Você está na página 1de 2

1. Create a ZFS file system for the new repository.

Create the repository in a shared location. Set atime to off when you create the repository file system.
Consider setting the compression property

$ zfs create -o atime=off rpool/VARSHARE/pkgrepos

$ zfs create rpool/VARSHARE/pkgrepos/solaris
$ zfs get atime rpool/VARSHARE/pkgrepos/solaris
rpool/VARSHARE/pkgrepos/solaris atime off inherited from

2. Get the package repository files.

Download the Oracle Solaris IPS package repository files (*repo*.zip) from the same location where you
downloaded the system installation image. (https://www.oracle.com/technetwork/server-
storage/solaris11/downloads/local-repository-2245081.html ) In addition to the repository files,
download the Repository Assembly Script (install-repo.ksh) script and the SHA256
Digest file

$ ls
install-repo.ksh sol-11_3-ga-repo-3of4.zip
README-zipped-repo.txt sol-11_3-ga-repo-4of4.zip
sol-11_3-ga-repo-1of4.zip sol-11_3-ga-repo.txt

3. Make sure the script file is executable.

$ chmod +x install-repo.ksh

4. Run the repository installation script.

$ ./install-repo.ksh -d /var/share/pkgrepos/solaris -c -v -I
Comparing digests of downloaded files...done. Digests match.
Uncompressing sol-11_3-ga-repo-1of4.zip...done.
Uncompressing sol-11_3-ga-repo-2of4.zip...done.
Uncompressing sol-11_3-ga-repo-3of4.zip...done.
Uncompressing sol-11_3-ga-repo-4of4.zip...done.
Repository can be found in /var/share/pkgrepos/solaris.
Initiating repository verification.
Building ISO image...done.
ISO image can be found at:
Instructions for using the ISO image can be found at:
$ ls /var/share/pkgrepos/solaris
COPYRIGHT NOTICES pkg5.repository publisher README-
$ pkgrepo -s /var/share/pkgrepos/solaris info
solaris 4764 online 2014-03-18T05:30:57.221021Z
5. Download Latest Solaris 11.4 Patches and installation Guide.



6. Unzip the Installation Guide zip file in the same directory as the Solaris SRU patch zip files.

7. Install the SRU update with the following command.

$ ./install-repo.ksh -d /var/share/pkgrepos/solaris -c -v -I
IPS repository exists at destination /var/share/pkgrepos/solaris
Current version:
Do you want to add to this repository? (y/n) y
Comparing digests of downloaded files...done. Digests match.
Uncompressing sol-11_3-ga-repo-1of4.zip...done.
Uncompressing sol-11_3-ga-repo-2of4.zip...done.
Uncompressing sol-11_3-ga-repo-3of4.zip...done.
Uncompressing sol-11_3-ga-repo-4of4.zip...done.
Repository can be found in /var/share/pkgrepos/solaris.
Initiating repository rebuild.
Initiating repository verification.
Building ISO image...done.
ISO image can be found at:
Instructions for using the ISO image can be found at:

9. Configure the Solaris OS to access the local publisher.

$ pkg set-publisher –G ‘*’ –M ‘*’ –g file:///var/share/pkgrepos/solaris solaris

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