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IB MYP Indonesian (Grade 8): MYP Curriculum Mapping

Unit Title

Ekspresi Diri (6 weeks (24 hours))

Authors: Rais, S.Pd .

Key Concepts Related Concepts

Key & Related Concepts Identity Language and literature
• Character
• Genres

Identities and relationships

Exploration to Develop:
Global context Competition and cooperation; teams, affiliation and leadership
Identity formation, self-esteem, status, roles and role models
Personal efficacy and agency; attitudes, motivations, independence; happiness and the good life

Conceptual Understanding Identitas seseorang terlihat dari jenis karakter yang ditunjukkan.

Statement of Inquiry:
Karakter seseorang dapat memengaruhi lingkungan sosial dan berbudaya di sekitarnya.
Inquiry Questions:

Statement of Inquiry D : Apakah karakter memengaruhi lingkungan atau lingkungan yang memengaruhi karakter?

C : Bagaimana membentuk karakter dalam bermain drama/film?

F : Apa itu drama dan film?

F : Apa itu karakter?

Language and literature

B: Organizing
• i. employ organizational structures that serve the context and intention
• ii. organize opinions and ideas in a sustained, coherent and logical manner
C: Producing text
• i. produce texts that demonstrate insight, imagination and sensitivity while exploring and reflecting critically on new
perspectives and ideas arising from personal engagement with the creative process
• ii. make stylistic choices in terms of linguistic, literary and visual devices, demonstrating awareness of impact on an
Unit Title

• iii. select relevant details and examples to develop ideas

D: Using language
• i. use appropriate and varied vocabulary, sentence structures and forms of expression
• ii. write and speak in a register and style that serve the context and intention
• iii. use correct grammar, syntax and punctuation
• iv. spell (alphabetic languages), write (character languages) and pronounce with accuracy
• v. use appropriate non-verbal communication techniques
III. Organization skills
• Create plans to prepare for summative assessments (examinations and performances)
• Use appropriate strategies for organizing complex information
Learning Experiences:
Siswa dibimbing dan diobservasi saat berkolaborasi menyusun pembuatan film

IX. Creative thinking skills
• Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products or processes
• Create original works and ideas; use existing works and ideas in new ways
Learning Experiences:
Siswa dibimbing dan diobservasi saat menyusun skenario film dan konsep pembuatan film.

B: Organizing
• i. employ organizational structures that serve the context and intention
• ii. organize opinions and ideas in a sustained, coherent and logical manner
C: Producing text
• i. produce texts that demonstrate insight, imagination and sensitivity while exploring and reflecting critically on new
perspectives and ideas arising from personal engagement with the creative process
• ii. make stylistic choices in terms of linguistic, literary and visual devices, demonstrating awareness of impact on an audience
MYP Subject Group Objectives
• iii. select relevant details and examples to develop ideas
D: Using language
• i. use appropriate and varied vocabulary, sentence structures and forms of expression
• ii. write and speak in a register and style that serve the context and intention
• iii. use correct grammar, syntax and punctuation
• iv. spell (alphabetic languages), write (character languages) and pronounce with accuracy
• v. use appropriate non-verbal communication techniques

MYP Assessment Criteria B: Organizing, C: Producing text, D: Using language

Knowledge: Memahami perbedaan drama dengan film, jenis-jenis film, dan unsur-unsur dalam film. , Skills: Menentukan dialog,
Knowledge and Skills
membuat skenario, teknik pengambilan gambar

Summative_Bahasa Indonesia LL : Membuat film pendek

Penilaian Individu Unit 1 (Refleksi)
Unit Title

Penilaian Individu Unit 1 (Refleksi)

Summative_Bahasa Indonesia LL : Membuat film pendek
Summative_Bahasa Indonesia LL : Membuat film pendek
Penilaian Individu Unit 1 (Refleksi)

Jelajah Indonesiaku (Wacana Eksposisi) (4 weeks

(16 hours))
Authors: Bella Gastyna Yosefine Gultom, S.Pd ., Rais,
S.Pd .

Key Concepts Related Concepts

Key & Related Concepts Communication Language and literature
• Audience imperatives
• Purpose

Scientific and technical innovation

Global context Exploration to Develop:
Systems, models, methods; products, processes and solutions

Conceptual Understanding Komunikasi menjadi suatu sarana menyampaikan gagasan dengan suatu tujuan tertentu.

Statement of Inquiry:
Wacana eksposisi sebagai keterampilan komunikasi berbahasa dalam memahami keterkaitan manusia dan lingkungan.
Inquiry Questions:
F : Apa yang dimaksud dengan wacana eksposisi?
Statement of Inquiry
C : Bagaimana cara menyusun wacana eksposisi yang baik?

D : Apakah media penyampai informasi berpengaruh terhadap fungsi utama wacana eksposisi?

C : Bagaimana memberikan pandangan dan tanggapan terhadap penjelasan suatu informasi yang berkaitan dengan sosial,
budaya dan lingkungan hidup?
Unit Title

I. Communication skills
• Use a variety of media to communicate with a range of audiences
• Participate in, and contribute to, digital social media networks
Learning Experiences:
Siswa dibimbing dan diobservasi cara berbicara dan penggunaan media dalam menyampaikan wacana eksposisi

II. Collaboration skills
• Delegate and share responsibility for decision-making
• Take responsibility for one’s own actions
• Manage and resolve conflict and work collaboratively in teams
Learning Experiences:
Siswa dibimbing dan diobservasi saat mengumpulkan data di lokasi yang dikunjungi secara berkelompok.

A: Analysing
• i. analyse the content, context, language, structure, technique and style of text(s) and the relationship among texts
• ii. analyse the effects of the creator’s choices on an audience
• iii. justify opinions and ideas, using examples, explanations and terminology
B: Organizing
• i. employ organizational structures that serve the context and intention
• ii. organize opinions and ideas in a sustained, coherent and logical manner
• iii. use referencing and formatting tools to create a presentation style suitable to the context and intention
C: Producing text
MYP Subject Group Objectives • i. produce texts that demonstrate insight, imagination and sensitivity while exploring and reflecting critically on new
perspectives and ideas arising from personal engagement with the creative process
• ii. make stylistic choices in terms of linguistic, literary and visual devices, demonstrating awareness of impact on an audience
• iii. select relevant details and examples to develop ideas
D: Using language
• i. use appropriate and varied vocabulary, sentence structures and forms of expression
• ii. write and speak in a register and style that serve the context and intention
• iii. use correct grammar, syntax and punctuation
• iv. spell (alphabetic languages), write (character languages) and pronounce with accuracy
• v. use appropriate non-verbal communication techniques

MYP Assessment Criteria A: Analysing, B: Organizing, C: Producing text, D: Using language

Knowledge: Memahami tujuan dan ciri wacana eksposisi yang baik Skills: Menyusun wacana eksposisi dalam bentuk video laporan
Knowledge and Skills

Summative_Bahasa Indonesia LL: Menyusun wacana eksposisi (Teks dan Video)

Tasks Summative_Bahasa Indonesia LL: Menyusun wacana eksposisi (Teks dan Video)
Summative_Bahasa Indonesia LL: Menyusun wacana eksposisi (Teks dan Video)
Unit Title

Evidence of Understanding
Siswa dapat mengamati, memahami, menyampaikan pandangan tentang keterkaitan manusia dan lingkungan yang mereka alami
melalui video laporan perjalanan

Man Jadda Wajada (5 weeks (24 hours))

Authors: Bella Gastyna Yosefine Gultom, S.Pd ., Rais,
S.Pd .

Key Concepts Related Concepts

Key & Related Concepts Perspective Language and literature
• Character
• Point of view

Identities and relationships

Global context Exploration to Develop:
Identity formation, self-esteem, status, roles and role models

Conceptual Understanding Karakter membedakan perspektif manusia dalam mengatasi masalah.

Statement of Inquiry:
Karakteristik seseorang dapat menunjukkan identitas serta mempengaruhi cara seseorang mengambil keputusan untuk mengatasi
Inquiry Questions:
Statement of Inquiry F : Apa itu tokoh dan penokohan?

F : Apa saja jenis-jenis tokoh?

C : Bagaimana penokohan dapat membentuk identitas karakter?

D : Apakah karakter dapat menentukan sikap seseorang dalam mengambil keputusan?

Language and literature

B: Organizing
• i. employ organizational structures that serve the context and intention
C: Producing text
Unit Title

• i. produce texts that demonstrate insight, imagination and sensitivity while exploring and reflecting critically on new
perspectives and ideas arising from personal engagement with the creative process
IV. Affective skills
• Self-motivation
- Practise analysing and attributing causes for failure
- Practise managing self-talk
- Practise positive thinking
V. Reflection skills
• Focus on the process of creating by imitating the work of others
Learning Experiences:
• Affective skills: Siswa dibimbing dan diobervasi saat mengisi Jelajah Negeri 5 Menara dan menentukan karakter tokoh
• Reflection skills: Siswa dibimbing dan diobservasi saat mengisi Jelajah Negeri 5 Menara dan memahami kehidupan tokoh

VIII. Critical thinking skills
• Practise observing carefully in order to recognise problems
• Gather and organize relevant information to formulate an argument
Learning Experiences:
Siswa dibimbing dan diobservasi saat menganalisis karakter tokoh dan setting di dalam novel.

A: Analysing
• i. analyse the content, context, language, structure, technique and style of text(s) and the relationship among texts
• ii. analyse the effects of the creator’s choices on an audience
• iii. justify opinions and ideas, using examples, explanations and terminology
B: Organizing
• i. employ organizational structures that serve the context and intention
• ii. organize opinions and ideas in a sustained, coherent and logical manner
• iii. use referencing and formatting tools to create a presentation style suitable to the context and intention
C: Producing text
MYP Subject Group Objectives
• i. produce texts that demonstrate insight, imagination and sensitivity while exploring and reflecting critically on new
perspectives and ideas arising from personal engagement with the creative process
• ii. make stylistic choices in terms of linguistic, literary and visual devices, demonstrating awareness of impact on an audience
D: Using language
• i. use appropriate and varied vocabulary, sentence structures and forms of expression
• ii. write and speak in a register and style that serve the context and intention
• iii. use correct grammar, syntax and punctuation
• iv. spell (alphabetic languages), write (character languages) and pronounce with accuracy
• v. use appropriate non-verbal communication techniques

MYP Assessment Criteria A: Analysing, B: Organizing, C: Producing text, D: Using language

Unit Title

Jenis-jenis setting dalam novel, Perbedaan tokoh dan penokohan, Jenis-jenis tokoh, Karakteristik tokoh, teknik penggambaran
Knowledge and Skills
tokoh dan karakternya., Kemampuan/keterampilan membaca intensif

Summative: Langkah Akhir Penjelajahan N5M

Jelajah Negeri 5 Menara
Summative: Langkah Akhir Penjelajahan N5M
Jelajah Negeri 5 Menara
Summative: Langkah Akhir Penjelajahan N5M
Tasks Jelajah Negeri 5 Menara

Evidence of Understanding
Siswa dapat mengenali beragam jenis karakter, memecahkan masalah dengan bijak sesuai karakter, menyampaikan pendapat
untuk memecahkan masalah.

Duta Bahasa (4 weeks (16 hours))

Authors: Bella Gastyna Yosefine Gultom, S.Pd ., Rais,
S.Pd .

Key Concepts Related Concepts

Communication Language and literature
Key & Related Concepts • Audience imperatives
• Context
• Structure

Personal and cultural expression

Global context Exploration to Develop:
Critical literacy, languages and linguistic systems; histories of ideas, fields and disciplines; analysis and argument

Conceptual Understanding Bahasa berkembang secara struktural dan konteks.

Statement of Inquiry:
Memahami serta menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia secara baik dan benar dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berkomunikasi lisan
Statement of Inquiry dan tulisan sesuai dengan pendengar/pembaca.
Inquiry Questions:
F : Jelaskan maksud dari ciri bahasa yang dinamis?
Unit Title

C : Bagaimana bahasa berkembang? Apa hal yang harus diperhatikan sebagai pengguna bahasa agar kemampuan bahasa selalu
D : Dapatkah bahasa berkembang?

VI. Information literacy skills
• Collect, record and verify data
• Process data and report results
Learning Experiences:
Siswa akan melakukan pengumpulan bukti kesalahan berbahasa yang terdapat di sekitar mereka dan mencantumkannya dalam

A: Analysing
• i. analyse the content, context, language, structure, technique and style of text(s) and the relationship among texts
• iii. justify opinions and ideas, using examples, explanations and terminology
B: Organizing
• i. employ organizational structures that serve the context and intention
• ii. organize opinions and ideas in a sustained, coherent and logical manner
• iii. use referencing and formatting tools to create a presentation style suitable to the context and intention
MYP Subject Group Objectives C: Producing text
• i. produce texts that demonstrate insight, imagination and sensitivity while exploring and reflecting critically on new
perspectives and ideas arising from personal engagement with the creative process
• ii. make stylistic choices in terms of linguistic, literary and visual devices, demonstrating awareness of impact on an audience
• iii. select relevant details and examples to develop ideas
D: Using language
• i. use appropriate and varied vocabulary, sentence structures and forms of expression
• iii. use correct grammar, syntax and punctuation

MYP Assessment Criteria A: Analysing, B: Organizing, C: Producing text, D: Using language

Membedakan dan menyimpulkan maksud iklan, slogan, dan poster., Menulis iklan, slogan, dan poster., Memahami model dan
Knowledge and Skills menulis teks persuasi., Mendata permasalahan kebahasaan aktual sebagai bahan informasi dalam menulis teks persuasi.,
Memahami dan mengaplikasikan homonim, homofon, homograf, polisemi, dan ejaan baku.

Kemahiran Berbahasa: Bagian dari refleksi

Kemahiran Berbahasa: Bagian dari refleksi
Kemahiran Berbahasa: Bagian dari refleksi
Eksplorasi Bahasa
Eksplorasi Bahasa
Eksplorasi Bahasa
Latihan analisis kesalahan berbahasa: Kesalahan Makna
Latihan analisis kesalahan berbahasa: Kesalahan Makna
Unit Title

Latihan analisis kesalahan berbahasa: Kesalahan Makna

Formatif: Latihan Analisis Kesalahan Berbahasa pada Teks
Formatif: Latihan Analisis Kesalahan Berbahasa pada Teks
Formatif: Latihan Analisis Kesalahan Berbahasa pada Teks
Sumatif: Poster Duta Bahasa
Sumatif: Poster Duta Bahasa
Sumatif: Poster Duta Bahasa

Evidence of Understanding
Membuat poster keragaman bahasa Indonesia yang berisi analisis kesalahan berbahasa untuk meningkatkan kesadaran dalam
berkomunikasi lisan dan tulisan secara baik dan benar.

Transformasi Sastra (5 weeks (20 hours))

Authors: Bella Gastyna Yosefine Gultom, S.Pd ., Rais,
S.Pd .

Key Concepts Related Concepts

Key & Related Concepts Creativity Language and literature
• Point of view
• Self-expression

Personal and cultural expression

Siswa akan mengeksplorasi cara menulis puisi dan penggunaan serta pemilihan kata.
Global context Exploration to Develop:
Artistry, craft, creation, beauty
Critical literacy, languages and linguistic systems; histories of ideas, fields and disciplines; analysis and argument

Kreativitas seseorang terlihat dalam proses serta hasil yang ditandai dengan penggunaan imajinasi dan pemikiran yang berbeda
Conceptual Understanding
sebagai bentuk ekspresi diri.

Statement of Inquiry:
Perbedaan sudut pandang akan menimbulkan perubahan perspektif dalam berekspresi.
Inquiry Questions:
Statement of Inquiry
F : Faktor apa yang memengaruhi perubahan bentuk karya sastra?

C : Bagaimanakah tahapan mentransformasi sastra?

D : Sejauh mana kita dapat berkreasi dalam mengubah karya sastra?

Unit Title

Language and literature

A: Analysing
• i. analyse the content, context, language, structure, technique and style of text(s) and the relationship among texts
• iii. justify opinions and ideas, using examples, explanations and terminology
• iv. evaluate similarities and differences by connecting features across and within genres and texts
C: Producing text
• i. produce texts that demonstrate insight, imagination and sensitivity while exploring and reflecting critically on new
perspectives and ideas arising from personal engagement with the creative process
• iii. select relevant details and examples to develop ideas
D: Using language
• i. use appropriate and varied vocabulary, sentence structures and forms of expression
VI. Information literacy skills
• Present information in a variety of formats and platforms
Learning Experiences:
Siswa dibimbing dan diamati saat menganalisis unsur-unsur cerpen yang akan dijadikan puisi.

IX. Creative thinking skills
• Use brainstorming and visual diagrams to generate new ideas and inquiries
• Generate metaphors and analogies
Learning Experiences:
Siswa dibimbing dan diamati saat menyusun puisi dengan beragam cara (cerpen, diagram, gambar, dan diksi) dan penggunaan

A: Analysing
• i. analyse the content, context, language, structure, technique and style of text(s) and the relationship among texts
• iii. justify opinions and ideas, using examples, explanations and terminology
• iv. evaluate similarities and differences by connecting features across and within genres and texts
C: Producing text
• i. produce texts that demonstrate insight, imagination and sensitivity while exploring and reflecting critically on new
perspectives and ideas arising from personal engagement with the creative process
MYP Subject Group Objectives
• ii. make stylistic choices in terms of linguistic, literary and visual devices, demonstrating awareness of impact on an audience
• iii. select relevant details and examples to develop ideas
D: Using language
• i. use appropriate and varied vocabulary, sentence structures and forms of expression
• ii. write and speak in a register and style that serve the context and intention
• iv. spell (alphabetic languages), write (character languages) and pronounce with accuracy
• v. use appropriate non-verbal communication techniques

MYP Assessment Criteria A: Analysing, C: Producing text, D: Using language

Unit Title

Siswa mampu memahami dan mengidentifikasi unsur-unsur pembangun puisi., Siswa mampu menyimpulkan unsur-unsur
pembangun dan makna puisi, Siswa mampu menelaah unsur-unsur pembangun puisi., Siswa mampu memahami dan
Knowledge and Skills mengidentifikasi unsur-unsur cerpen, Siswa mampu menyajikan gagasan, perasaan, pendapat suatu cerpen menjadi puisi., Siswa
mampu mengaplikasikan unsur fisik (majas, irama, kata konotasi, kata berlambang, dan pengimajian) dan unsur batin (tema,
amanat, perasaan, dan nada/sikap penyair pada pembaca) serta ungkapan

Analisis Cerpen
Riset Unit 5
Analisis Cerpen
Analisis Cerpen
Riset Penyair dan Puisi
Riset Unsur Fisik dan Batin Puisi
Riset Unit 5
Sumatif: Analisis Puisi dan Cerpen
Tasks Sumatif: Analisis Puisi dan Cerpen
Sumatif: Analisis Puisi dan Cerpen
Sumatif: Mentransformasi cerpen menjadi puisi
Sumatif: Mentransformasi cerpen menjadi puisi
Sumatif: Mentransformasi cerpen menjadi puisi

Evidence of Understanding
Siswa akan menghasilkan puisi yang berbeda dari sumber ide yang sama.

Pewarta (2 weeks (8 hours))

Authors: Bella Gastyna Yosefine Gultom, S.Pd ., Rais,
S.Pd .

Key Concepts Related Concepts

Key & Related Concepts Connections Language and literature
• Audience imperatives
• Style

Orientation in space and time

Global context Exploration to Develop:
Peoples, boundaries, exchange and interaction

Conceptual Understanding Keterkaitan fakta yang terhubung dengan baik dapat meningkatkan keterlibatan pendengar/pembaca.

Statement of Inquiry Statement of Inquiry:

Unit Title

Fakta dan gaya penyampaian dalam sebuah berita sangat memengaruhi tindakan pendengar/pembaca sesuai dengan kondisi
Inquiry Questions:
F : Apa fungsi berita?

C : Bagaimana berita ditulis dan disampaikan?

D : Sejauh apa efektivitas dan ketepatan suatu media dalam menyampaikan fakta?

Language and literature

B: Organizing
• i. employ organizational structures that serve the context and intention
• ii. organize opinions and ideas in a sustained, coherent and logical manner
• iii. use referencing and formatting tools to create a presentation style suitable to the context and intention
VII. Media literacy skills
• Locate, organize, analyse, evaluate, synthesise and ethically use information from a variety of sources and media (including
digital social media and online networks)
• Demonstrate awareness of media interpretations of events and ideas (including digital social media)
• Communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety of media and formats
• Compare, contrast and draw connections among (multi)media resources
Learning Experiences:
Siswa dibimbing dan diobservasi saat menggumpulkan bahan teks dari berbagai media

B: Organizing
• i. employ organizational structures that serve the context and intention
• ii. organize opinions and ideas in a sustained, coherent and logical manner
• iii. use referencing and formatting tools to create a presentation style suitable to the context and intention
MYP Subject Group Objectives D: Using language
• i. use appropriate and varied vocabulary, sentence structures and forms of expression
• ii. write and speak in a register and style that serve the context and intention
• iv. spell (alphabetic languages), write (character languages) and pronounce with accuracy
• v. use appropriate non-verbal communication techniques

MYP Assessment Criteria B: Organizing, D: Using language

Knowledge and Skills Siswa mampu memahami berita dan menyampaikan berita

Video Liputan Jurnalisme Warga

Tasks Video Liputan Jurnalisme Warga
Video Liputan Jurnalisme Warga
Unit Title

Evidence of Understanding
Siswa dapat menentukan dan menyampaikan fakta yang tepat.

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