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Blood Monocytes: Development, Heterogeneity, and Relationship with Dendritic


Article  in  Annual Review of Immunology · February 2009

DOI: 10.1146/annurev.immunol.021908.132557 · Source: PubMed

974 1,487

3 authors, including:

Cédric Auffray Frédéric Geissmann

French Institute of Health and Medical Research King's College London


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ANRV371-IY27-23 ARI 26 December 2008 19:57


Review in Advance first posted online

on January 8, 2009. (Minor changes may
still occur before final publication
C E online and in print.)


Blood Monocytes:
Development, Heterogeneity,
and Relationship with
Dendritic Cells
Annu. Rev. Immunol. 2009.27. Downloaded from arjournals.annualreviews.org

Cedric Auffray,1 Michael H. Sieweke,2

and Frederic Geissmann1,3
by CAPES on 01/24/09. For personal use only.

INSERM U838, Université Paris-Descartes, 75015 Paris, France
Centre d’Immunologie de Marseille-Luminy, Campus de Luminy, 13288 Marseille, France
Division of Immunology, Infection, and Inflammatory Diseases, King’s College London
School of Medicine at Guy’s Hospital, London, UK, SE1 9RT;
email: frederic.geissmann@kcl.ac.uk

Annu. Rev. Immunol. 2009. 27:669–92 Key Words

The Annual Review of Immunology is online at macrophages, subsets, inflammation

This article’s doi: Abstract

Monocytes are circulating blood leukocytes that play important roles
Copyright  c 2009 by Annual Reviews. in the inflammatory response, which is essential for the innate response
All rights reserved
to pathogens. But inflammation and monocytes are also involved in
0732-0582/09/0423-0669$20.00 the pathogenesis of inflammatory diseases, including atherosclerosis.
In adult mice, monocytes originate in the bone marrow in a Csf-1R
(MCSF-R, CD115)-dependent manner from a hematopoietic precur-
sor common for monocytes and several subsets of macrophages and
dendritic cells (DCs). Monocyte heterogeneity has long been recognized
but in recent years investigators have identified three functional subsets
of human monocytes and two subsets of mouse monocytes that exert
specific roles in homeostatis and inflammation in vivo, reminiscent of
those previously described classically and alternatively activated
macrophages. Functional characterization of monocytes is in progress
in humans and rodents and will provide a better understanding of the
pathophysiology of inflammation.

ANRV371-IY27-23 ARI 26 December 2008 19:57

INTRODUCTION not have lymphocytes. Monocytes play an im-

portant role in development and homeostasy,
The innate immune system has been shaped
in part via the removal of apoptotic cells and
DCs: dendritic cells by evolution to allow multicellular organisms
scavenging of toxic compounds (4, 6). Strik-
to live together with microorganisms and par-
ingly, monocyte/macrophage specialization can
asites. In most species, including invertebrates
already be observed among unicellular eukary-
such as Drosophila and vertebrates such as ze-
otic organisms, as phagocytes able to scavenge
brafish, mice, and humans, the innate immune
toxic compounds and kill bacteria differentiate
system is composed of a humoral arm, which
inside colonies of social amoeba (Dictyostelium
consists of antimicrobial peptides and opsonins,
discoideum) (7).
and a cellular arm, which mainly involves spe-
In mammals, monocytes also represent ac-
cialized cells known as phagocytes. Phagocytes
cessory cells, which can link inflammation and
are cells able to internalize and digest bacteria
the innate defense against microorganisms to
and other cells; to scavenge toxic compounds
adaptive immune responses. Indeed, the best
produced by the metabolism; and to produce
Annu. Rev. Immunol. 2009.27. Downloaded from arjournals.annualreviews.org

known function of monocytes is as a consider-

inflammatory mediators that can kill bacteria,
able systemic reservoir of myeloid precursors
parasites, and viruses and contribute to the ac-
for the renewal of some tissue macrophages
tivation of other cell types and to the walling off
and antigen-presenting dendritic cells (DCs)
of parasites. The cellular innate immune system
by CAPES on 01/24/09. For personal use only.

(8–11). However, differentiation of monocytes

thus contributes to keeping the growth of mi-
into DCs is mostly observed in inflammatory
crobes under more or less tight control. How-
conditions, e.g., during an active infection, and
ever, its activation has side effects—collectively
evidence indicates that the renewal of tissue
known as inflammation—mainly owing to tis-
macrophages and DCs does not rely solely on
sue damage to the host. In the long term, in-
blood monocytes (12–14).
flammation contributes to the development of
As discussed above, blood monocytes also
inflammatory diseases, including atherosclero-
represent a large pool of scavenger and poten-
sis. Inflammatory diseases, which are leading
tial effector cells inside blood vessels in home-
causes of morbidity and mortality in developed
ostasis as well as during inflammatory processes
countries, could thus be seen as long-term nat-
(15). Monocytes are equipped with a large
ural side effects of innate immunity in the con-
array of scavenger receptors that recognize mi-
text of individual genetic susceptibility. This
croorganisms but also of lipids and dying cells,
implies that tuning down but not turning off in-
and stimulated monocytes can produce large
nate surveillance may delay the aging of tissues
quantities of effector molecules involved in the
and prevent or attenuate inflammatory disor-
defense against pathogen, as reviewed recently
ders. In this context, understanding the cellular
(16–18), and in the pathogenesis of several
basis and the molecular mechanisms of the in-
inflammatory diseases, including arthritis and
nate surveillance of tissues is a worthy goal.
atherosclerosis (19). The role of monocytes in
Monocytes represent 10% of leukocytes in
the control of microorganisms is likely to be
human blood and 4% of leukocytes in mouse
under evolutionary pressure, although their
blood. They are distinct from polymorphonu-
detrimental effects may not be under such pres-
clear (PMNs) and natural killer (NK) cells,
sure given that, in most cases, these detrimental
which also belong to the innate arm of the im-
effects are only apparent after several decades
mune system, as well as from lymphoid T and
of life. Studying the biology of monocytes is
B cells, which represent the adaptive arm of
therefore useful for the understanding of sus-
the immune system. Monocytes are present in
ceptibility to infection, but it may be even more
mammals, birds, amphibians, and fish (1–3), and
important for providing ideas and tools to con-
a related population of hemocytes (called plas-
trol, delay, or alleviate the long-term detrimen-
matocytes) is present in the fly (4, 5), which does
tal side effects of the inflammatory response.

670 Auffray · Sieweke · Geissmann

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Studying the functions of human monocytes control the development and homeostasis of
in biological processes is still a difficult task, the macrophage and DC networks but appear
however, because monocytes permanently sur- to be dispensable for monocyte development.
MDP: macrophage
vey their environment and rapidly react to its and DC precursor
modification or alteration. Isolating them, puri- Transcription Factors that Control
fying them on gradients, and culturing them in Monocyte Development from
vitro notably affect their phenotype and behav- Hematopoietic Stem Cells
ior. A better understanding of the functions of
Monocytes develop from hematopoietic stem
human monocytes comes from whole-genome
cells in the bone marrow via several commit-
array analysis on sorted prospective subsets and
ment steps and intermediate progenitor stages
from a careful comparison with the results ob-
that, in the prevalent model, pass through
tained from studies in mice and maybe other
the common myeloid progenitor (CMP), the
model systems in which an in vivo analysis of
granulocyte/macrophage progenitor (GMP),
the effector functions of prospective subsets is
Annu. Rev. Immunol. 2009.27. Downloaded from arjournals.annualreviews.org

and the macrophage/DC progenitor (MDP)

possible by combining genetic engineering and
stages (14, 29) (see below). Each of these
intravital studies (15).
differentiation steps involves cell fate decisions
that successively restrict developmental poten-
MOLECULAR CONTROL OF tial. In several of these steps, the Ets family
by CAPES on 01/24/09. For personal use only.

MONOCYTE DEVELOPMENT transcription factor PU.1 plays an important

FROM HEMATOPOIETIC role. PU.1 can induce myeloid commitment
PRECURSORS in immature multipotent progenitor cells (30)
and is required for the generation of CMP
CSF1-R Controls Monocyte in early myelopoiesis (31, 32). Besides PU.1’s
Development role in early commitment, we also know from
The development of blood monocytes is gain-of-function and retroviral reconstitution
dependent on the growth factor Csf-1 (also experiments of PU.1-deficient cells that PU.1
known as M-CSF and CD115). In mice controls several cell fate decisions along
deficient in Csf-1R (c-fms, M-CSFR, CD115) the myelo-monocytic pathway by engaging
and its ligand Csf-1, the number of blood in antagonistic interactions with different
monocytes is dramatically reduced (20–22), transcription factors. Initially, inhibitory inter-
and expression of an M-CSF transgene rescues actions with GATA-1 shut down the megakary-
the differentiation of monocytes (22a). Csf-1R ocytic/erythroid pathway, and repression of
is a hematopoietic growth factor receptor ex- GATA-2 blocks mast cell development (33). At
pressed in monocytes, macrophages, and DCs the later bipotent GMP stage, PU.1 is critical
and their precursors (23, 24), a population of for driving monocytic differentiation, at the
cells sometimes referred to as the mononuclear expense of granulocytic differentiation (31),
phagocyte system (MPS). The two known by antagonizing C/EBPα (34), a transcription
ligands of Csf-1R, Csf-1/M-CSF (25) and the factor required for granulocytic development
more recently described IL-34 (26), are both (35). During myelopoiesis, PU.1 thus appears
important for the development of this lineage, to successively close development options by
as M-CSF-deficient mice (op/op and csf1−/− ) overruling key regulators of other pathways.
have a milder phenotype than do Csf-1R- The antagonism with these factors, however,
deficient mice (20). Other cytokines, such as is not absolute but exquisitely dependent on
GM-CSF, Flt3, and lymphotoxin relative expression levels and the balance of
α1β2 (12, 27, 28), both factors. Whereas PU.1 expression over
a certain threshold of antagonist can block
the associated cell fate, low or equal levels
may actually result in cooperative readouts

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ANRV371-IY27-23 ARI 26 December 2008 19:57

(33, 34, 36). For example, the combination of switch from cooperative to antagonistic in-
C/EBPα and PU.1 is thus required ectopically teractions, moderate expression of PU.1 is
to induce macrophage fate in B cells (37), T compatible with MafB and macrophage fate,
cells (38), and fibroblasts (39), underscoring the whereas higher levels antagonize MafB in the
importance of partner molecules in defining macrophage-to-DC choice. In addition, MafB
transcription factor function (40). plays a critical role in integrating monocytic dif-
Such behavior could be explained by a quan- ferentiation and cell cycle arrest (see below).
titative model in which metastable cooperation
of C/EBPα and PU.1 on both granulocytic
and macrophage target genes is converted into Integration of Cytokine Signaling
a stable antagonism and fixed granulocyte or and Transcription Factor Activity
macrophage fate by the activation of the cross- As indicated above, the growth factor Csf-1
inhibitory Gfi-1 and Egr/Nab downstream and its receptor Csf-1R/c-fms are critical for
regulators (36). C/EBPα thus activates Gfi-1, monocyte differentiation from bone marrow
Annu. Rev. Immunol. 2009.27. Downloaded from arjournals.annualreviews.org

which is required for granulocytic but not progenitors. Dissection of the human and
monocytic differentiation (41, 42), whereas mouse c-fms proximal promoters has revealed
PU.1 activates the monocyte/macrophage- that c-ets-1, c-ets-2, and PU.1 trans-activate the
determining Egr transcription factors and c-fms proximal promoter (54). Consistent with
by CAPES on 01/24/09. For personal use only.

their cofactor Nab. Egr1 can selectively induce this, PU.1-deficient myeloid progenitors do not
macrophage differentiation (43, 44), and express c-fms (55). Already in early progenitor
although egr1 deficiency by itself does not pre- cells with low c-fms levels, PU.1 is assembled
vent macrophage development (45), composite in a primed chromatin conformation on both
egr1−/− egr2+/− bone marrow progenitors the proximal promoter and an fms intronic reg-
show a defect in Csf-1-dependent macrophage ulatory element (FIRE) enhancer (56), which is
differentiation (36). required for recruitment of Egr transcription
Although compelling, this model is certainly factors that then mediate high-level expression
not complete and may involve additional tran- in more mature cells. These observations have
scription factors to determine monocyte fate. led to the suggestion that cell intrinsic com-
For example, ICSBP/IRF-8 (IFN consensus se- mitment events induce the upregulation of the
quence binding protein/IFN regulatory factor c-fms receptor, which allows proliferation and
8) can also drive monocytic differentiation, at survival of monocytic cells (57). However, c-fms
the expense of granulocytic differentiation, in expression cannot rescue macrophage differ-
ICSBP/IRF-8-deficient progenitors (46). It is entiation in PU.1-deficient cell (55), indicating
tempting to speculate that this may involve that, in the absence of PU.1, c-fms signaling is
its direct interaction with PU.1 (47). Simi- not sufficient to drive macrophage differenti-
larly, the Krueppel-like factor KLF4 can in- ation. Furthermore, c-fms is already expressed
duce macrophage fate, and, as a downstream at low levels in early multipotent stem and pro-
target of PU.1, KLF4 can selectively rescue genitor cells (58). Understanding commitment
monocyte differentiation of PU.1−/− progen- to the monocytic lineage requires determin-
itors, whereas KLF4 deficiency biases myeloid ing which transcriptional events control the
progenitor differentiation toward the granulo- sensitivity of c-fms signaling in these cells.
cytic fate (48).
Finally, the MafB and c-Maf transcription
factors are highly expressed in monocytes and MONOCYTES AND THE
macrophages (49–52) and can selectively drive MONONUCLEAR PHAGOCYTE
monocyte fate in myeloid progenitors (2, 52, SYSTEM (MPS)
53). Similar to the cell fate choices described Macrophages and DCs form networks
above involving an expression level–dependent of phagocytic cells throughout most

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tissues—sometimes referred to as the MPS cDCs, are present in all lymphoid organs and
(23)—and play major roles in development, can be divided into subsets according to phe-
scavenging, inflammation, and antipathogen notype, location, and function (67). cDCs, such
cDCs: conventional
defenses (59, 60). The MPS was initially as CD8a+ and CD8a− DCs of the spleen and dendritic cells of the
defined as a population of cells, derived from lymph nodes, have a short half-life and renew in lymphoid organs
a bone marrow progenitor, that differenti- the steady state from a bone marrow precursor Tip-DC: TNF-α and
ate and enter the blood as monocytes and without a monocytic intermediate (12, 14, 63) iNOS-producing DC
then enter tissues to become resident tissue (see below and Figure 1).
macrophages and antigen-presenting cells (61). A third group of cells represents short-
However, it was soon recognized that DCs and lived cells that differentiate from blood mono-
macrophages have a remarkable heterogeneity cytes in response to inflammation or infection
related to their origin, phenotype, tissue local- such as monocyte-derived DCs or TNF-
ization, proliferative potential, and function α- and iNOS-producing (Tip)-DCs (9, 10,
(59, 62). 68, 69).
Annu. Rev. Immunol. 2009.27. Downloaded from arjournals.annualreviews.org

Macrophages and DCs can be divided into Of note, the work of Massberg et al. (13)
three main groups according to their half-life, has shown that hematopoietic stem and pro-
to their replacement after bone marrow graft, genitor cells (HSPCs) can circulate and pro-
and to whether their differentiation is elicited liferate within extramedullary tissues and give
by CAPES on 01/24/09. For personal use only.

by inflammation or not. The potential mecha- rise to tissue-resident myeloid cells, preferen-
nisms for the renewal of individual subsets in- tially DCs. HSPC differentiation is amplified
clude (a) self-renewal of resident postmitotic upon exposure to Toll-like receptor (TLR) ag-
cells; (b) migration, homing, and limited pro- onists such as LPS (13). Therefore, the MPS
liferation of adult bone marrow–derived pro- cannot be considered as a simple family of
genitor cells in peripheral tissues (13, 63); and monocyte-derived cells, but must be considered
(c) the extravasation and differentiation of as a more complex cellular system involved in
circulating precursors such as blood mono- the scavenging of dying cells, pathogens, and
cytes. These mechanisms are not mutually molecules via a variety of cellular processes,
exclusive—they could operate in parallel or se- such as phagocytosis and endocytosis using,
quentially during the life of the animal—and for example, membrane pattern-recognition re-
they are likely to depend on environmental cues ceptors (60). And the contribution of mono-
such as inflammation. cytes to this complex cellular system is an area
Langerhans cells (LC) of the epidermis and of active research.
microglia are macrophages of the central ner-
vous system. Most remain host-derived after
syngeneic bone marrow transplantation but can MDP, A COMMON PROGENITOR
be replaced by bone marrow–derived cells, pos- FOR MONOCYTE
sibly blood monocytes, in circumstances in MACROPHAGES AND
which the resident cells are depleted by UV or DENDRITIC CELLS
gamma irradiation (64, 65). Today, investigators accept, on the basis of
A second group of cells is exemplified by transplantation studies, the prevalent model
conventional DCs (cDCs). The work of Ralph that monocytes, many macrophage subsets,
Steinman and colleagues established that DCs most of the cDCs in the secondary lymphoid
represent a distinct family of cells that reg- organs of mice, and at least a fraction of the
ulate the immune responses (59). DCs were DCs in the mouse thymus probably originate
originally described as the population of cells from a myeloid progenitor (14, 70–72).
enriched from mouse spleens that are respon- Among myeloid precursors, the MDP
sible for so-called mixed lymphocyte reaction was identified as a subset of bone
activity (66). These splenic cells, now known as marrow–proliferating cells that share the

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ANRV371-IY27-23 ARI 26 December 2008 19:57

Fetal progenitors
Langerhans cells

CD34+ CD16/32+

Myeloblast Inflammatory macrophages
Lin– and inflammatory DCs, TipDCs
Mucosal macrophages
Lin– Lin–
Alternatively activated
CD117/ckit+ CD117/ckit+
Sca-1+ Sca-1– MDP/CDP Monocytes
Annu. Rev. Immunol. 2009.27. Downloaded from arjournals.annualreviews.org

CD16/32– Lin–
CD34+ CD115/CSF1R+ DC
CD117/ckit int/lo precursor Spleen
CX3CR1+ CDC11chigh DCs
CD135/Flk2 (Flt3)+
by CAPES on 01/24/09. For personal use only.

Bone marrow Blood Tissue

Figure 1
Differentiation of the macrophage/DC progenitor and origin of macrophage and DC subsets.

phenotype of GMPs (73), Lin− Sca1− IL- cursor that gives rise in vivo to monocytes,
7Rα− CD117(cKit)low CD34+ CD16+ , and that macrophages, and the two main subsets of DCs:
specifically express the Csf-1R (CD115) and cDC and pDCs.
the chemokine receptor CX3CR1 (Figure 1) The chemokine receptor and adhesion
(11, 14; C. Auffray, D.K. Fogg, E. Narni- molecule CX3CR1 is not expressed on early
Mancinelli, B. Senechal, C. Touillet, et al., hematopoietic progenitors, including CMPs
manuscript submitted). The MDP gives rise to and GMPs, but it is first detected on MDPs.
monocytes, several macrophage subsets, and CX3CR1 is therefore associated with the
spleen cDCs (11, 12, 14). Of note, the MDP commitment of myeloid progenitors to the
generates cDCs directly, without a monocytic monocyte/macrophage/DC lineage (12, 14), al-
intermediate (11, 12, 14, 63), whereas mono- though its role in the development and home-
cytes themselves generate other types of DCs, ostasis of cells of the MPS remains unknown.
including inflammatory DCs or mucosal DCs
(Figure 1) (9–11, 16).
The MDP has no significant granulocytic Common Dendritic Cell Precursor
potential (11, 12, 14). These initial studies did (CDP), MDP, and Monocytes
not detect plasmacytoid DC (pDC) potential However, the controversy on the origin of
cells (11, 12, 14), but our recent data indicate monocytes and DCs is not completely resolved,
that MDPs actually give rise to pDCs in vivo and another precursor—the CDP, for common
(C. Auffray, D.K. Fogg, E. Narni-Mancinelli, DC precursor—was recently reported to gen-
CDP: common DC
precursor B. Senechal, C. Touillet, et al., manuscript sub- erate cDCs and pDCs, but not monocytes (74,
mitted). Therefore, the MDP is a common pre- 75). Importantly, the CDP did not respond to

674 Auffray · Sieweke · Geissmann

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CSF-1 (74, 75). This result was interpreted as Flk2, CD135) is closely related to cFms/Csf1-R
indicating the existence of two pathways for and is broadly expressed on early hematopoietic
cDC generation: the CDP pathway involved in precursors (28). At physiological levels, MDPs
homeostasy and the MDP pathway involved in do not require Flt3-mediated signals for their
inflammation. generation, but precursors that have entered
However, the authors did not compare the the spleen undergo cell division locally un-
potential of CDP with that of MDP in their der the control of Flt3 while they differentiate
experimental system, and thus another expla- into cDCs, and thus Flt3 controls homeostatic
nation for the discrepancy in the literature is cDC division in the periphery in vivo (12). An-
that the differences in differentiation potential other study identified lymphotoxin-α as a crit-
may reflect differences in experimental proto- ical mechanism in maintaining the size of the
cols rather than in intrinsic properties of the CD8α− cDC pool in the spleen via local home-
cells. ostatic expansion (27). Flt3 and lymphotoxin-α
We favor the latter explanation because, therefore control the local homeostatic replen-
Annu. Rev. Immunol. 2009.27. Downloaded from arjournals.annualreviews.org

as expected from the original papers (14, ishment of cDCs of the peripheral lymphoid
75), the MDP and CDP share the same organ.
surface phenotype by flow cytometry (Lin− IL-
7Ra− CD117int/low CD135+ CD115+ CX3CR1+ )
by CAPES on 01/24/09. For personal use only.

(C. Auffray, D.K. Fogg, E. Narni-Mancinelli,

B. Senechal, C. Touillet, et al., manuscript OF THE MONOCYTE POOL
submitted). Furthermore, CDP was reportedly AND RELEASE FROM
purified from mouse bone marrow using an THE BONE MARROW
antibody against CD115 (AFS98) that very
efficiently blocks CSF-1 binding to its receptor
Control of Monocyte Proliferation
and CSF-1-dependent proliferation in vitro In general, besides being associated with the
(76–79). In our laboratory, MDPs purified suppression of alternative developmental path-
in the presence of AFS98 antibody failed to ways, macrophage differentiation is also tightly
respond to subsequent culture with M-CSF associated with cell cycle withdrawal, and it
(C. Auffray, D.K. Fogg, E. Narni-Mancinelli, is believed that monocytes do not proliferate.
B. Senechal, C. Touillet, et al., manuscript Whereas myeloid progenitor cells both differ-
submitted). Therefore, as proposed recently entiate and proliferate in response to Csf-1,
(12), MDP and CDP may represent overlap- terminally differentiated cells become refrac-
ping populations with a similar differentiation tory to proliferative signals (80), despite their
potential, and the purification process of CDP continued ability to sense Csf-1 (81). Prolifer-
likely explains at least in part, its impaired ative Csf-1 signaling involves the activation of
response to M-CSF and its poor macrophage c-myb and c-myc target genes via Ets-1/2 tran-
potential. scription factors (82, 83). Consistent with this,
constitutively active alleles of c-myb and c-myc
or their overexpression induce continued cy-
Homeostasis of cDCs of the Lymphoid cling of myelo-monocytic progenitor cells and
Organs Is Independent of Monocytes macrophages, respectively (84, 85).
Although monocytes can generate several sub- MafB not only induces macrophage differ-
sets of DCs in inflammatory conditions, the entiation but also inhibits progenitor prolifer-
homeostasis of cDCs of the lymphoid organs ation (86). It is tempting to speculate that this
is independent of blood monocytes and depen- may involve MafB’s ability to repress Ets-1 (49),
dent on the rate of DC progenitor (MDP) in-
put from blood and its proliferation within the www.annualreviews.org • Blood Monocytes 675
spleen (12, 63). Flt3 (Fms-like tyrosine kinase 3,
ANRV371-IY27-23 ARI 26 December 2008 19:57

particularly as inhibitory Ets factor complexes cycle withdrawal at terminal differentiation can
participate in cell cycle arrest during terminal be temporarily suspended.
macrophage differentiation (80). Furthermore,
MafB directly engages in SUMO modification– Roles of p21cip and Fas
dependent physical cross-inhibitory interac-
Although the homeostatic control of the mono-
tions with Myb proteins (86), indicating that
cyte pool in the periphery is relatively poorly
relative c-Myb and MafB activities can shift the
understood beyond the role of Csf1-R, PU.1,
homeostatic balance between progenitor prolif-
and Maf family transcription factors, studies
eration and terminal differentiation. As c-Maf
of gene-targeted mice have revealed some new
can also inhibit Ets-1 and c-Myb transactivation
aspects of monocyte biology. Mice deficient
(87) and MafB deficiency causes compensatory
in the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p21cip
c-Maf upregulation (88), MafB and c-Maf may
have a decreased number of blood monocytes
cooperate in this process.
and are resistant to serum transfer–induced
However, investigators have suggested that
Annu. Rev. Immunol. 2009.27. Downloaded from arjournals.annualreviews.org

arthritis, a phenotype reversed by the trans-

a fraction of blood monocytes can be induced
fer of wild-type monocytes, suggesting a role
to proliferate in vitro after exposure to M-CSF
for p21cip in regulating the development and/or
and GM-CSF, and recent evidence shows that
differentiation of monocytic populations (90).
M-CSF-driven monocyte-to-macrophage dif-
The Fas pathway is also likely to play a role
by CAPES on 01/24/09. For personal use only.

ferentiation is associated in vitro with transcrip-

in vivo in governing monocyte/macrophage
tion of positive regulators of cell proliferation,
homeostasis, perhaps via the control of mono-
such as cell cycle–associated cyclin A2, B1 and
cyte survival. Compared with congenic control
B2, D1 and D3, and E2 genes (89). Our own
C57BL/6 mice, Fas-deficient mice display in-
results suggest that a similar phenomenon oc-
creased numbers of circulating monocytes in
curs in vivo in monocytes that extravasate dur-
the steady state and in a model of systemic in-
ing infection with Listeria monocytogenes (Lm)
flammatory arthritis (91).
(C. Auffray and F. Geissmann, unpublished re-
sults). However, we could not directly detect
proliferation of monocytes in vivo so far. This Control of Monocyte Emigration from
may suggest that postmitotic blood monocytes the Bone Marrow by Inflammation
that extravasate and enter tissues and differenti- and Chemokine Receptors
ate into macrophages or DCs could be induced The mechanisms controlling monocyte emi-
to proliferate in response to homeostatic or in- gration from the bone marrow niche where they
flammatory stimuli within their microenviron- are generated is an area of active investigation
ment. Local homeostatic control of monocyte, and were recently reviewed (16). Inflammation,
macrophage, and DC proliferation is in fact an owing either to infection or to a high-fat diet,
area of active investigation. Local proliferation clearly has a profound effect on the number
appears to be sufficient for the renewal of mi- of blood monocytes, most likely by increas-
croglia (65) and LCs (64) throughout life in the ing their egress from the bone marrow (16, 92,
steady state as well as during the course of a 93). Important studies have demonstrated that
variety of diseases. Only under defined con- the chemokine receptor CCR2 and its ligands
ditions are both microglia and LCs replaced CCL7 and CCL2 are required for the emigra-
with bone marrow–derived cells. However, the tion of the inflammatory Ly6c+ (Gr1+ ) subset
molecular mechanisms that control LC and mi- of monocytes (see below) from the bone mar-
croglial homeostasis remain to be understood. row and determine their frequency in the cir-
The molecular basis for this is unknown, and culation (8, 92, 94, 95). The role of CCR2 and
it would be interesting to determine in these its ligands has recently been reviewed elsewhere
cases whether the mechanisms that assure cell (16).

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Interestingly, the simultaneous inactivation (MCSF-R, CD115) and the chemokine recep-
of CCR2 (or its ligands) and of CX3CR1 and tor CX3CR1. They are distinct from PMNs,
CCR5, two other chemokine receptors ex- NK cells, and lymphoid T and B cells and do
pressed on monocytes, has a synergistic effect not express Nkp-46, CD3, CD19, or CD15.
in decreasing monocyte numbers in the blood, Monocytes are equipped with a large array of
monocytosis induced by a high-fat diet, and scavenger receptors that recognize lipids and
atherosclerosis (93, 95). This suggests either various microorganisms, and stimulated mono-
that each of these chemokine receptors has ad- cytes can produce large concentrations of ROS;
ditive effects on the same monocytes and/or complement factors; prostaglandins; nitric ox-
that different monocyte subsets are dependent ide (NO) (in mice); cytokines such as TNF-
on distinct chemokine receptors for their egress α, IL-1β, CXCL8, IL-6, and IL-10; vascular
from bone marrow and their recruitment into endothelial growth factor; and proteolytic en-
tissues. The mechanisms by which CCR5 and zymes; and they have been involved in the de-
CX3CR1 contribute to controlling the number fense against pathogen, as reviewed recently
Annu. Rev. Immunol. 2009.27. Downloaded from arjournals.annualreviews.org

of monocytes in the periphery are not known. (16–18, 99). Antigen presentation has been de-
scribed as a classical feature of monocytes, but
since the identification of discrete subsets of
HETEROGENEITY OF DCs among monocyte cells, bona fide mono-
by CAPES on 01/24/09. For personal use only.

cytes have been found in most cases to be far

Over the past 25 years, numerous lines of ev- less efficient than DCs for antigen presentation
idence have indicated that the roles of mono- (59). Initial work, performed when separation
cytes, both in the control of pathogens and the techniques that allow the investigator to distin-
pathophysiology of inflammation, may be at- guish monocytes from NK cells were less effi-
tributable to discrete functional subsets. There- cient, reported that monocytes have a cytotoxic
fore, as our understanding of monocyte biology potential. However, more recent studies have
improves and these cells appear more and more not conclusively addressed this issue.
important in the general field of inflammation, In recent years, investigators have identi-
the issue of monocyte heterogeneity becomes fied several distinct populations of blood mono-
more relevant to human health. It is now rec- cytic cells. Two of these populations have
ognized that mouse and human, but also rat been characterized as DCs and are briefly
and pig, blood monocytes can be divided into discussed below. In humans, three popula-
phenotypic and functional subsets (10, 96–98); tions defined by the expression of CD14 and
however, in the present review we only consider CD16 (CD14+ CD16− , CD14+ CD16+ , and
human and mouse cells. CD14dim CD16+ ) (97, 99–101) have retained
the name monocytes and are discussed below.
In mice, two main subsets have been charac-
General Features of Monocytes terized (8, 10, 15, 69, 102–104), although ad-
In humans and mice, monocytes have some ditional subsets have been proposed (105). At
typical morphological features such as irregu- present, direct comparison of the functions of
lar cell shape, oval- or kidney-shaped nucleus, mouse monocyte subsets with their putative hu-
cytoplasmic vesicles, and high cytoplasm-to- man orthologs is relatively difficult, at least in
nucleus ratio. However, they are still very het- part because the experimental systems used in
erogeneous in size and shape and are difficult human and mouse studies are different.
to distinguish by morphology or by light scat-
ter analysis alone from blood DCs, activated
lymphocytes, and NK cells. Blood Dendritic Cells
Human and mouse blood monocytes can be The myeloid blood DC population repre-
defined by the expression of the Csf-1 receptor sents 5% of monocytic-like cells (∼0.5% of

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ANRV371-IY27-23 ARI 26 December 2008 19:57

peripheral blood mononuclear cells) in human and the likely presence of contaminating NK
(106). These blood DCs stimulate T cell pro- cells and DCs, many results from these early
liferation in vitro, express class II antigens and studies were confirmed in more recent studies,
CD11c, and in human—for most authors—are where prospective monocyte subsets have been
negative for the monocyte markers CD14 and defined on the basis of their difference in sur-
CD16. A second DC subset corresponds to face marker expression.
pDCs and also represents ∼0.5% of peripheral The work by the group of Ziegler-
blood mononuclear cells in human. pDCs are Heitbrock (97) has revealed that the small
the most potent IFN-α-producing cells in re- monocytes could be identified by the expres-
sponse to viral pathogens (107, 108). sion of CD16 (FcγR-III). Accordingly, the ma-
jor subset of monocytes that express CD14 but
lack CD16 has higher phagocytic activity but
Bona Fide Monocytes lower cytokine production than does the minor
The remaining 95% of monocytic cells are subset of small monocytes that express CD16
Annu. Rev. Immunol. 2009.27. Downloaded from arjournals.annualreviews.org

presently considered by most authors as bona (101).

fide monocytes (10, 62, 69, 101, 109, 110). The CD14+ CD16− monocytes represent
Distinction between monocytes and circulating 80% to 90% of blood monocytes, express high
DCs is easy in the mouse because mouse mono- levels of the chemokine receptor CCR2 and low
by CAPES on 01/24/09. For personal use only.

cytes do not express MHC class II antigens levels of CX3CR1, and produce IL-10 rather
or the integrin CD11c. In contrast, although than TNF and IL-1 in response to LPS in vitro
they are poor antigen-presenting cells, human (117, 118) (10, 109). Their phenotype resem-
monocytes express MHC class II antigens (106) bles that of mouse Ly6c+ (Gr1+ ) monocytes,
and the integrin CD11c. although the latter are very efficient at produc-
ing inflammatory cytokines (16, 104).
In contrast to this major subset, human
THREE SUBSETS OF HUMAN CD16+ monocytes express high levels of
MONOCYTES AS DEFINED BY CX3CR1 and low levels of CCR2 (10, 109,
THEIR PHENOTYPE AND 118), are responsible for the production of
CYTOKINE PRODUCTION TNF-α in response to LPS stimulation, and
Almost 30 years ago, it was shown that hu- were called proinflammatory (101, 119). Sev-
man peripheral blood monocytes were not a eral studies have reported that CD16+ mono-
homogeneous population but rather differ in cytes are found in larger numbers in the blood of
their phenotype and functions (reviewed in 99). patients with acute inflammation (120) and in-
In the early 1980s, Yasaka et al. (112), Weiner fectious diseases (121, 122). Of interest, CD16+
et al. (115), Figdor et al. (111), Akiyama et al. monocyte numbers are reduced in the blood af-
(113–114), and Elias et al. (116) described the ter treatment with glucocorticoids (121).
existence of two functional subsets of mono- However, work by the group of Grage-
cytes in human. On the basis of size and den- Griebenow has shown that CD16+ monocytes
sity, these authors distinguished a major popu- are composed of at least two populations with
lation of regular or large monocytes with higher strikingly distinct functions (99). Monocytes
phagocytic and myeloperoxydase activity and that express CD16 and CD14 (CD14+ CD16+ )
higher superoxide release, and a minor popu- also express the Fc receptors CD64 and CD32,
lation of intermediate or small monocytes with have phagocytic activity, and are entirely re-
low peroxydase activity but with a higher capac- sponsible for the production of TNF-α and IL-
ity to elaborate and release IL-1 and to mediate 1 in response to LPS (123). In contrast, mono-
antibody-dependent cytotoxicity. cytes that express CD16 but very low levels
Although they were limited by the purifica- of CD14 (CD14dim CD16+ ) lack the expression
tion of monocytes using density gradient alone, of other Fc receptors, are poorly phagocytic

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and do not produce TNF-α or IL-1 in re- by several antibodies, including AL-21 (which
sponse to LPS (124). The actual function of is specific for Ly6C) and RB6-8C5 antibody
the CD14dim CD16+ monocytes remains elu- (Gr1) (which also recognizes Ly6G). Ly6G is
sive, but they may be expanded in the blood only expressed by granulocytes. Therefore, the
of septic patients (121). Gr1 antibody and Ly6C-specific antibodies la-
bel the same cells in the mouse blood, i.e., a sub-
set of monocytes, granulocytes, pDCs, and NK
cells, whereas pDCs and NK cells do not ex-
press CD115, and granulocytes express CD115
at low level (18, 129).
MURINE CD115+ Ly6C+ (Gr1+ )
Annu. Rev. Immunol. 2009.27. Downloaded from arjournals.annualreviews.org

The main subset of CD115+ monocytes ex-
presses Ly6C (Gr1+ ), the chemokine recep-
tor CCR2, the adhesion molecule L-selectin

(CD62L), and a low level of the chemokine
by CAPES on 01/24/09. For personal use only.

. receptor CX3CR1. As discussed above, they

are a phenotypic equivalent to human CD14+
monocytes (10). Murine Ly6C+ (Gr1+ ) mono-
cytes are selectively recruited to inflamed tis-
MONOCYTE SUBSETS IN MICE sues and lymph nodes in vivo, produce high
During the past few years, several teams have levels of TNF-α and IL-1 during infection or
developed strategies for studying in vivo the tissue damage, and were termed inflammatory
differentiation, recruitment, and functions of monocytes (8, 10, 16, 69, 104, 128). A number of
blood monocytes using adoptive transfer and studies using either adoptive transfer of mono-
intravital studies (15, 23). They have generated cytes or latex bead–labeled monocytes strongly
mouse models by inserting green fluorescent support the conclusion that at least a propor-
protein (GFP) into the Lysozyme-M gene (125), tion of TNF-α-producing inflammatory DCs
into the Cx3cr1 gene (126), or as a transgene are the progeny of Ly6C+ (Gr1+ ) monocytes
driven by the c-fms promoter (23). Monocytes (9, 10, 16). These inflammatory DCs either up-
have also been labeled using latex bead injection take antigen in peripheral tissues and then mi-
(102, 127) and 111 Indium (104). grate into lymphoid organs or, in the case of
Mouse monocytes are identified in blood Tip-DCs, may migrate from the red pulp to
based on the expression of CD115; based on the white pulp of the spleen (8, 68, 130).
their FSC SSC profile; based on the expres- Ly6C+ (Gr1+ ) monocytes can also replen-
sion of F4/80, CD11b, Dectin-1 (the beta glu- ish macrophages and DC resident cell compart-
can receptor); and based on the variable ex- ments in the skin (e.g., LCs) (131), digestive
pression of the Gr1/Ly6C antigen and 7/4 tract (mucosal DCs) (11), and lung (127, 132,
antigen (10, 18, 62). All circulating mono- 133) (see Figure 1).
cytes express the GFP reporter in Cx3cr1gfp/+
mice (126), and several teams, including us,
have studied blood monocytes in some detail Roles of CD115+ Gr1+ Monocytes
in this model (10, 15, 128). The Ly6C anti- During Microbial Infection In Vivo
gen is a glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored The role of monocytes during microbial in-
molecule also expressed by granulocytes, 40% fection has been reviewed recently (16, 17).
of NK cells, and pDCs. Ly6C is recognized Seminal studies from the groups of Pamer

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(8, 68, 130) and of Drevets and Leenen (69) reduced control and clearance of Lm following
have characterized the role of these cells in vivo primary infection (68).
following microbial infection, using mice in- Inside infected spleens, Tip-DCs secrete
fected with the intracellular bacteria Lm. Fol- high levels of TNF-α and rapidly migrate to
lowing infection, Ly6C+ (Gr1+ ) blood mono- T cell zones of splenic follicles, where they
cytes egress massively from bone marrow to also express high levels of the inducible ni-
the bloodstream in a CCR2-dependent fash- tric oxid synthase (iNOS) that generates NO
ion and differentiate via a MyD88-dependent radicals. However, although Tip-DCs effi-
mechanism into cells that produce TNF-α ciently stimulate a mixed lymphocyte reaction
and NO and that upregulate MHC class II in vitro, their marked reduction in the spleen
antigens, CD80, CD86, and CD11c (8, 94, of CCR2-deficient mice did not lead to a de-
130). These cells were therefore termed Tip- fective T cell priming and proliferative re-
DCs (for TNF-α/iNOS-producing DCs) (68) sponse or to an impaired differentiation into
(Figure 2). The severe reduction of Tip-DCs IFN-γ/TNF-α-secreting T cell effectors (68).
Annu. Rev. Immunol. 2009.27. Downloaded from arjournals.annualreviews.org

in CCR2-deficient mice was associated with a This suggests that the main function of these

M2-type or
Flowing alternatively activate
by CAPES on 01/24/09. For personal use only.



Macrophage Dendritic cell
cMaf Pu.1
Mafb Relb transcription
Egr1,2,3 Notch2 factor
... ...

CD11c+ cells

Inflammatory dendritic cell

M1-type macrophage

Gr1+ cells

Lymph Tissue Blood Tissue

Figure 2
During inflammatory conditions, tissue macrophages and DCs can arise from Ly6C+ (Gr1+ ) monocytes and Ly6C− (Gr1− )
monocytes, but also from HPSCs (13) and granulocytes (129).

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monocyte-derived inflammatory DCs is to kill tumor-induced T regulatory cells and T cell

bacteria rather than to regulate T cell functions. anergy. Tumors induce the expansion of these
However, these data do not rule out such a role MDSCs, in both animal models and human pa-
MDSCs: myeloid-
for these cells. They are found in very close tients. MDSCs impair antigen-specific T cell derived suppressor
proximity with Lm-specific cells and participate responses and, particularly, CD8+ T cell re- cells
in the inflammatory environment by releasing sponses via molecular mechanisms that involve
high levels of inflammatory mediators such as NO and/or reactive oxygen intermediate pro-
TNF-α (130). duction (140–143). This suggests that CD115+
Ly6C+ (Gr1+ ) monocytes have also been re- Ly6C+ (Gr1+ ) monocytes could be expanded
ported in other infectious models in vivo and and polarized toward MDSCs that inhibit T
contribute to the control of pathogen growth cell–mediated immunity and toward Tip-DCs
during infections with other bacteria, such as that strengthen T cell immunity by signals as-
Brucella melitensis (134), or with parasites, such sociated with tumor and infection, respectively,
as Toxoplasma (135). or that the CD115+ Gr1+ monocyte popu-
Annu. Rev. Immunol. 2009.27. Downloaded from arjournals.annualreviews.org

A recent study by the Dubois group (136) lation contains two distinct functional subsets
indicates that CD115+ Gr1+ monocytes are that can be expanded by signals associated with
recruited to the inflamed dermis via the tumor and infection. Investigating the rela-
chemokine receptor CCR6 and its ligand tionship between MDSCs and Tip-DCs may
by CAPES on 01/24/09. For personal use only.

CCL20 and that depletion of monocytes pre- be of interest both for basic understanding of
vents in vivo priming of CD8+ cytotoxic T monocyte biology and for the potential clinical
lymphocytes against the model protein antigen applications.
ovalbumin administered with adjuvant. Trans-
fer of CCR6-sufficient Gr1+ monocytes was
enough to restore CD8+ T cell priming in MURINE CD115+ Ly6C− (Gr1− )
CCR6−/− mice via a direct antigen presen- MONOCYTES
tation mechanism (136). This work identified The second subset of monocytes is charac-
a mechanism for the recruitment of CD115+ terized by a smaller size; high expression of
Gr1+ monocytes to the skin and suggested the chemokine receptor CX3CR1, of LFA-
that these monocytes are required for efficient 1 (lymphocyte-function associated antigen 1),
cross-priming of CD8+ cytotoxic T lympho- and of CD43; and by the lack of expression
cytes after mucosal or skin immunization in this of Ly6c (Gr1− ), CCR2, or L-selectin (10, 69).
model. Lauvau and colleagues (137) have re- This subset has been initially termed resident
cently described cells similar to the Tip-DCs in mice because these monocytes have a longer
that can play a critical role in protection against half-life in vivo and are found in both rest-
secondary Lm infection, suggesting that these ing and inflamed tissues after adoptive trans-
cells may be important for primary and sec- fer (10). We and others initially proposed that
ondary protective immunity. they may be involved in the renewal of resi-
dent macrophage and DC populations (10, 62).
However, there is not yet strong supporting
CD115+ Ly6C+ (Gr1+ ) Monocytes evidence for this hypothesis. Investigators had
in Tumor-Bearing Mice In Vivo suggested—by analogy with human CD16+
It is remarkable and intriguing that cells with monocytes—that Ly6C− (Gr1− ) monocytes are
the very same phenotype, expressing CD115, the main producers of TNF-α (144), but, as dis-
Gr1, and CD11b, also expand in the spleen cussed above, this is not the case because Ly6C+
of a tumor-bearing host (138, 139). These (Gr1+ ) monocytes are clearly the main produc-
cells have been characterized as part of the ers of TNF-α during infection.
myeloid-derived suppressor cell (MDSC) pop- Progress came from the use of adoptive
ulation that mediates the development of transfer and of intravital microscopy, a powerful

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method to monitor in vivo dynamic parame- Patrolling Ly6C− Gr1− Monocytes

ters of innate or adaptive immune responses Extravasate and Are Responsible
(145). for a Very Early Inflammatory
Response During Infection
with Listeria monocytogenes
Murine Ly6C− (Gr1− ) Monocytes
Patrol Blood Vessels However, in response to tissue damage (irri-
in the Steady State tants, aseptic wounding, and peritoneal infec-
tion with Lm), Ly6C− (Gr1− ) monocytes ex-
Intravital microscopy observation, using
travasate rapidly within 1 h and invade the
Cx3cr1gfp/+ mice as reporters, revealed that
surrounding tissues (Figures 2 and 3). Global
Ly6C− (Gr1− ) monocytes exhibited a consti-
gene expression of Ly6C− (Gr1− ) monocytes
tutive long-range crawling on the luminal side
purified from the peritoneum of mice at an
of the endothelium, in steady-state condition,
early time (2 h) after infection with Lm re-
within most blood vessels in the dermis and
vealed that, when exposed to this pathogen
Annu. Rev. Immunol. 2009.27. Downloaded from arjournals.annualreviews.org

within branches of the mesenteric vein and

in vivo, Ly6C− (Gr1− ) develop a very early
the mesenteric artery (15). Ly6C− (Gr1− )
but transient inflammatory response that in-
monocytes crawl with an average velocity of
cludes the transcription of genes coding for
12 μm/min. Crawling requires firm binding to
cytokines, lysozyme, defensins, and comple-
by CAPES on 01/24/09. For personal use only.

the endothelium mediated by the β2 integrin

ment and includes Lm-associated pattern-
LFA-1 (CD11a/CD18, αL β2 ) and by the
recognition receptors and phagocytosis such as
chemokine receptor CX3CR1.
TLRs (TLR1, TLR2), scavenger receptors (Sr-
Surprisingly, most crawling monocytes stay
A, Cd36, dectin-2, and MDL1), IgFc recep-
within blood vessels in the steady state and
tors, and genes associated with antigen pre-
appear to patrol the endothelium, indepen-
sentation (15) (see also Figure 3). This early
dently of the direction of the blood flow, for
response also included numerous chemokines
extended periods of time (i.e., 30 min to sev-
involved in the recruitment and activation of
eral hours). In the absence of overt inflamma-
other effector cells such as granulocytes, Ly6C−
tion, extravasation is a rare event observed in
(Gr1− ) monocytes, NK cells, and T cells. At
less that 1% of crawling cells (15). Therefore,
this time, 1 and 2 h after infection, Ly6C−
we hypothesize that murine Ly6C− (Gr1− )
(Gr1− ) monocytes are the main blood cell type
monocytes constitutively patrol blood vessels
extravasated into the peritoneum and are the
and may play important functions in scaveng-
only producers of TNF-α, a cytokine central
ing oxidized lipids, dead cells, and potential
to macrophage-mediated inflammation and the
pathogens. Patrolling Ly6C− (Gr1− ) mono-
innate immune response (15). However, this in-
cytes are ideally located to survey endothe-
flammatory response is only transient, and at
lial cells and surrounding tissues. CX3CR1,
8 h after infection, Ly6C+ (Gr1+ ) monocytes
as well as TNF-α and LFA-1, have been
are the main producers of inflammatory cy-
implicated in the pathogenesis of atheroscle-
tokines (Figure 3).
rosis (146–148). It will be important to investi-
gate whether Ly6C− (Gr1− )-patrolling mono-
cytes may contribute to the pathogenesis of
inflammatory disorders and could represent a Patrolling Ly6C− Gr1− Monocytes
target for their treatment. Besides the involve- Differentiate into Alternatively
ment of LFA-1 and CX3CR1, the molecular Activated Macrophages During
mechanisms that control the apparently ran- Infection with Listeria monocytogenes
dom crawling of Ly6C− (Gr1− ) monocytes and and in the Healing Myocardium
their potential roles as scavenger are yet to be Interestingly, following this transient produc-
characterized. tion of inflammatory mediators, the balance of

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a b c

Cxcl10 Tnf cMaf Pu.1 IL4Ra Arginase1

14 40 14
80 12 3 12
10 30 10
60 2
8 2 8
40 6 6
4 1 1 4
20 10
2 2
0 0 0 0 0 0
Annu. Rev. Immunol. 2009.27. Downloaded from arjournals.annualreviews.org

Ccl22 Il1b Mafb Relb Mgl2 MR / Mrc1

50 40 3 25 40
40 30 20
30 4 15
by CAPES on 01/24/09. For personal use only.

20 20
20 10
Ratio (fold induction)

10 2 10
10 5

0 0 0 0 0 0
0 2 8
Ccl7 Cxcl9 Cebpα cflar/c-Flip Retnla/Fizz1 h
25 20 2500
20 2 16 2000
15 12 1500
4 10 1 8 1000
2 5 4 500

0 0 0 0 0
0 2 8
Ccl25 Ccl11 Egr1 Notch2
4 12
6 4
8 3
2 1 1

0 0 0 0
0 2 8 0 2 8 0 2 8 0 2 8 0 2 8 0 2 8 0 2 8 0 2 8
h h h h Gr1– Gr1+

Figure 3
Gene expression analysis of monocyte subsets purified from the peritoneum of mice 2 and 8 h after infection with Listeria monocytogenes:
(a) cytokines, (b) transcription factor, and (c) M2 type–associated genes (15).

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transcription factors that specify the alterna- ventional Ly6C+ (Gr1+ ) monocytes that, when
tive macrophage or DC fate of monocytes (51, they enter the peritoneum in response to the
149) indicates that extravasated Ly6C− (Gr1− ) same Lm infection, initiate a DC differentia-
monocytes initiate a typical macrophage dif- tion program characterized for example by the
ferentiation program, characterized by upreg- upregulation of RelB and PU.1, but not of
ulation of cMaf, MafB, egr1, egr2, and egr3 cMaf and MafB (15) (Figures 2 and 3). There-
and of genes such as Arginase, Fizz1, MR, fore, in the presence of the same pathogen in
Mgl2, and IL-4Rα, markers of alternatively vivo, the two subsets of monocytes differen-
activated, also termed M2-like, macrophages tiate into distinct cell types: Ly6C− (Gr1− )-
(89, 150) (Figures 2 and 3). This finding is patrolling monocytes initiate a macrophage dif-
in contrast with the differentiation of the con- ferentiation program that resembles that of M2

Listeria monocytogenes–infected peritoneum Healing myocardium

Annu. Rev. Immunol. 2009.27. Downloaded from arjournals.annualreviews.org

by CAPES on 01/24/09. For personal use only.

Inflammatory Inflammatory
Ly6C+ M1-type response M1-type response
(Gr1+) • Phagocytosis
• Bacterial clearance
(iNOS, Ros, ...)
• Inflammation
TNF-α, ...) Proteolysis
Rolling Extravasation

Gr1+ monocyte Inflammation


M2-type response
• Tissue remodeling
• Wound repair
• Immunomodulation

Ly6C– M2-type response

(Gr1–) Early response • Tissue remodeling
• Phagocytosis • Wound repair Phagocytosis
• Inflammation • Immunomodulation

Rolling Extravasation Wound
Gr1– monocyte Collagen deposition

0 6 12 18 24 0 2 4 6 8 10
Time after infection (h) Time after injury (days)

Figure 4
Differentiation potential and effector functions of blood monocyte subsets during Listeria monocytogenes infection and myocardial

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macrophages, while Ly6C+ (Gr1+ ) monocytes Together, these observations reveal an un-
differentiate into DC-like cells that resemble suspected dichotomy (depicted in Figure 4) of
Tip-DCs (15). the differentiation potential and functions of
These findings are consistent with three blood monocyte subsets during Lm infection
other recent studies. Nahrendorf et al. (104) and myocardial infarction.
have shown that the healing myocardium se-
quentially mobilizes Ly6C+ (Gr1+ ) mono-
cytes, with phagocytic, proteolytic, inflamma- CONCLUDING REMARKS
tory functions that can digest damaged tissue, As our understanding of monocyte biology
and Ly6C− (Gr1− ) monocytes that have atten- improves, monocytes appear more and more
uated inflammatory properties, express vascu- important in the general field of inflamma-
lar endothelial growth factor, and may promote tion and inflammatory diseases, including
healing via myofibroblast accumulation, an- atherosclerosis, and the issues of monocyte
giogenesis, and deposition of collagen. Lands- differentiation and heterogeneity become
Annu. Rev. Immunol. 2009.27. Downloaded from arjournals.annualreviews.org

man et al. (133) have reported that adop- relevant. There is accumulative evidence that
tively transferred CD115+ Gr1− monocytes, blood monocytes actually consist in several
but not CD115+ Gr1+ monocytes, were able functional subsets. Open questions remain: the
to generate macrophages in the lung of re- numbers of these subsets, the similarities be-
by CAPES on 01/24/09. For personal use only.

cipient mice, whereas both monocyte subsets tween human and mouse subsets, and whether
could generate pulmonary DCs. Arnold et al. the differentiation of monocyte subsets repre-
(151) studied the phenotype of monocytes in sents an early commitment, at the stage of the
the tibialis anterior muscles after local injec- MDP for example, akin to the division of lym-
tion of a drug that induces muscle necro- phocytes into B, T CD4+ , and T CD8+ cells,
sis followed by a regeneration process. Using or whether it involves a potentially reversible
latex bead labeling of circulating monocyte polarization of more mature cells akin to the
subsets, they concluded that during the first polarization of mature T cells. These questions
days after injury, the muscle recruited only are being actively investigated by a growing
F4/80low CX3CR1low Ly6C+ (Gr1+ ) nondivid- number of laboratories. The putative roles of
ing monocytes that express mRNA for TNF- Ly6C+ (Gr1+ ) monocytes in the regulation
α and IL-1, whereas after day 4 their numbers of lymphocyte-mediated responses and their
decreased, and CX3CR1high Ly6C− (Gr1− ) cells relationship with MDSCs are of particular
increased in numbers and exhibited features of interest for tumor biology. Finally, the analysis
antiinflammatory macrophages. Arnold et al. of the functions of Ly6C− (Gr1− )-patrolling
(151) concluded that Ly6C+ (Gr1+ ) monocytes monocytes and of their potential involvement
had differentiated into Ly6C− (Gr1− ) mono- in vascular inflammation should foster new
cytes, whereas the studies by Auffray et al. investigations of the role of monocytes inside
(15), Nahrendorf et al. (104), and Landsman blood vessels—an already very active area of
et al. (133) concluded that distinct popula- investigation in the field of atherosclerosis—
tions of monocytes are recruited from the and the mechanisms that control
blood. patrolling.

The authors are not aware of any affiliations, memberships, funding, or financial holdings that
might be perceived as affecting the objectivity of this review.

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ANRV371-IY27-23 ARI 26 December 2008 19:57

Work was supported by a EURopean Young Investigator (EURYI) award and by grants from
the Ville de Paris, Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR IRAP2005), and Fondation pour la
Recherche Medicale (Equipe FRM 2006) to F.G. and grants from the Association for International
Cancer Research (AICR 2006, 05-0079), the Association de la Recherche sur le Cancer (ARC
3857), and the Institut National du Cancer (INCa) to M.S. F.G. and C.A. are indebted to past and
present members of the laboratory.

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