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For me the most important qualities that my partner must have are intelligence, empathy,
good feelings, friendly, faithful, loving and that respects or shares my musical tastes.
2. If I cheated on my partner I would tell him because the relationship would not be working
and it would be best to end it.
3. For me a perfect romantic night would be
Go camping with my partner and make a campfire then eat fried chicken and take soju.
Look at the stars together after my partner plays his guitar and sing together.
4. I never had a lover because the right person hasn´t yet arrived.
5. I would consider that yes because it would be a help to be able to meet and talk with the
guy that I like but it depends on us whether it works or not.
6. No, I haven´t met anyone online because I only add people I know.
My friend met her boyfriend on the Internet, he was a doctor and lived in Venezuela, but
they ended their relationship after two years
I think it´s difficult to communicate through a screen and take a relationship from a distance.
7. es because times have changed and now women work after getting married and
contributing to the family.
8. I would not mind his physique because I consider that beauty is subjective.
handsome boys are arrogant, generate distrust and insecurity in the couple
9. I would move with the person I love because I don´t like long distance relationships and I x
Don´t plan to live my whole life with my family and I would like to experience something
10. I would like to live together before marriage and to know ourselves better and see if it works
to take the next step because I think that marriage is important and I would not like to get
11. I would first listen to the reasons why my parents are opposed to the relationship then I
would make a decision.
12. My grandparents were married by arrangement of their parents and separated when their
parents died.
I think they don´t work because there is no love and you do not know that person.
13. I wouldn´t invite it because I'm shy and would prefer to keep my feelings and not say it
14. I think The main reasons are jealousy and infidelity and lack of communication

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