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The Monthly Messenger

Breaking News June 6, 2019

The messenger will only be sent monthly during the
summer. Worship With Us
Sunday Schedule
9:00 am
Praise and Thanksgiving Commun-
This Sunday we will be honoring our graduates from June 9
Escalon High School: Tommy Avila and Harrison Acts 2:1-21, Psalm 104:24-34, 35b, John
14:8-17 [25-27]
Grossi and from Ripona Elementary School: Konnor
Spears. Please plan to come to the worship service
Pentecost is a day of promises fulfilled.
and participate in blessing of our graduates and ex- The promised Spirit of God is poured
tend your congratulations. out.
June 16
Proverbs 8:1-4, 22-31 Psalm 8, John

Today we celebrate the name of God:

holy blessed Trinity. Praise Father, Son,
The Picnic and Holy Spirit!
Don’t forget the picnic this Sunday following the
worship service. Hamburgers, hot dogs, condiments
June 23
Isaiah 65:1-9, Psalm 22:19-28, Luke
and drinks will be provided. Please bring your favor-
ite salad, main dish or dessert to share. This is a
great time for fun and fellowship. This Sunday’s is a dramatic declaration
of how much God has done for us.

Prayers June 30
I Kings 19:15-16, 19, Psalm 16, Luke
Continued prayers for comfort and healing for Mary
Ann Olson, Karen Pearson, Harriet Rivers and Karin
Reenstierna, and the family and friends who mourn
We are not good apart from God. That
including Travis Wolfington’s mother.
makes our Lord’s call to follow him an
invitation to freedom. This is freedom
to real in Spirit’s fruits: love, joy, peace,
patience, and the like. This is the path
of life.
Golfers are already talking about next
Super Success Golf Event
year’s event!
When we undertook the 14th Annual Sa-
If all that isn’t enough, we netted over
ron Lutheran Community Golf Tourna-
$6300 for our building’s repair fund!
ment, we had specific goals:
What a success!!!
1. Grow the number of participants by
Thank you again for the many people who
reaching out into the community.
worked so hard to show that Saron Luther-
2. Increase the awareness of Saron Lu- an of Escalon is a thriving congregation
theran in our community. who is an integral part of the community.
3. Create an opportunity for fellowship Lisa Alessi
with members of our community.
4. Last, raise funds for our building’s ren- PS from Pastor Sheri
ovation and repairs. I want to thank Lisa Alessi for her organi-
We accomplished ALL of our goals AND zational skills, unfettered enthusiasm for
MORE! Saron as a faith community, and her ea-
gerness to share the work with many for
Through personal invitation, word of the sake of successful outreach. The
mouth, posting flyers, community bill- work putting it all together was enhanced
board and a newspaper article, we had a by many experienced hands from the pre-
total of 60 golfers! In attendance was the vious 13 years. Rick and I were there on
Escalon Mayer Pro Team along with mem- Saturday morning and enjoyed the happy
bers of both Escalon and Ripon law en- golfers as they came in from the course. I
forcement. Our youngest participant was had many people ask about next
10 and our older was 92. We had a di- year. Looks like the 15th Annual Saron
verse group which included approximate- Lutheran Community Golf Tournament will
ly 30 members of our church for a total at return in 2020! Good job each person her
least 90 people. We made contact with contributed to the day!
more than 150 local businesses, inviting
them to participate, and were blessed
with so many generous donations.
Pictures of our Members
Our Saron membership also stepped up to
donate their time and talents to this We want to complete the bulletin board
event. Whether it was cooking and bring with pictures of all of our members and
food, setting up, hauling tables, gathering some are still missing. Please plan to
donations, helping with registration, mak- come to the Fellowship Hall on Sunday
ing centerpieces, putting up flyers, graph- June 30th and Terese will take your picture.
ic design or any of the many other tasks If you are unable to attend please send a
that needed to be completed, we got it 4x6 photo to the church office.
Saron members attended and made our
new friends fell welcome. The feedback
from participants has been excellent. A
great time was had by all.
Those That Serve

Serving June 2 June 9 June 16 June 23 June 30

Altar Guild K Pendleton S Harrison J Matt T Hair D Grabow
Flowers N Sappenfield C Holck J Ervin-Gade
Greeters A Shaddix J & S Spears D Bookwalter C Shipley J & S Rose
Musicans B Dahlin B Dahlin K Bomer K Bomer K Bomer
Usher M Olson J Emery M Olson M Olson M Olson
Lector M Cole C Holck B Sappenfield
Acolyte Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer
Assisting S McGowan C Shipley K Linn J Emery T Hair
Commun- K Pendleton S Harrison J Matt T Hair N Sappenfield
ion M Olson R Scholz * * *
Money K Pendleton N Sappenfield D Grabow N Sappenfield
Counters L Spurgeon K Pendleton R Scholz B Emery

* Intinction

June 8
Katie Bomer’s Shower 11:00 am

June 9
Church Picnic
Bring your favorite dish. Hotdogs, Hamburgers, condi-
ments & drinks provided.

June 11
Golf Wrap Up 11:00

June 13
Witness & Service Ministry Team 9:00 am
Church Council 6:00 pm
Finance & Property 12:30 pm

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