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Higher 2



PHYSICS 9646/03
Paper 3 Structured Questions 29 September 2014
2 hours
Candidates answer on the Question Paper.

No Additional Materials are required.


Write your name and class on all the work you hand in.

Answer all questions.

For Examiner’s Use
Write your answer on the Question Paper. All working for numerical answers must
be shown. Section A

Write in dark blue or black pen on both sides of the paper.

You may use a soft pencil for any diagrams, graphs or rough working. 1
Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid.
The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part

Section B


This document consists of 22 printed pages.

[Turn over

NYJC 2014 9646/03/PROMO/14


speed of light in free space, c = 3.00  108 m s–1

permeability of free space, μo = 4π  10–7 H m–1
permittivity of free space, εo = 8.85  10–12 Fm–1
(1 / (36 π))  10–9 Fm–1
elementary charge, e = 1.60  10–19 C
the Planck constant, h = 6.63  10–34 J s
unified atomic mass constant, u = 1.66  10–27 kg
rest mass of electron, me = 9.11  10–31 kg
rest mass of proton, mp = 1.67  10–27 kg
molar gas constant, R = 8.31 J K–1 mol–1
the Avogadro constant, NA = 6.02  1023 mol–1
the Boltzmann constant, k = 1.38  10–23 J K–1
gravitational constant, G = 6.67  10–11 N m2 kg–2
acceleration of free fall, g = 9.81 m s–2

uniformly accelerated motion, s = ut + ½at2
v2 = u2 + 2as
work done on/by a gas, W = pΔV
hydrostatic pressure, p = ρgh
gravitational potential,  = Gm / r
displacement of particle in s.h.m. x = xo sin ωt
velocity of particle in s.h.m. v = vo cos ωt
= 
  xo  x 2

mean kinetic energy of a molecule 3
E = kT
of an ideal gas 2
resistors in series, R = R1 + R2 + …
resistors in parallel, 1/R = 1/R1 + 1/R2 + …
electric potential, V = Q / 4πεor
alternating current/voltage, x = xo sin ωt
transmission coefficient, T ∝ exp(–2kd)

where k = 8 2 m U  E 
radioactive decay, x = xo exp (–λt)

decay constant 0.693

λ =

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3 Examiner’s

Section A

1 A sports performance team monitors the performance of their athletes using a force plate. An
athlete at rest jumps up from the plate, and lands on the same position. The variation of force
F exerted on the plate with time t is measured and shown in Fig. 1 below.





0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Fig. 1
(a) Using Fig. 1, fill in the following values.

(i) Time at which the jumper leaves the plate: = 0.32 s [1]

(ii) Time at which the jumper just makes contact with the plate = 0.50 s [1]

(iii) Weight of the jumper = 500 N [1]

(b) Explain why the principle of conservation of momentum is not observed between the
jumper and the force plate.
The system (jumper and force plate) is not an isolated system/experiences an

external force due to weight/contact with the ground. This violates the principle of

conservation of momentum.
Examiner’s Comments:
A number of students demonstrated a misunderstanding of external force by naming
force between jumper and plate as an external force.
Many students misunderstood the question and simply used to graph to show that
momentum is not conserved, rather than explaining why this is so from the setup

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4 For
(c) (i) On Fig. 1, shade the area representing the change in momentum of the jumper Use

from t = 0.20 to 0.32 s. [1]

(ii) Calculate the jumper’s change in momentum during the time interval in (c)(i).
1 small square represents 50 N × 0.02 s = 1.0 N s
Shaded area covers 53(±3) small squares, 53 × 1.0 = 53 N s
Change in momentum = 53 N s

Examiner’s Comments:
This question is graded solely on accuracy of area indicated in (c)(i), without
any marks given for working (although working is needed to show how the
answer came about.)
Many students tried to use approximations, and ended up with answers
outside of the accepted range. The answers that scored the best used
counting-the-squares to determine the change in momentum.

change in momentum = kg m s-1 [2]

(d) Suggest one way that the team can help to reduce the peak force exerted on the same
athlete upon landing.
Any reasonable answer with clear explanation of how to reduce the peak force.

Use of any additional equipment should be described. [1]

Examiner’s Comments:
Overly contracted answers, e.g. “Use a shock absorber”, are not accepted.
Answers that involved explanation of damping were not accepted. Damping involves
an oscillation taking time to return to equilibrium, and does not have a direct bearing
on peak force. Some answers may be accepted if phrasing reflects an
understanding of impulse or momentum.
Answers that involved changing properties of the jumper (e.g. mass) or the height
reached are rejected.

2 A light rigid rod of length L is attached to a vertical beam by a hinge as shown in Fig. 2.1.
The other end of the rod is fastened to a load weighing 2000 N. This structure is used to
support the load.

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5 Examiner’s

Fig. 2.1

(a) State two conditions needed for the rod to be in a state of equilibrium.
No resultant force acts on the rod.

No resultant torque acts on the rod.


(b) Fig. 2.2 shows the vertical and horizontal components of the reaction force R exerted
by the hinge on the rod. Draw, on Fig. 2.2,
(i) the force T exerted by the support cable on the rod, and
(ii) the force F exerted by the load on the rod. [2]

Fig. 2.2

(c) By taking moments about the hinge, show that the tension T in the support cable is
3460 N. [1]

Taking moments about hinge,

T sin 30  L    F  L cos30   0

T sin 30  F cos30
tan 30
T  3460 N

Examiner’s Comments:
Some students failed to show that they were taking moments as they omitted L in their
first step; even though L gets cancelled in the later steps, L must still be present in
the first step. A number of students introduced the tan30 term without showing how it
came about. Even though they did manage to give the value of T, but because they did
not show that they were taking moments, they too were not awarded the marks.

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6 For
(d) Determine the magnitude of the reaction force R exerted by the hinge on the rod. Use

F x  max F y  may
Rx  T cos60  0 Ry  T sin 60  F  0
Rx  3460cos60 Ry  3460sin 60  2000
Rx  1730 N Ry  996 N

R  Rx2  Ry2
R  2000 N
R= N [3]

Examiner’s Comments:
Most students were able to use Newton’s second law to solve (d). Those who were
unable to solve (d) used wrong values for the angle between T and the horizontal.

(e) Two different structures A and B are used to support loads with the same overhanging
length L′, as shown in Fig. 2.3.

Fig. 2.3

State and explain which structure is able to support a heavier load, given that the
support cables used in both structures have the same breaking strength.

In both structures, the clockwise moment due to the load is the same.
However, since the perpendicular distance from the hinge to the support cable is
larger in A, a smaller tension is needed in the cable in A to maintain rotational
equilibrium. Hence, structure A is able to support a heavier load given the
common breaking strength.

Examiner’s Comments:
Most students did not realise the following:
1. Since both systems are in rotational equilibrium, the clockwise moment due to [2]
must be the same as the anti-clockwise moment due to T.
2. Since the overhanging length L′ is the same for both A and B, they experience the
same clockwise moment due to F.
3. Thus the difference between A and B is just the perpendicular distance between
NYJC 2014 the hinge and the tension in the 9646/03/PROMO/14
support cable.
7 Examiner’s

3 A body of mass m is resting on a smooth surface and is attached to two stretched springs P
and Q, as shown in Fig. 3. The spring constant of Q is twice that of P.

Let point O be the point at which the body is in equilibrium.


Fig. 3

extension of P
(a) Calculate, at the point O, the ratio of .
extension of Q

 + : F = FQ + (–FP) = 2k xQ – k xP = 0
xP / xQ = 2
ratio = [2]

(b) The body is now displaced from its equilibrium point O by a short distance and then
released. It oscillates horizontally subsequently. Show that the acceleration a of the
body is given by
a= 

where x is the displacement of the body from O and k is the spring constant of P. [2]

Extension of P = xP + x
Extension of Q = xQ – x

 + : F = (2k xQ – 2k x) – (k xP + k x)
= – 3k x = m a

Examiner’s Comments:
Equation must be derived from first principles i.e. equation of motion and Hooke’s law.

(c) Explain how the equation in (b) shows that the body performs simple harmonic motion.

Since k and m are constants, the magnitude of a is proportional to that of x.

The negative sign shows that the directions of a and x are opposite.

Examiner’s Comments:
Stating the conditions for SHM is not adequate for the full 2 marks. They must
be clearly related to equation in (b). [2]

(d) The spring constant of P is 3.8 N m–1 and the mass of the body is 100 g. Calculate the
frequency of the oscillation of the body.
k = 3.8 N m–1
2 = (2 f)2 = 3k/m
f = (3  3.8 / 0.100)1/2 / 2 = 1.7 Hz

frequency = Hz [2]

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8 For
4 The planet Saturn of mass M has several moons orbiting about it. Assume the orbits of these Use

moons are circular. One such moon has an orbital radius R.

(a) Show that the orbital period T of the moon’s orbit about Saturn is given by the
4 2
expression T  2
R3. [2]
GM m
 m 2 R
R 2

GM m 2
( ) 2 R
R 2
4 2
T2 R3

(b) A student is given the following set of orbital data for some of the moons of Saturn
shown in Fig. 4.1.

T/s R/m T2/R3

8.14 × 104 1.85 × 108 1.05 x 10-15

1.18 × 105 2.38 × 108 1.03 x 10-15

1.63 × 105 2.95 × 108 1.03 x 10-15

2.37 × 105 3.77 × 108 1.05 x 10-15

Fig. 4.1

(i) Using the data in Fig. 4.1, explain why the expression in (a) is valid.

Find ratio of T2/R3 for each row.

Since the ratio of T2/R3 is the same for each moon, there the expression is valid.

Examiner’s Comments:
Candidates gave non-definitive answers like as T increases R also increases.
Candidates must be aware of the ‘non-exactness’ of measured values (T2/R3)
and accept these as evidence of validity.

(ii) Without plotting a graph, use the data in Fig. 4.1 to determine the mass of Saturn.

<T2/R3> = 1.04 x 10-15

4 2
= 1.04 x 10-15
M = 5.69 x 1026 kg

mass = kg [2]

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9 Examiner’s

(iii) Saturn has rings of rock and ice in steady orbit about its equatorial plane, as
shown in Fig. 4.2.

Explain why, for steady orbit, the rings must be in a plane that includes the centre
of Saturn.

Rings of

Fig. 4.2
At the equatorial plane, the rock & ice experience gravitational force which is
directed towards the centre of Saturn.
This gravitational force which provides the centripetal force allows the rock & ice
to remain in steady orbit about the equator (which includes the centre of Saturn).


At any plane which does not include the centre of Saturn, the rock & ice
experience gravitational force which is directed towards the centre of Saturn.
A component of the gravitational force provides the centripetal force for circular
orbit about the plane and the other component of the gravitational force
(perpendicular to the plane) cause the rock & ice to move towards the equator;
hence a non-steady orbit (which does not include the centre of Saturn).

Examiner’s Comments:
Candidates wrongly assume geostationary.
Description is not well written, avoid horizontal & vertical; there are relative
directional referencing.

5 (a) State, in words, the First Law of Thermodynamics.

The increase in internal energy of a system is the sum of the work done on the
system and the heat supplied to the system.
Examiner’s Comments:
1. Many students remembered the first law of thermodynamics via equation
and wrote “the change in internal energy” instead of “the increase in
internal energy”. “Change in internal energy” is not accepted since “work
done on the system” is taken as positive & “heat supplied” is taken as
positive. Students are reminded to state laws and definitions as given & not
come up with their own.
2. There are some who stated “the internal energy of the system”. These
students are also reminded to follow the above advice.
3. There are some who did not memorise the law. These students are
reminded not to throw away free marks.

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10 For
(b) A gas, considered to be ideal, is contained in the cylinder of a combustion engine. Use

Initially the gas has a volume of 4.20 × 10–5 m3, temperature of 1.50 × 103 K and a
pressure 3.80 × 106 Pa.

(i) Calculate the number of gas particles in the cylinder.

pV  NkT
3.80  106  4.20  10 5

1.38  1023  1.50  103
 7.71 1021

Examiner’s Comments:
Many were able to do this. Some gave the number of moles of gas as the answer,
which is not the quantity required. A minority of the students lost marks because
of careless mistakes such as copying errors & error in pressing the calculator.

number of gas particles = [2]

The gas then expands to a volume of 3.30 × 10–4 m3 at a temperature of 660 K.

(ii) Calculate the change in the internal energy of the gas, given that its internal
energy at 1.50 × 103 K is 240 J.
Internal energy at 660 K  NkT
  7.71 1021  1.38  1023  (660)
 105 J
Change in internal energy = 105 – 240 = -135 J

Examiner’s Comments:
Mistakes made by students:
1. Unfamiliar with the formulas:
a. Forgetting there is a 3/2 for the formula.
3 3 3
b. Writing U  nkT instead of U  NkT and U  NRT
2 2 2
instead of U  nRT
2. Did not use (final minus initial) to calculate change.
3. Assumed that the pressure stays constant. Since the gas is contained in the
cylinder of the combustion engine, the gas cannot escaped and thus, it is the
number of particles that stays constant, not the pressure.
4. Used U  P (V ) which is incorrect in this question since both P and V

Advice to students: Know your work. Creativity is a virtue but too much creativity
is bad for you. Know the correct time to be creative (in lectures, tutorials &
consultations. Definitely NOT in an exam!)

change in internal energy = J [3]

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11 Examiner’s

(iii) Calculate the work done by the gas during the expansion, given that no heat is
supplied to it during the expansion.
U  Qin  Won
135  0  Won
Won  135 J
Since the work done on the gas is -135 J, the work done by the gas is 135 J.

Examiner’s Comments:
The mistake made here by students is failure to read the question carefully.
Questions asks for the work done by gas but a number gave the work done on

work done by gas = J [2]

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12 For
6 A rocket with a constant thrust is used to launch a space cabin carrying an astronaut of mass Use

65 kg. The space cabin is eventually docked alongside the International Space Station (ISS).
The ISS is in a permanent orbit of radius 6.71 × 106 m around the Earth. The radius of the
Earth is 6.37 × 106 m.

Fig. 6.1 shows how the gravitational field strength g of the Earth varies with distance from the
Earth’s surface.

Fig. 6.1

(a) Determine the force exerted by Earth on the astronaut when he is 200 km from the
Earth’s surface.

g = 9.20 N kg-1
F = mg = 65(9.20) = 598 N
force = N [1]

(b) Give two reasons why the rocket does not experience a constant acceleration although
its thrust is constant.
1. As the rocket fuel is used up during its ascent, the mass of the rocket gets
smaller. Hence it will experience a larger acceleration if the thrust force remains
2. The gravitational field strength decreases as the rocket ascends, so its
acceleration will increase.
3. The rocket experiences less friction as it ascends, so its acceleration will


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13 Examiner’s

Examiner’s Comments:
1. Some students talked about the rocket being in orbit – they failed to understand that
as the rocket is launched into space, it is actually not in orbit!
2. It is not sufficient to merely mention that there is presence of air resistance.
Students must discuss how air resistance encountered by the rocket changes as it
moves further into space, since the question is about why the rocket’s acceleration
is not constant.
3. A number of students mentioned that the gravitational force acting on the rocket
decreases as it moves further into space. It would be better if the students
mentioned specifically that it is the gravitational field strength that decreases, rather
than the gravitational force, because the gravitational force is affected by both mass
of the rocket (in which case the answer would essentially be the same as the first
answer given above), as well as the gravitational field strength of Earth.

(c) Determine the value of the centripetal acceleration of the ISS.

Distance of ISS from Earth’s surface = 6.71×106 - 6.37×106  340 km

From Fig. 6.1, g = 8.83 N kg-1
Centripetal acceleration = g = 8.83 m s-2

Examiner’s Comments:
1. Some students wrongly assumed that the satellite is geostationary and hence it’s
period of orbit is 24 hrs. It must be noted that geostationary satellites can have only
one particular radius of orbit and not any radius of orbit!
2. Students must take note that the value of Earth’s mass is not to be memorised and
quoted in their solutions. If this value is not given and students want to use it, they
need to show how they derive that value (e.g. GME = gr2, where g is gravitational
field strength on Earth’s surface and r is the radius of Earth).
3. Based on the graph given, the gravitational field strength on Earth’s surface is 9.83
N kg-1, not 9.81 N kg-1.
4. When reading the value of g from the graph, students must take care to read to half
the smallest square, so the answer should be 8.83 N kg -1 and not 8.825 N kg-1.

centripetal acceleration = m s–2 [2]

(d) Calculate

(i) the speed of the ISS,

ac =
v = 6.71×106 (8.83) = 7.70 ×103 m s 1

Examiner’s Comments:
Students must remember to always show substitution of values in their working,
and not merely quote formula and then give the final answer, failing which they
will be penalised.

speed = m s–1 [2]

(ii) the kinetic energy of the astronaut as he circles the Earth in the ISS.
KE =  65   7.70×103  = 1.93×109 J
1 2

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14 For
kinetic energy = J [1] Use

(e) Under conditions experienced in space, astronauts on long missions in the ISS may
lose mass due to muscle deterioration. Scientists investigated a model of a mass-
spring system (see Fig. 6.2) which operates in such conditions and could be used to
monitor changes in mass.

~0.4 m

Fig. 6.2

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15 Examiner’s

The mass-spring system in Fig. 6.2 is set to oscillate.

It has been suggested that the relationship between the period of oscillation T and the
mass M of the mass-spring system is given by:
1 p
= +q

where p is a constant for a fixed number of springs and q is a constant.

The experimental results obtained are shown below in Fig. 6.3. The time taken for the
oscillations was measured using a stopwatch.

Time taken for 20

oscillations 1 1
M / kg T/s 2
/ s–2 / kg–1
t1 / s t2 / s T M

0.100 10.3 10.4 0.518 3.73 10.0

0.150 12.1 11.9 0.600 2.78 6.67

0.200 13.4 13.4 0.670 2.23 5.00

0.250 14.3 14.4 0.718 1.94 4.00
0.300 15.2 15.2 0.760 1.73 3.33

0.350 15.7 15.6 0.783 1.63 2.86

Fig. 6.3

1 1
The corresponding values of 2
and for the data in Fig. 6.3 are plotted on the
graph of Fig. 6.4.

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16 For
/ s-2

3.50 (9.2, 3.50)




(3.8, 1.90)

1.00 / kg-1
2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0

Fig. 6.4

(i) On Fig. 6.4, draw the best-fit line for all the plotted points. [1]

(ii) Hence determine the values of p and q.

Using coordinates (9.2, 3.50) and (3.8, 1.90):

3.50  1.90
Gradient =  0.30 kg s2
9.2  3.8
y-intercept = 1.90 – 3.8(0.30) = 0.76 s-2

Hence p = 0.30 kg s-2 and q = 0.76 s-2

Examiner’s Comments:
A large number of students wrongly read off the y-intercept from the graph, which
showed their lack of understanding of the meaning of y-intercept.

p= kg s–2

q= s–2 [3]

(iii) Comment on the validity of the suggested relationship between T and M given
above in (e).
Since the graph of 1/T2 against 1/M is linear, therefore the suggested
relationship is valid.

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17 Examiner’s


Examiner’s Comments:
Since the question asked for student’s comments, one cannot simply state
whether or not the suggested relationship is valid without substantiation.

A good number of students wrongly concluded that since the graph is linear,
hence 1/T2 is proportional to 1/M, or that T is proportional to M. They do not seem
to understand that there is a relationship of proportionality only if the graph is
linear and the y-intercept is zero. (Note that even if the y-intercept is zero, T is
NOT proportional to M)

Similarly, based on the graph obtained, we can conclude that 1/T2 and 1/M have
a linear relationship but T and M do NOT have a linear relationship.

Merely stating that the equation is homogeneous and hence valid is insufficient in
this case because an equation that is homogeneous may not necessarily be
valid. The result obtained from the graph is more conclusive.

2pT 3
(iv) It has been further suggested that T = × Fractional loss in mass.
According to medical opinion, a body mass loss of 10% is considered serious.
Determine the variation in period T corresponding to such a percentage loss in
an original mass of 0.500 kg.

1/M = 1/0.500 = 2.00 kg-1

From the best fit line drawn, 1/T2 = 1.35 s-2 => T = 0.861 s
2pT 3 2(0.30)(0.861)3
ΔT = ×0.10 = ×0.10 = 0.08 s (1 s.f.)
M 0.500

T = s [2]

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18 For
Section B Use

7 (a) (i) Define potential difference.

The potential difference between two points in a circuit is the energy

converted from electrical to other forms per unit charge passing from one
point to the other. [1]

Examiner’s Comments:
Most students are able to give the correct definition. Some did not
mentioned the term ‘per unit charge’

(ii) Define the volt.

One volt is the potential difference between two points in a circuit when
the energy converted from electrical to others forms per unit charge
passing from one point to the other is one joule per coulomb. [1]

Examiner’s Comments:
The answer for this part is disappointing as most did not correctly define
volt despite able to correctly define potential difference. Most did not
realize that the volt imply 1 volt.

(b) Fig 7.1 shows the variation of the current and potential difference across an electrical
component G.

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19 Examiner’s

I / mA

0 .5

0 .4

0 .3

0 .2

0 .1

0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 V/V

Fig 7.1
(i) Determine the maximum resistance of component G.

R = 6.0 / (0.11x10-3) = 55 k

Examiner’s Comments:
Very few students managed to get full credit for this part.

maximum resistance =  [2]

(ii) Describe how the resistance of component G changes as the potential difference
across it is increased for different sections of the graph.
1. A  B:

The resistance will decrease.

V = 0.8/(0.8 + 1.2) X 5 = 2.0 V

2. B  C:
The resistance will decrease.


3. C  D:
The resistance will increase.
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20 For
Examiner’s Comments: Examiner’s
A large number of students went one step further by describing the rate of
change of resistance. This is not required in this question as it is quite
time consuming to deduce the correct rate of change of resistance. (look [1]
at the mark allocation). It is also disappointing that there is still a
significant number of students focus on the gradient of the graph.

(c) The variation with temperature of the resistance RT of a thermistor is shown in Fig. 7.2.

Fig. 7.2

The thermistor RT and component G are then connected in a circuit as shown in

Fig. 7.3.

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1.6 k

1.2 k

component G

5.0 V

Fig. 7.3

(i) For the thermistor at a temperature of 22.5 °C, calculate the total resistance
across XY.

From Fig. 7.2, RT = 1.6k.

Hence total resistance = 1.6/2 = 0.8 k

total resistance =  [2]

(ii) Hence deduce the voltmeter reading at this particular temperature.

By potential divider,
V = 0.8/(1.2+ 0.8) x (5.0V) = 2.0 V

voltmeter reading = V [2]

The temperature of the thermistor is then changed to a new temperature T.

(iii) Given that the total current from the supply is 2.50 mA, calculate the new
voltmeter reading.

Using Fig 7.1, current through G = 0.425 m A. spriBy potential divider,

current through 1.2k resistor = (2.50 – 0.425) = 2.08 mAV
p.d.across 1.2k = (2.08 x 10-3)1200 = 2.49 V

Hence voltemeter reading = 5.0 - 2.49 V = 2.5 V

new voltmeter reading = V [2]

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22 For
(iv) Hence deduce the corresponding temperature T. Use

Using potential divider,

RXY /(1.2) = 2.5/2.5
RXY = 1200 .

1.6RXY/( RXY + 1.6) = 1.2

RXY = 4.8 k
Temperature < 0oC.

Examiner’s Comments:
Most students who make an attempt to calculate the resistance of
thermistor will be given due credit for this part even though the
temperature is out of scale from the graph given.

temperature T = C [2]

(d) Explain why the voltmeter reading remains almost constant with respect to temperature
if the 1.6 k resistor is replaced by a 100  resistor in the circuit shown in Fig. 7.3.

Based on Fig 7.2, resistance of thermistor is between 1.6 – 3.5 k which

is significant much larger than 100 
Hence total resistance acros XY will remains almost constant at 100 .
By potential divider, voltmeter reading will remains almost constant.
Examiner’s Comments:
Very few students managed to correctly give a good explanation.

(e) Component G is then removed completely from the circuit, resulting in an increase in
the total resistance of the circuit. Deduce and explain the change, if any, in the

(i) total current from the supply:

Since the e.m.f. of the supply remains constant and total resistance
increase, the total current from supply will decrease. (V=IR)

Examiner’s Comments:
A large proportion of students did not give sufficient details in their [2]
explanation to justify full credit

(ii) voltmeter reading:

The potential difference across the 1.2 k and thermistor remains at 5 V

and the resistance of each component remains unchanged. Hence by
potential divider, the potential difference across XY remains unchanged.


NYJC 2014 9646/03/PROMO/14

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