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Order of Asanas
The word 'Asana' is derived from the Sanskrit which means 'to stay', 'to be', 'to sit', or 'to be established in a
particular position'. By practising Asanas the triple 'S' namely 'Strength', 'Stamina' and 'Suppleness', can be achieved. E-mail
The sequence of Asanas is Standing, Sitting, Prone,Supine and Inverted postures. All Asanas are divided into
different Groups and Sub groups based on the 'Varga' Concept. The groups are sequenced in such a way that the
aspirant works from the gross (Sthula) to subtle (Sukshma) or from Muladhara (Root plexus) to Sahasrara
(Hypothalmus plexus).

There are two ways of practising an Asana. The dynamic practice repeats the movement into the asana and out
again in rhythm with the breath. In static practice,we move into and out of the pose in the same way as with the
dynamic practice, but instead of staying in continual movement with the breath, we hold the pose for a certain
number of breath cycles, directing our attention toward the breath, certain areas of the body, or both, depending on
the goals we have for performing that particular Asana.  

Standing postures prepare your endocrine glands that secrete hormones into the blood stream, take care of the
spine. Sitting postures on excretory, reproductive and digestive systems. Prone postures on digestive, respiratory
and circulatory systems. Supine postures to take care of respiratory, thyroid parathyroid, autonomous nervous
system and pituitary gland. And, Inverted postures to take care of your penial gland, hypothalamus centre, blood
circulation to brain and autonomous nervous system. The order enables us to move from excretory system to central
nervous system. 
Traditional Yoga on Face
1. Excretory System - Mooladhara Chakra (the Solid element)
2. Reproductive and Urinary System - Swadishtana Chakra (the Liquid element)
3. Digestive System - Manipura Chakra (the Fire element)
4. Circulatory and Respiratory – Anahata Chakra (the air element)
5. Autonomous Nervous System - Visudhi Chakra (the Space element)
6. Pituitary , Penial - Agna chakra
7. Central Nervous System- Sahasrara Chakra (on the 10 trillion neurons)



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Varga: group of postures.

Chalana: with movement


Aligns the spine and strengthens the musculo-skeletal system


Tadasana (Tada means Mountain.)

Stand straight with your spine stretched but relaxed.  Keep your hands to sides and keep your eyes closed.

BENEFITS: Good relaxation technique.

Talasana (Tala means palm tree.)

Stand straight on toes.  Stretch your arms above your head with palms together in pranamudra ( pranamudra =
hands in namaste).  Feel the stretch (upwards) in all the parts of your body.

BENEFITS: Helps in increasing the height. (12 to 18 years).  Spine is strengthened.  Stomach and intestines are
cleaned and fat accumulation is removed in these parts.

Kulala Chakrasana/Kati Chakrasana (Side stretch.)

Stand straight with feet together.  Bend to the side with right arm curving over head and the other arm at your side.
Repeat with the other arm.

BENEFITS: Good exercise for the spine.


Strengthens the knees and thighs

Utkatasana (Chair postures)

-Variant 1:  Arms out straight in front, bend knees and sit down to crouching position.

-Variant 2: Chalana, the same but with movement up and down.

-Variant 3: The same posture but with feet in straight line and knees split apart.

III. VRUKSHASANA VARGA (Tree balancing postures)

-Variant 1: stand on a left leg, heel to the perineum, knee outwards sideways. Repeat with right leg.

-Variant 2: stand on left  leg, with one arm up straight and right knee folded so that your foot is pressed to your
buttock. Repeat with other leg.

-Variant 3: same posture but bending forward, hand to mat.

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-Variant 4: stand on left leg, right knee folded sideways and  right heel to above genitals, right knee folded  over left
knee. Bring your arm behind your back and hold your  right foot from behind.

-Variant 5: Same posture then bend over and touch the mat with both hands.

Repeat with the other leg.

Veerabadrasan (Warrior pose 3)

–Variant 1: Stand on left leg and bend at the waist so body is parallel with floor, extend right leg straight out parallel
to floor and left arm out straight in front.

Repeat with other leg.

-Variant 2: Repeat the same posture but extend both arms straight in front, hands clasped in linga mudra


Develops stability, focus and strength

Garudasan (Eagle posture)

Stand on left leg with knee slightly bent and twist right leg around left leg, toes facing forwards. Extend right arm,
bent at elbow and twist left arm around right arm with hands in pranamudra.

Repeat this on the other leg.

BENEFITS: Prevents cramps in the calf muscles and legs and relaxes stiffness in the shoulders.

Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana

–Variant 1: Stand on left leg, right leg extended in front parallel to the floor ( you can progressively raise the leg up
as you gain flexibility). Hold your foot or toes with hand. Repeat with the other leg.

-Variant 2: Counterbalance. Stand on left leg, right leg out straight sideways, parallel to floor, holding foot with hand.
Left arm extended sideways to balance.

V. TRIKONASANA VARGA (Triangular varga).

Uthitha means extended.  Tri means three and kona is an angle.

–Variant 1: ( simple trikonasan) Spread legs apart in triangle and stretch the body to the left, moving from the pelvis
extending over the left leg.  Both arms are perpendicular to the floor with the left hand on the floor or grasping the
left ankle and right hand reaching up straight. Repeat with other leg.

-Variant 2: (Ardha chandrasan) Repeat but bring right hand down to the mat, lift left leg up straight . Repeat with
other leg.

-Variant 3: Warrior pose 2. Keep your trunk straight, bend knee so right thigh is parallel to ground. Arms extended at
right angle to body.

-Variant 4: Warrior pose 1: Same as above but arms sideways in flight mode, then bring arms up straight above, then
bend at waist, hands to the ground. Come up, with arms extended straight in front, then sideways in flight mode,

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straighten knees and bring arms back to standing posture.


–Variant 1: Spread legs apart in triangle right  foot forward, and stretch left  arm up so that it is parallel to body, knee
bent and thigh perpendicular to the floor, right  arm behind back. Look at the extended hand above.

-Variant 2: Repeat but this but bend at the waist and place right hand on the floor next to right foot.

–Variant 3: Repeat and this time bring your right foot to your left foot so that both legs are straight, balancing on
right hand.

-Variant 4: Extend left leg up straight in the air, progressively will be able to hold left toes with left hand .

Repeat sequence the other way.

Hanumanasan ( Monkey God Posture)

Forward splits. Right leg extended forwards and left leg extended behind, legs split apart. Hands upwards above
head in pranamudra.

Parivruttatrikonasan (Triangular posture twists)

–Variant 1: Begin with arms sideways in flight mode, right foot forwards, then bring left hand down to the right side
of the right foot, right arms up in straight line with left arm. Repeat the other way.

-Variant 2: Keep your hands in pranamudra, twist body turning right and bring left shoulder to right knee and look
back over right shoulder. Repeat the other way.

–Variant 3: Back pranamudra (hands palm to palm between shoulder blades), forward bend, forehead to knee.

-Variant 4: Back pranamudra, fold knee and bring left shoulder to right knee and turn back to look over right
shoulder. Repeat the other way.

-Variant 5: Chalana ( with movement) Hands clasped in linga mudra and arms extended forwards.  First bend left
knee and keeping right leg extended straight, sit down to the mat. Repeat the other way. This movement should be
repeated left to right minimum 10 times. Inhale up, exhale down.

Parivritta trikonasana chalana

–Variant 1: Both the legs stretched sideways in extended triangle and touch alternate toes with opposite hands,
bending forwards. Repeat 10 times.

-Variant 2: Legs in same position, bend forward with hands up straight behind back clasped in ling mudra.

–Variant 3: Legs in same position, hands flat on mat and forehead down, then lift hands behind back.



Works on the perineum, excretion, reproductive system. Develops a strong waistline

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–Variant 1: Sitting with legs extended sideways (forming V-Shape), bend to left and hold left foot with both hands.
Repeat the other way.

-Variant 2: Chalana, one hand behind back touch alternate foot with opposite hand. Repeat the other way.

–Variant 3: Hold left foot with left hand and right foot with right hand, bend forward, forehead to ground.

-Variant 4:Fold knee sideways, with heel to perineum, other lend extended sideways ( in V shape)  and bend
sideways to opposite leg. Repeat the other way.


Left leg extended straight in front, right heel to perineum. Bend forwards forehead to knees. Repeat the other way.


Sitting straight with legs stretched out and place your palms one upon the other in the front.

Pachimotanasana (Pachima means the west.)

Sit down with legs extended straight out.  Stretch the upper body from the pelvis, arms over the head.  The upper
body bends forward with the hands reaching towards the feet.

Nawasanchalanasan (Rowing boat posture)

Row forwards, taking hands to feet in front then pulling back and leaning back so that head almost touches mat.
Forward rowing then reverse rowing. Inhale when moving forward, exhale when moving back. In reverse rowing
exhale forward and inhale backward.

Chakkiliasan (Grinding posture)

–Variant 1: rotate arms clockwise and then anticlockwise as if grinding in a large pestle and mortar. First small
diameter, then increase to medium diameter and then to full diameter, almost touching ground when you lean back.

Kurmasan (Tortoise posture.)

Keep the legs over the arms which are outstretched on either side of the body with chest and shoulders on the floor.
Next the hands are brought behind the body with palms facing upwards.BENEFITS: Suggested for high blood
pressure and for calming down the mind.


Works on the digestive system, liver and stomach. Sacroiliac joint, kidneys and intestines

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Baradwajasan (named after the Saint Baradwaja).

Sit in vajrasan then place feet on left side beside hips, left foot on top of right foot. Extend the hands outwards on
the floor and twist the body to the right and look over right shoulder. Try to hold both feet with both hands. Start
with hands extended further away from body then reduce gap as you progress.


–Variant 1: Sit up straight with left leg extended and right knee close to chest. Twist body to right so that right hand
is in line with left leg at the back and left hand is next to right hip. Look over right shoulder.

-Variant 2: Repeat the same but  twist the other way, right hand next to left hip and left hand in line with right leg at
the back.

–Variant 3: Bring right hand around right knee and clasp hands from behind.

Repeat with other leg.


Sit in vakrasan, then cross right leg over left leg so that right foot is next to left thigh.   Twist the body to the right
with the right arm passed around the bent knee of the right leg, with hands clasped behind the back.  Turn the head
to the left to look over right shoulder.

Repeat with other leg.

BENEFITS:  Rejuvenates nerves, liver, spleen and pancreas.

Gomukhasana/Baddhahastasana (Cow face posture)

Bend the left knee  and sit on the left foot. Place right thigh over left thigh. Fold the right leg over the left so that the
 knees are one above the other and feet out sideways.  Raise the right arm over the head and bend it onto your
back.  Then fold the left arm behind you and lock the fingers of both the hands.

BENEFITS:  Lungs capacity increases.


Sit in gomukhasana and lift body onto fore foot and balance it with hands in namaste. Here you are sitting on ankle
with fore foot lifted up.

BENEFITS: Helps in strengthening reproductive and excretory system.


Moves energy from the coccygeal plexus to the solar plexus. Works on the pelvic, knee and hip joints

Swastikasana (Swastika posture)

Sit cross-legged, feet resting between calf and thighs with your soles facing upwards.

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Padmasana (Lotus)

Sit with legs crossed and feet resting on the thighs with soles facing up.  The spine is erect and hands should be
either on the knees palms facing upward or in the lap.  


Sit in padmasana.  Stretch your arms up with your palms joined in pranamudra or with fingers locked and palms
facing upwards


Sit in padmasana Stretch your arms up with your palms joined in pranamudra or with fingers locked and palms
facing upwards and bend forward in exhalation with the forehead touching the ground. This also can be done by
interlocking knuckles and keeping them in abdomen and then bending forward after exhalation.


Sit in padmasana.  Hold your left toe with right hand and right toe with your left hand.


Sit in Karmukhasana and then lie down on your back.

Matsyasana (Fish posture)

Matsya means fish.  Sit in padmasana. From this position lie down on your back with only shoulders and head
touching the ground.  The neck or your back should not touch the ground.  The spine should be arched.

Simhasana (Lion posture)

Sit in Padmasana.  Extend your arms with palms on the floor (fingers facing inwards), and stand on the knees
pushing the pelvic region downwards.  Breathe through the mouth with tongue extended and retracted.

Padmamayurasana (Lotus peacock posture)

Sit in Simhasana and  then bring your elbows to your naval and lift your legs up, balancing on elbows.

Padmahamsasan (Lotus swan).

Same as above but in hamsasan with your fingers pointing forwards.

Lolasana/Tolasana (Swing posture)

Sitting in padmasana, put your hands on the ground (palms firm on the ground) lift the whole body and swing your
lotus balancing on your arms..

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Mahavetha mudra

Sit in lotus and drop you seat onto the mat, beating seat up and down.

Kukkutasana (Cock Posture)

Sit in padmasana then insert your hands through the gap between the calf muscles and thighs.  With palms firm on
the ground lift your body with the whole weight on the hands.

Garbhapindasana (Womb posture).

Sitting in kukkutasana on ground,  holding ears with hands with lotus close to chest.

Uttanakurmasana (Inverted tortoise posture)

Assume garbha pindasana then close ears listen to sound of anahath (the sound of earth rotation) roll onto back.


Dissolves impurities in lower abdominal area. Energy moves coccygeal to cardiac plexus

From lotus, bring your right leg forward.

1. Pull and push the leg, using your hands to move it.

2. Move the leg up and down

3. Holding your right leg over the right shoulder wobble your foot like a fan.

4. Move the leg right to left and then try to bring right foot to touch left shoulder

Padasirasana (Foot on head posture)

Stretch your legs forward and put your leg on the neck.

Repeat entire sequence with the left leg.

Bhekanasana/Dwipada Shirasana (Both feet over head posture)

Stretch your legs forward and then put both the legs on the neck with both the ankles locked.

Tittibhasana (fire fly insect posture)

Lifting body with both feet over head while in Bhekanasana  lift the whole body with palms firm on the ground.


Lift both the legs (parallel to the ground). Pass the hands from below the knees and hold the neck with both hands.

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Ashta Vakrasana (Eight bend posture).

Stretching legs aside and lifting body with supporting hands on ground. Repeat the same on other side.

Thithaliasan (Butterfly).

Bring heels to perineum, clasp feet with hands and flap knees up and down.


Sit straight. Bring both soles together so that the knees spread sideways. Hold the feet with hands. Try to touch the
feet with the forehead by bending forward.  Do it slowly.


Cardiac plexus, back and respiratory system

Vajrasana/Kandhapeedasana (kneeling posture).

Sit straight with your legs folded and heels pressing the buttocks and ankles resting on the floor.


Similar to vajrasana but with feet facing out sitting and seat resting on ground.

Sputa veerasan 

Sit in veerasan and bending back, resting back flat on ground.


Sit in vajrasana.  Raise both hands above head without bending the elbows.  Bend forward with hands stretched out
and palms to the ground, chin touching the kneecaps and forehead touching the ground.


Sit in vajrasana.  Beginners can keep the knees apart.  With the support of the elbows, bend backwards with hands
stretched out above the head and palms facing upwards.  Feel the stretch in the body.

BENEFITS:  Constipation relieved.  Good for B.P. and sciatica problems.

Anandamandirasana (laughing posture).

Sit in vajrasana and lift the body into kneeling up posture (trunk and thighs at 90 degree angle to lower legs). Then
lean back with hands up in the air and laugh as you go back.

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VI. USHTRASANA VARGA (Camel posture)

Dissolves fat. Works on the respiratory system and the back.

-Variant 1: Stand up on knees (as above). Take hands above head with hands clasped and sway right and left
stretching upwards to relax spine.

-Variant 2: Bend trunk backwards and hold right heel with right hand, left arm up. Then repeat with other hand,

-Variant 3: Repeat as above but hold both heels with both hands, left hand to left heel and right hand to right heel.
Arch backwards pushing waist into the front.

VII. HASTA  KAPALASANAVARGA (Handbalancing postures)

Digestive system, pineal and pituitary centres

Mayurasana (Peacock posture)

Sit in Khanjanasana.  Keeping your palms on the floor (fingers towards you), stretch your legs outward (back) with
toes touching the floor.  Then move the body forward with the naval on the elbows so that the whole body is in the
air and parallel to the ground balancing on hands.BENEFITS:  Good for digestion, diabetics.  Purifies the blood.

Bakasana (Crane posture)

In this pose, the hands and arms support the weight of the body. The legs are bent, the shins resting on the backs of
upper arms, the feet together below the buttocks and off the ground.BENEFITS:  Good for reproductive organs.

Hamsasana (Swan Posture)

Hamsa means swan. In this posture, the palms are on the floor with thumbs touching, the hands facing forward.
With elbows bent and supporting the diaphragm. The body is lifted up parallel to the floor.BENEFITS:  Good for
digestion and abdominal organs.


Swanasan (stretching dog posture).

Knees down, heels to seat, hands extended forward, push waist backwards.

Marjala/ustrasan (Cat/ camel posture). (chalana).

Go onto hands and knees, body parallel to ground. Arch waist up keeping chin to throat pit ( camel). Then push
waist downward, lift chin up. Inhale up, exhale down.

Vyagravalachalan (walking tiger chalana).

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On hands and knees, wag hips from side to side and then clockwise rotation and anticlockwise rotation.


On hands and knees, stretch right arm out straight and left leg out straight so that they are parallel to the ground
and the trunk. Repeat  the other way.


Go into mountain/ down dog posture. Lift right leg up backwards into the air. Repeat with the other leg.


Sit in Vajrasana with knees apart (forming V-Shape) touching the ground.


I. BHUJANGASANA VARGA- digestive system. Solar- cardiac plexus

Bhujangasana (Cobra Posture)

Bhujanga means serpent. With palms flat on the floor below the shoulders. The spine is lengthened and genitals to
the ground as the head and chest are slowly lifted. The elbows stay close to the body and the eyes look up.

BENEFITS:  Backache is relieved. Slip disc is corrected. Good for bronchial asthma, relieves arthritic pains. Neck pain is

CAUTION:  Not advisable for Hernia patients.


Rest your chin on your hands. Relaxing posture.


II. SALABASANA VARGA- Excretory system. Solar plexus

Makarasana (Crocodile Posture).

Lie down on stomach.  Spread the legs and the feet apart with heels facing opposite.  The thighs, abdomen and
chest should touch the ground with arms folded one over the other and the forehead resting on the arms.BENEFITS:
 Good for digestion and asthma.


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Lift right leg up and left hand up , turn face to the right. Repeat the other way.


Lie down on stomach with hands to your sides with chin touching the ground. Relaxing posture.

Shalabhasana (Gross Hopper posture)

Be in adhvasana.  Keep both hands under the thighs with palms facing upwards and lift both the legs upwards.  The
chin should touch the ground.  Do not bend your knees.  Gradually lift your legs over 30, 45, 90 and 180 degrees. A
beginner can lift up to 45 degrees.

BENEFITS:  Activates liver, intestines, pancreas, kidneys and lungs.

Vrishchikasana (Scorpion Posture)

Vrishchika means scorpion.  Be in shalabhasana.  The legs are raised up and bent at the knees and the feet should be
lowered slowly over the back until they rest on the crown of the head.

BENEFITS:  Good for reproductive organs.

Second variant shalabasan Clasp hands behind back and lift legs and chest.


-Variant 1: Lift arms up and legs up in boat shape.

-Variant 2: Chalana. In this posture rock back and forth on abdomen.


-Variant 1: (Frog Posture)Beka/Manduka both mean frog.  Lie in adhvasana.  Bend your legs at knees and hold the
heels with your hands or palms and press down to buttocks and lift the chest.

BENEFITS:  Good for gout, arthritis.

-Variant 2: Chalana, lift chest up and down with heels pressed to buttocks.


Moves energy from the solar plexus to the pharyngeal centre

- Variant 1: Lie in bekasana and lift the legs holding the ankles with your hands. Lift head and chest up.  Feet should
be together.

BENEFITS:  Good for diabetics.CAUTION: People with lumbar spondilitis should be careful.

-Variant 2: Chalana. Rocking on abdomen in dhanurasana.

Stitha= stable, Chalana= moving

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IV. KAPOTHASANA VARGA- Moves energy coccygeal to pharyngeal plexus

Kapothasana (Pigeon Posture)

Lifting front trunk like in bujangasana and resting the waist region on ground and  lifting fore legs from back and
then trying to touch the feet to head

Ekapada Raja kapothasana (One legged king pigeon posture)

Fold one leg in front and one leg straight extended back and then bend your back and lift your fore leg from back
and touch feet to head in bend position. Repeat the same with another leg.Benefits: It strengthens reproductive
system and thyroid gland.

Dakshinasana (Right side posture)

Lie in adhvasana and turn towards right. Lie on right side.

BENEFITS:  Keeps one relaxed and alert.  Mind calms down.


I. HALASANA VARGA- Moves energy form the cardiac plexus to the cavernous plexus and solar plexus to
pharyngeal plexus


Lie down on your back with hands stretched outwards above your head.  Feel the stretch in the whole body by
stretching the legs downward and hands upward.

BENEFITS:  Good for digestion. Supine postures-Lying on back

Vichitrakarani/Naukasana (supine boat posture)

Variant 1: 5 degrees Lie on your back.  Lift your legs at 5 degrees (without any bend in the legs).  Stretch your arms
and lift the upper back.  Forehead, hands and feet should be in straight line.

Variant 2: 45 degrees

Variant 3: 75 degrees

Variant 4: 90 degrees. Suptapadasana. Lie down in jyestikasana with hands on the sides.  Lift right leg, toes pointing
upwards (perpendicular to the body or ground).  Repeat with the left leg.

Variant 5: (Chalana) As above but with both legs moving in rotation, first clockwise then anticlockwise.

Dwipada Suptapadasana/Urdva Prasaritha Paadasana

Lift both legs together with toes pointing upwards (perpendicular to the ground or body).

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BENEFITS:  Sciatica is released.  Prevents hernia and diabetics.

CAUTION:  People with lumbar spondilitis should be careful.

Langalasana/Halasana (a boat caught in a storm. Chalana)

Start in dwipada suptapadasana.  Lower the legs towards the head keeping the knees straight and toes touching the
ground above the head.  Then try to touch the toes with your hands.Rock back and forth between paschimotanasan
and halasan.  

BENEFITS:  Good for diabetics.

Karnapindasana (Karna means ear)

Start in halasana.  Rest the knees beside the ears with your ankles locked above the head.


Be in the first part of karnapindasana.  Then lift the upper back with your ankles resting on neck and hands across
the lower back with fingers locked, only mid spine touching the ground.

BENEFITS:  Stones in kidneys dissolve.  Tones liver, spleen, intestines, gall bladders, prostates.  Good for reproductive

Paryankasana/Ardhachakrasana (half wheel posture)

Lie down on your back.  Keep both palms on either side of the ears with fingers pointing towards the feet.  Bend the
legs at knees with the soles resting on floor.  Lift the body on the hands and feet forming an arch with naval as the
top most point.

BENEFITS:  Very good for spine and lower abdomen.

II. CHAKRASANA VARGA- Moves energy solar to pineal plexus and pituitary to cavernous plexus

Chakrasana (full wheel)

As flexibility is gained full wheel posture can be practiced. Bring your hands and feet closer together so they are
touching to create full circle.

Variant 1: Chalana- move body up and down chakrasan. At least 5 times.

Svottanasana/Pavanamuktasana (chin to knees)

Lie down on your back.  Bend legs at knees (legs together) and bring the legs onto your chest.  Lift your shoulders so
that the chin touches the knees.  Then lock your hands around the knees or fingers around the soles.

BENEFITS:  Good for gastric troubles.  Removes constipation.

CAUTION:  People with cervical spondilitis and neck pain should be careful.

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Veerakati/Viparitha karani. (75 degree shoulder stand)

Lie on your back.  Lift your legs at 75 degrees and hips at 45 degrees.  Supporting the hip portion with your palms
and the toes pointing towards the forehead. Concentrate on heart center.

III. SARVANGASANA VARGA- Works on the CNS. Moves entire energy into the brain and hypothalamus centre.

Sarvangasana (Sarva means whole, entire. Anga means limb or body. Commonly known as shoulder stand)  Be in
Veerakati with hands on the waist and lift the legs and torso to a vertical position with the weight on the shoulders
and head.  This asana is called as the “mother of the asanas”.

BENEFITS:  Relieves from asthma and constipation.  Preventive for piles, epilepsy and insomnia.

Sarvangapadmasana (Lotus shoulder stand)

Be in sarvangasana.  Then cross your legs in lotus in the air keeping body straight.


Be in Sarvangapadmasana.  Bring the lotus downward, towards your forehead.

BENEFITS:  Relieves from chronic constipation and stomach pain.

Sethubandasana (bridge posture)

Be in sarvangasana and support the waist with palms and then lower the legs and let the soles touch the ground.
 Breathe in and out 10 times in bastrika, exhale pull abdomen in, inhale and push abdomen out.

Shavasana (corpse posture)

Lie on your back with feet apart and hands away with palms facing upwards.  Keep observing your breath.


Shirsasana/Kapalasana (Head stand. Shirsa means head.)

Keep the forearms on the floor, the hands clasped and cupped to form a place for the head to rest.  The legs are
raised perpendicular to the floor, the spine lengthened, and the weight evenly distributed on the arms and head. Do
not do it with front part of the head. This asana is called the “King of the asanas”.  

BENEFITS: Good for brain, meditation, stress, sleep, lungs

CAUTION:  Those with B.P. must perform sarvangasana first.


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Asanas http://www.traditionalyoga.co.in/index.php/hatha-yoga/asanas

Be in shirsasana.  Bring your heels to the perineum (soles touching together) and legs are bent at knees sideways.


Be in shirsasana.  Then cross your legs into lotus in the air.


Be in shirsasana.  Bend either of the legs with the heel touching the perineum and sole touching the other thigh

Nataraja asana (Siva dancing)

Stand straight on right leg and balance on right  leg and  lift left leg from back and hold the left foot toe with left
hand  extend your right hand in front at the level of left leg.

These Chakras are the Centres of neuron transmission channels.

Please check out TY's Module-1, Module-2, Module-3 to learn more about Asanas.

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