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For Question 1 to 12, each question is followed by four options, A, B, C and D. Choose one correct
answer for each question and CIRCLE the corresponding space in your PAPER sheet.

1 Diagram shows the ability of organism to detect the changes and response to the
Rajah menunjukkan kebolehan organisma mengesan perubahan dan gerak balas
terhadap rangsangan.
External stimulus
Rangsangan luaran


Gerak balas

Which of the above answer is the example of stimulus X?

Manakah daripada jawapan di atas merupakan contoh rangsangan X?

A Sound
B Blood osmotic pressure
Tekanan osmotik darah
C Light
D Hot water
Air panas

2 A student lost his memory due to traffic accident. Which part of his brain is damaged?
Seorang pelajar mengalami hilang ingatan disebabkan kemalangan jalan raya. Bahagian
otak yang manakah mengalami kecederaan?

A Cerebrum
B Cerebellum
C Hypothalamus
D Medulla oblongata
Medulla oblongata

3 Which of the following neurones transmits impulses from receptor to central nervous
Manakah di antara neuron berikut menghantar impuls dari reseptor ke sistem saraf pusat?



4 Diagram shows the pathway of an impulse in a reflex arc.

Diagram menunjukkan laluan impuls di dalam arka refleks

[ Needle
P e

Which statement is true?
Pernyataan yang manakah benar? t
A Q receive an impulse direct from R and carries it to T
Q menerima impuls dari R dan membawanya ke T
B R transmits the impulse to S from the central nervous systemo
R menghantar impuls ke S dari sistem saraf pusat m

C The rate of impulse transmission through P increases

Kadar penghantaran impuls melalui P meningkat h
D T causes the finger to react e

T menyebabkan jari bertindakbalas



5 You are on a boat on a river. The current is rapidly pushing your boat toward the tip of
a waterfall. Which of the following physiological changes occur in your body?
Anda berada di atas bot di sebatang sungai. Ombak memukul bot anda dan membawa
anda ke air terjun. Antara berikut yang manakah perubahan fisiologi yang berlaku di
dalam badan anda.

I. Blood glucose level decreases

Aras glukosa darah menurun
II. Rate of heart beat increases
Kadar degupan jantung meningkat
III. Body temperature decreases
Suhu badan menurun
IV. Metabolic rate increases
Kadar metabolik meningkat

A I and II
I dan II
B I and III
I dan III
C II and IV
II dan IV
D III and IV
III dan IV

6 Which of the following shows the difference between the nervous system and the
endocrine system ?
Antara berikut yang manakah menunjukkan perbezaan di antara sistem saraf dan
sistem endokrin ?

Nervous system Endocrine system

Sistem saraf Sistem endokrin
Releases hormones Releases neurotransmitters
A Hormon dilepaskan Neurotransmiter dilepaskan
B Effects are temporary Effects last longer
Kesan jangka pendek Kesan jangka panjang
C Widespread effects Localised effects
Kesan yang meluas Kesan yang tertumpu
D Slow effects Immediate effects
Kesan tidak serta merta Kesan serta merta

7 Diagram shows a nephron.

Rajah menunjukkan nefron.

Which of the following are the processes that happen to blood in J, glucose in K and water
in L?
Manakah di antara berikut adalah proses-proses yang berlaku kepada darah di J, glukosa
di K dan air di L?

A Diffusion Active transport Osmosis
Resapan Pengangkutan aktif Osmosis
B Ultra filtration Reabsorption Osmosis
Ultra turasan Penyerapan semula Osmosis
C Ultra filtration Diffusion Reabsorption
Ultra turasan Resapan Penyerapan semula
D Active transport Diffusion Reabsorption
Pengangkutan aktif Resapan Penyerapan semula

8 For a normal person, 100% of the ultrafiltrated glucose is reabsorbed

from this structure into the blood capillaries.

Bagi seorang yang normal, 100% hasil turasan glukosa akan diserap
semula dari struktur ini ke dalam kapilari darah.

Which part of the uriniferous tubule does the statement refers to?
Bahagian tubul uriniferus manakah yang merujuk kepada pernyataan di atas?

A Glomerulus
B Loop of Henle
Liku Henle
C Distal convoluted tubule
Tubul berlingkar distal
D Proximal convoluted tubule
Tubul berlingkar proksimal

9 Diagram shows the regulatory mechanism of blood glucose level in the human body.
Rajah menunjukkan mekanisme pengawalan tahap glukosa darah dalam badan manusia.

Increases Hormone P
High glucose level
Meningkat Hormon P
Tahap glukosa tinggi

Normal glucose level

Normal glucose level
Tahap glukosa normal
Tahap glukosa normal

Low glucose level Hormone Q
Tahap glukosa rendah Hormon Q

Which of the following represent hormones P and Q?

Manakah di antara berikut mewakili hormon P dan Q?

Hormone P Hormone Q
Hormon P Hormon Q
A Insulin Glucagon
Insulin Glukagon
B Glucagon Insulin
Glukagon Insulin
C Adrenalin Insulin
Adrenalin Insulin
D Thyroxine Adrenalin
Tiroksina Adrenalin

10 A patient with kidney failure uses haemodialysis machine to eliminate urea from his
blood. Which statement explains the situation?
Seorang pesakit buah pinggang perlu menggunakan mesin hemodialisis untuk
menyingkirkan urea daripada darah. Pernyataan yang manakah menerangkan situasi

A Concentration of urea in the blood and in the dialysis fluid is the same
Kepekatan urea di dalam darah dan di dalam cecair dialisis adalah sama

B Concentration of water molecules in the blood is higher than in the dialysis fluid
Kepekatan molekul air di dalam darah adalah lebih tinggi berbanding di dalam
cecair dialisis

C Concentration of urea in the blood is higher than in the dialysis fluid

Kepekatan urea di dalam darah adalah lebih tinggi berbanding di dalam cecair

D Concentration of urea in the dialysis fluid is higher than in the blood

Kepekatan urea di dalam cecair dialisis adalah tinggi berbanding di dalam darah

11 The following information refers to the drinking habit of individual M.

Maklumat berikut adalah berkaitan tabiat minum individu M.

Individual M likes to drink coffee. He managed to

drink at least six cups of coffee daily.
Individu M gemar minum kopi. Setiap hari beliau minum sekurang-
kurangnya 6 cawan kopi.

What happen to the kidney of individual M every time he drinks coffee?

Apakah yang berlaku pada buah pinggang individu M setiap kali beliau minum kopi?

A Caffeine in coffee acts as a diuretic which decrease the permeability of the distal
convoluted tubule and collecting duct.
Kafein di dalam kopi bertindak sebagai diuretik yang mengurangkan ketelapan
tubul berlingkar distal dan tubul pengumpul

B Caffeine in the coffee acts an antidiuretic which increase the permeability of the
distal convoluted tubule and collecting duct.
Kafein di dalam kopi bertindak sebagai antidiuretik yang meningkatkan ketelapan
tubul berlingkar distal dan tubul pengumpul

C Caffeine in coffee acts as a diuretic which decrease the blood osmotic pressure.
Kafein di dalam kopi bertindak sebagai diuretik yang menurunkan tekanan osmotik

D Caffeine in coffee acts as a antidiuretic which increase the blood osmotic pressure
Kafein di dalam kopi bertindak sebagai antidiuretik yang meningkatkan tekanan
osmotik darah

12 Graph shows the effect of different concentrations of auxin on the growth responses of
shoots and roots.
Graf menunjukkan kesan kepekatan auksin yang berbeza ke atas gerakbalas pertumbuhan
pucuk dan akar.

Growth response

Gerak balas pertumbuhan



% Stimulation % Akar

% Inhibition Concentration
% Rencatan of auxin (mg/dm3)

Kepekatan auksin

Which of the following statements explain the graph?
Antara berikut yang manakah benar menerangkan graf tersebut?
A Only a high concentration of auxin stimulates the growth of shoots and roots
Hanya kepekatan auksin yang tinggi merangsang pertumbuhan pucuk dan akar

B Concentration of auxin does not affect the growth of shoots and roots
Kepekatan auksin tidak mempengaruhi pertumbuhan pucuk dan akar

C A low concentration of auxin stimulates the growth of roots and shoots

Kepekatan auksin yang rendah merangsang pertumbuhan akar dan pucuk

D A high concentration of auxin inhibits the growth of the root

Kepekatan auksin yang tinggi merencat pertumbuhan akar


1.Diagram 1.1 shows the structure of a nephron in human.

Diagram 1.1

(a) Explain the formation of fluid in W. [2 marks]



(b) Explain one difference between the content in W and in X. [2 marks]



(c)A person who suffers diabetes insipidus produces a large amount of urine.

Explain how this problem is related to the imbalance of hormone in his body. [2 marks]



(d)Diagram 2.1 shows the effect of light on the growth of the plant shoot.

Light rays

An opening at the side of a box

Plant shoot

Diagram 2.1

Name the type of response of the plant shoot towards light.

(i)Describe the response.

Type of response:………………………………………………………………………………….

Description ………………………………………………………………………………………………



[2 marks]

Diagram 4.2 shows the direction of growth of the plumule and the radicle of a seedling which is placed in

a horizontal position during germination.

X Plumule

Seed Y


Explain why

( i ) the plumule grows towards direction X. [2 marks]

( ii ) the radicle grows towards direction Y. [2 marks]

Explanation for the plumule to grow towards direction X.:





Explanation for the radicle to grow towards direction Y.






Diagram 7.2 shows the sequence of organs and tissue that responded when a man was attacked by a robber.
Rajah 7.2 menunjukkan urutan organ-organ dan tisu yang bergerak balas apabila seorang lelaki diserang oleh

a) Explain the involvement of nervous system and endocrine system in this situation.
Bincangkan penglibatan sistem saraf dan sistem endokrin dalam situasi ini.
[6 marks]















Diagram 7.3 shows transmission of impulse through a synapse.

Rajah 7.3 menunjukkan penghantaran impuls melalui satu sinaps.

b) Explain the effect of a pain killer drug on the transmission of nerve impulses.
Terangkan kesan ubat tahan sakit ke atas penghantaran impuls saraf.
[4 marks]
















A group of students carried out an experiment to study the effect of air movement on the rate of
transpiration rate of hibiscus plant by using a potometer. The potometer was placed in a closed
room with temperature 29oC under different speeds of fan as shown in Diagram 5.1.
Sekumpulan pelajar telah menjalankan satu eksperimen untuk mengkaji kesan pergerakan udara
ke atas kadar transpirasi tumbuhan bunga raya dengan menggunakan potometer. Potometer
tersebut diletakkan di dalam sebuah bilik bertutup dengan suhu 29 oC di bawah kelajuan kipas
yang berbeza sebagaimana ditunjukkan dalam Rajah 5.1.

The results of the time taken for air bubble to move from X to Y (10cm distance) are shown in
Table 5.1.
Keputusan masa yang diambil oleh gelembung udara untuk bergerak dari X ke Y (jarak
10cm) ditunjukkan dalam Jadual 5.1.

(a) Record the time taken by air bubble to move from X to Y in Table 5.1.
Rekodkan masa yang telah diambil untuk gelembung udara bergerak dari X ke Y dalam
Jadual 5.1.

Fan speed Stop watch reading Time taken by air bubble to move
Kelajuan Bacaan jam randik from X to Y (minute)
kipas Masa yang diambil oleh gelembung udara
bergerak dari X ke Y (minit)

Table 5.1
Jadual 5.1
[3 marks]
[3 markah]

(b) (i) Based on Table 5.1 state two different observations.

Berdasarkan Jadual 5.1 nyatakan dua pemerhatian yang berbeza.

Observation 1:
Pemerhatian 1:



Observation 2:
Pemerhatian 2:


[3 marks]
[3 markah]

(ii) State the inference for each observation made in 1 (b)(i).

Nyatakan inferens daripada setiap pemerhatian di 1(b)(i).

Inference from observation 1:

Inferens daripada pemerhatian 1:



Inference from observation 2:

Inferens daripada pemerhatian 2:



[3 marks]
[3 markah]

Complete Table 5.2 based on this experiment.

Lengkapkan Jadual 5.2 berdasarkan eksperimen ini.

Variables Method to handle the variable

Pemboleh ubah Cara mengendali pembolehubah

Manipulated variable:
Pemboleh ubah dimanipulasi:

Responding variable:
Pemboleh ubah bergerak balas:

Constant variable:
Pemboleh ubah dimalarkan:

Table 5.2 /Jadual 5.2

[3 marks]
[3 markah]
(d) State the hypothesis for this experiment.
Nyatakan hipotesis bagi eksperimen ini.



[3 marks]
[3 markah]

(e) (i) Construct a table and record all the data collected in this experiment.
Bina jadual dan rekodkan keputusan eksperimen.

Your table should have the following titles:

Jadual anda hendaklah mengandungi perkara-perkara berikut:

 Fan speed
Kelajuan kipas

 Time taken
Masa yang diambil

 Transpiration rate
Kadar transpirasi

The formula of the transpiration is:

Formula untuk kadar transpirasi adalah:

Transpiration rate = Distance

Kadar transpirasi = Jarak

[3 marks]
[3 markah]

(ii) By using the graph paper provided, plot a graph to show the relationship between the
rate of transpiration against the speed of fan.
Dengan menggunakan kertas graf yang disediakan plot satu graf untuk menunjukkan
hubungan antara kadar transpirasi dengan kelajuan kipas.
[3 marks][3 markah]

(iii) Based on the graph in 1 (e)(ii), explain the relationship between the rate of transpiration
and the speed of fan.
Berdasarkan graf di 1 (e)(ii), terangkan hubungan antara kadar transpirasi melawan
kelajuan kipas.




[3 marks]
[3 markah]

(f) The experiment is repeated using fan with speed 0 and placing the potometer in a closed,
air-conditioned room at temperature 16oC .
Ekperimen ini diulang dengan menggunakan kipas pada kelajuan 0 dengan potometer
diletakkan dalam bilik bertutup dan berpenghawa dingin pada suhu 16 oC.

Predict the outcome of this experiment. Explain your prediction.

Ramalkan hasil eksperimen ini. Terangkan ramalan anda.




[3 marks]
[3 markah]

(g) Based on this experiment, what can you deduce about this rate of transpiration?
Berdasarkan eksperimen ini, apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan kadar transpirasi?




[3 marks]
[3 markah]

(h) The following factors can affect the rate of transpiration:

Faktor-faktor berikut mempengaruhi kadar transpirasi:

Temperature, size of leaf, number of stoma, light intensity, thick cuticle, relative humidity

Suhu, saiz daun, bilangan stoma, keamatan cahaya, kutikel tebal, kelembapan relatif

Classify these factors into external conditions or internal condition of the leaf that can
affects the rate of transpiration.
Klasifikasikan faktor-faktor ini kepada keadaan luaran atau keadaan dalaman pada
daun yang mempengaruhi kadar transpirasi.

[3 marks]
[3 markah]

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