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1.1 Background of the Study

The advancement of technology, surprisingly, has many impacts for mankind

of language development. It is interesting to note that many early children acquire

their first language much faster than the following years ago. The writer assumes

the use of technology mejadi salah satu dampak pada perubahan perkembangan

pengalaman bahasa pada anak, seperti pada penggunaan mobile phone, tablet,

laptop computers, and personal media players. Hampir di semua kalangan individu

mulai dari orang tua hingga anak-anak kini memiliki salah satu dari perkembangan

teknologi diatas, seperti mobile phone atau yang sering kita kenal dengan gadget,

kemudian tablet dan juga laptop computers yang juga sering digunakan di banyak

kalangan termasuk kalangan anak-anak. Tentu saja hal ini terjadi bukan tanpa

alasan karena daya konsumsi dan kebutuhan masyarakat saat ini sudah sangat jauh

berbeda dibandingkan dengan beberapa dekade kebelangan. Ada berbagai macam

fitur yang di tawarkan dari penyedia jasa layanan dari dari masng-masing teknologi

tersebut yang menjadi provider pendukung. Seperti berbagi macam fitur audio

visual/video, games, dan aplikasi-aplikasi yang tersedia didalamnya. However, the

writer focuses mainly on using an audio visualization to see the experience

phenomenon of new language for the children. Seperti yang telah dikatakan

sebelumnya “that many early children acquire their first language much faster than

the following years ago, dan dengan dukungan audio visual, minat, kreatifitas dan

imajinasi anak membantu mereka untuk mengenal pengalaman bahasa kedua

mereka atau yang kita kenal dengan bahasa kedua. As expert said that “Second

language acquisition is concerned with the study of the way in which an individual

becomes able to use one or more language different from his/ her first language. A

learner’s age is one of the important factors affecting the process second language

acquisition” (Collier,1988).

Generally, in the early age children tend to acquire language with several

factors, and some of these factors are related to children's motivation to obtain a

second language after their first language. In this case a 5-year-old child tends to

use simpler sentences in speech even though at this age, children understand

sentences that are more complex, such as compound sentences. Then according to

Tarigan (1985), even though children are considered capable of composing

complex sentences, they are still making mistakes, such as in terms of arranging

sentences, choosing the right words and affixes. Beside that 5-year-olds tend to

understand and be able to use various forms of sentences, like one of them is

imperative sentences.

Imperative sentence is a type of sentence that gives instructions or advice,

expresses command and a direction dan memiliki unsur bentuk aksi (melakukan

sesuatu yang di instruksikan) yang dapat mengukur pemahaman anak terhadap

bentuk kalimat tersebut. Kalimat imperative ini sering kita jumpai dalam bentuk

audio visual yang dikemas dalam lagu-lagu anak dengan bahasa inggris. Dengan

mengenalkan bahasa inggris sejak dini terhadap anak-anak diharapkan agar meraka

dapat memulai pengalam bahasa baru atau bahasa kedua mereka. Pengalaman yang

diberikan dikemas dalam bentuk visual yang didukung teknologi yang bersifat

menghibur sekaligus mendidik. (kaitkan dengan imperative sentence).

Anak-anak usia lima tahun sampai dua belas tahun dikatakan berada pada masa

yang baik untuk perkembangan bahasa kedua mereka. Cara atau metode

pengembangan bahasa kedua pada anak tidak boleh menggunakan sembarang

metode. Metode yang digunakan harus metode yang sederhana, komunikasi, tanpa

acuan khusus dalam peraturan yang disesuaikan (Johan, 2000). Dalam

memperkenalkan pengalaman bahasa kedua terhadap anak dibutuhkan media yang

dapat memicu dan memotivasi mereka agar mudah dan enjoy dalam proses mengenal

dan memahami. (isuues mengenai mudahnya anak-anak dalam mendapatkan akses

vido dalam pemerolehan pengalamn bahasa baru dalam bahasa yang bukan bahasa

mereka “cari kutipan kasus” beri contoh kasus)

(menjelaskan background adelio, dan kasusnya)……

(menjelaskan phenomena pemerolehan bahasanya, berdasarkan teory


1.2 Statement of the Problem

In this research the writer…………

Based on the description of the background above, there are 2 problems that need

to be found out.

1. What is the influence of using video as the comprehensible input to see the

output of imperative sentence employed?

2. In what ways does the imperative sentence on children language acquisition


1.3 Purpose of the Study

1. To reveal the influence of using video as the comprehensible input to see

the output of imperative sentence employed.

2. To explain what ways does the imperative sentence on children language

acquisition employed.

1.4 Significance of the Study

There are two of benefits in this study

1. Theoretical Benefit

This research supports the development of subject dealing with

psycholinguistic and to give more knowledge and references for the people

who have interest in second language acquisition of children.

2. Practical Benefit

This research hopefully gives a clear description and share more knowledge

about the second language acquisition in understanding imperative sentence

and the research can be used as the references for those who want to conduct

further research about the same topic.

1.5 Scope and Limitation

In this research, the writer will focus on the understanding children to

imperative sentence. Then, the writer will analyze the process of language

acquisition and the phenomena based on psycholinguistic study of second language

acquisition. The participant of this research is only a child selected by the writer to

be analyze used a method of case study approach. And the writer would take the

data from the record of the child and do the observation to the children. So the writer

argues there would be found potential findings.

1.6 Conceptual Framework

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