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ISO 9000 is a family of standards for quality management. It is maintained by the International organization for Standardization and is

administerd by the accreditation and certification bodies.ISO9000 addresses quality management standards as to what an organization needs to

fulfill.It assesses the organizations ability to meet customer and regulatory requirements, quality management system, and provides

guidelines for performance improvement. It is one of the renowned international standards that have been implemented by countless

companies in more than 150 countries.


Some textile and apparel industries view ISO certification is only necessary as a factor for exports. But, the main matter of concern in

textile industry is that an imperative relation exists between the quality of the materials and the quality of the final product. ISO standards

enable the industry to enhance the quality of raw material input, thereby strengthening the quality of the ultimate product. This will result

in a systematic approach to management, incessant performance improvement, factual approach towards the decision making process,

and a mutually benefiting suppliers relationship. Thusit helps the manufacturers in 'W eaving a Quality Industry".

ISO/TC 38 is the ISO followed by textile industry to ensure that the quality of their goods are manufactured to a higher standard they deliver

better value. puts in place a set of actionable procedures to prevent substandard goods from being made.

ISO/TC 38 is all about the standardization of:

• fibres,yarns,threads, cords, rope, cloth and other fabricated textile materials; and the
methods oftest, terminologyanddefinitions relatingthereto ;

• textile industry raw materials, auxiliaries and chemical products required for processing and testing;
• specifications for textile products.

ISO/TC 38 consists of five subcommittees which are as following:

ittee Subcommittee Tit le

ISO/TC 38/SC 24 Conditoning atmos pheres and physical tests for textile fab rics

It refers to the standards set for physical testi ng of fabrics i.e.quality or quantity measurement. It includes the checking

of fabric appearance, texture and size through digital methods .

ISO/TC 38/SC 23 Fibers and yarns

It standardizes the of fibers used in textile industry according to their specifications. Thesefibercanbenatural or man-


ISO/TC 38/SC 20 Fabricdescriptions

It includes all the ISO's from machinery for fabric manufacturing including

preparatory machinery and accessori es to a finished fabric produced.

ISO/TC 38/SC 2 Cleansing, finishing and water resistance tests

It includes dif ferent ISO's for professional cleaning, domestic washing and drying, industrial laundry, appearance retention,

water resistance tests and care labelling.

ISO/TC 38/SC 1 Te stsfor coloredtextilesandcolorants

It defines the global standards for dying of fabric, color measurement , environment suitable for fabrics and miscellaneous

technical p8rojects related to coloring in textile industry.

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