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Ummi Fadlilah

1107618050 / B 2018
Factors that influence the development of elementary school children according to
experts are:
First Parenting Care According to Jane B Brooks (author of "The Process of
Parenting") is a process that refers to a series of actions and interactions that
parents do to support children's development. According to Baumrind (in Santrock's
book 2002) Lack of parenting parents in the form of democracy, namely parents who
encourage their children to be independent but still provide limits and control over
their actions. The excess is that verbal deliberation is possible with the warmth and
affection shown. Children who live in democratic families have self-confidence, high
self-esteem and point to commendable behavior.
Second, growth and development according to Campbell (2000) is a
gradual, dynamic and consultative process in infants. This growth and development
needs to be monitored regularly and periodically so that its potential can be
maximized. The process is influenced by several factors, namely genetic factors,
environmental factors, socioeconomic status factors, nutritional factors, and health
factors. According to Markum (1994) growth and development are divided into 3
namely physical growth, intellectual growth and emotional growth.
Third, food and technology According to Dhvani Shah, nutritionists
"Choosing the right foods will affect the performance of the brain and mental health
of the child." Child eating habits will affect brain development and intelligence. Good
nutrition comes from the habit of consuming good food that will make the brain
function actively and optimally every day, as quoted by Grid.ID from The
Healthsite.The technology according to Haag and keen (1996) is a set of tools that
help you work with information and perform tasks related to information processing.
technology is to add insight into children, children can build relationships, make it
easier for children to find and know the latest information, and build children's
creativity.Then the negative impact is that children are dependent on technology.
Fourth school environment According to Sukmadinata (2009: 164), "the
school environment plays an important role for the development of students'
learning". According to Hasbullah (2006: 34-35), there are six functions of the school
environment: 1. Develop mind intelligence and provide knowledge. 2. Develop
students' personalities as a whole, convey knowledge and carry out intelligence
education. 3. Specialization. 4. Efficiency. 5. Socialization. 6. cultural conservation
and transmission. According to Tu'u (2004: 18) school environmental factors have
teachers, facilities and infrastructure, and building conditions. Factors Causing
Learning Difficulties according to Ahmadi and Supriyono (2008) there are internal
factors which include physical, and spiritual. External factors that include parental
factors, school environmental factors, media factors and social environment.
Fifth, namely the home and family environment according to Hasbullah
(2003: 32) :: "The family environment is the first and foremost educational
environment for children, because it is in this family that children first receive
instruction and guidance. And said to be the main environment because most of the
lives of children are in the family. ”According to Effendi (1995) 7 families have a
major role in caring for children, in all norms and ethics that apply within the
community, and culture can be passed on from parents to their children from
generations adapted to the development of society. According Mudjiono, et.al: 1995.
Family is an umbrella of life for a child. The family is the most comfortable place for a
child. Family functions according to Davis in Murdianto; 2003, are: a. Reproduction
as a substitute / missing factor or as a continuation of the social system b.
Maintenance, which is caring for and caring for children until the child is able to be
independent. c. Economics, is able to distribute and meet needs in the family d. Care
Of The Ages; Care for advanced family members. e. Political Center; Providing a
strategic space / position to children means that parents do not dominate child
development in a more democratic manner. f. Physical Protection means that
parents are able to prepare physical needs, especially in the form of clothing and
food and shelter for their family members. The concept of education in the family
according to Soemiarti Padmonodewe is the concept of education that offers parents
the importance of early childhood characteristics and behavior. This becomes very
important considering the intelligence potential and the basics of a person's behavior
are formed in this age range. As confirmed by developmental psychologists, this
period is a sensitive period for learning so that early age is often called the golden
age. In the golden age of this development there was a tremendous surge in
children's cognitive, social and physical development which did not occur in the next










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