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Name : Ankit Ghosh
ID : 2015UCP1467


1. Objective : Establish a Point-to-Point connection between two nodes.

2. Tasks Performed : A Point-to-Point network topology between nodes is taken, where two
nodes are communicating over network via p2p channel.

3. Steps Involved :
a. Topology Creation : Node0-----Node1-----Node2
b. Configuration :
i. Client : Node 0
ii. Server : Node 2
iii. MAC Protocol : CSMA/CA
iv. Type of Connection : Point-to-Point
v. Type of Traffic : UDP
c. Simulation : The above network configuration was simulated on NS3.

4. Detailed simulation parameters :

a. Simulation Time : 10 sec
b. Link1 data rate (Node0 - Node1) : 5 Mbps
c. Link2 data rate (Node1 - Node2) : 10 Mbps
d. Link1 delay : 2 ms
e. Link2 delay : 5 ms
f. Packet Size : 2048 Bytes
g. Interval : 0.0003 sec
h. Maximum Packets : 3000
i. Base Address : (Node0), (Node1)
5. Outputs/Results :

Parameter n0 ( -> n2 ( n2 ( -> n0 (

Transmitted Bytes 6228000 6623848

Transmitted Packets 3000 2998

Received Bytes 6223848 6217620

Received Packets 2998 2995

Throughput 4.825 Mbps 4.823 Mps

Total Jitter Delay +846871030 ns +9735080 ns

Total Delay +992081874228 ns +13075669447 ns

Packets Lost 2 3

6. Conclusion : Flow Monitor is used to collect and store performance data from simulation.
This module uses probes installed in network nodes to track the packets exchanged by the
nodes and measures a number of parameters. Packets are divided according to the flow.

1. Objective : Design and configure a sample network model with two LANs connected
Point-to-Point, collect statistics and analyze network performance.

2. Tasks Performed : A Point-to-Point network topology and a bus topology (CSMA)

between nodes is taken, where two nodes from different bus topologies are
communicating over network via p2p channel.

3. Steps Involved :
a. Topology Creation :
n1 n2 n3 n4 ---------------- n5 n6 n7 n8
| | | | point-to-point | | | |
=========== ==========

b. Configuration :
i. MAC Protocol : CSMA/CA
ii. Type of Connection : Point-to-Point
iii. Type of Channel : Wired Channel
iv. Type of Traffic : UDP
c. Simulation : The above network configuration was simulated on NS3.

4. Detailed simulation parameters :

a. Simulation Time : 10 sec
b. Point-to-Point data rate : 10 Mbps
c. Point-to-Point Channel delay : 2 ms
d. CSMA Channel data rate : 100 Mbps
e. CSMA Channel delay : 6560 ns
f. Packet Size : 2048 Bytes
g. Interval : 0.0003 sec
h. Maximum Packets : 3000
i. Base Address : (First Bus Topology), (Second Bus Topology)

5. Outputs/Results :

Parameter n3 ( -> n6 ( n6 ( -> n3 (

Transmitted Bytes 5536692 5038452

Transmitted Packets 2667 2427

Received Bytes 5536692 5038452

Received Packets 2667 2427

Throughput 5.027 Mbps 4.805 Mps

Total Jitter Delay +1279397702 ns +686360 ns

Total Delay +1196363107697 ns +10968669226 ns

Packets Lost 0 0

6. Conclusion : Flow Monitor is used to collect and store performance data from
simulation. This module uses probes installed in network nodes to track the packets
exchanged by the nodes and measures a number of parameters. Packets are divided
according to the flow.

1. Objective : Create a wireless network with two Wifi access points and send data between
nodes, connected to different access points.

2. Tasks Performed: In our simulation data packets are sent between two wireless nodes
via different access points which are connected by Point-to-Point channel. Two separate
wireless channels have been created with base addresses and

3. Steps Involved:
a. Topology Creation :


n4 n3 n2 n0 ------- n1 n5 n6 n7

* * * | | * * *


b. Configuration :
i. Type of Nodes : CSMA (Wifi Nodes), p2p (Access Point)
ii. Type of Connection : Point-to-Point
iii. Type of Channel : Wireless Channel
iv. Type of Traffic : UDP
v. Mobility Model : Grid Position
1. MinX : 0.0
2. MinY : 0.0
3. DeltaX : 5.0
4. DeltaY : 10.0
5. GridWidth : 3
6. LayoutType : RowFirst
c. Simulation : The above network configuration was simulated on NS3.

4. Detailed simulation parameters :

a. Number of Node : 8
b. Base Address (First Channel), (Second Channel)
c. Interval : 0.0002 sec
d. Simulation Time : 10 sec

5. Outputs/Results :
a. At time 2.00000 sec Client ( sent 1024 bytes to Server (
b. At time 2.01772 sec Server ( received 1024 bytes from Client
c. At time 2.01772 sec Server ( sent 1024 bytes to Client (
d. At time 2.03965 sec Client ( received 1024 bytes from Server

6. Conclusion : In wireless medium two nodes have to communicate via Access Points
only. And also in ideal conditions all the packets are received whereas in the case of path
loss, packet loss will be there.


1. Objective : Create a scenario for Hidden Terminal with RTS/CTS enabled and disabled.
Find the packet drop in both the scenario.
2. Tasks Performed : Network Scenario for Hidden Terminal is created. Maximum
Wireless Range is set to 5m to produce a hidden node scenario.

3. Steps Involved :
a. Topology Creation : [node 0] <-- -50 dB --> [node 1] <-- -50 dB --> [node 2]
b. Configuration :
i. Mobility Model : Constant Position Model
ii. Type of Channel : Wireless Channel
iii. Type of Traffic : UDP
iv. Type of Application : On-Off
v. Type of Stream: CBR (Constant Bit Rate)
c. Simulation : The above network configuration was simulated on NS3.

4. Detailed simulation parameters :

a. Number of Node : 3
b. Base Address :
c. Maximum Packets : 4295 Packets
d. Packet Size : 1472 bytes
e. Interval : 0.0002 sec
f. Simulation Time : 10 sec
g. Default Propagation Loss : 200 dB

5. Outputs/Results :
a. With RTS/CTS :

Parameter Flow 1 (node0 -> node1) Flow 2 (node2 -> node1)

Transferred Packets 4295 4295

Received Packets 1617 1629

Packet Lost 2518 2485

Total Jitter Delay +21152746180 ns +20461610466 ns

b. Without RTS/CTS :

Parameter Flow 1 (node0 -> node1) Flow 2 (node2 -> node1)

Transferred Packets 4295 4295

Received Packets 937 943

Packet Lost 3358 3352

Total Jitter Delay +19153742580 ns +18153732540 ns

6. Observations : In the ideal conditions (Where path loss = 0 dB ) RTS/CTS packets

increases the overhead in the network and hence packet loss is higher compared to
without RTS/CTS transfer. But in practical scenario there is always path loss, therefore
RTS/CTS Packets enhances the performance.

7. Conclusion : Performance is better with RTS/CTS packets as we can analyze from the
results that almost double packets are received with RTS/CTS technique.


1. Objective : Create a scenario for Exposed Terminal with RTS/CTS enabled and disabled.
Find the packet drop in both the scenario.
2. Tasks Performed : Network Scenario for Exposed Terminal is created. Maximum
Wireless Range is set to 5m to produce a exposed node scenario. Wifi Ad-hoc network is
created for the same.

3. Steps Involved :

a. Topology Creation : [n0] <-- -50 dB --> [n1] [n2] <-- -50 dB --> [n3]

b. Configuration :
i. Mobility Model : Constant Position Model
ii. Type of Channel : Wireless Channel
iii. Type of Traffic : UDP
iv. Type of Application : On-Off
v. Type of Stream: CBR (Constant Bit Rate)

c. Simulation : The above network configuration was simulated on NS3.

4. Detailed simulation parameters :

a. Number of Node : 4
b. Base Address :
c. Maximum Packets : 40178 Packets
d. Packet Size : 1400 bytes
e. Interval : 0.0002 sec
f. Simulation Time : 10 sec
g. Default Propagation Loss : 200 dB
h. Data Rate : 50 Mbps

5. Outputs/Results :
a. With RTS/CTS :

Parameter Flow 1 (node1 -> node0) Flow 2 (node2 -> node3)

Transferred Packets 40178 40174

Received Packets 24618 23663

Packet Lost 14459 15361

Total Jitter Delay +8592300700 ns +8934892723ns

d. Without RTS/CTS :

Parameter Flow 1 (node1 -> node0) Flow 2 (node2 -> node3)

Transferred Packets 40178 40174

Received Packets 24594 23573

Packet Lost 15584 16609

Total Jitter Delay +8092301623 ns +8424792623ns ns

6. Conclusion : Performance didn’t improve much with RTS/CTS packets as we can

analyze from the results that almost same packets are received with RTS/CTS technique.


1. Objective : Explain how the link failures are handled in AODV with an example.

2. Tasks Performed: Firstly 10 nodes are created separated by 100 m distance and
communication among these nodes is simulated for 100 sec using AODV protocol. Then
one intermediate node is removed to see how AODV handles these type of failures.

3. Steps Involved :
a. Topology Creation : n1<-- step --> n2 <-- step --> n3 <-- step --> n4 --> n5 -->
n6 --> n7 --> n8 --> n9--> n10

b. Configuration : Type of Nodes : Wifi Nodes

i. Type of Channel : Wireless Channel
ii. Type of Traffic : UDP
iii. Mobility Model : Grid Position
● MinX : 0.0
● MinY : 0.0
● DeltaX : step
● DeltaY : 0
● GridWidth : size
● LayoutType : RowFirst

c. Simulation : The above network configuration was simulated on NS3.

4. Detailed simulation parameters :

● Number of Node : 10
● Step : 100 m
● Base Address :
● Packets Transmitted : 100 Packets
● Packet Size : 64 bytes
● Simulation Time : 100 sec

5. Outputs/Results :

Parameter node1-> node4

Transferred Packets 100

Received Packets 23

Packet Lost 73

Routing Table for Node 0 :

Node: 0; Time: +8.0s, Local time: +8.0s, AODV Routing table

AODV Routing table

Destination Gateway Interface Flag Expire Hops UP 12.04 1 IN_SEA 4.60 11

RCH UP 922337 1

5 UP 922337 1


6. Observations : Packet loss depends upon many factors like simulation time, distance
between the nodes,etc.

7. Conclusion : If if we remove one node among the topology of 10 then if range of

previous node is greater than 2 times of distance between nodes then nothing will happen
and communication will remain same otherwise it will stop immediately.


1. Objective: Simulate the DSDV routing protocol and evaluate the performance.

2. Tasks Performed: We have taken 10 nodes for the network and we have simulated it for
5 sec with 5 sink nodes using DSDV protocol.

3. Steps Involved :

● Topology Creation : n1<-- step --> n2 <-- step --> n3 <-- step --> n4 --> n5 -->
n6 --> n7 --> n8 --> n9--> n10
● Configuration :
○ Type of Nodes : Wifi Nodes, Sink Nodes
○ Type of Channel : Wireless Channel
○ Type of Traffic : UDP
○ Mobility Model : Grid Position
■ MinX : 0.0
■ MinY : 0.0
■ DeltaX : 0
■ DeltaY : 0
■ GridWidth : nwifi
■ LayoutType : RowFirst

● Simulation : The above network configuration was simulated on NS3.

4. Detailed simulation parameters

a. Number of Node : 10
b. Base Address :
c. Packets Transmitted : 135 Packets
d. Traffic Rate : 8kbps
e. Simulation Time : 5 sec
f. Remote station manager data mode: Dsss Rate 11Mbps

5. Outputs/Results :

6. Conclusion :

The availability of paths to all destinations in network always shows that less delay is
required in the path set up process.
The method of incremental update with sequence number labels, marks the existing wired
network protocols adaptable to Ad-hoc wireless networks. Therefore, all available wired
network protocol can be useful to ad hoc wireless networks with less modification.

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