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Workbook answer key

1 Please call me Beth.

Exercise 1 Name Wherefrom? Languages Sports?
Answers will vary. 3. Su Yin Taiwan Chinese and volleyball


Exercise 2 4. Ahmed Luxor, Egypt Arabic baseball

2. A: What's your teacher's first name?

and English

B: My teacher's first name is ...

3. A: Where is your teacher from? B
B: My teacher is from ... Answers will vary.
4. A: How is your English class? Exercise 8
B: My English class is . .. SARAH: Pretty good, thanks. Are you a student here?

5. A: What are your classmates like? RICH: No, I'm not. I'm on vacation. Are you a student?

B: My classmates are ... SARAH: Yes, I am.

Exercise 3 RICH: And what are you studying?

2. A: My name is Young Hoon Park. SARAH: I'm studying Spanish.

B: Nice to meet you, Young Hoon. RICH: Oh, really? Is Susan Miller in your class?

3. A: Hello. I'm a new club member. SARAH: Yes, she is. Is she your friend?

B: Welcome. RICH: No, she's not. She's my sister!

4 . A: I'm sorry. What's your name again? Exercise 9

B: Joe King. TINA: Hi. I'm Tina Fernandez.

5. A: How do you spell your first name? AMY: Are you from South America, Tina?

B: A-N-T-O-N-I-O . TINA: Yes, I am. I'm from Argentina. Where are you

6. A: What do people call you? and your sister from, Alex?

B: Everyone calls me Ken. ALEX: We're from Taiwan.
Exercise 4 TINA: Are you from Taipei?
2. JIM: What's your last name? ALEX: No, we're not. We're from Tainan. Say, are you
BOB: My last name's Hayes. in English 101?
3. JIM: Who's that? TINA: No, I'm not. I'm in English 102.
BOB: That's my wife. Exercise 10
4. JIM: What's her name? 2. A: Are you free?
BOB: Her name is Rosa. B: No, I'm not. I'm very busy.
5. JIM: Where's she from? 3. A: Are you from Spain?
BOB: She's from Mexico. B: No, we're not from Spain. We're from Mexico.
6. JIM: Who are they? 4. A: Is your teacher Mr. Brown?
BOB: They're my wife's parents. B: No, my teacher isn't Mr. Brown. I'm in

Exercise 5 Ms. West's class.

2. Our 4. He 6. Her 8. It 5. A: Are Kim and Mika in your class?

3. your 5. My 7. They B: Yes, Kim and Mika are in my class.
6. A: Is it an interesting class?
Exercise 6 B: Yes, it's an interesting class.
AMY: Oh, they are on the volleyball team. Let me 7. A: Are they on the same baseball team?
introduce you. Hi, Surachai, this is Lisa Neil. B: No, they're not on the same baseball team.

SURACHAI: Pleased to meet you, Lisa. They're on the same volleyball team.

LISA: Nice to meet you, too. Where are you from?

SURACHAI: I am from Thailand. Exercise 11
Hello Good-bye
AMY: And this i§. Mario. He i§. from Brazil.
How are you doing? ./

LISA: Hi, Mario.

See you around. ./

Exercise 7 So long. ./

A How's everything? ./


Name Wherefrom? Languages Sports? Long time, no see. ./

1. Mario Cali, Spanish volleyball See you Monday. ./ ,

Colombia and French Have a good weekend. ./

2. Eileen Mozambique, Swahili and Hi there! ./ --..

Africa Portuguese Exercise 12

Answers will vary.


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