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How to Setup a Meeting

This instruction contains:
1) How to set up a Meeting occurrence in Outlook
2) How to set up a series of recurrent meetings
3) A tip to book meeting rooms and see invitees availability

1) How to set up a Meeting occurrence in Outlook

Open Microsoft Outlook

Click on Calendar
Under the Home tab, click on the New Meeting

Enter the meeting information:

1- To: Enter the list of the Invitees; including the meeting room.
Meeting rooms can be found in the Address book with this name format:
EDMB02, Meeting Room 1
2- Subject: The name of your project and the meeting purpose (Project Team
Meeting, Engineering meeting etc.)
3- Location: When you book a room, this will populate automatically with the name of
the room (you add the room to the list of invitees).
4-5- Start/End Time: When the meeting is being held

In the body of the meeting

request, enter the meeting
information such as the agenda,
dial-in numbers, attachment

Once everything has been

reviewed for accuracy, click

Document Title: Outlook_How-to_Meeting_Setup

Document Owner: Mohammadi, Meisam Version: FINAL
Release Date: 2018-05-30 Page: 1 of 4
2) How to set up a series of recurrent meetings

Meeting Occurrence: A meeting that is setup on an adhoc basis.
Meeting Series: A entire set of recurrent meetings (daily, weekly, monthly etc.)

Proceed as above to create the initial meeting.

Under the Meeting tab, click on Recurrence

Pick your desired settings, click ok.

Make sure the meeting room is available for the entire series before finalizing.
There is a maximum amount of recurring meetings for a series (5 it seems).

3) Tip to book meeting rooms and see invitees availability

Create a meeting
Under Meeting, click on Scheduling Assistant

This views enables you to see all your invitees availabilities at once for the same time-slot.

Document Title: Outlook_How-to_Meeting_Setup

Document Owner: Mohammadi, Meisam Version: FINAL
Release Date: 2018-05-30 Page: 2 of 4
At the bottom-left of the window, click on “Add rooms”

1) Type “EDM” for Edmonds, and select as many meeting rooms as you want
2) Click on Rooms to add this rooms
3) Click OK

In this example, see that only Meeting Room 1

and 2 are available at that time

Document Title: Outlook_How-to_Meeting_Setup

Document Owner: Mohammadi, Meisam Version: FINAL
Release Date: 2018-05-30 Page: 3 of 4
Unselect the ones you do not wish to book

Under Meeting tab, click on Appointment to continue the setup of your meeting as usual.

You cannot make changes to a meeting invite that wasn’t setup by you.

Document Title: Outlook_How-to_Meeting_Setup

Document Owner: Mohammadi, Meisam Version: FINAL
Release Date: 2018-05-30 Page: 4 of 4

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