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59 adhesiolysis
97.43 aff hecting dada/thorax
97.84 aff hecting dilokasi lain
97.83 aff hecting dinding abdomen
97.38 Aff hecting kepala dan leher
47.09 Appendicectomy
47.19 Appendicectomy incidental
95.41 audiometry
06.12 biopsi kelenjar tiroid (PA)
86.11 biopsy kulit
86.11 biopsy kulit
06.12 Biopsy tiroid (PA)
87.73 BNO-IVP
93.18 chest physiotheraphy
74.0 classical SC
97.04 colonoscopy
96.72 Continuous invasive mechanical ventilation for 96 consecutive hours or more
96.71 Continuous invasive mechanical ventilation for less than 96 consecutive hours
86.04 cross insisi
88.01 ct scan abdomen
87.03 ct scan kepala
87.71 ct scan kidney
87.41 CT scan thorax
96.44 Cuci vagina
86.28 Debridement - burn (skin)
86.28 Debridement nonexcisional
96.52 Ear irrigation
88.72 ECHO
89.14 EEG
86.3 eksisi lokal (< 5 cm)
83.39 eksisi luas (> 5 cm)
23.09 ekstraksi gigi
22.19 Endoscopy ENT (THT)
86.22 Excisional debridement of wound, or burn
93.19 exercise
74.2 extraperitoneal SC
97.01 ganti NGT
39.95 hemodialisa
49.46 hemorroidectomy
53.05 Hernioplasty + mesh
53.00 herniotomi inguinal lateral
68.49 histerectomy totalis
68.8 hysterectomy
73.1 induksi persalinan dengan alat
73.4 induksi persalinan dengan obat
93.35 infrared theraphy
99.18 infus pump
81.92 injeksi neuro tanpa usg
96.53 irrigasi hidung
06.2 Isthmolobektomi unilateral
57.79 kistektomi
69.09 kuretase
69.09 kuretase diagnostik
69.02 kuretase pasca persalinan dan abortus
69.01 kuretase terminasi kehamilan
54.11 laparotomi eksplorasi
68.49 laparotomi histerektomi total
31.42 laryngoscopy
74.1 Low cervical SC
87.37 mammography
93.27 massage
93.94 microwave diathermy
88.91 MRI kepala
88.93 MRI spinal canal
68.29 myomectomy
93.94 Nebulizer
96.6 NGT untuk pemberian nutrisi
93.83 occupational theraphy
88.38 other ct scan
5459 Other lysis of peritoneal adhesions
88.96 other MRI
93.35 parrafin bath
73.59 partus normal
73.4 partus pervaginam dengan induksi
57.94 pasang urin cateter
93.53 Pemasangan Gypsum/ gift/ cast
57.94 pemasangan kateter urin
96.18 pemasangan pessarium
96,04 penyisipan tabung endotrakea
23.70 Perawatan saraf akar/ root canal
75.69 perineorrhaphy
72.71 Persalinan vaccum + episiotomi
65.49 salpingo-oophorectomy unilateral
74.99 section caesarean
74.4 Section Cecarean Transperitonial
93.34 shortwave diathermy
93.75 speech theraphy
66.63 sterilisasi
54.64 suture peritoneum
21.02 tampon anterior & posterior hidung
93.39 TENS
28.2 tonsilektomi
28.3 tonsiloadenoidectomy
31.29 trakeostomi
89.41 treadmill
66.39 tubektomi bilateral
23.2 u-glass ionomer filling
93.34 ultrasonic diathermy
88.76 USG abdomen
88.78 USG kehamilan
88.79 USG lain-lain
93.57 wound care/ GV
34.04 WSD

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