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Capricorns are born between December 22nd and January 20th, and belong to the Earth element

of the zodiac (along with Taurus and Virgo). The Earth sign crew are all practical, self reliant,
stoic and ambitious. You'd want them in your corner... but maybe not at a party.

Capricorns are ruled by the planet Saturn aka, the "task master", as are Aquarians (or they were
until people decided it was actually Uranus, so, looks like Capricorns are on their own. AGAIN).

To get an idea of the classic Capricorn personality traits and types, we need only to look to some
of the most famous celeb Capricorns: Kate Middleton, Michelle Obama, Dolly Parton, Bradley
Cooper, Zayn Malik and Liam Hemsworth, to name a few.

Typical Capricorn personality traits

AMBITIOUS (read: workaholic)

Driven to do their utmost bestest, Capricorns never let themselves off the hook. They're
determined to show other people what they're made of. And, let's face it, a little bit obsessed with
status and the trappings of success.

PERSISTENT (read: relentless)

Caps may not be the fastest, cleverest, or the most talented, but hard work beats talent every time
when talent doesn't work as hard. That's why so many Capricorns make it - they never give up.

REALISTIC (read: pessimistic)

There are literally no flies on them as clear-eyed, perceptive, down-to-earth and worldly-wise
characters. Their feet are so rooted on the ground that sometimes their gaze tips downwards, and
they'll focus on the negatives rather than the "possibles".

SENSITIVE (read: touchy)

Capricorns have zero tolerance when it comes to being made fun of, like, ZERO. They will hunt
someone down if they feel mocked or undermined by them. It's a sin that won't be forgotten in
their book.

PRACTICAL (read: dry)

Capricorns aren't ones for flights of fancy or dreaming up new worlds, but instead interested in
making things better in the real world. They're always smart and intuitive about how things
work, and like to get involved and just do it (rather than read/write/watch/listen to it).

DISCIPLINED (read: uptight)

If the 12 signs were given that toddler test about eat the sweet now or wait and get two sweets...
guess who'd be a winner? Right. Any Capricorn could sit there in that laboratory for years if they
thought this was a battle of wills with a tangible reward. Caps can make sacrifices. They can
control their urges. They are rock solid.

What are Capricorns into?

Munneh. It's the most tangible way to measure their success, and success is their catnip.

Puzzles and games. Really really difficult ones - something like Escape Rooms but extra. Tasks
which are absorbing and complicated (ideally "never been completed") that they can set their
methodical mind to solving... and prove to others how brill they are.

DIY and gardening. Capricorns LOVE being at home, and doing something useful, practical
and improving around the house or garden. Pottering-with-intent...

Reading. Not in a flippant way, oh no no, but to stockpile precious knowledge, learn how to do
things, and to outdo other people by acquiring surprising super-skills!

Instant gratification. For all of their seriousness and steadfastness, there is a big kid inside
every Capricorn who wants all the sweets/drinks/bonus points/shoes/cocktails and wants them
NOW. If they let themselves off their own lead, they have a tendency to go a teensy bit wild.

Who gets on best with Capricorns?

The Earth sign crew (Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo) all get on well with each other. They're on each
other's wavelength and share similar priorities and values - to a degree, anyway. There's a
pragmatic, materialistic, hard-headedness to them. They have no interest in the ethereal or
imaginative realm, it's all money/appetite/status/reward, thank you very much.

This Earthy vibe works romantically, professionally and on a friendship level. It's one big, weird
love-in. They can all judge, pressurise and critique each other to the ends of the earth. And the
other signs just have to leave them to it, because it's just something the Earth crew do!

The hot tip for hot sex for Capricorns is to find a Cancerian lover. This astrological combination
creates sparks from the opposites attract energy around it. Capricorn is all strong and protective,
and Cancer loves to be loved and cared for, illiciting sympathy and protection (which Capricorn
will provide). In return, Capricorns value loyalty above all, and Cancers will deliver that in
spades. There's an old-fashioned feel to this pairing, but it endures.

Capricorns will cross swords with Fire signs, because their confidence (*arrogance*) will rile the zodiac's
goaty grafter. Geminis will infuriate them with their fickle and nonsensical ideas and schemes.

All in all, sometimes, Capricorns actually just like to be left the hell alone. But we love them too much to
do that.


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