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2. I MADE PERDI HARISTANA 1601882030083
3. INTAN SAGITA M 1601882030091
5. KOMANG ADI EKA SATYA 1601882030097





Translation is the process of changing speech or writing from one language
(source language) into another language (target language). As a means of
communication, the translation should be accurate, clear and natural and also should
be there sameness in meaning, parallelism in form. In the study of translation, we
will learn about Translation Shifting is a major concept in sentence analysis in
translation. The concept of Shifting helped us a lot to learn how a unit of different
level can be brought down to create interesting structures. J.C Catford gave an
explanation about translation shift “Translation shifts are thus ‘departures from
formal correspondence in the process of going from the SL to the TL”.10 It means
that shift can be exist when the SL text translated to another language in
grammatical aspect. The differences structure of language in every language can
lead the shift appears. Catford divided into two major kinds of translation shift, hat
are level shift and category shift:

1. Level Shift:

Shift in level shift means that a SL item at one linguistic level has a TL
translation equivalent at different level. In this case, the linguistic level of
grammatical in SL changes into lexical level in TL or can be lexical level changes
into grammatical level.


SL: Mom is sleeping

TL: Dia sedang tidur

That example, is sleeping is grammatical form in English. Is sleeping is a

form of present continuous tense because it contains of auxiliary (is) + Ving
(sleeping). Present continuous tense means an act still in progress at the moment.
In Indonesian language it is relevant with lexical sedang. The lexical form sedang
as a sign that action still in progress.

2. Category Shift

Category shifts are departure from formal correspondence in translation. A

formal correspondence is any TL category (unit, class, element of structure, etc.)
which can be said to occupy, as nearly as possible, the “same” place in the
“economy” of TL, as the given SL category occupies in SL. For example, if both
SL and TL operate with grammatical unit at five ranks (an example might be
English and French which appear to have five rank: word, phrase, sentence, group,
morpheme) we can say that there is a formal correspondence between two hierarchy
units. A category-shift has structure-shifts, class-shifts, unit-shifts (rank-changes),
intra-system-shifts, which will be explained under:

2.1 Structure-shifts

Structure-shifts: These are amongst the most frequent category shifts at all
ranks in translation; they occur in phonological and graphlogical translation as well
as in total translation. (Translated as a whole except accidental changes)


1. SL – John loves Mary (English)

TL – John mencintai Mary (Indonesian).

2. There is a structure-shift at clause-rank.

SL – the man (S) is (P) on the boat (A) (English)
TL – ada (P) pria itu (S) di atas kapal (Indonesia)
3. There is complete formal correspondence of clause-structure (no structure
SL – is (P) the man (S) on the boat (A)? (English)
TL – adakah (P) pria itu (S) di atas kapal? (A) (Indonesia)

For instance, there is often a shift from MH (modifier+head) to (M) HQ ((modifier

+) head+qualifier), e.g. A white house (MH) sebuah rumah putih (MHQ).

3.2 Class Shift

Class shift occurs when the translation equivalence of an SL item is a
member of a different class from the original item. It is a change in word class.
Catford defines class shifts following Halliday‟s definition “that grouping of
members of a given unit which is defined by operation in the structure of the unit
next above” (quoted in Hatim and Munday, 2004:45). Structure shifts entail class
shifts. This is because of the “logical dependence of class on structure” (Catford,
SL: Annual report
TL: Laporan tahunan
From example of translation above, it can be seen at Source Language (SL), there
is Annual (Adjective), that is translated into Target Language (TL) Tahunan
(Noun). It means that there is class shifts from the sentences above and it is proved
that structure shifts entail class shifts.
Example: -
SL: Medical Students
TL: Mahasiswa kedokteran
From that example, the adjective changes into another class, that is a noun.
SL: One day, she runs into secret room.
TL: Suatu hari, dia berlari ke ruang rahasia

2.4 Unit Shift

Unit shift means changes of rank, that is, depatures from formal
correspondence in which the translation equivalent of a unit at one rank in the
Source Language (SL) is translated into a unit at a different rank. The language rank
may change among the morpheme, word, phrase/ group, clause, to sentence, and
sometimes even further up including paragraph and text. The unit shift shows a
change of rank. A lower is translated into a higher rank or vise versa. For example
English SL : Imposible
Indonesian TL : Tidak mungkin
From examples of translation above, unit shift can be found at Source Text
(ST) is Imposible (word), that is translated into Target Text (TT) Tidak Mungkin
(Phrase). It means that shift from word to phrase.
Unit shift also can be from low level to higher level or from high level to
lower level. It is caused by the differences of the amount of meaning component in
different concept.
A. Low level to higher level

For example :
English SL : housekeeper
Indonesian TL : Pengurus rumah tangga

From examples of translation above, it is translation in term low level to

higher level. It means that in the Source Language (SL) there is one word but after
translated into Target Language (TL) became more than one word . it can be seen
on word “housekeeper” wgich is consist of more than one word was translated into
“pengurus rumah tangga”which is consists of three words.

B. High level to Lower level

For example :
English SL : Ultimate betrayal
Indonesian TL : Pengkhianat

From examples above, in this case, the Soource Language (SL) consists of
more than one word and then translated becoming just one word. In the other hand,
it can be said that the amount of word of the Source Language (SL) is much more
than in Target Language (TL). The word “ultimate betrayal” that consists of two
words was translated into “pengkhianat” that cosistsof just one word.

2.5 Intra-system shift

A. Noun (plural) into noun (singular)
SL: Harsh sounds of chains and pulleys, like the workings of an ancient steel
factory, echoed through the room, bouncing off the walls with a hollow, tinny
TL: Suara rantai dan katrol bergemerincing keras, seolah sebuah pabrik baja kuno
sedang bekerja, bergema di dalam ruangan, membentur-bentur dinding terowongan
dengan bunyi berderit yang menggema.
B. Noun (singular) Translated into Noun (plural)

SL: And that the older boy was just hidding his concern.
TL: Dan bahwa anak-anak yang lebih tua itu menyembunyikan kerisauannya.

C. Verb-ed Translated into Verb

SL: With a groan and then a clonk, the rising room halted.
TL: Dengan suara berkeriut dan kemudian berdentang, lift yang bergerak naik itu

D. Verb-ing Translated into Verb

SL: Thomas was drowning in a sea of confusion.

TL: Thomas tenggelam diantara gelombang kebingungan.

Verb-s/es Translated into Verb

SL: We have to make bloody sure it never happens again.

TL: Kami harus meyakinkan hal itu tak akan pernah terjadi lagi.

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