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Type Newspaper Title Here

Type Text Type Date Here

Title Title
by: Your Name Here by: Your Name Here

Type or copy and paste the text Type or copy and paste the text
you want above the image here. you want above the image here.

Click on the image placeholder Click on the image placeholder

below and then choose ​Insert below and then choose ​Insert
image. B​ rowse to find the image image. ​Browse to find the image
you want. After uploading the you want. After uploading the
image, re-size it to fit in this image, re-size it to fit in this
column. column.

Type Caption Here Remember to click the undo arrow

if you mess up.

Title Remember to save often.

by: Your Name
Click on the image placeholder
Hint: Long articles may need to be
above and then choose ​Insert
continued on another page.
image. ​Browse to find the image
you want. After uploading the
image, re-size it to fit in this

Type or copy and paste the text

Type Caption Here
you want below the image here.

Type or copy and paste the text

you want below the image here. Fill in spaces below articles with
advertising or famous quotes.
Type or paste it here. Type Caption Here
Fill in spaces below articles with
advertising or famous quotes.
Type or paste it here.

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