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Mago de Sangue

Opção de classe de prestígio Dois irmãos draconatos estão lutando juntos quando o atrav
irmão é atingido por uma flecha e cai no chão. Rapidamente, Pra
ele estende a mão para sua irmã. Ela grita em agonia assus
enquanto sua força vital é drenada. Muito enfraquecida, e para
com apenas alguns momentos antes de ser dominada por mági
seus agressores, ela olha confusa e irritada enquanto seu só a u
irmão agora ferido canaliza sua vitalidade recém-descoberta conse
e desaparece que e
sua c
sua p


Crédito: "Blood Mage" da SineAlas no DeviantArt

Correndo por um beco para escapar de seus Para
perseguidores, um mago humano encontra-se encurralado. segui
Quando o guarda da cidade se aproxima, o bruxo pega uma multi
adaga e a apunhala pela palma da mão. Canalizando o C
sangue fluindo para fora de sua ferida, o bruxo controla a Se
mente de um de seus possíveis captores, fazendo com que o dr
guarda ligue seus companheiros e dê tempo fugitivo para im
Sangrando de dezenas de feridas, um bruxo meio-elfo F
inspeciona os cadáveres hobgoblin espalhados ao seu redor. Se
Fechando os olhos, ela estende as mãos, drenando seus qu
inimigos caídos de sua força vital. Ela ri baixinho para si
mesma enquanto os cortes e cortes em sua carne começam a F
se fechar. A
Mago de Sangue
                                                                                                                                                                                  ---- Spell Slots por Nível ---
Nível Características Feitiços Conhecidos 1º 2º 3ª
1º Spellcasting, Magia do Sangue, Tela de Carne 1 2 - -
2º Festa dos Caídos 2 3 - -
3ª Rend do Sangue, Resiliência Sanguínea 3 4 2 -
4ª Sacrifício 4 4 3 -
5ª Thrall de sangue, Maleficar, força sanguínea 5 4 3 2

Além disso, quando você ganha um nível nesta classe, você

pode escolher uma das magias de mago de sangue que você
Funcionalidades de Classe conhece e substituí-la por outra magia da lista de magias do Hab
mago de sangue, que também deve ser de um nível para o Cons
Como um mago de sangue, você ganha os seguintes recursos qual você possui espaços mágicos. seus
de classe magi
de sa
Pontos de Vida própr
Dado de Vida: 1d8 por nível de mago de sangue recur
Pontos de Vida por Nível: 1d8 (ou 5) + seu modificador sangu
Constituion por nível de mago de sangue sangu
Proficiências disso
Armas: Adagas CD d
Salvando Lances: Nenhum lança
Habilidades: Nenhum ataqu
Equipamento modi
Quando você pega seu primeiro nível de mago de sangue, Mo
você adquire um punhal se você não tiver um. profic
Feitiço Foc
Sua prática de manipular as energias do seu sangue You c
desbloqueou outra fonte de conjuração. Veja o capítulo 10 do spellc
PHB para as regras gerais de lançamento de feitiços e o final
desta descrição de classes para a lista de magias do blood
Slots de Feitiços
A tabela do Mago de Sangue mostra quantos espaços
mágicos você tem para conjurar suas magias do 1º nível e
superiores. Para conjurar uma dessas magias de magias de
sangue, você deve gastar um espaço do nível da magia ou
maior. Você recupera todos os espaços mágicos gastos
quando termina um longo descanso.
Feitiços Conhecidos de 1º Nível e
A coluna Feitiços Conhecidos da tabela Mago de Sangue
mostra quando você aprende magias de magos de sangue de Credi
sua escolha de 1º nível e superiores. Cada uma dessas
magias deve ser de um nível para o qual você possui espaços
mágicos. Por exemplo, quando você alcança o 3º nível nesta
classe, você pode aprender uma nova magia do 1º ou 2º nível.
Blood Magic
Through the study of forbidden rituals you have learned to Variant Rule: Daggers and Blood
harness your blood to fuel your spellcasting. Any spell that Magic
does not require costly material components and that you Because daggers are central to the iconography of
know or have prepared can be cast using blood magic (it blood magic, you may want to relax some of the
need not be a blood mage spell). If the spell restores hit blood magic spellcasting rules when the blood
points, you do not gain hit points when the spell is cast in this mage is using a dagger in order to encourage their
way. use. Using this variant rule, you do not need to be
In order to cast a spell using blood magic, you must be holding the dagger you use for your blood magic as
holding a melee weapon that deals slashing or piercing long as it is readily available. In casting the spell,
damage and have a free hand. you are assumed to draw the dagger, cut yourself,
When you cast a spell using blood magic, you cut into your and then sheath or stow it, but doing so does not
flesh to bring forth your blood. You ignore any somatic and count as an object interaction.
material components of the spell and you do not expend a
spell slot. Instead, you take necrotic damage as indicated in
the Blood Magic Spellcasting table. This necrotic damage Canvas of Flesh
cannot be reduced or negated in any way and bypasses
temporary hit points and other effects that have a hit point The repeated mutilation of your flesh has caused your body
total. In addition, your hit point maximum is reduced by an to develop regenerative powers. When you take your first
amount equal to the damage taken. This reduction cannot be level of this class, any scars that are less than a year old heal
reduced or negated in any way and lasts until you finish a completely. Whenever you take a short or long rest, any cuts,
long rest. gouges, or other superficial wounds that are less than 24
The spell slot level used to cast a spell this way must be a hours old heal completely on finishing the rest. You may
level for which you have spell slots and may not be higher concentrate on a specific wound at the beginning of the rest
than your blood mage level. to have your healing powers ignore it during that rest.
Blood Magic Spellcasting
Feast of the Fallen
Slot Level Necrotic Damage
At 2nd level, your mastery of blood magic allows you to draw
1st 9 (2d8) out the life force from the recently deceased. As an action,
2nd 14 (3d8) you drain nearby corpses and your hit point maximum
3rd 23 (5d8) increases according to the size and hit dice of the dead
creatures (as indicated in the Feast of the Fallen table) up to
4th 27 (6d8) your usual hit point maximum.
5th 32 (7d8) For example, using the ability on three Kobold corpses
would increase your hit point maximum by 6, while using the
Credit: 'blood magic....ooor ..so i started drawing a head' by ability on the corpse of a Young Red Dragon would increase
nebezial on DeviantArt your hit point maximum by 34.
In order to gain this benefit from a corpse, the following to the damage taken. This reduction cannot be reduced or
conditions must be met: negated in any way and lasts until the creature finishes a long
Most of the corpse must be within 60 feet of you (the rest. You regain hit points equal to the damage taken.
corpse does not otherwise need to be intact) On a successful save, the creature does not take damage,
The corpse must be from a creature that has blood and you do not regain any hit points. Even if they succeed on
The corpse must have been dead for less than 24 hours the saving throw, the creature is aware that you have used
The corpse cannot have been affected by this ability before this ability on them.
At 5th level, you revel when the spark of life is extinguished
Feast of the Fallen or diminished. If the creature is killed or knocked
Corpse Size Hit Point Increase unconscious by this ability and you regain hit points, you
regain an additional 2d8 hit points.
Small 1xHD
Medium 1XHD
Large 2XHD
Players, Characters, and Sacrifice
The blood mage's Sacrifice feature can be an
Huge 3XHD important tool in their arsenal, but it also has the
potential to anger not just the target character, but
Gargantuan 5XHD
that character's player. For this reason, it is
important that anyone wishing to play a blood
At 4th level, you have become an expert in this dark form of mage discuss the choice with their group and set
sustenance. This ability now uses a bonus action instead of expectations for this feature's use. Remember: "It's
an action. what my character would do" is never an excuse.
At 5th level, you can shape the life force of the dead into
healing energies. When you use this ability, you may choose
to regain an amount of hit points equal to the amount by
which your maximum hit points increased (your hit point
maximum is restored before you regain hit points). You
cannot regain hit points in this way again until you finish a
long rest.

Feast of the Fallen and

Unconscious Creatures
Feast of the Fallen only affects creatures who are
dead. Generally, when a monster is reduced to 0 hit
points, they are considered dead, but this may be
handled differently. Therefore, it is important to
clarify how monsters and NPCs reduced to 0 hit
points will be treated before a player decides
whether to take levels in this class.

Blood Rend
Starting at 3rd level, you can cast the blood mage spell Blood
Rend using blood magic. You can't cast it otherwise unless it
is one of your spells known.
Sanguine Resilience
At 3rd level, your blood rejects mundane ailments. You are
immune to diseases. Any diseases you already had are cured.
At 4rd level, your drive for power engenders betrayal. As an
action, you reach out to an allied creature with blood you can Credit: 'Blood Mage' by weremoon on DeviantArt
see within 60 feet. The creature does not need to be an ally if
they are currently under the effects of a Blood Rend spell or a Blood Thrall
Blood Thrall spell that you cast. The creature must make a Starting at 5th level, you can cast the blood mage spell Blood
Constitution saving throw. Thrall using blood magic. You can't cast it otherwise unless it
On a failed save, the creature takes 4d8 necrotic damage is one of your spells known.
and their hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal
Maleficar 2nd Level
At 5th level, you have mastered blood magic, but your Calm Emotions
mastery has changed you. You gain the following flaw: Crown of Madness
I am persecuted because of my greatness Enthrall
Hold Person
Sanguine Strength Ray of Enfeeblement
At 5th level, your study and practice of blood magic has Suggestion
fortified your life force to unnatural levels. Your Constitution
increases by 2 and your maximum Constitution score is now 3rd Level
22 unless it was already 22 or higher.    Bestow Curse
Blood Rend
Feign Death
Blood Mages & Multiclassing Vampiric Touch
As a prestige class, levels in blood mage are only
available through multiclassing. Blood mages are 5th Level
considered full casters, the equivalent of wizards,    Blood Thrall
for the purposes of multicasting spell slots.
Blood Rend
3rd-level enchantment
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet
Components: S, V, M (a drop of blood)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Choose a creature with blood you can see within range.
The creature must make a Constitution saving throw. On a
failed save the creature is considered grappled and
incapacitated as its blood rebels against its control. At the
beginning of each of the creature's turns, it takes 1d6 necrotic
damage as the contest between wills rends its lifeforce.
At the end of each of the creature's turns, it can repeat the
saving throw, ending the effect on a success.
If the creature succeeds on its initial saving throw or when
the effect ends, the creature takes 3d6 necrotic damage.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell
slot of 4th level or higher, you can target one additional
creature for each slot level about 3rd. The creatures must be
within 30 feet of each other when you target them.
Blood Thrall
5th-level enchantment
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet
Components: S, M, V (a drop of blood)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Choose a creature with blood you can see within range.
The creature must make a Constitution saving throw. On a
failed save the creature's will is partially subsumed under
your own. For the duration of this effect, the creature must
Credit: 'Blood mage' by KarinaMacGill on DeviantArt spend its turn trying to attack the nearest creature it can
sense that is hostile to you and may not willingly attack or
Blood Mage Spell List endanger you or your allies. Roll initiative for the creature,
which has its own turns (you do not roll initiative if the
1st Level creature was already in the initiative order).
    Bane At the end of each of the creature's turns, it can repeat the
Charm Person saving throw, ending the effect on a success.
Command If the creature succeeds on its initial saving throw or when
Dissonant Whispers the effect ends, the creature takes 3d6 necrotic damage.
Ray of Sickness
Sleep class design by Axertz
Tasha's Hideous Laughter v0.3
may not draw the morning star during the turn they cast the
Clarifications spell.
This section is meant to help in understanding the mechanics
of the blood mage. It is not part of the rules for the blood
mage class and any contradictions between this section and
Design Notes
the rules should be resolved in favor of the rules. Blood Rend and Blood Thrall
Blood Rend and Blood Thrall are class features of the blood
Blood Magic Spell Slot Examples mage that happened to be implemented as spells (similar to a
A character with 5 levels in wizard and 2 levels in blood warlock's Eldritch Blast or a paladin's Smite spells).
mage may use blood magic to cast spells using 1st or 2nd The spells may be compared to Hold Person/Monster and
level spell slots. Even though they have 3rd level spell Dominate Person/Monster, but the differences are important.
slots, their blood mage level is not high enough to cast The two spells affect a set of creatures broader than the
spells with 3rd level spell slots using blood magic. Person spells but narrower than the Monster spells. Hold
Person/Monster inflicts the Paralyzed condition (much
A character with 9 levels of warlock and 5 levels of blood stronger than Grappled + Incapacitated) but does no damage.
mage may use blood magic to cast spells using spell slots Dominate Person/Monster allows the creature to be
of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 5th level. They have 1st, 2nd, and 3rd instructed, but does no damage and is less useful in combat.
level spell slots from their levels in blood mage and 5th While Blood Rend and Blood Thrall will typically be cast
level spell slots from their levels in warlock, but no 4th using blood magic, there are a couple of ways that they could
level spell slots. be added to a blood mage's known spells. First, Blood Rend
can be chosen as the blood mage's spell when reaching level
Blood Magic Spellcasting Examples 5 in the class. At this point it can be cast using either blood
A blood mage is holding a glaive (and nothing else). They magic or spell slots.
take a hand off of the glaive so that they have a free hand. Blood Thrall is too high level to be chosen by a blood mage,
They cast a spell using blood magic. As part of casting the but a bard could choose the spell (or Blood Rend) using its
spell, they cut themselves with the glaive. They may grab magical secrets feature.
the glaive with their free hand after casting the spell (using
an object interaction). Canvas of Flesh, Sanguine Resilience,
and Maleficar
A blood mage is holding a longsword and a shield and These are ribbons.
casts a spell using blood magic. As part of casting the
spell, they cut themselves with the sword. They must then Only One Resource
sheath or stow the sword in order to meet the With the exception of Feast of the Fallen's 5th level heal, the
requirement of having a free hand. Because they used only resource blood mage features use is hit points. This both
their object interaction to sheath or stow the sword, they decreases the amount of accounting for the player and keeps
may not draw the sword using an object interaction during the class focused on its central theme.
the turn they cast the spell.
Spell List
Using the 'Daggers and Blood Magic' Variant Rule: The spell list is drawn from the enchantment and
necromancy schools. No spells specific to one class or spells
A blood mage is holding a quarterstaff (and nothing else) with a primarily beneficial effect were included.
and also has a dagger readily accessible. Before casting
the spell, they take a hand off of the quarterstaff so that Balance
they have a free hand. They cast a spell using blood magic. The hit point cost of casting using blood magic is high and is
As part of casting the spell, they draw the dagger, cut designed to be balanced by itself.
themselves with it, and then sheath or stow the dagger. Feast of the Fallen is balanced around the assumption that
They may grab the quarterstaff with their free hand after the player will not have access to a steady supply of fresh
casting the spell (using an object interaction). corpses above those generated by a typical adventuring day.
A blood mage is holding a morning star and a shield and Sacrifice
also has a dagger readily accessible. Before casting the Sacrifice is balanced by the expectation that the player will
spell, they stow the morning star so that they have a free have only a limited number of allies (upsetting this
hand. They cast a spell using blood magic. As part of expectation can be a fun way to build an evil NPC).
casting the spell, they draw the dagger, cut themselves Sacrifice also functions as a partial refund mechanism for
with it, and then sheath or stow the dagger. Because they Blood Rend and Blood Thrall. This combination is not trivial
used their object interaction to stow the morning star, they to pull off as it requires at a minimum two rounds and two
sets of saving throws. When the combination is successful, it
can make the two spells much more cost effective. This is
intentional and is meant to be a strength of the class.
Note also that Sacrifice's bonus healing at 5th level
conflicts with the gauranteed final damage of Blood Rend and
Blood Thrall.
Constitution as a Spellcasting Ability Very flavorful for a vengeance paladin.
Constitution as a spellcasting ability is too strong if it is a Ranger
characters only spellcasting ability. A blood mage must
choose which spellcasting ability to focus on or make Perhaps potential abuse (in both senses) involving Sacrifice
themselves weaker elsewhere to maximize both. and the Animal Companion.
Sanguine Strength and ASIs Rogue (Arcane Trickster)
Taking the blood mage class sacrifices an ASI, either because No specific interactions come to mind.
a player takes 1-4 levels in the class and gets no ASI from it Sorcerer
or because they take 5 levels in the class and get one ASI but Heightened Spell can make casting spells using blood magic
miss out on a second they would have gotten later if they less frustrating.
didn't multiclass. In other words, Sanguine Strength is Creating extra spell slots with sorcery points combined
primarily there to prevent the 5th level of the class from with blood magic casting leads to an extraordinary number of
having too high an opportunity cost. The increase to the spells cast per day.
ability's maximum score will be relevant only if the score is
eventually maximized, in which case see previous section. Warlock
No specific interactions come to mind.
Musings on Classes
Minimum Level Required to Multiclass Wizard
Class Level Note that damage from blood magic casting bypasses an
Bard 5 abjuration wizard's ward and a necromancer's Inured to
Undeath feature.
Cleric 5
Druid 5
Fighter* 13
Monk** 11
Paladin 9
Ranger 9
Rogue*** 13
Sorcerer 5
Warlock 5
Wizard 5

* Eldritch Knight
** Way of the Four Elements
*** Arcane Trickster
The only class that can potentially cast Blood Thrall with
spell slots (see Blood Rend and Blood Thrall section).
A life cleric's efficient healing can be a benefit to the blood
mage (either as a multiclass or as another party member), but
the benefit is still gated by Feast of the Fallen and the
opportunity cost of using spell slots on healing spells.
In general it will be hard to figure out the character
motivation for this multiclass
If you want to play Merril, this is the multiclass for you.
Fighter (Eldritch Knight)
The necromancy and enchantment spells from the blood
mage class add some breadth to the evocation and abjuration
focused eldritch knight.
Monk (Four Elements)
No specific interactions come to mind.

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