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WHO Guidelines November 2016

Guidelines on core components of infection prevention and control programmes at the

national and acute health care facility level

A. Standard precautions

1. Hand hygiene ( important weapon against Pathogens)

2. Use of personal protective equipment
3. Sterilization and Medical Devices decontamination
4. Safe handling of linen and laundry
5. Health care Waste Management
6. Patient placement
7. Respiratory hygiene and cough etiquette
8. Environmental cleaning ( important weapon against Pathogens )
9. Principles of asepsis
10. Prevention of injuries from sharp instruments and post-exposure prophylaxis

B. Transmission-based precautions

C. Aseptic technique and device management 30

WHO Guidelines November 2016
Guidelines on core components of infection prevention and control programmes at the
national and acute health care facility level

A. Standard precautions

1. Hand hygiene ( important weapon against Pathogens)

2. Use of personal protective equipment
3. Sterilization and Medical Devices decontamination
4. Safe handling of linen and laundry
5. Health care Waste Management
6. Patient placement
7. Respiratory hygiene and cough etiquette
8. Environmental cleaning ( important weapon against Pathogens )
9. Principles of asepsis
10. Prevention of injuries from sharp instruments and post-exposure prophylaxis

B. Transmission-based precautions

C. Aseptic technique and device management 30

Hand Hygiene
Hand transmission
– Tangan adalah
kendaraan yang paling
sering untuk menularkan
patogen terkait dengan
pelayanan kesehatan
– Transmisi patogen terkait
dengan pelayanan
kesehatan dari pasien
yang satu ke yang lain
melalui tenaga
kesehatan terjadi pada 5
langkah berurutan
5 tahapan hand transmission
Satu Dua Tiga Empat Lima
Kuman pada Transfer Kuman hidup Kebersihan Tangan yang
kulit pasien kuman ke pada tangan tangan yang terkontaminasi
dan lingkungan tangan petugas untuk tidak dilakukan mentransmisik
sekitar pasien kesehatan beberapa atau tidak an kuman
menit optimal melalui kontak
berakibat langsung
tangan tetap dengan pasien
terkontaminasi atau
sekitra pasien
Mengapa perlu cuci tangan?
• protect the patient terhadap kuman yang
berbahaya yang terbawa oleh tangan anda atau kulit
pasien itu sendiri
• protect yourself dan lingkungan kerja
terhadap kuman yang berbahaya
How to clean your hands
– Handrubbing with alcohol-based handrub
merupakan metoda rutin untuk hand hygiene jika
tangan tidak nampak kotor
– Handwashing with soap and water – essential
ketika tangan nampak kotor atau terkena cairan

1 If
exposure to spore forming organisms e.g. Clostridium difficile is strongly suspected
or proven, including during outbreaks – clean hands using soap and water
How to handrub
To effectively reduce the growth
of germs on hands,
handrubbing must be
performed by following all of
the illustrated steps.
This takes only 20–30 seconds!
How to handwash
To effectively reduce the growth
of germs on hands,
must last 40–60 secs
and should be performed by
following all of the illustrated
The “My 5 Moments for Hand
Hygiene” approach
Kepatuhan hand hygiene
– Kepatuhan bervariasi tetapi secara global kurang
dari 40 %
– Alasan tidak patuh adalah:
• Too busy (sibuk)
• Skin irritation (iritasi kulit)
• Glove use (sudah pakai sarung tangan)
• Don’t think about it (tidak peduli)

1Pittet and Boyce. Lancet Infectious Diseases 2001;

2Pittet D, et al. Ann Intern Med 1999
Tidak sempat =
hambatan utama dalam pelaksanaan
hand hygiene
• Seharusnya:

– Adequate handwashing
with water and soap
40–60 seconds
– Alcohol-based
handrubbing: 20–30
WHO Multimodal Hand Hygiene Improvement
• Berdasar eviden ONE Perubahan sistem
Akses thd ketersediaan air bersih, sabun, tissue, dan handrub
dan yang tersedia di tempat pelayanan

dari the WHO TWO Training / Education
Melakukan pelatihan secara reguler pada seluruh karyawan
Guidelines on
THREE Evaluasi dan umpan balik
Hand Hygiene Monitoring praktik hand hygiene practices, infrastruktur,
in Health Care persepsi dan pemahanan, dan memberikan feed back dari
hasil monitoring
(2009), disusun
FOUR Pengingat di tempat kerja
strategi 5 Menunjukkan dan mengingatkan di tempat kerja
FIVE Membangun iklim keselamatan
Membangun lingkungan dan persepsi yang sadar akan
keselamatan pasien
Many countries worldwide are committed
to improve hand hygiene

You are part

of a global
Countries committed in 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008
Countries planning to commit in 2009
Current status, March 2009

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