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In the series Labor and Social Change, edited by Paula Rayman and Carmen Sirianni WORK and DEMOCRACY in Socialist Cuba LINDA FULLER a Temple University Press Philadelphia Temple University Press, Philadelphia 19122 Copyright © 1992 by Temple Univesity. All rights reserved Published 1992 Printed in the United States of America “The paper used inthis publication meets the minimum requirements of Atveican National Standard for Information Sciences—Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials ANSI Z39.48-1988 © Library of Congress Caaloging-n-Publication Data Faller, Linda, 1944 "Work and democracy in socialist Guba / Linda Faller P.-em, — (Labor and social change) Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 0:87722-895-0 (alk. paper) 1 Management-—Cubo—Empinyce parikipation. 2, Industria relations—Cuba. 3, Trade-unions—Cuba, I. Title. U. See, HDS060.09F85 1992 3317097291—de20 o-inog For Russell Kenneth Olsen and Jeanne Louise Fennell Olsen and in memory of Belly Quiiones Fernandez, one of many Cubans who have accomplished so much Acknowledgments Thave many thanks to give for the love and friendship, intellectual guidance, and practical and financial aid I received as | worked on this book. Michael Burawoy, my teacher and friend, comes first to mind. He kept up his enthusiasm for the project when mine waned; he prodded or cajoled when that was necessary, then let me alone when that was best. His own dedication to changing the world as he interprets it is always an inspiration. 1 also thank Andy Zimbalist and Carmen Sirianni, whose comments at a very early and at a much later stage were encouraging and useful Numerous Cubans, who had far more pressing matters to at tend to, gave generously of their time and thoughts. I thank each of them, especially Betty and Teresa, whose pampering made my work a great deal easier and whose companionship made it much more fun. Practical help and sound advice along the way we offered by Carlos Forment, Sheryl Lutgens, Rebecca Scott, and Grace Stimson, by Michacl Ames, Debby Stuart, and Heidi Trom- bert at Temple University Press, and by the staff at the Hoover Institution library, especially Andre Pierce and Hilja Kukk. Support during various phases of the project came from the Center for Latin American Studies at the University of California, Berkeley; the Haynes Summer Fellowship and the Faculty Research and Innova- tion Fund, both at the University of Southern California; and the Joint Commitice on Latin American Studies of the Social Science Research Council and the American Council of Learned Societies, with funds provided by the National Endowment for the Human- ities, the Ford Foundation, and the Andrew W. Mellon Founda- There is no way I could have completed this book without

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