision Quest ...................................... 35
Dream and Being
You many print this workbook or you may prefer to use a journal or notebook.

As shamans we dream when we are awake as well as when we go to sleep. Free yourself for
this moment and receive the element of air - breathe deeply. The exercises and pathways
in this course are designed for you to actively dream and will bring you even more in a
receptive state. Start right with this mantra:

“I am open to receive the messages from all who wish to work with me”

When you wake up during the night or the following morning, stay in bed for a few
minutes and see what lingers from your dreams. There might be whole stories, fragmented
images, sounds, smells, colours, people. Whatever is there, focus your attention on it and
see what else comes back from the dream. When you feel you are ready, write down what
you discovered.

Do the same for your daytime dreaming or after one of the videos in the course. Simply
record what happens - just write. Don’t try to analyse it, or draw conclusions. Just write it
down. Even if there are only fragments, record them. Although it might not make sense to
you now, all will be clear in the time to follow.

We are here too:

• Honour the infinite potential that exists within us all.

• See our capacity to realise our dreams both sleeping and waking as a great gift.

• Surrender to our inner light and knowing as we experience and allow our true beauty to
shine forth for all to see.

• See we are body, mind and spirit. Time to cease thinking the western standard of body
mind and see our luminous light body.

• Know we are divine light.

“You are beginning to understand, aren’t you?  That the whole world
is inside you - in your perspectives and in your heart. That to be able
to find peace, you must be at peace with yourself first; and to truly
enjoy life, you must enjoy who you are. Once you learn how to master
this, you will be protected from everything that makes you feel like
you cannot go on.  With this gift of recognising yourself, even when
you are alone,  you will never be lonely.” - Unknown
Let us all step forward to owning everything we experience in our lives and seeing
challenge for what it truly is - medicine for our soul. Our souls are yearning for us to
remember who we truly are - choose the deeper state of oneness as you see the ego for
what it is. Let go; dream and fly.

Tips to get you started

1. Don't wait - write when you wake!

2. Include as much detail as you can.

3. If it's easier, draw your dream.

4. Compare your dreams to your waking life. (Record them too).

5. Look for patterns in your dreams; they might reveal what you're subconsciously
thinking about

You may prefer an online dream journal. You can create and craft one for free using
templates from a free App called Penzu

Shamans believe that an enlightened person not only speaks truth but
recognises and understands the true nature of reality both when
awake and when asleep. - Alberto Villoldo

What are we made of after all? The same 'stuff' as everything else
is made from. Release all limiting feelings and thoughts as you
enter into the river of eternity - that cosmic vastness that knows
we are simply a part of all of creation. Dream freely entering
your divinely guided vision quest to your truth. - Sharon Ramel
What Is A Vision Quest?
A Vision Quest is generally seen as a nature-based ancient
rite of passage ceremony that provides us with the
opportunity to be still. It has its history in the ancient ways
and is commonly associated with periods of meditation and
fasting in the wilderness for a period of days. Done well it
can be a key turning point in your life. Today I am offering
you a new vision of the classic vision quest. Most of you do
not dream well, or cannot recall your dreams and are not
seeing the messages in your day dreaming time. What I am
proposing here is a series of way to re-connect with your
deep dreams by changing some aspects of your life to
provide you with the stillness and ability to see with clarity.

Our purpose here is to use the ancient ways to dream the

new ways into being. We are not about to catapult ourselves
back over 30,000 years. This is about the cultural bridge
that unites us through all layers of time and being.

Dream and fly on the wings of love.

What do you need to do?

You need to actually apply the lessons it will not happen

without your full commitment
Dreaming My Heart Felt Life
I am here reclaiming my sacred dreams

Together let us dare dream the shamanic way - with gusto and love as we examine
our lives and society - the way everything is mistreated. Instead of imagining and
dreaming about the worst outcomes we CHOOSE to embrace a positive vision
quest for ourselves, our dear Earth mother and all of her creations.

Lets make a start by promising ourselves to give ourselves 5-10 minutes each
morning when we wake up – this is our dedicated to be gentle with ourselves, ease
into the day and to focus our attention on our dreams. Do nothing else - do not
check your Facebook feed or anything other mobile or electronic device that lures
you away from the sacred.

Waking is a magical wonder filled time of day.

Our minds can be our nightmares as our ego rules wanting to know what happened
whilst we were sleeping. If you dedicate you time to social media, television etc first
up then it’s no wonder you don’t remember your dreams!

Allow yourself a chance to slowly transition from the dream world to the waking
world – and remember the dreams you have just experienced.

Don’t forget to set intent each night. Every night before you hop into bed, See
yourself in bed and say to your ‘sleeping self’: "I will remember my dreams". Say it
from your heart, it matters. You might also like to put a sprig of lavender to a few
drops of it on your pillow for sweet dreams.

Understand that whilst the information age has ushered in some amazing
advancements we have become poorer. We don’t embrace knowledge that goes
beyond mere facts and the logical arrangement of those facts. Too many of us have
lost the awareness of the value of directly experiencing the sacred … we are divine,
we were born that way and here now I invite you to step back into your birth rite by
courageously dreaming once again.

In many indigenous cultures to vision quest means heading out into the wilderness
to fast for a number of days and nights. However you can vision quest by drawing
deeply into your dreams. If you do not dream or think you don’t then try the
weeklong diet detox in the following chapter to assist you onto the right path
Sleep Is The First Key
Unleash your dreams to your vision quest

Sleeping well will change your entire perspective on life. Many of us wander dazed
and grazed from life from one day to the next not really sure of why we no longer
sleep nor dream well. I was one of them so be assured I have felt you pain and
understand only too well. There are many culprits - diet and our online immersion
being two.

When we sleep well we can make real step recalling our dreams.

It's simply not possible to invoke consciousness during a dream without having a
good, solid appreciation of consciousness during your waking life.

Dreaming to vision quest is about understanding the power of your own mind and
discovering a deeper appreciation of the nature of our conscious experiences.

Discover Mindfulness
Mindfulness is a key sleep well and thus dreaming our vision quest. It is time to cease
zoning out and become aware in a light and centred way when we are awake.

Here is a simple exercise for you to see how aware you are of you ‘awake time’

Think about the last time you were in nature. Engage fully in the memory - try not to get
distracted and stay with the memory - really see all the details, recall the smells, the
colours, what you heard in nature - the gifts it gave you, the time of the year, the reason
you were there. This should not take too long. Fill in as much detail as you zone in fully
into this experience of recalling what was.

How did you go? Did your mind wander onto other thoughts, tasks, Facebook? Or did you
stay fully committed?

The Buddhists often employ walking mediation - it is profound and so easy to do in our
everyday life. It is one of the simplest ways to bring this thing called mindfulness into
being without stressing about what it is and why we need it. Walking meditation is very
enjoyable - and it only takes a few minutes! It also shows you need not be perfectly still in
order to meditate!
Walking meditation

To do a walking meditation, simply

keep your mind in the present as
you take a mindful walk around the
office or the block. The idea is not
to walk to get somewhere, but
simply to enjoy the walk. If you
want, repeat a meaningful phrase
to yourself in a rhythmic cadence
that fits comfortably with your
movement and your breath. For
example, as you breathe in, take
four steps in time with a phrase
such as "Gratefully I walk and
say..." As you breath out, take four
steps in time with another phrase,
such as "Thank you for this lovely
day." (You can also do this kind of
moving meditation with other
rhythmic forms of exercise, such as
swimming laps or jogging.)

There are plenty of simple yet powerful practices you can use to enhance your daytime
or waking time. This brings about mindfulness in a gentle way.

Variations on this are only limited by your imagination. Try this next time you are out
walking along the street.

Slowly close your eyes for a moment and inhale deeply. Slow down your every
movement and thought. There is no rush. Before you begin close your eyes and receive
the element of air. smell the air, feel the air in your throat, radiating throughout your being;
feel the lightness of air. Note how every breath you receive feels different - it may be
subtle, really tune in.

Don't get frustrated if thoughts come in, simply let them go try not to give them your
attention; let them float away, and return to your breath.

When you are comfortable with the element of air we will move on to tune into our other

Now really tune into your feet, listen to them, feel them. Those often neglected hard
working poorly shod feet who carry you and your dreams. Really tune into how they feel.
Listen to the soles of your feet as they connect with the ground. Feel the bones of your feet
and each and every indentation of the ground and how the energy of each subtly
reverberates up through your feet and transfers into your body. Feel your legs and how the
individual muscles work as they move. Focus on these things and do not let your thoughts
take you away on a tangent.

This is walking meditation! Enjoy the vibrant wildness of it and the pure joy that well up

Let us now move to hearing sound. Focus your attention on your ears and the vibrational
waves of sound they are receiving. Notice every sound around you. Often we are lost in our
internal chatter - our mind will not be quiet.… Use this time to still your mind and really
hear the birds, frogs, any other animals around or the traffic passing by, the noise of a
distant train. If you are in a city or town listen to the people talking in the background.

Now we shall focus on our sight. Look. Gaze with wonder and soft eyes - see everything is
detail, notice the trees, the ants, or the buildings. See them really see them in minute
detail. See the stones, the bitumen, the gravel in paving stone, the wood grain on a deck,
The patterns on flowers, leaves, tree bark. The pure wonder of it all.

Take your time to reflect on what you love about life, what you wish to protect - to be a

What dreams are coming to you as you engage in conscious

walking? Nature informs us how to go with the flow and change
rather than resist. In this way walking is powerful as it informs us
with every step we take. Record your ‘day dreaming’ in your
Dream Description & Date

Written or Spoken Messages

Shapes, Colours, Smells, Sounds,

Time of Day, Past, Future, Present Time, Location

Dream Description & Date

Written or Spoken Messages

Shapes, Colours, Smells, Sounds,

Time of Day, Past, Future, Present Time, Location

Dream Description & Date

Written or Spoken Messages

Shapes, Colours, Smells, Sounds,

Time of Day, Past, Future, Present Time, Location

Dream Description & Date

Written or Spoken Messages

Shapes, Colours, Smells, Sounds,

Time of Day, Past, Future, Present Time, Location

Dream Description & Date

Written or Spoken Messages

Shapes, Colours, Smells, Sounds,

Time of Day, Past, Future, Present Time, Location

Dream Description & Date

Written or Spoken Messages

Shapes, Colours, Smells, Sounds,

Time of Day, Past, Future, Present Time, Location

Dream Description & Date

Written or Spoken Messages

Shapes, Colours, Smells, Sounds,

Time of Day, Past, Future, Present Time, Location

Diet To Enrich Your Dreams
Igniting your potential in all realms of time
If you dream poorly and or have no recall maybe your diet is lacking and creating fog
making it hard to see and hear the messages that are contained there waiting for you.

In many indigenous cultures to vision quest means heading out into the wilderness to fast
for a number of days and nights. However you can vision quest by drawing deeply into
your dreams. If you do not dream or think you don’t then try the weeklong diet detox to
set you on the right path.

It is not an onerous detox however it does ask that for one dedicated week you give up
sugar, grains, dairy, caffeine and alcohol. If that scares you and you think you will be
hungry - you will not! It is best to start on a weekend as you might be a bit grumpy, moody
and headachy if you are addicted to caffeine. Sugar cravings can be alleviated as you can
eat some fruit to get you through. You can also eat lean meat, a little fruit and as many
great green vegetables, nuts and seeds as your heart desires. Just a quick note….. the
grains most of us consume are poor quality - denuded of any goodness and altered
dramatically from the grain our ancestors ate many many thousands of years ago. These
grains are a big source of sugar in our diets.

It is always interesting when we give something up!

This diet may help you increase your energy levels, your strength, your overall health. This
diet may help repair cells and clear the fog from your head. It may assist you to dream
with clarity and wonder.

This diet will keep you satisfied and happy all day long.

You may eat as many veggies and some fruit. We limit our fruit consumption this week to
reduce the sugar in our diet - even though these are natural sugars we are trying really
boost our bodies and give this our best shot. Vegetables and fruits are full of vitamins,
minerals, antioxidants and nutrients. If you have a juice extractor then juicing will be a
part of this week.

You may consume seeds, nuts, poultry, fish and seafood and please include healthy oils
like avocado, coconut or olive oil. However for this week only do not consume any grains,
dairy, processed foods, sugar or starches.

I make no health claims what so ever and advise that if you are
on medication(s) that you seek guidance from your health care
A sacred challenge for you this week – a two day fast.

Food is the primary source of our rejuvenation, purification,

regulation, balance, strength, and healing for every aspect of our
mind, body, and spirit.

Food is our daily medicine and yet we often don’t realise how important it is
until we’re dragging our feet with fatigue, suffering from sleep disturbances,
fraught with emotional imbalances, skin issues, blood sugar imbalances, a
weak immune system, or even a major disease. Disease - look at the word dis
ease…. a lack of!

As disturbing as these symptoms are they should be seen as a wake up call

that may lead us back to the importance of considering what we put in our
mouths. Great nutrition and digestive health are key to our overall wellbeing
and longevity.

Look around as there are a vast number of plants, herbs, roots, and berries
that can specifically strengthen our bodies and our blood, balance hormones,
reduce stress, improve sleep, help us relax, and revitalise our sex drive -- and
so much more! We can do it and always keep it in your heart that we are
standing in strength when we are working together.

Write a mantra to support your diet to dream - to vision quest

A disclaimer – I write this with a keen awareness that eating disorders have become a
serious concern in the modern world. I propose this eating ritual as a temporary
experiment to be approached with mindfulness and a degree of caution.

My spiritual pathway has involved far more subtraction than addition, i.e. removing old
patterns of behaviour and old stale beliefs rather than the addition of new shiny lifestyle
upgrades. Can you imagine how much baggage you carry around if you keep on adding!

In addition to the scientifically proven health benefits of fasting, the act of simply
noticing what it feels like to be hungry, then sitting with that sensation and ultimately
making peace with it is a powerful spiritual practice. Often those initial pangs of hunger
are phantom sensations, disguising some other wound-based pattern that is waiting to be
acknowledged and healed.
A sacred challenge for you this week – a two day fast. 

Now, I’m not asking you to stop eating for two days straight, I am suggesting that you
create a consciously altered meal plan that eliminates one meal (or more) on both days.

As always I am with you on this pathway as this is a regular practice of mine. In fact, I’ve
been on an intermittent fast for the past week. No breakfast, substituting it with two big
green juices – then a delicious nutritious lunch after noon and a normal dinner at night.
This is a great way to enter a state of ketosis and also piggy back on the hours of fasting
you have been doing throughout the last evening and early morning hours.

The act of fasting will help you quiet your mind so that your soul can speak more clearly to
you. It’ll also awaken and begin to tone your body, giving you more natural energy,
flexibility and overall lightness of being.

Our ancestors knew what they were doing – both spiritually and scientifically speaking.
It’s time for us to remember who we are and where we came from.

What alterations to your diet did you make?

Did it alter the landscape of your dreams? Share if you wish.

Elizabeth Heck’s Amazing Liver Detox Tea Recipe

Herbal Liver Detox Recipe:

2 tsp (10ml) Sarsaparilla
1 tsp (5ml) Birch Bark
1 tsp (5ml) Dandelion Root
1 tsp (5ml) Burdock Root
1 tsp (5ml) Ginger root
1/2 Cinnamon Stick
Pinch of Stevia
1/4 tsp (1.25ml) Vanilla

There is a link to her free YouTube video showing you how to prepare this delicious
cleansing tea.

Supplements You May Find Useful
If you are going to embark on this diet vision quest then I recommend you boost your
body by taking some life supporting supplements daily to assist you detox to dream well.

‣ Apple cider vinegar - suggested 1-2 Tablespoons per large glass of water

‣ Coconut oil - suggested two teaspoons per day

‣ Pro-biotics - take per dosage suggested on bottle to rebuild good gut flora

‣ Quality multi vitamin - take per dosage suggested of label

‣ Magnesium - take per dosage suggested of label

‣ Omega 3 fatty acids aka fish oil, flaxseed oil - take per dosage suggested of label

The Basics - for maximum benefit, eat vegetables and fruits in

season, pesticide free and locally grown.

You are from all over this wild blue planet and some of you may have difficulty in
obtaining quality fresh fruits and vegetables locally, a great alternative is frozen organic
produce as frozen fruits and vegetables are harvested when ripe immediately flash-frozen.

The great cross or cruciferous vegetables are the wealthiest for our body. Vegetables such
as kale, bok choi, choi sum, gai lan, broccoli, cabbage, collard greens, celery, mustard
greens cauliflower and brussel sprouts are powerhouses to boost our immunity and usher
in cell/tissue repair. Eat as many as you can and keep the habit up after this week!

You basically cannot go wrong consuming green vegetables. Just be aware that for this
week only limit your intake of carrot and beetroot as they have a naturally high sugar
content. (You may however if you are juicing add some to reduce the bitterness to make it
palatable rather than a huge shock to you system!)

During this week, nuts, seeds, avocados and eggs (unless you’re allergic to them) are
fabulous sources of protein while you enter into and prepare for your vision quest. Dare
my friends - dare.

Why you should avoid Ayahuasca tourism retreats

"Flowers do not force their way with great strife.   Flowers open to
perfection slowly in the sun. Don't be in a hurry about spiritual
matters.   Go step by step, and be very sure."- Grace Cooke / White
What is happening in the Western world with ayahuasca has little to almost nothing to do
with the traditional shamanic work with this plant in the Amazon. As we grow more
disconnected with great spirit - with nature, our dear Earth mother we grow more
desperate. This is a growing ‘scene’ and a troubling one.                                                               
It requires great inner stability to walk this path; you cannot drink ayahuasca in order
to gain physical, mental or emotional stability, these qualities are prerequisites before
you drink the medicine.

Sacred cacao ceremony

Plants have amazing spirits and intelligence, and they offer individual lessons for each one
of us that are as unique as we are. Cocoa is one plant you can actively use for your Vision
Questing. It gifts us a powerful method to dream and journey to our sacred space, a way
to find our paths, connect with our ancestors, and to heal all types of disease.

Each of us walks a unique road, one that is connected across time to everything in the
universe and that is designed by our experiences, backgrounds, and perceptions.

Let us be pro-active in creating opportunities for powerful new beginnings. Why not
celebrate this with a Sacred Hot Chocolate drink that helps us create space for
conscious connection

Sacred Hot Chocolate 1:

10 oz. hot water, or almond milk or coconut water 2 Tbsp. raw cacao powder 2 Tbsp.
honey 1 Tbsp. organic coconut oil 1 tsp. maca powder ¼ tsp organic vanilla extract Pinch
of cayenne Pinch of cinnamon


Enter a meditative and reflective mindset as you chop the

cacao into smaller pieces so that it can soften into hot
1. Put all ingredients, except for cinnamon, into a medium sized sauce pan over medium
2. Whisk all ingredients until they are combined.

3. Once the pot is simmering, remove from heat and pour into your cup.

4. Sprinkle cinnamon on top and enjoy!

Sacred Hot Chocolate 2:

1-2 oz of cacao. Half a cup of water, Pinch of chilli or cayenne pepper. Sweetener such as
honey or agave (optional), Spices such as cardamom, cinnamon, ginger, or
vanilla (optional)


Enter a meditative and reflective mindset as you chop the

cacao into smaller pieces so that it can soften into hot
1. Heat the water to just before a boil and add the cacao shavings

2. Use a whisk to stir until you find a smooth texture

3. In accordance with tradition, add the pinch of chilli

4. Add the sweetener any any other spices you are including.

Using Cacao In Ceremony

A Maya legend tells us that whenever there is an imbalance between humans and nature,
cacao comes from the rainforest to open people’s hearts and return the planet to a state of
harmony. Some shamans therefore consider cacao the “food for the shift.” It represents
the new order of love and peace, which is being cultivated right now.

When you consume cacao prepared for ceremony using high quality raw cacao beans, all
the mood enhancing neurochemicals in cacao become particularly active. There is
increased blood flow and nutrition to the brain, heart and skin, the whole body is
nourished, awareness and focus is heightened and sensations are intensified

The ceremony is a safe and beautiful space that supports meditation (reflection and
connection to the “larger aspects of yourself”). This creates a wonderful opportunity to
explore and sit with the stories of the heart and to identify areas that are causing you
restriction, limitation and pain. You have the chance to relax deeply and receive insights,
inspiration and creative ideas that can give you a clarity on the “next steps” of your life
and where you can support your overall health.
Many people report a deep sense of joy and peace, a connection to something bigger than
themselves as well as insights of limiting behaviours, thoughts and feelings that are able to
be understood and released within the safe environment of the ceremony.

If you have any significant health challenges (i.e. having chemotherapy treatment) or are
on high levels of anti-depressants, this could preclude you from working with Cacao in a
ceremonial context so please talk with us before committing to this event.

Preparation required for this event:

You will need to avoid caffeine on the day. It is recommend you to follow a fairly simple
and alkaline focused diet the day before, and on the day of the ceremony (including
avoiding alcohol).

Please arrange a quiet, gentle evening for after the event as symptoms of physical and
emotional detoxification can arise unique to each individual.

Give Gratitude & Declare Your Intention

Giving gratitude is one of the most effective and immediate ways to enter the heart-space.
It is also perhaps, the most powerful healer. Before drinking cacao I like to take the time
to thank the rain and soil that cultivated the cacao plant, the hands that picked and dried
the beans, the clean water which we have to drink, and so on. You could give gratitude for
these things also and/or that which you are grateful for.

After giving gratitude, reaffirm your intention by asking cacao to help you. For example:

•“Cacao, allow me to work through the deep pain I am holding onto in my heart”

•“Cacao, help me express myself authentically in my life“.

Practice affirming your intentions out loud. Our voices are extremely powerful tools and
you may notice energetic shifts as your words echo through your sacred space.

Drink The Cacao

Smell the aroma of the cacao before drinking it and then indulge in each sip, allowing the
medicine to permeate through your body. You may feel the cacao immediately, or it may
take around 20 minutes to begin feeling a buzz within your body. You will experience
more blood flowing to your brain and your heart, and your focus may become
easier. Release expectations and listen to your body as energies begin to shift.
Activate Your Intention

Allow the energy of cacao and your intuition to take you where you need to go.

•If your intention is inner processing - you may find that you want to meditate,
journal, or embark on a shamanic journey. 

•If your intention is self-expression - you may want to sing, create music, or

practice a movement modality.

There is no right way to access your soul. Allow cacao to enhance the experience that is
meant for you, whether is hiking through the forest or allowing your artistic side to shine

Again Please Adhere To These Important Health Notes

•Do not consume caffeine or alcohol prior to cacao.

•Drink plenty of water, especially towards the end of your ceremony. If you find you
have a headache you may be dehydrated, drank too much cacao, or are detoxing with
cacao’s assistance.

•Cacao can’t be digested by dogs and some other pets, so make sure to keep it away
from them. It can be fatal.

•Antidepressants contraindicate with cacao and may lead to severe headaches.

•Cacao is a vasodilator and pumps more blood through the heart. Be mindful of
your dosage if you have a heart condition please seek guidance from your health care team
before consuming.

My raw cacao bliss ball recipe (use organic produce if available)

3/4 cup dates

3/4 cup apricots

3/4 cup any nuts except peanuts

1/3 cup goji berries

1/3 cup cacao powder

1/3 cup coconut oil

almond meal
In your food processor blitz the dates and apricots till they are rough cut, then add the rest
of the ingredients. Pulse blitz until it starts to look ‘moist’. Don’t blitz until a paste forms!

Roll into balls, roll in the almond meal and voila you have a healthy treat.

Yoga Nidra To Vision Quest

Active dreaming through the divine practice
of yoga nidra will leave your refreshed and

There is a yoga nidra mp3 meditation as a supplement to help dream

your vision quest within your course resources:

If you are having trouble relaxing then Yoga Nidra or Lucid Sleeping may assist you

Yoga Nidra To Vision Quest

Yoga Nidra can be used in many amazing ways. Yoga Nidra, sometimes referred to as
‘lucid sleeping’ is among the deepest possible states of relaxation while still maintaining
full consciousness. It is not quite the same as "lucid dreaming", though the two can be
easily confused, since the practices that lead to lucid sleeping can also generate lucid
dreaming. It our information dense world it can be puzzling however know that the two
states are actually only slightly different. With Yoga Nidra or lucid sleeping we remain in a
deeply relaxed state yet conscious and aware.

The distinguishing feature is the degree to which you remain aware of your actual physical
environment as opposed to a dream environment. In lucid dreaming, we are only (or
mainly) aware of the dream environment, and have little or no awareness of our actual
environment. Sounds or events in our actual environment may become translated into
very different dream material and we will feel our bodies "moving" just as in normal
dreaming. During Yoga Nidra or lucid sleeping, we remain fully aware of our physical
environment and of the actual content of sounds and other events, and likewise maintain
a correct sense of the position of our bodies.

When we engage in Yoga Nidra or lucid sleeping we are consciously drawing into a far
deeper state, we consciously relax ourselves beyond the dreaming range of brain
frequencies into the slowest range of deep sleep frequencies.

Yoga Nidra or lucid sleeping is best practiced lying down comfortably on your back. You
can place your hands by your sides palms up or else palms down upon your hips/lower
belly. For optimum comfort use either no pillow or a low pillow beneath your head as your
neck should remain fairly flat. Basically, try to not move for the duration of the practice.

As we progress though each body part, move your focus then move on to the next part.
Secondly, the pace is considerably faster with roughly one second spent at each point. The
progression is logical and easy to master once you have done it a few times.

Here is the a recommended pathway: (there are many variations!)

Right thumb

Right index finger

Right middle finger

Right ring finger

Right little finger

Right palm

Back of right hand

Outside right wrist

Inside right wrist

Inside right lower arm

Outside right lower arm

Outside right elbow

Inside right elbow

Inside right upper arm

Outside right upper arm

Outside right shoulder

Right armpit

Right side mid chest

Right side abdomen

Right side iliac crest

Right side between iliac crest and hipbone

Right hipbone

Crease at right side of groin

Front of right thigh

Back of right thigh

Back of right knee

Front of right knee

Front of right lower leg (shin)

Back of right lower leg (calf)

Outside right ankle

Inside right ankle

Top of right ankle

Right heel

Bottom centre of right foot

Top centre of right foot

Right large toe

Right second toe

Right third toe

Right fourth toe

Right little toe

[Repeat same progression for left side]

[Now you proceed down the front of the body]

Base of the front of the neck

Centre of upper chest


Centre of mid chest

Centre of lower chest

Centre of upper abdomen

Centre of mid abdomen


Centre of lower abdomen

Pubic bones



Lower back

Lower mid back

Upper mid back

Lower upper back

Mid upper back

Upper upper back

Lower back of neck

Middle back of neck

Upper back of neck

Lower back of head

Middle back of head

Upper back of head

Top of head

Down to centre of head

Down to centre of neck

Down to centre of lower neck

Down to centre of mid chest

Down to centre of upper abdomen

Down to centre of belly

Down to centre of lower belly

Back to centre of belly

Rest your attention for a few moments at the centre of your belly. Then imagine a plane
that passes through the centre of your belly dividing your upper body from your lower
body. On the next exhalation, feel the plane pass down through your lower body to the
soles of your feet, completely relaxing everything on the way through. On the inhalation,
the plane returns to your belly and then, on the exhalation, passes up through your upper
body to the top of your head, relaxing everything on the way through.

Now the plane turns on its side so that, still passing through your belly, it divides the right
side of your body from the left side. On the next exhalation, feel the plane pass through
the left side of your body, completely relaxing everything on the way through. On the
inhalation, the plane returns to your belly and then, on the exhalation, passes through the
right side of your body, relaxing everything on the way through.

Now the plane turns flat so that, still passing through your belly, it divides the top half of
your body from the bottom half. On the next exhalation, feel the plane pass through the
back half of your body, completely relaxing everything on the way through. On the
inhalation, the plane returns to your belly and then, on the exhalation, passes through the
front half of your body, relaxing everything on the way through.

At this point, you should be deeply relaxed. Enjoy the sensations of deep relaxation,
allowing yourself to go deeper and deeper, as deeply as you can. Dream your life into

You Are A Shaman

You are a shaman - we are all born from ancient lineages. And once upon a
time many dreaming moons ago our ancestors sat by the fires telling stories,
weaving and dreaming their lives into being. You are them and they are you.
Reach into your cellular memory as your dreaming time activates the threads
of your reality.

Come Sit With Me By The Fire

Creative visualisation through connecting with the Sacred Tree of life. Find your tree,
hearing the wind blowing wisdom to you through it's leaves, its branches. Your tree is
present and everywhere.

Active Visualisation that will guide you deep within to the core of your truth, your inner
being/temple/resting space/healing space

Gateway to guidance and other energies and levels of consciousness. The launch point for
deeper journeys. We will move from the shelter of our Tree into the labyrinth to the
Gateway of Healing. You will know this place.

Let us deliberately pull out of the daily grind and step into the present, mindful world
where every action is clear and with purpose as we take on a new awareness working with
great Spirit and our guides. You will start to see the world from a whole new perspective

Harmony through Conflict. That energy is also known as Beauty and the ability to see
things in their harmonious and beautiful way, naturally. When something is happening
spiritually or even lovingly coming towards you, it is the ability of right relationship in life
to be able to see and experience that love and feel the happiness, joy and the harmony
moving through -- just like sitting out in nature. On the opposite side, it is worry and
frustration often so suppressed and depressed inside that we can't notice nature and don’t
feel love as it comes towards us - instead experiencing paranoia. Our base chakra and it
powerful connection tour Earth Mother.

We are one

We are moving into a whole new dimension of being. No longer lost as as once again we
are beginning to listen again, we are actively dreaming as we are called to vision quest. We
are finding there is time to reunite with the great Mystery's. There is a whole new
dimension, a gravitational pull that is our birth right seeded within.

This is a way of vision questing so re-unite you with yourself - the great spirit fuelled
dimensions that are everywhere - waiting for you to answer the call. To come home to who
who truly are. There is a grace and we are in the time of wonderment, it is time for you to
shine, not in an egoic way, in a pure, gracious, lusty, glorious wonder fuelled path. tasting,
breathing love.
We will enter in a dreaming that will gift you clarity. You will hone your shamanic skills to
communicate with your spirit guardians.

Dream on

This is our home, our dear mother Earth, we dream and in our dreaming we are one with
all of creation, standing tall, together and as one.

What are we made of after all? The same 'stuff' as everything else is made from. Release all
limiting feelings and thoughts as you enter into the river of eternity - that cosmic vastness
that knows we are simply a part of all of creation. Dream your vision quest into being -
dare to fly dear friends.

Introduction to your clearing drumming journey

When we continually live our life with a safety net it creates a barrier to our freedom.
Drumming serves to free us into the realms of priceless beauty and wonder. See your inner
dreaming shaman come to life as you dare to explore. I love drumming to call in the
moonrise, to see the sunset to cleanse our home, to cleanse myself, to set the seen to vision
quest - simple dare.

Guided drum clearing at Cockatoo Creek

"What drains your spirit drains your body. What fuels your spirit fuels your body"
Caroline Myss.

What are you choosing?

Shamanic Drumming is a very steady constant beat that brings you into a deeper sense of
consciousness and allows the right and left brain to work in unison. This often allows
listeners to experience deep relaxation, insights and mystical experiences.

A drum that speaks with the voice of thunder—and sends its rousing call deep into the
unseen world. Long lost to our culture is the trust in life, deep knowing and connection to
all things inherent in the wisdom of the seasons and cycles of the moon.

Let us all get a taste of what is to come. We are going on a journey into the spirit realms
accompanied by me drumming to assist you. During this meditative journey you may
move to the drum beat, in your rhythm, you may sit, letdown, what ever calls you. You
may drum along or simply allow my drum to "lure" you in.
We all have guides here to help us in the spirit realm. Maybe you already know who some
of yours are, if you do this will deeper your relationship with them. For others this may be
an very new experience. You may not meet anyone the first time, know that that is okay.
Take your time and be patient. There is no right or wrong on the path of the Shaman
dreaming landscapes of colour and wonder into life.

Consciously choose to birth your dreaming - your vision quest - bring it to life.

How did you go?

Your first gentle walking dreaming journey is now over, how did you go? Do not worry if
you got lost or are unsure! Life unfolds as it is meant to be. Many gifts and tools are being
provided to assist you to journey into the other realms repeatedly and with.

It does require your participation and for you to leave the daily distractions behind.

Active participation to vision quest dreaming your big life dreams actually works.

The sacred site within

"Behold a sacred voice is calling you; All over the sky a sacred voice is calling." Black Elk

We often speak of creating sacred space. Look as your body as if it is a temple, a beautiful
sacred site, this sacred site is within and what is manifested in our outer world is the
reflection of our inner world. We will journey inside to make peace and heal our shadow
selves, to see the darkness we have hardened too and to release like the layers of an onion
all that no longer serves us.

Working deeply with our Earth Mother, we need to become experienced in journeying into
the great mysteries of sacred time, healing the relationship with our Mother Earth and all
living things. We are the dancers, the singers here to serve, we are here to see
authentically through our own vision quest.

How to start a journey

We are hard wired for knowledge and it is so tempting in our modern day culture to
almost desperately want to try and mentally understand everything including spiritual
practices. And here you are travelling deep into the practice of shamanism. However let go
as the practice of shamanism cannot be mentally understood. This is a felt practice.
Overtime you wish to journey settle slowing your breath and simply breathe deeply. Slip
into a gentle relaxation before you embark on your journeys. Feel your way, allowing your
experiences be your guide. Be patient with yourself, this does not need to be overly long
and definitely not onerous! Engage some journeys where you simply relax and get to know
your helping spirits. If you have nature by your side then it is a gift to go outside and lay
down upon our Earth Mother infusing with the in the invisible realms and connecting with
the heartbeat of our Earth mother.

In the practice of shamanism there is a fine line between trying too hard and not trying at
all. Be present and aware, don't force that path because the realms will most likely remain
firmly shut. Let go your pre conceptions of whom and where you are going to be met in the
spirit realms. Be curious.

Shamanism is a practice of direct revelation and you can ask your own helping spirits all
the questions that are on your mind.

And stay open to the surprise element in your journeys. You might meet helping spirits
you never thought you would meet. And you might receive a healing while you were in a
journey that you did not expect.

Remember shamanism is a life long practice, let your own experiences guide you, remain
persistent and happy with what is.


is where you stand

It isn't another place, culture, or time

You're already on the path

What do you see?

Simply gaze at your face through your left eye. You will slowly move perception from your
base chakra - through to your sacral chakra - you will see many faces along the pathway.
Your face may even disappear at this level. You them shift your left eye perception up to
your third eye - the image should stabilise here. Feel for the messages that are waiting for
you. Then when you are ready move up to the level of Spirit beyond your crown chakra.
Your Solo Vision Quest

Let me say this upfront - the solo vision quest is not for everyone - however with
preparation everyone can do it. Most of the time you will read that it generally it takes
place in a natural setting. Fasting and meditation are the central tenants of your quest to
bring about a profound experience of awakening to Spirit, to release your dreams that
have been suppressed and to realising your oneness with all creation. This will leave you
with a great sense of your own power to dream your life into being.

Start at the very start as before beginning your vision quest, ensure your health is optimal
- it is strongly advisable that you have left any cravings for sugar, caffeine, alcohol behind
so some time - the longer the better! This way your body knows will to go into ketosis—the
state of switching from glucose to fat as its energy source. Otherwise you will be miserable
and hungry for three days without deriving the healing benefits of the vision quest. I had
quite a lead up to this with several months of being sugar and caffeine free.

The following suggestions will help make your three-day vision quest a success:

Location: If you choose not to go into the wilderness for your vision quest you can pick a
place closer to home—even in an urban area. To find a suitable location for the vision
quest, do your research so you are in a safe beautiful place as it is of no use being in an
area known for its deadly snakes l as I am or maybe being stalked by a wild animal in your
wilderness or secluded spot in nature. If you are closer to home maybe in a local park or
marine environment however be aware that cats have an uncanny sense of where to lie,
while dogs are always sniffing around, and will be curious and want to check you out.
Ensure your place is beautiful, safe, and sufficiently secluded that you will not be
interrupted by hikers. I chose my bedroom as I over look a tree grove and natural lake
(snakes at this time of the year!).

Equipment: Bring a sleeping bag and underlay pad, and a tent. Be sure to pack a
notebook or journal and a pen, so you can record your dreams and any memories or
strong feelings that arise. Do not bring a computer or other electronic devices, or any
reading material. Unless you have made a contract with yourself about a sever restriction
of the use of you computer for example as I did with my one hour upper limit per day.
You can bring a mobile telephone for case of emergency us only. Be sure to inform a friend
or family member (or if you’re staying in a public park or preserve, a ranger) exactly where
you’re going to be). If you wish, you can ask someone to check on you once a day, however
ask that they don’t distract you - no thumbs up and waving hands etc.

Setting the space: When you arrive at the spot for your vision quest, draw a biggish
circle around your tent. This is your sacred space where you will stay inside of for the next
three days, stepping out only to relieve yourself in the woods or behind a bush.

Fasting: Fasting is a central to this vision quest. In addition it will put your body into
ketosis, this detoxifies the cells and turns on production of stem cells in the brain.

You will get hungry, and your stomach will start complaining - sometimes loudly
sometimes hardly at all. Often, the grumbling will be louder in your head than in your
stomach; your limbic brain misses glucose-rich food and believes it will die if it skips a
meal. Turn the growling into an opportunity to observe how wild the mind is. It will not

You may also experience mood swings, low energy, and irritability during the first day or
so of fasting. Most of the discomfort comes from the fact that your body is detoxifying.
During the first 24 hours of a fast, you will burn through all the glycogen stored in your
liver, then you will begin burning protein from your muscles, including the heart. After
that your body will go into ketosis and switch over to burning fats. You can tell when
you’ve switched to burning fats because your hunger pangs will go away. By the way your
heart will be fine!

Fasting for three days is perfectly safe for most people in good health. If you have any
concerns, check with your health care team before starting this fasting vision quest.

If you are diabetic, or taking medication, or dealing with acute illness, do

not fast without first consulting a doctor.

During your vision quest, listen to your body and follow its guidance. If at any time you
feel very sick, or your blood sugar is dropping dangerously, break your fast. Have some
nuts and dried fruit or maybe a good quality chocolate close by just in case.

Water: You must stay hydrated. Drink at least four litres of water every day of this fast. If
you are making your vision quest in a hot desert climate, you will need more water—closer
to six litres a day. You should/must urinate every hour. If you’re not urinating that often,
you’re not drinking enough water. Boredom: Yes it is true… however see this boredom
as an indication that you are getting close to the state of contemplation you want to be in.
Boredom and restlessness are the result of the limbic brain thrashing about for attention.
Stay with the boredom, knowing that this is part of the process. Like hunger, it will pass.
Meditation: You have the time so use it for meditation! In the evening, if you light a fire
or a candle be sure the fire is extinguished completely before you fall asleep and naturally
leave the area.

Prayer: During your vision quest, pray, giving thanks for the beauty around you and for
every breath you take. Give thanks for your hunger pangs or the wolves you are sure will
devour you during the night. Practice praying with your heart and not with your head.

Ending your fasting vision quest: Plan to end your three-day vision quest before
nightfall on the third day. Before you leave the site, be sure to pick up any rubbish, and
carry it out with you. Please ensure you leave the place as you found it—or cleaner. Leave
no trace - only footprints.

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