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While Germany consolidates itself as the most powerful economy in the European
Union and the fourth most important in the world, 20% of Germans are on the verge
of poverty. How is it possible?

The risk of poverty is increasing according to the German Federal Statistical Office,
inequality has been more noticeable since the financial crisis of 2007 as it seems to
be stagnant, as the director and proferor of the Institute of Economics at the
University of Muster says. .

The unstable working conditions are due to the package of social and labor reforms
created by the former Chancellor Gerhard Schroder, which allowed a reactivation of
the economy of this country but, with consequences of high poverty index since there
were cuts of social benefits, leading Outsource employees.

The reality in the streets of Germany is that there is a big difference gap, which are
so visible, although for the world this model sees it with admiration; So much so that
a study conducted by the public radio Bávara BR and Der Spiegel magazine, the
search for a flat in Germany is more complicated for those of Turkish or Arab origin,
foreigners, nationalities, and sex, since Turkish men are more discriminated against
than Turkish women.


For these reasons the economy of GERMANY compared to other European

countries, its rate of impoverishment is higher. Since the majority of Germans
depends on their monthly income. And some of these revenues are lower and have
no financial reserves, leading not to accumulate retirement reserves, on the other
hand only 40% of people live in their own homes, the opposite of Italy and Spain that
have real estate with increases significant, example is Italy and Cyprus as with
assets from 150,000 and 170,000, not leaving behind Portugal and Greece that
surpass the Germans.


More than 10 years ago, Germany was a pioneer in the protection and expansion of
renewable energies which are sources that have improved considerably with respect
to the production of electricity production, so much so that they are more profitable
than fossil fuel energy.

The program of emission of gases started in 2017 that extends 2020, which seeks
to avoid new prohibitions of circulation for vehicles disell, digitalization and traffic
management in German cities.

But Germany is not advancing as quickly as planned in climate protection, and will
not be able to meet the climate targets warned by 2020. According to the climate
change prevention report 2018 approved on February 6, 2019 by the Council of
Ministers, Germany will likely emit 32% less greenhouse gases by 2020 than in 1990
when the initial target was a 40 percent decrease, according to the report.

The German Minister for the Environment, Svenja Schulze, called for more courage
and commitment in the field of climate policy since this objective is difficult to achieve,
for this reason the minister will not be able to give an exact date to cease production
of carbon, which is harmful to the climate since Germany is responsible for 2.32% of
global greenhouse gases.

He also announced that he will present a law for the fulfillment of climate targets and
that this be binding, since there are droughts and forests are under pressure, that is
why some environmentalists demand a rapid exit of carbon. Due to these proposals
the East of Germany, fear massive loss of jobs, since the coal companies that there
are, taking with himself a paralyzed climate policy leaving this as a new debate.

By 2030, Germany's greenhouse gas emissions should be reduced by 55% from

1990 levels. Schulze also praised the plan for the gradual exit of coal-based energy
presented days ago by a commission of experts appointed by the German
On the other hand The environmental organization WWF spoke of a "lost decade"
for climate protection. The federal government has done little or nothing to limit
global warming to 1.5 degrees, environmentalists said.



HUMAN RIGHTS ---- (Education, Health, Food, Gender Equality - And


Education: German education is very complex, because everything must be

regulated as the United States, and not the national government, which only has a
role to guide some decisions in portions of territories and dominated throughout the
country education. Therefore education in this place is compulsory and free from 6
to 18 years and all this population must attend class not to do so the law penalizes
parents or guardians, with the exception of those children with disabilities. For this
reason almost all adults know how to read and write.

In Germany, 4 types of schools are managed, according to the student's capacity:

 The Gymnasium, are the smartest children, and prepare for university
studies, lasting eight or nine years, depending on the state.
 The Realschule, has a wider range of special interest for intermediate
students and lasts six years.
 The Hauptschule prepares students for professional education.
 The Gesamtschule, combines the three approaches.


Health: all those who live in Germany have to have a medical insurance, the
requirements possibilities vary depending on the work or study situation and
membership of the European Union or not.
The costs of medical care are among the most expensive in the continent, since
nothing is free even public hospitals, as both assistance and emergencies must be
paid by the insurance or by the patient, if you are not Insured you can be sanctioned
for a retroactive period not covered.

For this reason Germany is one of the countries that performs very well the health
area, since it is characterized as a mixed type one part is financed by the government
and the other part by the person, on the other hand the 4% of patients wait 4 hours
to be treated at the health center, also has a good number of medical devices to
serve the population.

It should be noted that Germany has a combination of financing from private

insurers, individual contribution and free choice of contributors. In addition, the
German system is divided into 3 areas: ambulatory, hospitalization, and habilitation.

So anyone who intends to travel to Germany should buy medical insurance this
procedure is done at the German embassy.





GRADE: 7-3



LEGAL YEAR: 2018-2019







GRADE: 7-3



LEGAL YEAR: 2018-2019

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