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the industrial revolution is a radical change in the effort to achieve production using

machines, both for propulsion power and for processing personnel. The 4.0 industrial
revolution itself was referred to as the digital era, where almost the majority of human
work would be replaced by machines.

At 2030, Indonesia will face the industrial revolution 4.0, which is a position where
thousands and even millions of human jobs (which are repetitive, such as accountants,
bank tellers, drivers and receptionists) will be replaced by robots and artificial
intelligence. The goal is to increase profits as much as possible and reduce the smallest
losses. However, at the same time Indonesia is also projected to experience a
demographic bonus. Demographic bonus is a position where the productive age is
greater than the non-productive age. This certainly will increase unemployment in

In addition to eliminating many jobs, the 4.0 industrial revolution will also provide several
new jobs in the form of experts. For this reason, the younger generation must develop
the skills they have from now on
With the revoulusi industry, people are required to be able to think critically in
accordance with their abilities and knowledge. For example, someone with a junior high
school graduate cannot work in a company or in a government institution so that critical
thinking skills are needed to open employment opportunities for themselves and others.
Other skills that can be developed are also the ability to work together with other people
/ in the team, and communication skills between good group members. In addition, it
must also have broad and strong mental insights to be able to face intense competition.
Thus, the younger generation will have more value in the work environment.
Examples of the influence of the 4.0 industrial revolution in the conflict approach are like
the use of online transportation. the capitalists dominate society with their online
transportation, so that other workers become less desirable and eventually experience

The industrial revolution replaced human labor with robotic power, this indirectly led to
reduced employment so that the number of unemployed people increased. Some
people who depend on their jobs to become hopeless when fired from work cause major
depression and can trigger those people to commit suicide.

Another factor that causes unemployment apart from the industrial revolution 4.0 is the
identity crisis. because he has no purpose and establishment he is looking for someone
who can be a role model. with a role model, he follows everything his role model does,
cannot determine what he wants himself. often wrong in choosing a department, after
graduation confused to find a job and eventually become unemployed.

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