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Erry Ika Rhofita

Lecturer at UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya

The success transesterification reaction biodiesel production process is also deefined

by the washing process. In general, the washing process biodiesel aims to eliminate the
residual impurities that remain after the process of transesterification reaction and separation
of biodiesel with glycerol, which is in the form of remnants of methanol, catalyst, glycerol
and soap or other impurities did not participate react during the transesterification reaction, ie
monoglycerides, diglycerides, and triglycerides, [1], [2]. Three main methods in the washing
biodiesel, namely: 1) wet washing method; 2) dry washing method; 3) membrane method,
[3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8]. Method of washing with water are widely applied in the production
of biodiesel, three methods of them, there are the bubble method, stirring method, and spray
method, [9], [1], [8], [10]. Indirectly washing method used will influence the quantity and
quality of biodiesel. The main problems in the washing biodiesel are emulsification and
oxidation. Emulsification occurs due to imperfections transesterification reactions and the use
of rotation and stirring is too concentrated during the washing process. Oxidation occurs due
to air bubbles during the washing takes place and it may result in polymerization impact on
the incidence of peroxide that will damage engine parts made of rubber. To reduce the
occurrence of problems in the washing process of emulsification especially needed a new
washing method by circulating and spraying water in oil (Figure 1).
1. A centrifugal pump.
2. The electric motor
with gear box
3. Flowmeter.
4. Heater.
5. Pully and V-belt.
6. Manometer.
7. Acrylic pipe.
8. Space washer.
9. Control panel.
10. The container space.

Figure 1. Design of biodiesel washing machine with water-in-oil delivery system, [11]
Results of a preliminary study on biodiesel washing process by spraying water in oil
systems indicate that the Reynolds number, the diameter of the washing water, and the water
and biodiesel collision mechanism will affect the quality and quantity of biodiesel produced,
especially the problem of emulsification. To produce biodiesel quality and quantity required
washery laminar-turbulent flow models using RANS Langtry approach and CFD simulation.
The purpose of this study is modeling of the biodiesel washing process by spraying water in
oil system optimally to reduce emulsification of biodiesel.

[1] Jon Van Gerpen. Biodiesel Processing And Production. Elsevier Fuel Processing
Technology. 2005;86:1097-1107
[2] Jehad Saleh, Marc A. Dube, Andre Y. Tremblay. Effect Of Soap, Methanol And
Water On Glycerol Particle Size In Biodiesel Purification. Energy Fuel.
[3] .M Atadashi, M.K Aroua, Aziz M.K., A.R Abdul, N.H.M Sulaiman. Refining
Technologies For The Purification of Crude Biodiesel. Elsevier Applied Energy.
[4] I.M. Atadashi, M.K Aroua, Abdul A. Aziz. Biodiesel Separation And Purification:
A Review. Elsevier Chemical Engineering Journal. 2011;36:437-443
[5] M. Berrios, R.L Skelton. Comparision Of Purification Methods For Biodiesel.
Elsevier Chemical Cengineering Journal. 2008;44:459-465
[6] Jehad Saleh, Marc A. Dube, Andre Y. Tremblay. Separation Of Glycerol Fom
FAME Using Ceramic Membranes. Elsevier Cfuel Processing Technology.
[7] Sabudak, M. Yildiz. Biodiesel Production From Waste Frying Oils And IT’s
Quality Control. Elsevier Waste Management. 2010;30:799-803
[8] Muharto Mahfud, Pramudita R.A., Adhy Marwoto. Pengaruh Metode Pencucian
pada Pembuatan Biodiesel dari Minyak jarak Pagar. Jurnal Teknik Kimia UPN
Jawa Timur. 2012;1(1):219-227
[9] G. Nothe, J.V Gerpen, Jurgen Krahl. The Biodiesel Handbook. Illionis:AOCS
Press. 2005
[10] Bambang Dwi Argo, Gunomo Djoyowasito, Rini Yulianingsih. Uji Performansi
Pencuci Biodiesel Metode Pengkabutan Air Dalam Minyak. Jurnal Rekayasa
Mesin. 2010;1(2):65-69
[11] Erry Ika Rhofita. Analisis Produk Biodiesel Pada Proses Pencucian Biodiesel
Dengan Sistem Penyemprotan Air Dalam Minyak. Malang:Universitas Brawijaya.

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