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Photoshop Exercises


1. Open the coffee cup image using Photoshop

2. After you have opened the image, create a new layer
by clicking Layer → New → Layer or you can also
press Ctrl + Shift + N.
3. Now write the text that will go on the coffee cup. You
can use the Type Tool. Select a region on the coffee
cup where you want the text to display.
4. Change font settings for the text on the Type tool’s
option bar. You can set anything you want.
5. Now we want to wrap the text around the coffee cup
(Layer → Type → Warp Text). This will bring up the wrap text dialog box. The settings
should be similar to what is below.

6. Then you can move the text around the coffee cup to get it center or to a position that you
want it at. To complete this task, you can use the move tool


1. Start with opening a new File in Photoshop of 800px × 700px dimension by clicking on
File menu → New or pressing CTRL + N on your keyboard.
2. After opening a new file, Set Foreground Color to #000000 (Black) and Background
Color to #dda100 (yellowish). After doing these, Go to Filters menu → Render →
Clouds. Then add a blank layer over this and fill it with black color and set its opacity to
65%. Till now we have completed the background for our business card.
3. Add a blank layer on the previous black color layer and name it as “Card”. Now with
Marquee tool selected (M), draw a rectangle in center of your image, and fill it with
black color. Now go to “card” layer's Blending Options or just double click on “Card”
layer. In Blending options Dialog box,

 Choose “Gradient Overlay” and set the following: Blend mode to ‘Normal’;
Opacity to ‘100%’; Gradient color from Black to Grey (#000000 to #6A6A6A) &
Check the Reverse box; Style to Radial, check Align with Layer; Angle equals to
0; and Scale to 150% .
 Apply Outer Glow Style

4. Add one blank layer above the “Card” layer and name it “Strip”. Again in this layer draw
a rectangular Marquee and fill it with the yellow background color. Now transform it
(CTRL + T) slightly to the left, in the way its width covers the Left top corner of the card

5. Now while “Strip” layer still selected, press Ctrl + click on the “Card” layer thumbnail. This
will select the filled area of card layer. Now we have to delete the extra space from the strip
layer, so to invert the selection, press (CTRL + SHIFT + I) and press delete key to remove
the extra space.

6. Now make two duplicate layer of the “Strip” layer by right click on Layer → Duplicate layer,
above the original “Strip” layer. Name them “Strip Texture” and “Strip Shadow”
respectively. Now drag “Strip Shadow” layer below the “Strip” layer and fill Black color in it
instead of yellow color. Now Go to Filters menu → Blur → Motion Blur & apply motion
blur with 0 degree angle and 40 px distance.
7. Go to the Strip Texture layer and fill it with black color same like previous step. Now CTRL
+ Click on “Strip Texture”, this will create selection around the black space. Go to Filters
menu → Noise → Add Noise. and set Amount to 12.5% and Distribution to Gaussian
8. Choose Filter menu → Blur → Motion Blur option. In this set options as -54 degree angle
and 40 px distance. Now change the blending mode from ‘Normal’ to ‘Linear Dodge’ of
Strip Texture Layer.
9. Go to Strip layer and open its Blending Option dialogue box. In which select Gradient
Overlay property and choose the settings shown below: color range from #f6b00a to #ef9d0d
(somehow similar); Style to Radial; Angle to
0degree; Scale to 120%
10. After this, Select the Type Tool and insert the
desired text... whatever you want to write.
Add a blank layer named as “Card Texture”
above all the layers. Now while “Card
Texture” layer selected, Press Ctrl and Click
on Card layer to select the filled area. After
Selection go to Card Texture layer and fill it
with black color. Now change the blending
mode of Card texture layer from ‘Normal’ to
‘Soft Light’
11. Go to Filter menu → Noise → Add Noise... and click OK.

Starburst Poster
1. Open a New Document in Photoshop. Set width/height to 500x500.
2. Make sure foreground color is black and background color is white.
3. Use the Paint Bucket and fill the canvas with black.
4. Create a new layer. Name it “Gradient”.
5. Select the Gradient Tool. Make sure the gradient is black to white.
6. Draw your gradient from the bottom of the canvas to the top (do this on the Gradient layer).
7. Go to Filter → Distort → Wave. Set the properties to the following:

8. Go to Filter → Distort → Polar Coordinates. Set the properties to the following:

9. Go to Image → Adjustments → Color Balance. Adjust the sliders until you get the desired
color you are looking for.
10. Select the Type tool. Choose white as your foreground color. Type something.
11. Right click the Type layer. Choose “Blending Options” from the pop-up list.

12. Set the properties for "Drop Shadow" to the following:

13. Set the properties for “Outer Glow” to the following:

14. Click OK and now you should have your Starburst Poster.

Create a rounded rectangle using the shape tool. Use 10px bevel. Fill the rectangle with a light
grey. This will be the laminate.

Create a rectangle inside the rounded rectangle. Make it so there is a larger margin on the
bottom. Fill that with a golden yellow. This will be the actual card.

Add text like Name, Dates, Position, etc. Make sure the text is in-front of the card and the
laminate is in-front of everything. Apply the following effects to the laminate. I used a stroke and
lower the opacity.

Apply the following effects to the card. The pattern is a dot pattern.

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