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1. From your OFFICE / CLASSROOM FILES, SELECT at least 5 variables / categories each with at LEAST 25 data.

For example

2. Place your data in excel and compute for the following

Means, Median , Mode
interpret the data with each descriptive statistic

3. Write the regression equation and interpret

4. Which of the factors are significantly correlated? To what extent? Why?
5. Submit your midterm exams by email on or before April 27, 2019

The data are the IPCRF rating, age, net salary, number of years, and seminars attended by 25 teachers.

1 2.05 57 3 23 15
2 3.64 54 3 25 11
3 4.93 33 2 6 7
4 3.01 50 3 21 13
5 4.28 28 1 4 8
6 3.62 51 3 27 12
7 3.51 52 3 30 20
8 2.8 61 3 32 21
9 4.36 31 2 6 6
10 4.28 53 3 24 22
11 2.34 60 3 34 22
12 3.98 54 3 24 18
13 4.16 25 1 3 2
14 4.28 27 1 7 3
15 4.63 28 1 6 3
16 4.21 32 1 9 4
17 3.12 55 2 27 30
18 4.33 27 1 6 5
19 3.99 55 3 28 20
20 3.21 58 2 30 25
21 3.1 54 2 31 23
22 3.56 57 2 31 22
23 4.21 25 1 3 1
24 4.89 29 1 2 1
25 4.37 27 1 4 2

MEAN 3.79 43.32 2.04 17.72 12.64

MEDIAN 3.99 51 2 23 12
MODE 4.28 54 3 6 22

The average of IPCRF Rating of 25 teachers is 3.79 with median 43.32 and the most frequent rating is 4.28.
The average of age of 25 teachers is 43.32 with median 51 and the most frequent age is 51.
The average of teacher position of 25 teachers is 2.04 with median 2 and the most frequent teacher position is 3 .
The average of number of years of 25 teachers is 17.72 with median 23 and the most frequent number of years is 6 .
The average of number of seminars attended of 25 teachers is 12.64 with median 12 and the most frequent seminars attended

3. Write the regression equation and interpret

a) Fit a regression equation of the form

y= b₀ + b₁X₁ + b₂X₂ + b3X3 + b4X4

y= 6.003 - 0.071X₁ + 0.304X₂ - 0.009X3 +0.034X4

Interpretation: The IPCRF Rating is directly related to teacher's position and seminars attended by the teacher. H
years is inversely related to the performance rating of teachers.


Regression Statistics
Multiple R
R Square
Adjusted R Square
Standard Error



b₀ Intercept
b₁ AGE
4. Which of the factors are significantly correlated? To what extent? Why?


AGE -0.7760272466 1
TEACHER P -0.6182883599 0.86581501 1
NUMBER O -0.7636431992 0.97606542 0.816177978 1
SEMINARS -0.6733727738 0.90865681 0.687704688 0.9145936174 1

r value interpretation CONCLUSION: All the variables for teacher's IPCRF rating are
inversely attributed. The increase in age of
1.0 perfect teacher decreasingly affects IPCRF rating.
0.81-0.99 very strong Younger teachers perform better than the old
0.61-0.80 strong ones. The increase in teacher's position
decreasingly affects IPCRF rating. Teacher 1
0.41 - 0.60 moderate positions have the tendency to get higher
0.21 - 0.40 slight IPCRF rating than those on higher positions.
0.01 - 0.20 low The increase in the number of years of
teacher decreasingly affects IPCRF rating.
Experienced teachers tend to get lower IPCRF
rating than those of the newly hired. The
increase in the number of seminars attended
by the teacher decreasingly affects IPCRF
t LEAST 25 data. For example
ORK EXPERIENCE, ETC (Independent Variables)
rating is 4.28.

eacher position is 3 .
t number of years is 6 .
most frequent seminars attended is 22 .

minars attended by the teacher. However, age and number of

Normal Probability Plot

on Statistics

0.63542 5
0.562504 0
0.49821 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
25 Sample Percentile

df SS MS F Significance F
4 8.6521470843 2.163037 8.714422 0.000305
20 4.9642689157 0.248213
24 13.616416

Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95% Lower 95.0%
Upper 95.0%
6.003092 0.8986920055 6.679811 1.68E-06 4.128454 7.8777310973 4.128454 7.877731
-0.07135 0.0440604565 -1.61943 0.121017 -0.16326 0.0205556681 -0.16326 0.020556
0.304077 0.2624473183 1.15862 0.260259 -0.24338 0.8515321157 -0.24338 0.851532
-0.00964 0.0418808124 -0.23007 0.820371 -0.097 0.0777261563 -0.097 0.077726
0.034236 0.0313614198 1.091653 0.287962 -0.03118 0.0996545695 -0.03118 0.099655
The correlation between IPCRF Rating to age is -0.78 which is low. It means that when the x increases, y decreases.
Using Coefficient Determination AGE

CD = r² *100% (-0.78^2)
= 0.6084
= 60.84% 60.84% of the IPCRF Rating is inversely attributed to the change in the teach

The correlation between IPCRF Rating to TEACHER'S POSITION is -0.62 which is low. It means that when the x increa
Using Coefficient Determination TEACHER'S POSITION

CD = r² *100% (-0.62^2)
= 0.3844
= 38.44% 38.44% of the IPCRF Rating is inversley attributed to the change in the teach

The correlation between IPCRF Rating to TEACHER'S POSITION is -0.76 which is low. It means that when the x increa
Using Coefficient Determination NUMBER OF YEARS

CD = r² *100% (-0.76^2)
= 0.5776
= 57.76% 57.76% % of the IPCRF Rating is inversely attributed to the change in the num

The correlation between IPCRF Rating to TEACHER'S POSITION is -0.67 which is low. It means that when the x increa
Using Coefficient Determination SEMINARS ATTENDED

CD = r² *100% (-0.67^2)
= 0.4489
= 44.89% 44.89 % of the IPCRF Rating is inversely attributed to the change in the semin
n the x increases, y decreases.

ted to the change in the teacher's age.

means that when the x increases, y decreases.

ted to the change in the teacher's position.

means that when the x increases, y decreases.

buted to the change in the number of years.

means that when the x increases, y decreases.

uted to the change in the seminars attended.

#1/p197 Given a normal distribution with µ = 40 and Ơ =6, find
a the area below 32;
b the area above 27; standard dev = squareroot of variance 6
c the area between 42 and 51;
d the X value that has 45% of the area below it;
e the x value that has 13% of the area above it.
a Z = (x - µ) / (32 - 40)/6 -1.33
Using Table A.4
The Area in question is: 0.0918 interpretation: 9.18% of the scores are below 32

b Z = (x - µ) (27 - 40) /6 -2.17

Using Table A.4
Area to the left of Z=-2.1 is 0.015
Area in question is
1 - 0.0150 0.985 interpretation: 98.50% of the scores are over 27

C The area between 42 and 51

P ( 42 < X < 51) = P (Z₁ < Z < Z₂)

from table A4
Z1 = 0.33 A1 = 0.6293
Z2 = 1.83 A2 = 0.9664

P ( 42 < X < 51) = P (Z₁ < Z < Z₂)
P ( 42 < X < 51) = P(Z₂ <1.83) - P (Z₁ < 0.33)
= 0.9664 - 0.6293
0.3371 Answer interpretation: 33.71% of the scores are between 42 and 51

d. the x value that 45% of the area is below it

From table A.4, we find the value of A that is CLOSEST TO 45% or 0.45
We see that the value is 0.4483 which has a value of Z = -0.13

Given that X is unknown,

Z = (x - µ) / Ơ
x = zƠ + µ -0.13 *6 + 40
x= 39.22 interpretation: 45% of the scores are below 39.22
e the x value that 13% of the area is above it

From table A.4, we find the value of A that is CLOSEST TO 13% or 0.13
We see that the value is 0.1292 which has a value of Z = -1.13

Given that X is unknown,

Z = (x - µ) / Ơ
x = zƠ + µ -1.13 *6 + 40
x= 33.22 interpretation: 13% of the scores are above 33.22

#3/p198 Given the normally distributed variable X with mean = 18 and standard deviation 2.5, find
(a) P( X < 15);
(b) P( 17 < X < 21);
(c ) the value of k such that P(X < k) = 0.2578
(d) the value of k such that P(X > k) = 0.1539

the area below 15;

a Z = (x - µ) / (15 - 18)/2.5 -1.20
Using Table A.4
The Area in question is: 0.1151 interpretation: 11.51% of the scores are below 15

b The area between 17 and 21

P ( 17 < X < 21) = P (Z₁ < Z < Z₂)

from table A4
Z1 = -0.40 A1 = 0.3446
Z2 = 1.20 A2 = 0.8849

P ( 17 < X < 21) = P (Z₁ < Z < Z₂)
P ( 17 < X < 21) = P(Z₂ <1.20) - P (Z₁ < -0.40)
= 0.8849 - 0.3446
0.5403 Answer interpretation: 54.03% of the scores are between 17 and 21

c the value of k such that P(X < k) = 0.2578

We see that the value is 0.2578 which has a value of Z = -0.65

d the value of k such that P(X > k) = 0.1539

We see that the value is 0.1539 which has a value of Z = 1.02
P( X > k ) = 0.1539
P( X > k ) =1-0.1539
= 0.8461
From table A.4, k = 1.02

#5/p198 The finished inside diameter of a piston ring is normally distributed with a mean of 10 centimeters and a standard d

a What proportion of rings will have inside diameters exceeding 10.075cm?

Z = (x - µ) / Ơ = (10.075 - 10) / 0.03 2.5
Using Table A.4
The Area in question is: 0.9938
P ( X < 10.075) = 1 - P ( Z < Z₁) 1 - 0.9938 0.0062
0.62% of the rings will have an inside diameter exceeding 10.075cm

b What is the probability that a piston ring will have an inside diameter between 9.97 and 10.03 cm?

Z1 = -1.0 A1 = 0.1587
Z2 = 1.0 A2 = 0.8413
P (x₁ < X <x₂) = P (Z₁ < Z < Z₂)
P (9.97 < X < 10) = P (Z < Z₂) - P (Z < Z₁) = 0.8413 - 0.1587 68.26% of the piston rings will have an inside diame
c Below what value of inside diameter will 15% of the piston rings fall?

From table A.4, we find the value of A that is CLOSEST TO 15% or 0.15
We see that the value is 0.1492 which has a value of Z = -1.04

Given that X is unknown,

Z = (x - µ) / Ơ
x = zƠ + µ -1.04 *0.03 + 10
x = 9.9688 interpretation: 15% of the piston rings inside diameter falls at 9.968

#7/p198 If a set of grades on a statistics examination are approximately normally distributed with a mean of 74 and a standar

a The lowest passing grade if the lowest 10% of the students are given F's;
From table A.4, we find the value of A that is CLOSEST TO 10% or 0.1
We see that the value is 0.1003 which has a value of Z = -1.28

Z= (x - µ) / Ơ
x= zƠ + µ
x= -1.28*7.9 + 74
x= 63.89 interpretation: the lowest passing grade of the lowest 10% students

b The highest B if the top 5% of the students are given A's;

From table A.4, we find the value of A that is CLOSEST TO 95% or 0.95 1-0.05
We see that the value is between 0.9495 and 0.9505 which has a value of Z = 1. P(X < k) = 95% or 0.95

Z= (x - µ) / Ơ
x= zƠ + µ
x= 1.645*7.9 + 74
x= 86.996 interpretation: the highest B if the top 5% of the students are given

c The lowest B if the top 10% of the students are given A's and the next 25% are given B's
From table A.4, we find the value of A that is CLOSEST TO 65% or 0.65 1-0.35
We see that the value is between 0.6480 and 0.6517 which has a value of Z = 0. P(X < k) = 65% or 0.65

Z= (x - µ) / Ơ
x= zƠ + µ
x= 0.385*7.9 + 74
x= 77.042 interpretation: the lowest B if the top 10% students are given A's an

#9/p199 The heights of 1000 students are normally distributed with a mean of 174.5 cm and a standard deviation of 6.9 cm.
Assuming that the heights are recorded to the nearest half of a centimeter, how many of these students would you
expect to have heights

a less than 160.0 centimeters?

Z = (x - µ) / Ơ = (159.75 - 174.5)/6.9 -2.14
From table A.4,
-2.14 = 0.0162
X= 0.0162 * 1000
X= 16 students are less than 160 centimeters

b between 171.5 and 182.0 centimeters inclusive?

Z1 = -0.47 A1 = 0.3192
Z2 = 1.12 A2 = 0.8686

P (x₁ < X <x₂) = P (Z₁ < Z < Z₂)

P (171.5 < X < 182) = P (Z < Z₂) - P (Z < Z₁) = 0.8686 - 0.3192 0.5494

X= 0.5494 * 1000
X= 549 students are between 171.5 and 182 centimeters

c equal to 175.0 centimeters

Z = (x - µ) / Ơ = (174.75 - 174.5)/6.9 = 0.04 Z = (x - µ) / Ơ = (175.25 - 174.5)/6.9 = 0.11
From table A.4,
0.04 = 0.5160 0.11 = 0.5438

P (Z < Z₂) - P (Z < Z₁) = 0.5438-0.5160 0.0278

X= 0.0278* 1000
X= 28 students have heights equal to 175 cm

d greater than or equal to 188.0 centimeters

Z = (x - µ) / Ơ = (187.75 - 174.5)/6.9 = 1.92
P (X > 187.75) = P (Z > 1.92) = 0.0274

X= 0.0274* 1000
X= 27 students have heights greater than or equal to 188 centimeters

#11/p199 The weights of a large number of miniature poodles are approximately normally distributed with a mean of 8 kilogra
standard deviation of 0.9 kilogram. If measurements are recorded to the nearest tenth of a kilogram, find the fractio
poodles with weights
(a) over 9.5 kilograms
(b) at most 8.6 kilograms
(c ) between 7.3 and 9.1 kilograms inclusive.

a Z = (x - µ) / Ơ = (9.5 - 8)/0 1.67 From table A.4, =0.9525

P (X > 9.5) = P (Z > 1.67) = 1 - 0.9525
0.0475 The fraction of poodles weighing over 9.5 kg is at 0.0475 or 19/400

b Z = (x - µ) / Ơ = (8.6 - 8)/0 0.67 From table A.4, =0.7486

c between 7.3 and 9.1 kilograms inclusive.

Z1 = -0.78 A1 = 0.2177
Z2 = 1.22 A2 = 0.8888

P (x₁ < X <x₂) = P (Z₁ < Z < Z₂)

P (7.3 < X < 9.1) = P (Z < Z₂) - P (Z < Z₁) = 0.8888 - 0.2177
The fraction of poodles weighing between 7.3 and 9.1 kg inclusively is at 0

#13/p199 If a set of observations is normally distributed, what percentage of the observation differs from the mean by
(a) more than 1.3Ơ?
(b) less than 0.52Ơ?

a Solution:
From table A.4, 1.3 = 0.9032

= 1 - P( Z < 1.3)
= 1 - 0.9032
Percentage of the observations that differ from the mean by more than 1.3 Ơ is 9.68%

b Solution:
From table A.4, -0.52 = 0.3015

Percentage of the observations that differ from the mean by less than 0.52 Ơ is 30.15%

#15/p199 The average rainfall, recorded to the nearest hundredth of a centimeter, in Roanoke, Virginia,for the month of March
Assuming a normal distribution with a standard deviation of 2.83 cm. find the probability that the next March Roan
(a) less than 1.84 centimeters of Rain
(b) more than 5 centimeters but not over 7 centimeters of rain;
(c ) more than 13.8 centimeters of rain

a less than 1.84 centimeters of Rain

Z = (x - µ) / Ơ = (1.84 - 9.22)/2.83 =
From table A.4, -2.61 = 0.0045
The probability that the next March Roanoke receives less than 1.84 cm of rain is at 0.0045.

b more than 5 centimeters but not over 7 centimeters of rain;

Z = (x - µ) / Ơ = (5 - 9.22)/2.83 = -1.4912 Z = (x - µ) / Ơ = (7 - 9.22)/2.83 = -0.7845
From table A.4, 0.9319 0.7852

P (Z < Z₂) - P (Z < Z₁) = 0.9319-0.7852

The probability that the next March Roanoke receives more than 5cm of rain but not over 7cm of rain is at 0.1467.
c more than 13.8 centimeters of rain
Z = (x - µ) / Ơ = (13.8 - 9.22)/2.83 =
From table A.4, 1.62 = 0.9474
P(z > 1.6184) = 1 P (z < 1.6184) = 1 - 0.9474
The probability that the next March Roanoke receives more than 13.8 cm of rain is at 0.0526.
are below 32

s are over 27

s are between 42 and 51

re below 39.22
re above 33.22

s are below 15

s are between 17 and 21

10 centimeters and a standard deviation of 0.03 cm.

eding 10.075cm

and 10.03 cm?

n rings will have an inside diameter between 9.97 and 10.03cm

ngs inside diameter falls at 9.9688cm

with a mean of 74 and a standard deviation of 7.9, find

rade of the lowest 10% students are 63.89%

95% or 0.95

top 5% of the students are given A's is at 86.996%

65% or 0.65

op 10% students are given A's and the next 25% are given B's are at approximately 77.042%

a standard deviation of 6.9 cm.

ny of these students would you
tributed with a mean of 8 kilograms and a
nth of a kilogram, find the fraction of these

5 kg is at 0.0475 or 19/400
n 7.3 and 9.1 kg inclusively is at 0.6711

differs from the mean by

, Virginia,for the month of March is 9.22 centimeters.

bility that the next March Roanoke receives

t over 7cm of rain is at 0.1467.

#18 A normal population with unknown variance is believed to have a mean 20. Is one likely to obtained a random samp
that has a mean = 24 and a standard deviation of s = 4.1? If not, what conclusion would you draw.

population mean= 20
sample mean= 24
stedev.s= 4.1
n= 9

t= (x - µ) √n / s = (24 - 20) √9 /4.1 2.93 computed t value

From table A5 v=n-1= 9 --1 8

At a level of significance ἂ = 0.025

t critical = 2.306 from table

Since t critical < t computed (use the absolute values when comparing)

Conclusion: Since the critical value of 2.306 is lesser than the computed t value of 2.93, the value falls within
Therefore, a random sample of size 9 with sample of 24 and SD of 4.1 won't be obtained from this populati

HOWEVER, if we use At a level of significance ἂ = 0.05

t critical = 1.86
t critical < t computed

Conclusion: Since the critical value is less than the computed value, the vlaue fall in theREJECTION REGION
Therefore, a random sample of size 9 with sample of 24 and SD of 4.1 won't be obtained from this populati
o obtained a random sample of size 9 from this population


2.93, the value falls within the REJECTION REGION

be obtained from this population.

be obtained from this population.
#2 The grades of a class of 9 students on midterm report (x) and on the final examination (y) are as follows:

x 77 50 71 72 81 94 96 99
y 82 66 78 34 47 85 99 99

a) Find the equation of the regression line.\

b) Estimate the final examination grade of a student who received a grade of 85 on the midterm report but was ill at

x y Final
Midterm Exam
77 82
50 66 Regression Statistics
71 78 Multiple R
72 34 R Square
81 47 Adjusted R
94 85 Standard E
96 99 Observatio
99 99
67 68 ANOVA

a) Fit a regression equation of the form Regression

y= b₀ + b₁X₁ Total
y= 12.06 + 0.78X₁ answer
b₀ Intercept
b) Predict the response y when x = 85 b₁ x Midterm

y= 12.06 + 0.78X₁
y= 78.36

Interpretation: The single response y is directly related to the independent variables x.

The response is high when the variables x is also high.

#4 The amounts of a chemical compound y, which dissolved in 100 grams of water at various temparture x, were record

x ◦C y (grams) SUMMARY OUTPUT

0 8 6 8
15 12 10 14 Regression Statistics
30 25 21 24 Multiple R 0.986372
45 31 33 28 R Square 0.97293
60 44 39 42 Adjusted R 0.971238
75 48 51 44 Standard E 2.572597
Observatio 18
x ◦C y (grams)
15 12 df SS
30 25 Regression 1 3805.886
45 31 Residual 16 105.8921
60 44 Total 17 3911.778
75 48
0 6 Coefficients
Standard Error
15 10 b₀ Intercept 5.83 1.07
30 21 b₁ x ◦C 0.57 0.02
45 33
60 39
75 51
0 8
15 14
30 24
45 28
60 42
75 44

a) Find the equation of the regression line.

b) Graph the line on a scatter diagram.
c) Estimate the amount of chemical that will dissolve in 100 grams of water at 50 degrees Celcius.

a) Find the equation of the regression line.

y= b₀ + b₁X₁
y= 5.83 + 0.57X₁ answer

b) Graph the line on a scatter diagram.

y (grams)

f(x) = 0.5676190476x + 5.8253968254

40 R² = 0.9729299389
30 y (grams)
Linear (y (grams))
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

c) Estimate the amount of chemical that will dissolve in 100 grams of water at 50 degrees Celcius.

y= 5.83 + 0.57X₁
y= 34.33 grams

Interpretation: The single response y is directly related to the independent variables x.

The higher the temperature the water means the higher the amount of chemical is dissolved.

#6 A study was made by a retail merchant to determine the relation between weekly advertising expenditures and sale

g Costs Sales ($)
40 385
20 400
25 395
20 365
30 475
50 440
40 490
20 420
50 560
40 525
25 480
50 510

a) Plot a scatter diagram

b) Find the equation of the regression line to predict weekly sales from advertising expenditures.
c) Estimate the weekly sales when advertising costs are $35.

a) Plot a scatter diagram

Sales ($)
f(x) = 3.2208121827x + 343.7055837563
400 R² = 0.4030183562

300 Sales ($)


Linear (Sales ($))

15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
300 Sales ($)

Linear (Sales ($))
15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55

b) Find the equation of the regression line to predict weekly sales from advertising expenditures.
The equation of the regression line.

y= b₀ + b₁X₁
y= 343.71 + 3.22X₁ answer

c) Estimate the weekly sales when advertising costs are $35.

y= 343.71 + 3.22X₁
y= 456.41 sales

Interpretation: The sales y is directly related to the advertising cost x.

The higher the advertising cost means the higher the sales.


#7 The following data were collected to determine the relationship bewteen high
school rank in class and grade - point average at the end of the freshman year in college:

Grade - Decile
Point rank, x
1.93 3
2.55 2
1.72 1
2.48 1
2.87 1
1.87 3
1.34 4
3.03 1
2.54 2
2.34 2
1.4 8
1.45 4
1.72 8
3.8 1
2.13 5
1.81 6
2.33 1
2.53 1
2.04 2
3.2 2

a) Find the equation of the regression line to predict the grade - point average of college freshman from high school
b) Predict the grade - point average for an entering - freshman who ranks in the third decile of her graduating class.

a) Find the equation of the regression line to predict the grade - point average of college freshman from high school

The equation of the regression line. SUMMARY OUTPUT

y= b₀ + b₁X₁ Regression Statistics

y= 2.78 - 0.18X₁ answer Multiple R
R Square
b) Predict the grade - point average for an entering - freshman Adjusted R
who ranks in the third decile of her graduating class. Standard E
y= 2.78 - 0.18X₁
y= 2.24 point grade answer ANOVA

Interpretation: The grade point average y is inversely related to Regression

the students' decile rank x. Residual
Students will get low grade point average Total
when they are on a high decile rank.
b₀ Intercept
b₁ Decile rank
on (y) are as follows:


the midterm report but was ill at the time of the final examination.


Regression Statistics

df SS MS F Significance F
1 1218.903 1218.903 3.21491 0.116064
7 2653.985 379.1408
8 3872.889

Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95%Upper 95%
Lower 95.0%
Upper 95.0%
12.06 34.66 0.35 0.74 -69.90 94.02 -69.90 94.02
0.78 0.43 1.79 0.12 -0.25 1.80 -0.25 1.80

arious temparture x, were recorded as follows

MS F Significance F
3805.886 575.0589 5.73E-14

t Stat P-value Lower 95%Upper 95%

Lower 95.0%
Upper 95.0%
5.42 0.00 3.55 8.10 3.55 8.10
23.98 0.00 0.52 0.62 0.52 0.62

grees Celcius.
grees Celcius.

mount of chemical is dissolved.

dvertising expenditures and sales. The following data were recorded:



Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.634837
R Square 0.403018
Adjusted R 0.34332
Standard E 50.2257
Observatio 12

df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 1 17030.04 17030.04 6.750934 0.026571
Residual 10 25226.21 2522.621
Total 11 42256.25

Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95%Upper 95%
Lower 95.0%
Upper 95.0%
Intercept 343.71 44.77 7.68 0.00 243.96 443.45 243.96 443.45
Advertising 3.22 1.24 2.60 0.03 0.46 5.98 0.46 5.98
lege freshman from high school rank in class.
d decile of her graduating class.

lege freshman from high school rank in class.


Regression Statistics

df SS MS F Significance F
1 3.168 3.168 12.13101 0.002655
18 4.70068 0.261149
19 7.86868

Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95%Upper 95%
Lower 95.0%
Upper 95.0%
2.78 0.19 14.73 0.00 2.38 3.17 2.38 3.17
-0.18 0.05 -3.48 0.00 -0.29 -0.07 -0.29 -0.07
#6 The following are data resulted from 15 experimental runs made on 4 independent variables
and a single response y.
y x1 x2
14.8 11.5 6.3 Regression Statistics
12.1 14.3 7.4 Multiple R
19.0 9.4 5.9 R Square
14.5 15.2 8.7 Adjusted R Square
16.6 8.8 9.1 Standard Error
17.2 9.8 5.6 Observations
17.5 11.2 6.8
14.1 10.9 7.4 ANOVA
13.8 14.7 8.2
14.7 15.1 9.2 Regression
17.7 8.7 4.7 Residual
17.0 8.6 5.5 Total
17.6 9.3 6.6
16.3 10.8 8.7
18.2 11.9 5.4 Intercept
a) Fit a regression equation of the form 〖� " "  〗 _𝛾|�_1,�_2 ┤  x2
=𝛽_0+𝛽_1 �_1+𝛽_2 �_2.

y= b₀ + b₁X₁ + b₂X₂ b0 =
y= 23.67 - 0.49X₁ - 0.29X₂ answer x1 =
x2 =

b) Predict the response y when x1 = 10.3 and x2 = 5.8.

y= 23.67 - 0.49X₁ - 0.29X₂

y= 16.94

Interpretation: The single response y is inversely related to the independent variables x1 and x2.
The response is higher when the variables x1 and x2 are lower.

#8 The following data were collected to determine the relationship between the college entrance aptitude examination
high school rank in class, and grade point average at the end of freshman year.

Grade point Aptitude Decile

avarege y Score x1 Rank X2
2.55 525 2
1.72 477 1 Regression Statistics
2.48 555 1 Multiple R
2.87 502 1 R Square
1.87 469 3 Adjusted R Square
1.34 517 4 Standard Error
3.03 555 1 Observations
2.54 576 2
2.34 559 2 ANOVA
1.4 574 8
1.45 578 4 Regression
1.72 548 8 Residual
3.8 656 1 Total
2.13 688 5
1.81 465 6
2.33 661 1 Intercept
2.53 477 1 Aptitude Score x1
2.04 490 2 Decile Rank X2
3.2 524 2

a) Fit a regression equation of the form 〖� " "  〗 _𝛾|�_1,�_2 ┤  b0 =

=𝛽_0+𝛽_1 �_1+𝛽_2 �_2.
x1 =
y= b₀ + b₁X₁ + b₂X₂ x2 =
y= 1.269 + 0.003X₁ - 0.184X₂ answer

b) Predict the grade - point average for entering freshman who has an aptitude score of 575
and ranks in the third decile of his graduation class.

x1 = 575
x2 = 3

y= 1.269 + 0.003X₁ - 0.184X₂


Interpretation: The grade point is directly influenced by the aptitude score x1 and inversely related to decile rank x2
The prediction grade - point of a freshman with an aptitude score of 575 and decile rank of 3 is 2.44
Regression Statistics

df SS MS F Significance F
2 29.973363122 14.98668156 7.6802360572 0.0071178028
12 23.4159702114 1.951330851
14 53.3893333333

Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95%

Lower 95.0%
23.67 2.0322434647 11.6494572 6.724109E-08 19.2466551375 28.10241 19.24666
-0.49 0.187034719 -2.60930375 0.0228309133 -0.8955440401 -0.08052 -0.89554
-0.29 0.3039353975 -0.96538431 0.3534053939 -0.9556328071 0.368804 -0.95563

nce aptitude examination score,

Regression Statistics

df SS MS F Significance F
2 3.761892505 1.880946253 7.7861555613 0.0039774337
17 4.106787495 0.241575735
19 7.86868

Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95%

Lower 95.0%
1.269 0.9777521003 1.298348735 0.2115056475 -0.7934134101 3.33234 -0.79341
0.003 0.0017657548 1.567932104 0.1353214506 -0.0009568333 0.006494 -0.00096
-0.184 0.0497572901 -3.69230557 0.0018077862 -0.2886978254 -0.07874 -0.2887

ly related to decile rank x2.

nd decile rank of 3 is 2.44.
Upper 95.0%
Upper 95.0%
#3 Six different machines are being considered for use in manifacturing rubber seals. The machines are being compared
to tensile strength of the product. A random sample of 4 seals from each machine is used to determine whether or n
the mean tensile strength varies from machine to machine. The following are the tensile - strength measurements in
per square centimeter x 〖 10 〗 ^(
1 2 3 4 5
17.5 16.4 20.3 14.6 17.5
16.9 19.2 15.7 16.7 19.2
15.8 17.7 17.8 20.8 16.5
18.6 15.4 18.9 18.9 20.5

Perform the analysis of variance at the 0.05 level of significance and indicate whether or not the treatment means differ signifi

1 2 3 4 5
17.5 16.4 20.3 14.6 17.5
16.9 19.2 15.7 16.7 19.2
15.8 17.7 17.8 20.8 16.5
18.6 15.4 18.9 18.9 20.5
Totals 68.8 68.7 72.7 71 73.7
Means 17.2 17.175 18.175 17.75 18.425

k=6 SST = 7665.02 - (427)² 7665.02 -
SSC = (68.8)² + (68.7)² + (72.7)²+ (71)²+ (73.7)²+ (72.1)²
SSE = SST - SSC = 62.64

S₁² = SSC / k-1 = 5.34 / 6 - 1) = 1.068

S₂² = SSE / k(n-1) = 62.64/(6*(4-1)) 3.48

f= S₁² /S₂² = 0.307 computed f

From Table A7 The critical value of f = 2.77

Analysis F computed is less than F critical (0.307 < 2.77)

Con clusion: ACCEPT the null hypothesis, at least two the means are EQUAL
Data Analysis
Anova: Single Factor

Groups Count Sum Average Variance
Column 1 4 68.8 17.2 1.3666666667
Column 2 4 68.7 17.175 2.7091666667
Column 3 4 72.7 18.175 3.7691666667
Column 4 4 71 17.75 7.2166666667
Column 5 4 73.7 18.425 3.1558333333
Column 6 4 72.1 18.025 2.6625

Source of Variation SS df MS F
Between Groups 5.34 5 1.067666667 0.307
Within Groups 62.64 18 3.48

Total 67.9783333333 23

SSC Computed F value


#5 In a biological experiment 4 concentrations of a certain chemical are used to enhance the growth of a certain type o
over a specified period of time. The following growth data, in centimeters, were recorded for the plants that survide

1 2 3 4
8.2 7.7 6.9 6.8
8.7 8.4 5.8 7.3
9.4 8.6 7.2 6.3
9.2 8.1 6.8 6.9
8.0 7.4 7.1

Is there a significant difference in the average growth of these plants for the different concentrations of the chemical? Use a 0.

1 2 3 4
8.2 7.7 6.9 6.8
8.7 8.4 5.8 7.3
9.4 8.6 7.2 6.3
9.2 8.1 6.8 6.9
8.0 7.4 7.1
Total 35.5 40.8 40.2 34.4 150.9
means 8.875 8.16 6.7 6.88 T = 150.9
n = 20
SST = 1157.89 - (150.9)² 1157.89
SSC = (35.5)²/4 + (40.8)²/5 + (40.2)²/6+ (34.4)²/5 -

SSE = SST - SSC = 3.89

S₁² = SSC / k-1 = 15.46/(4 - 1) = 5.15

S₂² = SSE / k(n-1) = 3.89/((20-4)) 0.24

f= S₁² /S₂² = 21.20 computed f

From Table A7 The critical value of f = 5.29

Analysis F computed is greater than F critical (21.20 > 5.29)

Con clusion: REJECT the null hypothesis, means are UNEQUAL

There is a significant growth of the plant with different concentrations of chemicals

Anova: Single Factor

Groups Count Sum Average Variance
Column 1 4 35.5 8.875 0.2891666667
Column 2 5 40.8 8.16 0.123
Column 3 6 40.2 6.7 0.392
Column 4 5 34.4 6.88 0.142

Source of Variation SS df MS F
Between Groups 15.46 3 5.15 21.21
Within Groups 3.89 16 0.24

Total 19.3495 19

#7 Four laboratories are being used to perform chemical analyses. Samples of the same material are sent to the laborat
dtermine whether or not they give, on the average, the same results. The analytical results for the 4 laboratories are
58.7 62.7 55.9 60.7
61.4 64.5 56.1 60.3
60.9 63.1 57.2 60.9
59.1 59.2 55.2 61.4
58.2 60.3 58.1 62.3

a) Use Barlett's test to shpw that the within - laboratory variances are not significantly different at the 0.05 level of significance
b) Perform the analysis of variance and give conclusions concerning the laboratories.

a) Barlett's Test
58.7 62.7 55.9 60.7
61.4 64.5 56.1 60.3
60.9 63.1 57.2 60.9
59.1 59.2 55.2 61.4
58.2 60.3 58.1 62.3
Mean 59.66 61.96 56.5 61.12
SD 1.408 2.161 1.147 0.769

58.7 62.7 55.9 60.7
61.4 64.5 56.1 60.3
60.9 63.1 57.2 60.9
59.1 59.2 55.2 61.4
58.2 60.3 58.1 62.3
Total 298.3 309.8 282.5 305.6 1196.2
Means 59.66 61.96 56.5 61.12 T = 1196.2
SST = 71665.54 - (1196.2)² 71665.54
SSC = (298.3)² + (309.8)² + (282.5)²+ (305.6)² -
SSE = SST - SSC = 34.23

S₁² = SSC / k-1 = 86.59/(4 - 1) = 28.86

S₂² = SSE / k(n-1) = 34.23/(4*(5-1)) 2.14

f= S₁² /S₂² = 13.49 computed f

From Table A7 The critical value of f = 3.24

Analysis F computed is greater than F critical (13.49 > 3.24)

Con clusion: REJECT the null hypothesis, means are UNEQUAL

There is a significant difference in chemical analyses among the 4 laboratories.

Data Analysis

Anova: Single Factor

Groups Count Sum Average Variance
A 5 298.3 59.66 1.983
B 5 309.8 61.96 4.668
C 5 282.5 56.5 1.315
D 5 305.6 61.12 0.592

Source of Variation SS df MS F
Between Groups 86.59 3 28.86 13.49
Within Groups 34.23 16 2.14

Total 120.818 19

# 7 PAGE 420
The following are the number of words per minute typed by 4 secretaries on 4 different typewriter models:

Typewriter Model
Secretary Royal IBM Underwood Olivet
Kim 78 62 71 77
Doug 57 49 62 60
Rhonda 69 78 72 83
Kevin 71 66 59 67

Use a 0.05 leve; of significance to test the hypothesis that

a) the secretaries type with equal speed; Ho:
b) different typewriters have no effect on typing speed

Data Analysis

Anova: Two-Factor Without Replication

SUMMARY Count Sum Average Variance

Kim 4 288 72 54
Doug 4 228 57 32.6666666667
Rhonda 4 302 75.5 39
Kevin 4 263 65.75 24.9166666667

Royal 4 275 68.75 76.25

IBM 4 255 63.75 142.9166666667
Underwood 4 264 66 42
Olivet 4 287 71.75 104.9166666667

Source of Variation SS df MS F
Rows (Secretaries) 790.1875 3 263.40 7.70
Columns (Typewriters) 143.6875 3 47.90 1.40
Error 308.0625 9 34.23

Total 1241.9375 15

Analyses: REJECT the null hypothesis (rows)

ACCEPT the null hypothesis (columns)
a) There is a significant different among the typewriting speed of the four secretaries.
b) There is no a significant effect on typing speed using different brand of typewriters.

# 9 page 421
Three varieties of potatoes are being comapred for yield. The experiment was conducted using 9 uniform plots at ea
Each variety of potato was planted at each location on 3 plots selected at random. The yields, in 100 kilograms per p

Variety of Potatoes
Location A B C
15 20 22
1 19 24 17
12 18 14
17 24 26
2 10 18 19
13 22 21
9 12 10
3 12 15 5
6 10 8
14 21 19
4 8 16 15
11 14 12

Use a 0.05 level of significance to test the hypotheses that

a) there is no difference in the yielding capabilities of the 3 varieties of potatoes;
b) different locations have no effect on the yields;
c) the locations and varieties of potatoes do not interact

Data Analyses

Anova: Two-Factor With Replication

Count 3 3 3 9
Sum 46 62 53 161
Average 15.3333333333 20.666666667 17.66666667 17.8888888889
Variance 12.3333333333 9.3333333333 16.33333333 14.8611111111

Count 3 3 3 9
Sum 40 64 66 170
Average 13.3333333333 21.333333333 22 18.8888888889
Variance 12.3333333333 9.3333333333 13 26.1111111111

Count 3 3 3 9
Sum 27 37 23 87
Average 9 12.333333333 7.666666667 9.6666666667
Variance 9 6.3333333333 6.333333333 9.75

Count 3 3 3 9
Sum 33 51 46 130
Average 11 17 15.33333333 14.4444444444
Variance 9 13 12.33333333 15.7777777778

Count 12 12 12
Sum 146 214 188
Average 12.1666666667 17.833333333 15.66666667
Variance 13.9696969697 20.878787879 38.24242424

Source of Variation SS df MS F
Sample (Locations - rows) 468.22 3 156.07 14.56
Columns (Varieties) 196.22 2 98.11 9.15
Interaction 78.44 6 13.07 1.22
Within 257.33 24 10.72

Total 1000.22222222 35

a) REJECT the null hypothesis (coulumns)
b) REJECT the null hypothesis (rows)
c) ACCEPT the null hypothesis (interactions)
a) a) There is a significant difference in the yielding capabilities of the 3 varieties of po
b) b) There is a significant effect on the yields of potatoes in different locations.
c) c) The locations and varieties of potatoes has no interaction.

# 11 page 422
Three strains of rats were studied under 2 environmental conditions for their performance in maze test. The error sc

Environment Bright Mixed
28 12 33 83
22 23 36 14
25 10 41 76
36 86 22 58
72 32 60 89
48 93 35 126
25 31 83 110
91 19 99 118

Use a 0.01 level of significance to test the hypothese that

a) there is no difference in error scores for different environments;
b) there is no difference in error scores for different strains;
c) the environments and strains of rats do not interact.

Data Analyses
Anova: Two-Factor With Replication

SUMMARY Bright Mixed

Count 4 4 4 4
Sum 111 131 132 231
Average 27.75 32.75 33 57.75
Variance 36.25 1292.9166667 64.66666667 961.5833333333

Count 4 4 4 4
Sum 236 175 277 443
Average 59 43.75 69.25 110.75
Variance 823.333333333 1112.9166667 777.5833333 252.9166666667

Count 8 8 8 8
Sum 347 306 409 674
Average 43.375 38.25 51.125 84.25
Variance 647.410714286 1065.6428571 736.4107143 1323.0714285714

Source of Variation SS df MS F
Sample (Environment/Rows) 14875.52 1.00 14875.52 17.26
Columns (Strains) 24695.85 5.00 4939.17 5.73
Interaction 5863.35 5.00 1172.67 1.36
Within 31022.75 36 861.7430556

Total 76457.4791667 47

a) REJECT the null hypothesis (rows)
b) REJECT the null hypothesis (coulumns)
c) ACCEPT the null hypothesis (interactions)
a) There is a significant difference in the error scores for different environments;
b) There is a significant difference in the error scores for different strains;
c) The environments and strains of rats do not interact.
chines are being compared with respect
to determine whether or not
strength measurements in kilograms


tment means differ significantly

6 1² 2² 3² 4² 5² 6²
18.3 306.25 268.96 412.09 213.16 306.25 334.89
16.2 285.61 368.64 246.49 278.89 368.64 262.44
17.5 249.64 313.29 316.84 432.64 272.25 306.25
20.1 345.96 237.16 357.21 357.21 420.25 404.01
72.1 427 1187.46 1188.05 1332.63 1281.9 1367.39 1307.59
18.025 T = 427

7597.04 67.98

- (427)² = 7602.38 7597.04 5.34


(found at the 2nd column and 12th row)

V₁ = k -1 6-1=5 5th column
V₂ = k(n-1) = 6 (4 - 1) = 18 18th row
P-value F crit
0.90242052 2.77

Critical Value

growth of a certain type of plant

or the plants that survided:

of the chemical? Use a 0.01 level of significance.

1² 2² 3² 4²
67.24 59.29 47.61 46.24
75.69 70.56 33.64 53.29
88.36 73.96 51.84 39.69
84.64 65.61 46.24 47.61
64 54.76 50.41
315.93 333.42 271.3 237.24 1157.89
ƩX² = 1157.89

1138.5405 19.3495

(150.9)² = 1154 1138.54 15.46


(found at the 2nd column and 12th row)

V₁ = k -1 4-1=3 3rd column
V₂ = k(n-1) = (20 - 4) = 16 16th row

ncentrations of chemicals treatment.

P-value F crit
8.0316E-06 5.29

rial are sent to the laboratories for analysis as part of the study to
s for the 4 laboratories are as follows:
e 0.05 level of significance.

A² B² C² D²
3445.69 3931.29 3124.81 3684.49
3769.96 4160.25 3147.21 3636.09
3708.81 3981.61 3271.84 3708.81
3492.81 3504.64 3047.04 3769.96
3387.24 3636.09 3375.61 3881.29
17804.51 19213.88 15966.51 18680.64 71665.54
ƩX² = 71665.54

71544.722 120.818

(1196.2)² = 71631.308 71544.72 86.59

(found at the 2nd column and 12th row)
V₁ = k -1 4-1=3 3rd column
V₂ = k(n-1) = 4*(5 - 1) = 16 16th row

ng the 4 laboratories.

P-value F crit
0.00011991 3.24

pewriter models:

µ Kim = µ Doug = µ Rhonda = µ Kevin

µ Royal = µ IBM = µ Underwood = µ Olevet

P-value F crit
0.01 3.86 3rd column; 9th row
0.31 3.86 3rd column; 9th row

ed of the four secretaries.

rent brand of typewriters.

using 9 uniform plots at each of 4 different locations.

ds, in 100 kilograms per plot, were as follows:
P-value F crit
0.000013 3.01
0.001113 3.40
0.330898 2.51

es of the 3 varieties of potatoes;

different locations.

in maze test. The error scores for the 48 rats were recorded as follows:

101 94
33 56
122 83
35 23
136 120
38 153
64 128
87 140
Dull Total

4 4 24
291 256 1152
72.75 64 48
2076.25 1002 1027.2173913

4 4 24
325 541 1997
81.25 135.25 83.208333333
1732.91667 207.58333333 1650.259058

8 8
616 797
77 99.625
1653.14286 1968.8392857

P-value F crit
0.00019 7.40
0.00055 3.57
0.26193 3.57

erent environments;
erent strains;
ƩX² = 7665.02
The average height of females in the freshman class of a certain college has been 162.5 centimeters w
in the average height if a random sample of 50 females in the present freshman class has an a

STEPS Given: x=
1 Ho: µ = 162.5 cm Ơ=
2 H₁: µ ≠ 162.5 cm two tailed test n=
3 ἂ = 0.02
4 Use the test statistic:
The critical region from table A4 is : P ( -2.58 < Z < 2.58)

5 Computing for the test statistic Z: Z comp = (x - µ ) √n / Ơ

Z= (165.2 - 162.5) √50 / 6.9 2.76694

Z= 2.767

6 Decision: The computed value is GREATER THAN the critical value of Z, therefo

Conclusion: The average height of female students is not equal to 162.5. Therefo

#6 According to the Dietary Goals for the United States (1977) high sodium intake maybe relate
requirement for salt is only 220 milligrams per day, which is surpassed in most single-serving
K has a mean sodium content of 244 milligrams of sodium and a SD of 24.5 mg, does this su
single servings of Special K is greater than 220 mg?


1 Ho: µ = 220 mg SD=
2 H1: µ ˃ 220 mg One tailed
3 ἂ = 0.05
4 Use the test statistic: t critical =
The critical region from table A5 is + or -

5 Compute for t = t comp = (x - µ ) √n / s

t comp = (244 - 220) √20 / 24.5 4.38
conclusion: The average sodium content is greater than 220 mg. Therefore, the a
Last year the employees of the city sanitation department donated an average of S 8.00 to t
significance that the average contribution this year is still S 8.00 if a random sample of 12 em


1 Ho: µ = S 8.00 SD=
2 H1: µ ˃ S 8.00 One tailed
3 ἂ = 0.01
4 Use the test statistic: t critical =
The critical region from table A5 is + or -

5 Compute for t = t comp = (x - µ ) √n / s

t comp = 8.90-8.00) √11 / 1.75 1.71
conclusion: The average contribution this year is still S 8.00.

#11 A manufacturer claims that the average tensile strength of thread A exceeds the average ten
of each type of thread are tested under similar conditions. Type A thread had an average ten
had an average tensile strength of 77.8 kgs. with a SD of 5.61 kgs. Test the manufacturer's cl


1 Ho: µ₁ = µ₂ = do= 0
2 H1: µ₁ - µ₂ ˃ 12 TWO TAILED TEST µ₁ > µ₂
3 ἂ = 0.05
4 Use the test statistic:
The critical region from table A4 is + or - ἂ/2 = 0.05/2 = 0.025

5 Compute for Z = Z comp = (X₁ - X₂) - do / √(Ơ₁²/n₁) + ( (Ơ₂²/n₂)

Z comp = (86.7 - 77.8) - 0 /√ ((6.28²/ 50 + 5.61² / 50)
Z comp = 7.47


A study is made to see if increasing the substrate cncentration has an appreciable effect on the velo
concentration of 1.5 moles per liter, the reaction was run 15 times with an average velocity of 7.5 m
substrate concentration of 2.0 moles/ liter, 12 runs were made yielding an average velocity of 8.8 mi
you say that the increase in substrate concentration increases the mean velocity by more than 0.5 m
1 Ho: µ₁ - µ₂ = 0 Mean 2=
2 H1: µ₁ - µ₂ ⱡ 0
3 ἂ = 0.01
4 Use the test statistic:
The critical region from table A5 is: t ˂ - 2.718 and t ˃ 2.718

5 Compute for t = t= ( 〖 (�   〗 sp= (((15-1)(1.5)^0.5)+

_1−�  _2)−𝑑_
𝑛_1 + 1 /�_2 )((1/7.5)+(1/8.8))

t= -1.3
conclusion: The increase in substrate concentration does not increase the mean

#16 A large automobile manufacturing company is trying to decide whether to purchase brand A or brand B tires for
an experiment is conducted using 12 of each brand. The tires are run until they wear out. The results are:

Brand A: x1 = 37900 km s1= 5100km n = 12

Brand B: x2= 39800 km s2= 5900km n = 12
�  _2 �_2  = 5,900 km
Test the hypothesis at the 0.05 level of significance that there is no difference in the two brands of tires. Assume


1 Ho: (µA = µB) = do = 0
2 H₁: (µA ≠ µB) two tailed
3 ἂ = 0.05
4 Use the test statistic:
The critical region from table A5 is + or -
V = 12+12 - 2= 22 ἂ/2 = 0.025
5 Compute for
t comp =

where: Sp= √[(n₁-1)s₁² + (n₂-1)s₂²]

n₁ + n₂ - 2

Sp= √[(12 - 1)5100² + (12-1)5900²]

12 + 12 -2

Sp= 1175.701

t comp = (X₁ - X₂) - do / Sp √(1/n₁) + ( 1/n₂)

t comp = (37900-39800) - 0 / 1175.701 √(1/12 + 1/12)
t comp = -3.96


conclusion: There is a difference in the two brands of tires
It means that Brand B has a greater mean than brand A.
een 162.5 centimeters with a SD 0f 6.9 cm. Is there a reason to believe that there has been a change
freshman class has an average height of 165.2 centimeters? use a 0.02 level of significance.


50 female students

ἂ/2 = 0.02 two tailed test so alpha is halved for both sides of the normal curve

ritical value of Z, therefore REJECT the NULL HYPOTHESIS

equal to 162.5. Therefore, there has been a change in the average height of female students.

um intake maybe related to ulcers, stomach cancer, and migraine headaches. The human
ed in most single-servings of ready to eat cereals. If a random sample of 20 similar servings of Special
of 24.5 mg, does this suggest at the 0.05 level of significance that the average sodium content for

244 mg
24.5 mg

1.729 v= 20-1 = 19


220 mg. Therefore, the average single serving of Special K is greater than 220 mg.
an average of S 8.00 to the volunteer rescue squad. Test the hypothesis at the 0.01 level of
random sample of 12 employees showed an average donation of S 8.90 with a SD of S 1.75.

S 8.90
S 1.75

2.718 v= 12-1=11


exceeds the average tensile strength of thread B by at least 12 kgs. To test this claim 50 pcs
read had an average tensile strength of 86.7 with a SD of 6.28 kgs, while type B thread
st the manufacturer's claim using a 0.05 level of significance.

one tailed test SD 1 6.28

SD2 5.61
Mean 1 86.7
ἂ/2 = 0.05/2 = 0.025 Zcrit = -1.96 two tailed Mean 2 77.8

ἂ = 0.05 one tailed

Zcrit = -1.88

THE TWO MEANSare not equal and is at least 12 kgs.

reciable effect on the velocity of a chemical reaction. With the substrate

average velocity of 7.5 micromoles per 30 minutes and a SD 0f 1.5. With a
average velocity of 8.8 micromoles per 30 min and a sample SD 1.2 Would
locity by more than 0.5 micromole/ 30 min? Use a 0.01, assume with equal
7.5 SD 1= 1.5 n1= 15
8.8 SD 2= 1.2 n2= 12

sp= (((15-1)(1.5)^0.5)+ ((12-1)(1.2)^0.5)/15+12-2)


not increase the mean velocity by more than 0.5 micromole/ 30 min

rand A or brand B tires for its new models. To help arrive at a decision,
out. The results are:

wo brands of tires. Assume the populations to be approximately normally distributed.

t crit = 2.074
t crit = -2.074

Brand A: x1 = 37900 km s1= 5100km n = 12

-3.96 Brand B: x2= 39800 km s2= 5900km n = 12
he normal curve
ANOVA Page 323-324

#1 The volume of containers of a particular lubricant is known to be normally distributed with a variance of 0.03 lite
Test the hypothesis that the Ơ² = 0.03 against the alternative hypothesis that Ơ² ≠ 0.03 for the random sample o
containers in exercise 5 on page 316. Use a level of significance of 0.01.


1 Ho: Ơ² = 0.03 n= 10
2 H₁: Ơ² ≠ 0.03 TWO WAY s= 0.246
3 ἂ/2 = 0.005 S²= 0.061
4 Use the test statistic:
The critical region from table is v= 10 - 1 = 9
X² critical 23.589
5 Compute for X² =
(n - 1) s² (10-1) 0.061 / 0.03 18.3
χ² =

χ² = 18.30

6 DECISION: ACCEPT ho, The variance is 0.03 liters

conclusionThere is no significant diffrence between the variance of the sample and the declared vaira

#2 Past experience indicates that the time for senior high school seniors to complete a standardized test is
a normal distribution variable with a standard deviation of 6 minutes. Test the hypothesis that Ơ = 6 against
the alternative hypothesis the Ơ < 6 if a random sample of 20 high school seniors has a standard
deviation s = 4.51 Use a 0.05 level of significance.


1 Ho: Ơ² = 6² s = 4.51
2 H₁: Ơ² < 36 ONE WAY
3ἂ = 0.05
4 Use the test statistic:
The critical region from table is χ²critical = 30.144 (use Table A6, v = 19)

5 Compute f (n - 1) s² (20-1) 4.51^2 / 36 10.74

χ² =
χ²computed 10.740

6 DECISION: ACCEPT Ho, the variance is 6 minutes

conclusionThere is no SIGNIFICANT difference between the sample and past variances in the time of e

#5 A soft-drink dispensing machine is said to be out of control if the variance of the contents exceeds 1.15 deciliters
machine has a variance of 2.03 deciliters, does this indicate at the 0.05 level of significance that the machine is o


1 Ho: Ơ² = 1.15 s = √2.03
2 H₁: Ơ² > 1.15 ONE WAY
3ἂ = 0.05
4 Use the test statistic:
The critical region from table is χ²critical = 36.415 (use Table A6, v = 25-1=22)

5 Compute f (n - 1) s² (25-1) 2.03^1 /1.15 42.37

χ² =
χ²computed 42.370

6 DECISION: REJECT Ho, the variance is greater than 1.15

conclusionThere is a SIGNIFICANT difference between the variance of the contents in the machine to
It means that the machine is said to be out of control if the variance exceeds 1.15.

#7 A study is conducted to compare the length of time between men and women to assemble a certain product. Pa
for both men and women are approximately normal but the variance of the times for women is less than that fo
A random sample of times for 11 men and 14 women produced the following data:

Men Women
n1 = 11 n2 = 14
s1 = 6.1 s2 = 5.3

Test the hypothesis that Ơ²1 = Ơ²2 against the alternative that Ơ²1 > Ơ²2. Use a 0.01 level of significance.


1 Ho: Ơ²1 = Ơ²2 1.15
2 H₁: Ơ²1 > Ơ²2 1.15 ONE WAY
3ἂ = 0.01
4 Use the test statistic:
The critical region from table is F @0.01 critical = 4.1 (use Table A6, v1 = 11-1=10, v2 = 14-1=13)

5 Compute f s1² 6.1*6.1 1.32

s2² 5.3*5.3
F computed 1.320

6 DECISION: ACCEPT Ho, the variances are equal.

conclusionThere is no SIGNIFICANT difference between the variances of the length of time of men an
It means that the speed of men and women to assemble a certain product is just the same
ed with a variance of 0.03 liter. �^2= 0.03
.03 for the random sample of 10

ample and the declared vairance

standardized test is
thesis that Ơ = 6 against
as a standard

ast variances in the time of exams

ntents exceeds 1.15 deciliters. If a random sample of 25 drinks from this

ficance that the machine is out of control? Assume that the contents are approximately normally distributed.
contents in the machine to be out of control and sample variance.
iance exceeds 1.15.

semble a certain product. Past experience indicates that the distribution of times
or women is less than that for men.

1 level of significance.

11-1=10, v2 = 14-1=13)

he length of time of men and women to assemble a certain product.

tain product is just the same.

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