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Nicolás David Homez 7C

The Eco petrol company is the largest company of Colombia, and also the principal oil
company in the country of Colombia, the company of Eco petrol belongs to the 39 oil
companies, most big of all the world, and is one of the five principal companies of Latin
They have the bigger participation of the infrastructure of the transportation and the
refining of the Colombia’s country, they have, also, the largest ecological knowledge, a
well-respected policy between, the communities, that live in the places where are realized
the activities of exploration and production of hydrocarbons, being recognized by their
environmental management.
Social actions Economical actions Environmental actions
Strong actions Weak actions Strong actions Weak actions Strong actions Weak actions
The company of The company of The company the company of The company The company
Eco petrol have Eco petrol, of Eco petrol Eco petrol, of Eco petrol of Eco petrol
developed haven’t have done haven’t have redefined haven’t
different projects achieved, in a different achieved the their accomplished
of social total way the economic objectives they environmental in a total way
investment, that sustainable efforts, in order have, in the framework, in the objectives
allow the goals, they have for doing all the sustainability, relation with the of the
management in in the social objectives they in the areas where it sustainability
an integrated aspect, have, such as economical is explored, they have in
way, of the social because, they inverting on the aspect, totally, exploit, refine, the
impacts haven’t reduced different since the and transports environmental
generated by totally all the projects they inversions the hydrocarbons, aspect, since
their activities, in impacts their have for the company of recognizing, the activity
the different activities of purpose of Eco petrol do, likewise, the they perform,
territories, also mining have to accomplishing are inversions, value of the for the gain of
the company the communities or that are not the ecosystems in their profits is
had participation of persons that achievement of large enough Colombia, and based in the
in the are near where the sustainable for completing their extraction of
development of this process is goals they the task of responsibility, the
the territories, carried out. have in all the achieving their with the natural hydrocarbons,
and the Also, they don’t aspects that sustainability resources. or the mining of
accomplishment, accomplish are the goals, being petroleum,
with the completely the environmental, that the makes the land
principles of the goals they have social, and company of or the water, or
human rights, in for the human economic, Eco petrol, the place this
that way the rights, since the making also make their practice is
projects social human rights the process of inversions that done , is
investment, they compromise the their company depend to what affected, in a
do, were company of Eco itself, in a they gain, or big way,
developed in petrol has, is one sustainable the profits they making also
three forms: of the most way also, by have in that big
-the education difficult different moment, that consequences
and the culture objectives they inversions they are not always that are almost
-the citizenship have, because do for reducing large enough , always, more
and democracy the human rights the impact they causing the negative, than
-the regional for whatever have on the amount of the positive, to the
competitiveness. company are too human health inversions they environment
complicated to of the persons do for their ,and even to
achieve, and the sustainable the health of
generating for environment, projects, aren’t the humans, or
the Eco petrol near the places the much as the animals
company’s they do their this projects that are around
different extraction need, this areas,
obstacles, for processes. generating, this making any
the projects can’t project or
accomplishment be done efforts they do,
of these specific successfully, fix completely
objectives they and also makes the damage
have. , these are the minery, in
done in a this case of the
incomplete hydrocarbons
way, materials,
generating to have, to the
the Eco petrol environment
company, their and the health
sustainable of the persons,
goals focused, and animals.
in the
aspect, aren’t
reached, or

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