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Experiment No.

Aim: To study the human respiratory system.

1) Model of respiratory system
2) Respiratory system – chart
3) Transparency of various organs of respiratory system
4) Overhead projector

Respiration is the chemicals phenomenon of exchange of gases. Respiratory

system consists of two lungs and tracheobrochial tree.
Exchange of gases between two lungs and blood as external respiration and between blood
and cells as an internal respiration.
Respiratory system include following organs:
Parts of respiratory tract:
1) Nose

2) Pharynx
3) Larynx
4) Trachea
5) Bronchi

6) Bronchioles
7) Lungs
8) Intercostals muscles
9) Diaphragm

1. Nose:
First part of respiratory system consists of two large irregular cavities. Nose is
lined by ciliated columnar epithelium. Nose is divided into internal and external
portions. External nose are 2 openings called external nostrils space, inside the
internal nose is nasal cavity divided into right and left nostril by nasal septum. Just
inside nostril is vestibule it which surrounded by internal lining of nasal cavity,
lined with ciliated epithelium and sensory epithelium.
1) Air is warmed and moist as it passes over the surface of nose.
2) Air is filtered as dust partials adhere to mucus

3) Nose is organ is sense of smell.

2. Pharynx:
It is a tube 12-14 cm in length. It starts from the base of skull up to the sixth cervical
vertebra. It lies behind the nose, the mouth, the larynx. It is wider at its upper end. It is lined
by mucus membrane of fibrous tissues, muscles tissue. The branches of facial arteries
supplies blood to the pharynx
1) It is an organ involved in both respiratory and digestive functions
2) The lymphatic tissue of the palatine and laryngeal tonsils helps to prevent
microorganisms from entry in body.
3. Larynx:
It is also called as voice box. It starts from the route of the tongue and thyroid bone
rd th th
up to the trachea. It lies at the level of 3 , 4 , 5th and 6 cervical vertebrae. It is
composed of irregular cartilages e.g. thyroid cartilage, cricoids cartilage which are
attached to the each other by ligaments of membranes.
1) It provides passage for air between the pharynx and the trachea
2) The vocal cord produces sound or varying loudness and speech.
3) During swallowing the larynx moves upward occluding the openings into it
from the pharynx
4) This ensures the food passes into the esophagus and not in respiratory passage.
4. The Trachea:
It is also referred as wind pipe. It is a continuation of larynx it extends up to level of
fifth thoracic vertebrae. As this level it bifurcates into the right and left broaches which
enters into the lungs. It lies in median plane in front of the esophagus and is about 11 cm
in length. It is composed of 16-20 incomplete “C” shaped rings situated
one above the other and made up of hyaline cartilage. It is composed of fibrous tissue,
elastic tissue and connective tissue and ciliated columnar tissue.

5.The bronchi:
The two bronchi start at the level of 5 thoracic vertebrae. The right bronchus is a wider,
short tube as compared to left bronchus. The right bronchus is 2.5 cm in length while the
left bronchus is 5cm in length after entering in the right lung, the right bronchus dividing
into three branches each entering to each lobe while the left branches after entering into the
left lung, dived in two branches, one of which goes to each lobe of the lung. Each branch
then divides sub divides into smaller branches. Bronchi are lined with ciliated columnar
6. The Bronchioles:
The air passages without the cartilage in their wall are referred as “Bronchioles”.
The minute bronchioles which further divides to form alveolar ducts. This ducts leads
to sac like structure called as alveoli. Alveoli are
responsible for exchange of gases.
Functions of Trachea,Bronchi,Bronchioles:
1) The presence of cartilage as remain open provides an unobstructed passage of
air between external atmosphere and the lungs.
2) The mucous coating the lining membrane is of sticky nature.
3) To this the partial likes dust, bacteria, adhere.
4) The wave motion cilia of the lining membrane wafts mucous towards throat.

The Lungs:
The lungs are two in number. They lie one on each side of the midline in the thoracic
cavity, lungs are cone shaped and shows apex, base, costal surface, medial surface.
The right lung is divided in three parts; superior, middle, inferior while left lung is
divided into two parts; superior and inferior. The lungs are composed of bronchi ,
smaller air passage,alveoli,connective tissue, blood vessels and nerves.


If the voice of person is clear that means the person is not suffering from upper
respiratory tract infection. If there is increase in rate of breathing patient suffering from
“Tuberculosis, Bronchitis, Silicosis, and Asbestosis”. Normal breathing rate in normal person
is 16-18 per minute.

1. Label the parts of respiratory system and describe location and functions.

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