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)It present tfu 'Minor Irrigation 'Tant <Projects are 6ting preparetlfollowing tfu 9uufefine
frametl as 6ac(as 1964. '11ie Cfiief'Engineen, 'Minor Irrigation, at various stages fit111t motftfotl some
of tfu u,finja,( aspects as fountl necessary. '11ie State qowrnment amstiuued' "J'unnit:a{Jlppraisa{
Cmmnittee� far 'Minor Irrigation. "'1ae qcrvernment Ortfer 7vo %e�e 221, Saneera 99 ([)atea
19.1.2000 anti one of tfie terms of reftrena assignetl is to frame guuftfines far tfie preparation of
�inor Irrigation 'l'ank_<Projects, in aatf'uion to appraume :Minor Irrigation <Projects costing mon, than
�.JQ.00 Catlis..

'11ie "Tecfinit:al Jfppraisa{ Committee" tliscussetl ttu issue of framing 9uitfefines for tlie
preparation of?d.inor Irrigation 'Tant <Projects antifornutl a sv.6 committee consisting of tfu fallcwing

t. Capt S <R.9,ja <R.9,o.

2. Sri S.1f. <Prasatf.
J. Sri :J{.!ft Cf,an naveeraiafi
4. Sri. 'X,'l(p['rprasaa.
J. Sri 'I'. <R.9,ma IJffllJar
6. 'E.I.C, W.<I(.<D.O.

'Ifie suNOm111ittte fiave aferntl tlie tJ(jsting 9uufefinu, refwant IS/ cotfes, otfier ttcfinicaf
pDJNn anti a«ILltll'flts pu6fisfutl 6y C'lf.C anti otfitn anti afso qpt in ww tfie moarfications
SUfJ8estea 6y '11'otfd' <Ban( wfien e:,cµmaf assistana was givtn to 'Tant Irrigation <Project in
'}(prnata� 'Jne Su6-committee !itlVt !JOI up a compnfunswe 9uuftlines far tfit preparation of ?,tinor
.Irrigation 'l'an( <Profacts. 'Int guiaefinu incfu.tfe, tfit metfioa of worzyig out yiefa, crop Wdter
requitement, water 6afandn9 staumen: <Bmefa Cost <R.9,tio etc.

'lnese guuftfines !itlVt 6ten tfiscu.sea 6y "Tecfinit:afJlppraisaf Committee• anti afso invitetl
commmu from Cfiiif 'bl/}ittetrs of !Minor Irrigation ZPrtes antffaf,f officen. '11ie comments anti
SUfJ8estions mtUfe 6y tfitm !itlVt 6ttn t.:(flminea antf wfitre ever fauna necessary tky fiave 6ten
in&o,poratea. '1nest 9uuftfinu an, wry t.J(.fiaustive anti ccrven all aspects rtquind' in tfu framing of
'Minor Irrigation 'I'ank,<Projecis, in 'Minor Irrigation <r>q,artment. _

I am wry tfian( fall to all tlie mem6tn of tfit sukommittee, staff of 'W<I(.<D.O.,
Sri 'flen.(rites� )fssistant 'Engineer, wo� in tfie office of tfu Cf,ief 'Engineer; 'Minor Irrigation
(Soutn) antiafso otnen uk fiaw assistetl inframing tfie guuftfines. I frope tfust guiaefrnes will &
useju( to aff tfie 'Engineen of tfit 'Minor Irrigation <Department in framine an(_t:(FCuting 'Minor
Irrigation tanl.,projects, ' vf" � .
C' ,
(Cap . S. Ra a Rao)
Technical Appraisal Committee.
Minor Irrigation, Bangalore.
(. ! \

\ \

Page No.

1. GENERAL 1 - 2




5. HYDROLOGY 16 - 29
(Computation of yield and flood estimation)




i) Earthen Bund 35 - 43
i i) Surplussing Arrangements 44 - 50
iii) Irrigation Sluice 51 - 52
iv) Irrigation Channels and C. D. Works 53



i) Typical Report 56 - 61
ii) Check list ( 62 - 66
iii) Drawings 67 - 68
iv) Salient feature 69 - 72

10. ANNEXURE - I TO VII. 73 - 85


l. Irrigation Defined:

The basic needs for human survival are air, water and food While air and water
are available naturally, food in the form of crops is to be generated from
agriculture, which in tum depends on rainfall.

Due to vagaries of nature, the quantum of rainfall received is rarely adequate to

meet the water requirement of crops during crop period from sowing to
harvesting Hence water available in natural valleys like rivers, streams etc, and
underground source has to be supplied externally to supplement the deficiency of
rainfall for successful growing of crops This supplementing of water to crops is
termed as 'IRRIGATION'

lmgation plays utmost significant part in obtaining increased yield of crops from
the land

Irrigation Projects:

A Project which envisages only Irrigation is termed as 'Irrigation Project' lf a

project has more objectives in addition to Irrigation like power generation,
drinking water supply, flood control etc., then the Project is termed as
'Multipurpose Project'

2. Ultimate Irrigation Potential :

Irrigation is contemplated through Major, Medium and Minor Irrigation Projects

The net sown area of Karnataka State is I 07 lakh Hectares The ultimate
irrigation potential from all sources is about 55 lakh hectares, comprising 35 lakh
hectares under Major and Medium Irrigation Projects, 10 lakh hectares from
Minor Irrigation Projects using surface water and IO lakh hectares from ground
water resources.
3. Minor Irrigation Projects (Surface Water)

Classification of Irrigation Projects:

Irrigation Projects are classified depending on the extent of land they irrigate, as

I) Minor Irrigation Proiects Proiect irrioatino uoto 2000 Ha.

2) Medium Irrigation Projects Projects irrigating above 2000 Ha and
unto 10.000 Ha.
3} Maior Irriaation Projects Proiects irnaatine above I 0,000 Ha.

Minor Irrigation Projects, unlike Major and Medium Irrigation Projects, are
spread over the State benefiting large extent of lands They require less time for
implementation and thus the anticipated benefits are achieved in a short period.

Minor Irrigation Projects are generally in the form of Tanks, Bhandaras, Anicurs,
Pickups, LI Schemes, Barrages, Feeder Channels etc • built across small rivers
and streams

As on I 4 2000, there are 40,908 Minor Irrigation Projects with an irrigation

potential of9,29,680 hectares. The breakup is as under •

Type of l\1inor Nos. Atchkat

Irrigation Projects in Ha.

Tanks 36.696 6 88.100

Anicuts/Pickuos 2 524 74.655
L.LSchemes 460 99.781
Others 1.228 67, 144
Total 40.908 9,29.680

...,. .

I. Tanks:

Tank is a storage reservoir built by providing an earthen or masonry dam

across natural streams to conserve or store the surface water flows which
is used to irrigate the lands below by gravity.

2. Bhandaras, Anicuts or Pickups:

These are either masonry or concrete structures built across perennial

streams to raise the natural level of water in the stream above and divert
the water to irrigate the lands below by gravity.

3. Lift Irrigation Schemes:

Lift Irrigation Schemes are schemes where pumping machinaries are

installed on the banks of perennial rivers. streams etc., for pumping water
and transporting it through a rising main to higher elevations for irrigating
lands, where water cannot be supplied by gravity. These schemes can
also be from storage tanks or reservoirs.

4. Barrages:

Barrage is a masonry or concrete structure built across streams comprising

of vents bet ween piers and provided with gates The vents are opened
during monsoon season to pass off the floods and closed at end of
monsoon season to create a pool of water on the upstream side for
irrigating adjoining lands either by gravity or through lifting arrangements

5 Feeder Channels:

Feeder channel is excavated for diverting the available or surplus water of

one valley to an adjoining water deficit valley, for storing and utilizing it
for irrigation.

6. Project Site:

The place where the head works of a Project are located is termed as
'Project Site'.

7. Catchment Area:

The catchment area is the extent of geographical area on the upstream side
of a project site (bounded by a ridgeline as its upper margin) which drains
the surface water flows due to rainfall on that area to the valley across
which the project is envisaged.

8. Classification of Catchment Area:

a) The catchment area of an irrigation work is classified as follows -

i) Independent Catchment Area:

Independent catchment area is a part or full extent of total

catchment area draining the surface flows freely without
any intermediate interruptions in the valley across which
the project is envisaged

ii) Intercepted Catchment Area:

Intercepted catchment area is a part of total catchment area,

the extent of which is the catchment area/s of existing
storage work/s located within the total catchment area of a
project site.

b) The catchment area is further classified on the nature of topography as


i) Good Catchment:

HilJy with steep slopes, mostly rocky out crops, non-

absorbent soils and generally barren and without

ii) Average Catchment:

With moderate slopes, little rocky out crops, partly

cultivated lands and semi peivious soils.

iii) Bad Catchment:

With flat slopes, largely cultivated and pervious soils.

9. Water year:

A water year is the period reckoned from 1st June of a year to 31st May of
subsequent year.

10. AnnuaJ Rainfall:

The total extent of rainfall received during the water year as measured
from the influencing rain gauge stations located within or outside the
catchment area.

11. Monsoon Rainfall:

The total extent of rainfall during South West Monsoon i.e. between June
to October in a water year

12. Annual Flow:

The total quantum of water flowed as measured at a gauge site of a stream

in a water year.

13. Yield:

Yield is the quantum of water available in any water year at the Project
Site. This is arrived from empirical method based on rainfall in the
catchment area or directly assessed from flow data.

14. Dependability:

The extent of rainfall over an area or flow at a site will not be uniform and
varies from year to year. Over a period of years, it ranges between
minimum and maximum values. For a selected number of years in a time
series, the data is tabulated in descending order and its dependabi I ity is
fixed as the percentage of its position of the year read from top to bottom
of the table, to the total number of years considered for analysis.
Specifically stated that in a data of 30 years tabulated in a descending
order, its value at t 51h year from top is fixed as 50"/o dependability and its
value at 22.Slh year (i.e. av. of 22nd and 23rd year) is fixed as 75o/o
dependability. It means that a project envisaged at 50"/o dependability will
be successfu I in 2 years out of 4 years and failure in other 2 years. So
much so, a project envisaged at 75% dependability will be successful in 3
years out of 4 years and failure in another year. A data of 30 years is
considered as a reasonable period for assessment of yield.

15. Storage:

The quantum of water impounded in the tank is termed as "Storage" and is

expressed in Mcft., or M.cum.

16. Gross Storage:

The storage from the lowest bed level to the full tank level of tank is
termed as "Gross Storage"

17. Live Storage:

The storage from the cill level of sluice to the full tank level of tank is
termed as "Live Storage" excluding evaporation losses from the tank water
spread area.

18. Dead Storage:

The storage from the lowest bed level to the cill level of sluice of tank is
termed as "Dead Storage". The dead storage is provided to facilitate
deposition of silt carried alongwith the inflow of water to the tank and is
fixed considering the silt load of water. Normally, the dead storage shall
be about IO to I 5 percent of live storage of tank

19. "Evaporation Losses" from the water spread area of tank depends on
temperature, relative humidity, wind velocity and varies from place to
place and from month to month.

20. "Full Tank Level" (F.T.L.) is the level upto which water is stored
in the tank and it corresponds to the crest of waste weir (un-gated).

21. "Maximum Water Level" (M.W.L.) is the maximum level of

water allowed in the tank. The difference between MWL and FTL is the
spillage or head on crest of waste weir (un-gated).

22. "Net Utilisation" is the quantum of water actually utilised for

irrigation or other beneficial use.

23. "Gross Utilisation" is net utilisation plus evaporation losses, dead

storage etc.

24. Maximum Flood Discharge:

The maximum flood discharge is the highest flood that can occur at any
project site.

25. Atchkat or Command:

The atchkat or command area is the physical extent of land that can be
commanded under any irrigation project.

26. Cropped Area: (Irrigated area)

The cropped area is the total extent of crops grown in the command area
under an irrigation project, during different cropping seasons.

27. Cropping Season:

The cropping season is classified as Khariff, Rabi and Summer as follows

Khariff : June to 'October

Rabi : November to February
Summer · March to May.

The cropping season should be the period when rainfall contribution is


28. Crop Intensity:

Crop Intensity is the percentage of the cropped area to the command area
under the project.

29. Base Period of Crops:

Base period is the period reckoned from the date of sowing to date of
harvesting of crops.

30. D1,1ty:

Duty is the extent of crops that can be irrigated in a base period by a unit
quantity of water. Duty is expressed as follows: -

Acre per Melt I Acres per cusec,

Hectare per M. Cum. I Hectares per cumec.

31. Cost of Project:

The cost of a project is the cost of all component parts of the project
estimated at the prevailing approved schedule of rates and includes the

cost of land acquisition, temporary establishment, contingency charges

32. Benefit Cost Ratio:

The Benefit Cost Ratio is the ratio of net incremental benefit accrued in a
project between pre and post irrigated conditions to the annual costs
comprising of a specific interest rate on capital cost of project (Normally
at 100/o), annual depreciation charges and maintenance charges.

33. Technical Feasibility:

A project is considered as technically feasible, if its envisaged water

utilisation will not affect any existing commitments in the valley, the ratio
of submergence of land to atchkat benefited is reasonable and environment
of the area is not affected. The site selected should be suitable with good
foundation etc.

34. Financial Feasibility:

A project is considered as financially feasible, if the Benefit Cost ratio at

I Oo/o rate of interest satisfies the norms fixed


1. Purpose:

Investigation for preparation of an irrigation project is generally initiated based on

the representation of villagers or local leaders to Government for providing
irrigation facilities to the lands.

Surveys are carried out to collect field data to obtain all information needed for
the actual designs of several components of the project The surveys shall extend
not only over the site selected for the work, but sufficiently beyond their area so
that alternative proposals can be studied

2. Surveys:

Generally surveys arc carried out in two stages.

A) Preliminary Surveys:
With the help ofTopo Sheets, the availability of site for locating the bund
and appurtenant works shall be studied and after establishing its suitability
preliminary surveys are taken up.

The Preliminary Surveys consist of reconnaissance of the area keeping in

view of the followings: -.

i) Suitability of site for locating the bund, surplussing arrangements

ii) The site should afford sufficient yield and should have command
area with least submersion area.
iii) Preliminary survey will facilitate arriving at a rough cost and
assessing the viability of the project.

B) Detailed Surveys:

Detailed surveys are carried out at the finally selected site to facilitate
preparation of designs, estimates, etc., to establish the technical and
financial feasibility of the project.

9 •
a) Selection of Site:

The best site for locating the bund or dam shall be selected considering the
following aspects.

(i) IL shall be one, which has ridges on both the flanks of the stream.
The "site shall be suitable for locating the bund and surplussing
(ii) The foundation for the seat of bund and surplussing arrangements
should be suitable
(iii) The sire should be preferably below the confluence of two or more
valleys to take advantage of water availability (yield) from the
different valleys
(iv) The topography of lands upstream of the proposed site shall
provide good storage without disproportionate submersion of
(v) The materials like soils (for casing and hearting of bund) stones,
jelly, sand etc., suitable for construction shall be available in
sufficient quantities and with in reasonable leads.

The selected site shall be inspected by the competent authority and

approved before taking up detailed surveys as under;

SI. Estimated Cost Site should be inspected by

I Unto Rs 50.00 Lakhs Executive Engineer.
2. Above Rs.50.00 Lakhs & below Superintending Engineer,
Rs. I 00.00 Lakhs
3. Rs I 00 OOLakhs and above. Chief Enzineer.

(b) Establishment of Bench Marks:

Benchmarks are to be established in the project area at every one-Km

interval and preferably connected to the nearest G.T.S benchmarks.
Benchmarks shall be preferably located on either flanks of the dam, water
spread area and along the irrigation channels for carrying out the levels.

(c) Surveys for the Bund or Dam site:

Longitudinal section along the centre line of the proposed bund or dam
site is to be taken with levels at every I SM, interval and shall extend to
about 30M beyond the probable top of dam. (T.B.L.).

ln the gorge portions levels may be taken up at closer interval.

(d) Block levels at Bond or Dam Site:

The block levels of the bund or dam site have to cover the area sufficiently
large to include dam and other appurtenant works. Block levels are to be
taken at I SM intervals extending about 30M beyond and above the
probable top of dam and for about l OOM on either side of the proposed
centre line of dam.

(e) Block levels of Draft Channel:

The block levels of the draft channel from the waste weir up to the
confluence with the natural stream is to be taken at every LSM intervals
and to cover the desired width of the draft channel plus 30 M on either
side to enable to study alternative proposals, if any

(f) Tail water Survey:

Tail water survey is an essential part of detailed surveys al the dam site in
establishmg the tail water conditions for the design of energy dissipating
arrangements. A longitudinal section for about SOOM along the stream
with levels at every I SM intervals are to be taken The cross section shall
be taken from the bottom of the stream to an elevation above the
maximum water level of the maximum flood for the darn.

(g) Block level for Water Spread Area (Contour Plan):

This is required to compute the storage capacity of the reservoir by

drawing contour lines at suitable intervals and to assess the area of lands
corning under submersion The block levels of the water-spread area are
to be taken at J SM intervals extending JOM beyond the probable top level
of dam contour

• h) Foundation Investigation and Material surveys:

(1) Purpose:

This is necessary to provide data on foundation characteristics and

availability of suitable construction materials for the design of

(2) Methods:

a) Trial Pits:

Trial pits are open pits in soils for exploring the over burden.
The pits shall be square in plan and shall have a minimum size
of l .20M x 1.20M at bottom. Trial pits are economical for
shallow depth less than 3M. The position of trial pits shall be
as follows.

i) Along the Central Line of Dam:

(I) 30M centre to centre or nearer if nature of soil changes.

(2) A few places upstream and down stream of centre line.

ii) Along the Central Line of Waste Weir:

(I) 30M centre to centre or nearer if nature of soils


(2) Upstream and down stream side at I SM, and 30M from
central line.

iii) Along The Central Line of Draft Channel:

30M centre to centre or nearer if nature of soil changes

iv) Borrow Areas:

30M centre to centre in both directions or nearer if nature

of soil changes.

v) Drilling:

Core drilling is employed for exploration and treatment of

rock foundations. The object is to study the geological
structure of the bedrock and to obtain test cores.


The following maps and data are required to be collected before any
irrigation project is considered

I. Maps:

a) Topo-Sheets:

Topo-sheets or Topographical maps published by the Survey of India are

available in scales of I. 50,000 and I. 2,50,000 These maps are chief sources
of information for investigation and location of projects These maps gives
the topography of the area with contours and indicates the location of rivers,
valleys and sub-valleys, roads, railway. lines, water sheds, monuments, bench
marks, forest etc, These maps are required for preliminary investigation for a
project and 10 demarcate the catchment area at the project site

b) Revenue Survey Maps:

Revenue survey maps published by Land and Resettlement Department are

available to a scale of I"· 660', I" ; 330' etc., These maps indicate the
survey nos of revenue lands with details of cultivated lands, barren lands
forests, tank beds etc These maps are useful in locating the atchkat and .
submersion areas and to identify the extent of lands benefited, and submerged
These maps are necessary for initiating land acquisition proposals

c) Tank Maps:

Tank maps were published by the Minor Irrigation Department, indicating

location of existing tanks across valleys in a nver basin The tanks are serially
numbered These are useful for assessing the water potentialities in a valley

2) Data:

a) Rain fall Data:

Records of daily rainfall are maintained at the taluk level offices and also at
Director of Statistics and Planning These records give the account of rainfall
at different rain gauge stations distributed in the catchment area and command
area. These will be a basic data in computing the yield from the catchment
and working out the water requirement of crops


b) Gauge Data: .

Long range records of discharge measurements of the region based on actual

gauging of several rivers and streams are maintained by the W.R.D.O.,
Bangalore and Central Water Commission and published annually as Water
Year Books. These data along with discharge measurements over anicuts,
tank waste weirs in the vicinity of contemplated projects, if available are
useful in determining the yield, floods etc., for designs

c) Tank Register:

Tank registers were published by Minor Irrigation Department and provides

information in respect of tanks already constructed regarding tank's catchment
area, yield (Total, utilised and surplus) Capacity atchkat benefited etc., which
help in the preparation of the valley potential data for assessing the yield
available at any project site.

· d) Hydrometeorological Data:

Data on temperature, wind velocity, Pan Evaporation etc., at several

Hydrometeorological Stations are being collected and maintained by the
W.R.D.O. Bangalore and other Government Departments These data are
useful in determining evaporation losses and working out crop-water

e) Yield of Crops and Rates:

The information on yield of different types of crops under rainfed and

irrigated conditions, its rate per tonne, cost/Ha of seeds, manure and labour
are available at local Agriculture Department Offices, and Taluk Agriculture
Produce Marketing Society. These data are useful in working out the Benefit
Cost Ratio to assess the financial feasibility of a project.

f) Land Sale Statistics:

The land sale records are maintained at Taluk Offices. This information is
useful for assessing the unit value of private lands in the area to provide
reasonable land acquisition cost in the project estimate. If any forest land is
involved, permission and release of forest lands from the Forest Department is

3. Test Reports:

a) Soils:

i) Borrow Areas:
Soil samples (in disturbed and undisturbed conditions) from
proposed quarries for casing, hearting and work area (seat of
bund, key trench waste weir and draft channel areas) are to be
tested for their physical characteristics and classification for using
in the designs of earthen dam.
ii) Trial Pits:
The trial pit results indicate the nature of soils and foundation
strata available at. different depths below the ground surface to
facilitate necessary design of structures and to propose suitable
iii) Atchkat Area:
Tests on soil samples of the atchkat area are carried out at
laboratories attached to Agriculture Department to ascertain the
suitability of soils for irrigation and to propose suitable crops

b) \\later Samples:
Tests on water samples collected from the water flowing in the
stream are carried out at laboratories attached to Agriculture
Department to ascertain the suitability of water for irrigation or to
propose suitable crops depending on the quality of water. Also,
the sediment load analysis is useful for assessing the rate of
siltation of reservoir and the life of project

c) Sand and Aggregates:

Tests on gradation of sand and aggregates are required for using in

drainage arrangements for the bund

d) Bore Hole Records:

The data obtained by drilling in rocky foundations are recorded in

the form of logsheets. The log shall contain information on the
size of hole and equipment used for boring The location,
elevation, ground water condition, different materials penetrated at
different depths shall be clearly indicated in the log sheets. The
percentage of core recovery and the opinion of Geologist regarding
the suitability of foundation for locating the structure are to be

(Computation of Yield and Flood Estimation)

1.0 Computation of yield:

1.10 General
The success of any Irrigation Project depends on the availability of water at the
Site sufficient to meet the contemplated utilization under the project The Yield is
mainly dependent on the quantity and distribution of rainfall in the catchment area
of the project. Besides, the following factors also effect the yield

a. The condition of the area as regards geological formation, permeability of

soil, surface slopes. wind, temperature and humidity of air
b The nature and quantity of vegetation in the area.
c. The condition as regards humidity of the surface and sub-soil in the area at
the time of rain fall and the existence of surface water such as tanks etc.,
which impound water.

2.00 Assessment of Yield:

A long term gauge data of a stream or a river at the project site enables a
reasonable assessment of yield at the site at the desired dependability. However,
in case of small streams which are not gauged, the yield will have to be computed
based on individual rainfall data of influencing rain gauge stations within or
outside the catchment area of the project.

2.10 Thiessen polygon and weighted rainfall:

If more than one rain gauge station is influencing the catchment area, then the
yield is estimated from the weighted rainfall of all the influencing rain gauge
stations. The weighted rainfall is arrived by Thiessen Polygon Method

On the catchment area map the locations of the several rain gauge stations,
(within or outside the catchment area) are indicated. Polygons are constructed by
joining the adjacent rain gauge stations and drawing perpendicular bisectors of the
sides. The extent of catchment area bounded by the polygon gives the area of
influence of the concerned rain gauge station. The weighted rainfall of all
influencing rain gauge stations are computed as under:

Weighted Rain fall = R1 A1 + R1 A1 + Ra A3 ..... Rn An



\\/here R1. R,. R, . . R. Individual rainfall of influencing rain gauge
Stations 1,2,3 .. n
Catchment area influenced by the rain gauge
Stations 1,2,3 . n
A Total catchment area of project

2.20 Estimation of yield from easooal rainfall by using St range's table

(upto 60 inches of \Vcigbtcd Monsoon Rainfall)

"St range's table of Run off (Vide Table enclosed) is adopted to compute the yield
from different classification of catchment areas namely good, average and bad
considering 5(>''/• dependable monsoon rainfall

The table gives the yield per square area of catchment for monsoon rainfall
ranging from I to 60 inches or 25.4 to I 524mm The yield is arrived as follows

Yield Yield per square area of catchment area X Independent

catchment area

Gross yield Yield as above+ surplus flow from the intercepted

catchment area if any

?,;et yield available Gross yield (U/s and Dis Committed

utilisation+ evaporation
losses and Dead storage of
proposed prOJCCI)

An Example for drawing Thiessen Polygon considering 3 RG Stations is as

under Fig (I)

I The location of proposed tank in question across a streamlnala/river 10 be

marked on the toposbeet preferably to a scale of I .50,000
II The catchment area of the tank 10 be drawn by drawing line passing
through the ridges on the toposheet
m The raingauge stations to be marked on the toposhect (In the example 3
Raingauge stations are considered)
iv The rarngauge stations are 10 be joined by straight lines and perpendicular
bisectors are drawn
v The point obtained by connecting the 3 perpendicular bisectors is shown
as X
vi The poruoo I gives the catchment area influenced by Kikkeri RGS
Similarly the portions 2 & 3 give the catchment area influenced by
KR Pet RGS and Melukote RGS respectively

VII The total catchment area .
A = area influenced by Kikkeri RGS (A I)+ area influenced by K R.Pet
RGS (A2) + area influenced by Melukote RGS (A3)
A-12 29 +49.39+30 25 = 91 93 Sq Miles
VIJI The rainfall data of each RGS influencing catchment have to be tabulated
and monsoon rainfall obtained (in this case April to November is
considered as Monsoon Rainfall Since there is significant rainfall during
.IX April and November in almost all the years)
The weighted rainfall is calculated by multiplying the Thiessen weights
and monsoon rainfall of a particular year for each stauon Thiessen
weight is obtained by dividing the catchment area of influencing rain
gauge station by a total catchment area of proposed tank. In this case the
Thiessen weights are calculated as follows

Thiessen weight of = Area influencing Kikkeri RG (A,>= 12 29 = 0 134

Kikkeri RGS (R,> Total catchment ofHosaholalu Tank 91 93

Thiessen weight of = t.rea influencing KR Pet RG (A2> = 49.39 = 0.537

KR Pet RGS CR2i Total catchment ofHosaholalu Tank 91 93

Thiessen weight of = Area influencing Melukote RG(A3i = 30.25 = 0.329

Melukote RGS (RJ1 Total catchment ofHosaholalu Tank 91 93

The weighted rainfall is calculated as follows

R1 is Monsoon rainfall of Kikkeri for 1973 = 8 49 inches then weighted rainfall of

Kikkeri for 1973 = 0 134 x 8 49,.. I 13 inches

R2 is Monsoon rainfall of KR Pet for 1973 = 20.39 inches then weighted rainfall
ofK R.Pet for 1973 = 0 537 x 20.39 = 10.96 inches

R3 is Monsoon rainfall of Melukote for 1973 = 23 91 inches then weighted

rainfall ofMelukote for 1973 = 0 329 x 23 91 = 7 87 inches

Total Weighted RF for 1973 = R1+ R2+ R3 = I 13+10.96+7 87"" 19 96 inches

The Total Weighted Rainfall is calculated on the above basis for 23 years and
tabulated as per table enclosed

The Total Weighted Rainfall is arranged in descending order and 50% dependable
weighted rainfall is obtained as 28 085 inches

Classifying the catchment as Strange average, the yield per Sq.Mile is 11.791
Melt (Refers Strange's table)

Total yield ofHosaholalu Tank= 91.93 X 11 791 = 1083 95 Mcft

2.30 Estimation of yield by INGLIS Formula:

(Applicable when the Average Annual Rainfall exceeds 60 inches)

R = 0.85 P - 12
Where P is the Annual Rainfall in inches
R is the Annual Run off Inches.

Yield in Mcft = Rx 2.32 x Catchment Area in Sq Miles.


Basin Considered Bedthi Sub-basin

C.A. 3547 Sq. Kms/1380 Sq Miles
Weighted Annual Average Rainfall - 2026 mm or 79. 78 Inches
R = 0 85 x 79 78- 12
= 55.81 Inches
Average Yield= Rx 2 32 x 1380
= 55 81 x 2.32 x 1380
= 17868 Mcft
= 17 868 Tmc

2.40 Computation of weighted average rainfall using lsohyets

The lsohyets are contours of equal rainfall. The lsohyetal maps are available with
the Indian Meteorological Depanmenr.

The lsohyetal map for a catchment is enclosed vide Fig No 2

The computations of weighted average rainfall from lsohyets with respect to the
catchment are as under·•
Values of Isohyets Area of strip in Mean rainfall in the Col 2 x Col 3
bounding the strip in sq inches strip in inches
I 2 3 4
Below 21 1.85 20 37.00
21-23 3 02 22 66.44
23-25 4.24 24 102 00
25-27 5.45 26 141 96
27-29 5.08 28 142 24
29-31 4.70 30 141 00
31-33 4.20 32 134.40
Above 33 1 80 34 6120
. .
30.34 - . 826.24
Weighted average rainfall in the catchment= 826 24 = 27 21 inches

2.50 Monthly Distribution of yield:
The monthly inflows will be proportional to the yield from the Catchment for
500/o dependable monsoon rainfall, with weight factors of O 5 and O 8 for first and
second months respectively and 1 0 thereafter ( vide Annexure - Y1 )

3.00 Design flood estimation:

A flood is defined as an unusually high stage of flow in a river/stream Flood

occurs due to occurrence of heavy rainfall over the catchment area Shon and
intensive rains usually cause the most critical peak flood Nature and magnitude
of flood depend on the intensity of rainfall and characteristics of the catchment
Design flood is the basic requirement for the safe and economical design of the
surplussing arrangements.

Both the magnitude and frequency of floods are unpredictable In case of direct
measurements, flow in the stream/river at different stages are computed A stage-
discharge curve is drawn and extended to the maximum flood level to obtain the
maximum flood discharge

In the absence of direct measurement empirical method and unit 1-fydrograph

technique are adopted for estimation of design flood.

3.10 Empirical method - Ryve's formula

The maximum flood discharge is arrived by adopting
Q=CA w
Where Q = Maximum flood discharge in cusecs/cumecs
A Total catchment area in Sq.Miles/Sq.Kms
c = Ryve's co-efficient

ThevaI ueo fR,yve' s C o-effiicrent a d001ted are as fio 11ows·

Catchment area Valueof"C" Catchment are in Value of"C"
in Sq Miles Sa.Kms
0-5 650 0-13 9.75
5-10 700 13-26 10.50
10-20 750 26-52 11.25
20-30 850 52-78 12.75
30-50 950 78-130 14 25
S0-75 • 1050 130-195 15 75
75-100 1150 195-260 17.25
I 00 and above 1250 260 and above 18.75
. . . .
Note: For proJects situated in a area where maximum hundred years one day rain
exceeds 17 SO ems., 25% extra flood is to be considered


3.20 Unit llydrograph :
A flood with a single peak if represented graphically with time interval in hours or days
on X axis and magnitude of flow in Cusccs on Y axis gives the Hydrograph of the flood
considered. If this Hydrograph is caused due to unit Rainfall (one inch rainfall spread
over the area) then the Hydrograph obtamcd rs called as a Unit H} drograph. The
Ordinates of the Unit Hydrograpb arc then suitably muluplicd by the rainfall ordinates
which arc obtained by arranging the one day Maximum or Probable Maximum or
Standard Project Storm in critical sequential order spread over the day This method is
applicable wherever the short interval gauged data dunng the flood period is available.
In all such cases \V.R.D.O. may be consulted

3.30 Maximum Historical Flood : (Area Velocity Method)

For this purpose the highest flood level reached in the river in the past is
ascertained from local inquiry or from flood marks. Then the flood magnitude
corresponding to this level is estimated by slope area method For this purpose if
the flood marks are available continuously over a long reach of the river the water
surface slope is found out from the marks and used, if not the bed slope is used.
The cross-sectional area existing as at present corresponding to the flood marks is
assessed from surveys The discharge is then computed by Manning's formula
considering appropriate value of 'n'.


SI.No. YE>.R K.R.Pet R.G.S. Melkote R.G.S. l<lllksr1 R.GJ.. Total Wld.R.F. Remarks
C.A.'""9.311 :sa.Mls. CA-aQ.25 �.Mis. C.A."12.29 �.Mis. Wld In
ft.F In Wld.R.F R.F In Wld.R.F R.F lo Wld.R.F R.F In Oesc.Ord
Inches Inches Inches Inches Inches Inches lnchM

8 49
11 .9-4
1 13
1 eo
Col(4l=49.39/91 93 X Coll�

3 1975 33.72 18 12 19 38 838 29.90 "00 2849 3418 Collffi:30.25191 93 X Col!Sl

4 1978 18.42 900 11.56 380 836 112 1482 31 14
5 1977 'Sl.47 17 45 25.19 629 28.95 3 87 2961 3044 Col.@= 12.29Jg1 .93 x eo1m .
6 1978 27.70 1488 31 21 10 27 18.-45 2 47 27.62 30.05
7 1979 Il.76 14 91 "8.03 15 80 29 51 3 94 �66 29 61 Cla
. no Calct,ment as STRANG E's
6 1980 35.06 18 84 3539 11 64 21 as 3 70 34 16 2960 AVG. The Yield is WO/ked out as follows
9 1981 3116 16.74 29.14 p 59 2323 311 29 43 29 45
10 1982 23.50 12 62 2509 626 12.76 1 71 22.59 29 43 tor 28.R.F - Vie:c! Is 11 709 Mcft.
11 1983 21.85 11 7-4 21 94 7 22 22.50 3 01 21 96 28.49 tor 29"R F - Yield is 12 683Mcft.
12 1964 2824 15 71 20.75 683 21 82 289 25 43 27.68 tor 28 085"R F •• Yield is 1 1. rn Md\.
13 1965 18.24 980 22.34 735 20 71 2n 19.92 2762
14 1986 34.92 18.76 2507 825 1937 2 59 2960 2685
15 1987 31.52 1693 17 70 583 36.81 4 92 2768 2543
16 1988 3114 16.73 31 rt 10 45 28.56 395 31 14 25.25
17 1989 I709 14.55 3406 11 21 27 57 369 29 45 2259
16 1ll00 17 09 918 17 56 5 78 14 91 1 99 1695 21 96
19 1991 40 48 21 75 44 50 1.1 64 4042 5 40 41 80 19 96
20 1992 21 87 11 75 31 40 1033 3569 4 rr 2685 19 92
21 1993 2300 1236 2991 964 22.85 3 05 25 25 1895
22 1994 2833 15 78 34.00 11 19 26 17 3 50 3044 15o8
23 1995 30 91 1860 3087 10 18 2«: 61 3 29 3005 14 82



Year Jan Feb Mar Aor May JI.In Jul Auo Seo Oct NoY Dec Annual Monsoon Monsoon
Ar,r-Nc,., Ao<-NO'>'
1973 Cl 0 0 17 28 0 25 54 0 91 0 7 223 2'tt3 65
19714 0 0 12 2 68 2 6 17 186 16 5 0 315 303 11 9
1975 0 6 IT 37 71 73 1.W 26 191 145 68 0 793 760 29.9
1978 0 [ 0 0 0 0 11 0 56 76 70 0 213 213 8.4
19n 0 0 15 40 109 16 38 1• 182 233 10'4 0 7f:£J 735 289
1976 0 0 0 0 203 714 6 47 67 37 3,4 29 4f{7 400 ,e 4
1979 0 0 0 70 68 106 eo 619 195 64 00 0 7f:£J zso 29.5
1960 0 0 0 92 11; 74 69 25 99 175 -'9 0 702 702 27 6
1981 o 0 rt 20 142 114 60 80 186 72 14 10 677 590 232
1982 0 n 0 4 ee 40 22 32 52 52 30 0 324 324 12 6
1983 0 0 0 0 96 116 61 63 105 48 €-0 94 666 571 22 5
19814 0 0 0 0 66 16 98 0 204 145 0 0 549 549 21 6
1985 0 0 0 12S 70 36 10 6 166 614 0 0 526 526 20 7
1986 10l 0 0 22 6 74 42 66 120 38 124 0 502 492 19 4
1987 0 0 0 36 70 96 16 33 195 352 135 37 972 935 386
1986 0 0 53 106 67 0 275 93 166 19 4 0 803 751 296
198e 0 0 0 16 :i2 40 210 33 175 154 20 0 700 700 27 6
1990 3 0 0 10 119 16 34 46 26 00 26 0 382 379 14 9
1991 0 0 0 110 116 165 139 31 143 298 23 0 1027 10Il 40 4
1992 0 0 0 20 96 179 174 125 109 116 65 0 906 906 357
1993 0 0 0 9 140 53 �9 2 50 289 20 0 560 560 229
19914 0 0 0 76 194 52 48 0 13 276 5 0 665 665 26 2
1005 0 0 0 25 143 0 se 164 44 130 30 0 625 625 24 6



All ti MM.
Year Jan Feb Mai Aa,
"-" J1.n Jul "1111 Sao Oct Nol Dec: Annual Moosoon Monsoon
Arv� Ar,,.Nc,y
1973 0 0 0 Ti 86 93 82 59 47 5.t 00 10 5279 518 20.39
1974 0 0 0 1� 68 4 75 23 154 S7 3 0 4187 418 7 �48
1975 n 0 0 «I 165 70 164 62 158 165 29 0 8566 8566 33n
1976 0 0 0 53 82 12 17 61 65 Q6 81 0 4879 487 9 18.-42
1977 0 0 0 134 138 86 47 31 90 290 30 0 824 8 824 a 32.47
1978 0 0 0 eg 182 -40 67 61 1DDI 137 � 5,4 757� 703.5 27.70
1980 0
(] 4
140 ,,,
81 130
1981 0 0 110 28 223 51 36 87 135 142 11 4 9057 791 5 3116
1982 0 0 0 25 114 &3 51 50 99 137 � 0 5968 596.8 23.50
21 es
277 - 218
1983 0 0 0 0 178 121 � 71. 64 � 26 30 584 9 554 9
198,4 0 84 13' 27 47 46 90 9 28 1 961 8 742.6 2924
1985 0 0 0 25 110 31 2 � 199 J.: 36 4 4668 4632 18 24
1986 .48 13 18 00 100 98 6" 91 177 114 147 ,1 1176 3 687 3492
1987 0 0 11 48 20 145 21 26 1611 17.0: 177 58 8701 8005 31.52
1988 0 0 52 42 103 15 244 170 192 22 2 1 W1 7009 3114
196(1 0 0 2 63 83 32 166 10 107 219 8 0 690 1 8881 2700
1ll90 0 0 0 0 170 20 16 48 45 107 28 4 081 434 1 17.00
1991 0 0 0 200 87 ,n 77 33 145 252 63 0 10283 10283 4048
1992 0 0 0 33 79 87 90 45 105 58 58 0 S(x)S 5555 21 87
1993 0 0 0 24 161 76 84 23 35 162 19 ,a 6022 5842 2300
1 lil94 1 0 9 68 125 Si eo '8 211 292 97 0 75.t 9 7449 29.33
1995 0 0 0 92 82 0 119 18o SS -15'1 e1 0 785 785 3091



Year Jan Feb Mat A,y Mav Jun Jut Auo s i!IO Oct Ne,; Dec Annual Monsoon Moii900n
ADI-No, Ar,,-Nc,.
1973 0 0 0 25 118 • 62 60 105 120 84 33 15 rn 607 23 9'1
1974 0 0 0 54 127 12 9'1 0 80 60 0 0 403 403 1588
1975 0 0 0 0 0 40 87 118 179 5oC 34 0 492 .e92 19.38
1976 0 0 0 . 0 5 30 70 87 28 1.. 0 294 294 11 56
1977 0 0 6 63 61 38 59 rt 260 76 0 640 &40 25.19
1978 0 0 0 46 � 33 87 76 83 201 36 79 ti72 793 31.21
1979 0 0 0 eo !18 201 92 91 273 25<1 152 0 1220 1220 48.03
1980 0 0 0 158 227 114 54 30 136 105 74 0 899 699 35.39
1981 0 0 61 26 2� 38 17 120 120 168 24 ,1 832 740 29.14
1982 c 0 0 0 169 00 55 47 145 8,4 38 0 837 637 25.00
1983 0 0 0 0 87 122 52 98 79 36 8,4 88 845 557 21 94
1984 0 38 1 ..2 32 72 17 19 10 236 140 0 0 707 5Tl 2075
1965 0 0 0 60 113 36 12 19 179 63 46 0 567 - 567 22.34
1986 � 0 45 0 00 87 64 36 196 28 158 0 752 637 2507
1987 0 0 'Z1 0 18 116 27 0 173 61 57 32 509 450 17 70
1986 0 0 38 19 215 15 178 153 156 56 14 0 845 807 31 n
1969 0 0 0 68 131 37 215 77 159 146 33 0 865 665 34.06
1990 0 0 0 33 113 -2.. 57 '46 124 4o 9 455 446 17.56
1991 0 0 0 163 175 168 81 18 211 264 30 0 1130 1130 44.50
0 0 0
155 96
178 62 .. 802 798
31 40
0 0 16 295 28 33 79'2 29.&1
1994 56 0 6 50 140 33 75 12 104 -408 41 0 926 864 3400
1995 0 0 0 '43 28 16 168 68 90 213 118 0 784 78-l 3087
1996 0 0 00 94 112 49 158 453 248 0 112 0 1313 1223 4816
1997 0 0 67 43 57 100 T3 93 267 275 212 24 1212 -1121 44 15



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3 1U � (14 0.012 0.3CMI 0.028 (lOOOOOII o..30 030 0.008 0 021 0. OOll22ll
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47 o.o:ze o.n,z
' ,sz., a.so
IOI.I 0.7 O.Ol!IS 400071 I Cl.SO O Cl21 0.53:U 0.044 0 tml2$ 030 430 0.014 0.355f 0.032 O.orxtUt
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0.060 0.10
1.5 1.5 Q.080 2 ?llflll 0.208 O.iitWIIS 1.10 1.10 0.081 t.1011 Cl.'I se o. a,1 IQI O.i'II (110 0045 1.1430 0 104 4001131
7 in.1 2.1 2. I 0.147 S7331 0.34 I (llm7'JI 1.!CI 150 0.110 2.7»40 0.255 O.OOVIIII I a, I.CO 0.073 I.1542 0.; 70 0.(1()11156
•• a,
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z.eo Z.«>
0.168 umz 0.311() o.�
0.2:)8 s.•11 0.548 (l006Ql7
140 I 40 0.112 Z.1441 Q.260 0.002!W.1
3.511111 a.:,ee o.�
10 254.0
m., u "
Cl.315 aa,10 0 732

o.sn ,,saa ,m
4.3 0.430 1111/IZ2D OM
uo SSO
w G.322 &/71111 0.748 (lCIOlll/19
0.429 1469$1 0.9!18 40/Q!ISSI
1.10 1.10 0.157
2.10 Z.10 0.215
2JJ() 2JJ() 0.2111
5.4610 0 489 0.(X)5451
7.2Mf O 111114 D.JIIJ72111J
12 304.I u a.z 0.74' 11.1197f 0.01.-i, 400 480 0.551 14.1132 1.298 4014110 110 SIO Q.372 , ...,., Q.814 O.(J(»f,17
13 mz 7.2 1.2
o.a:ie 23.
O.c:!3111f 5.40 5. 40 0.702 11.831)1 1 QI 0.011'1121 S80 1Q) 0.468 II.� 1.os7 0.011"'
14 .SSS.I 1.3 &3 1 1112 19 5141 40Z!l510' a.20 420 0.871 ZZ. 1234 2.Cl24 ctC1221a 4. 10 4.10 o.581 14.1574 1.3411 0.0141411
I Otil 21J.KII 2.457 o.�


1Q.5 '' 1 410 36.114<1 3.2711
111& 1.880 4f120 3J03
O.CWIIII 700 7""
0.042614 780 780
0 05DOll7 I 70 a 10
1.2e0 ltQ)4() UZ7 4o.l2tW
,(i'I) 410 0706
5.20 5.20 0.&40
/1;()10 1.838 0.0IJQ
Zl.33t!O 1.95l 40!11!31
"' 1 ffl 31.$6&1 3.'35 oarMT
17 QI.I 11 I 1.972 60.0III 4 581 580 S.80 o.eee 25 2.290 402:Smf
18 457.2 12.8 12., 2..3CM 51.5211 e 3S3 ctOSBSa tao 180 1.1211 4.1ag,z 4 01• (l043IJ67 1.4<1 e,4<1 I 152 2!1.ililll 2.878 0.0292SI
,u « IIC1 4;o 1.320
" ao
Cl lU
2.4'1 tn ISlll4 e 135
l!.0 1100 ,uoa, 8.l70
141 3.381 IJ5.l774 7.&55
ao,1011 10 40 104<1
0.01&2!/1 11.25 11.25
40115&14 12.00 ,z.oo
1.980 50 2lt!O 4 801 (lOSIXlllS
2.250 57. 11/XJ 5.227 0 ClSTISO
2.635 fl :,ego 51181 0.064410
150 7.50 1.500
400 1.00 1.eoo
33.$290 3.061 O.ClSSS33
341000 3."85 (lOllll/CXJ
42.112f!O 3.927 O,CU2S1311
22 5.5«1
23 5442
17.3 3.80I 1111. 1124 �
40i16175 12.IO IZ.flO
4 IOr.iOO 1390 1180
2.8S4 1241111 8 431 4072501
3.174 80.SI# 7374 o�
I.QI ,eo 1 9CXl
9.20 ,20 2.11&
41,3362 , <&21 4-,
517464 4918 (l(IQ75/J
2• Gil 19.S flj , eeo 11a.1no 10.173 a 11M1JO "eo 14 «I 1510 119 1540 f'i� OOlll/53 9 10 f 10 2.340 511 � 5 4311 0.0.SIU.15
25 mo 208 201 1150 1301100 11 954 4 IIIOflO 15 40 15.4(1 3.882 # OilUI I 173 0 O!lllOII lo.30 ICI.JO 2.575 6S 40,50 5.9112 (l�
28 &!0.4 218 211 5068 143..#72 13 188 0.1"910 18.30 l&.3(1 4.25110191SI t.878 010l'9IIO l(l;o 10 IIC1 2.834 11 Slll:J6 6 514 O.OTlf/81
27 6851 22.1 2U 8.183157.D482 14 � 0. 15Jrll50 17 10 1710 •ti311117791 I0113 O.llmlO 11 40 II 40 3 Oii i 11 S II 4 7 1112 0.tn8S25
29 111.2 140 24.0 a 1201106&90 11812 o.1'1Cti$JO ,too 16 00 S 000 128 0160 II 700 0 128020 12.a, 12.00 3.360 as.3UO 1 eoe 4(8$)11
29 7.lll.11 25 I as., 1 ffl 1114 881i11 18 911 0 1'4690 18 88 ,a /J/1 s.4511 ,. 6S86 12.eaJ o 131/Jro ,2 50 12 50 J 1139 !l'2 4JOII a � o OfJ24,U
30 i'UO 211.3 :,SJ I tJll(J 200 4(16() 1 l 330 (J.21)0410 19 l'O 1910 59171502'1113747 0150300 13 10 13 10 3.J45 10().21:llO I l&S (l /(l(l20()

I 2 3 4 s 6 1 8 10 '
B.S 11.S. BS II.$. B,S M.S. BS 11.S. B.S MS B.S MS as 1,1$. as Al.$.BS M.S. 8.S M.S. ,
31 m»
27.4 Z7.4 11.494 2151416 18.733 0.2157SJ 20.50 2D.60 6370161.7980147990161800 13.10 13.10 4.247 1078738 9866 l110187!I
32 IIU 28.5 28.5 8,120 Z:31.6480 21.188 0.231660 2133 Zl.33 6-&40 113.7360 15.891 0.173740 14.20 14.20 4 S60 115.�4010.504 0.115830
33 1311.2 29.8 29.I 9.7'68 24&1072 22.093 11.248110 22..20 22.20 1.3261/160804 17.019 0.186080 14.IIO 14.IIO 4.8&1 12,053611� 0.12'fOISO
34 .,., 30.8
35 a.o n.1
no no
3111 10.472 li65.Mll 24.329
11.1116 2111591 25939
O.as6000 a1 a1
nat:19) a, ZJ.9
D.30118 241 2'.1
7.854 199492 1s.2ce 0.19949 1s.c
&373 21u14 19_454 0.21270 1s.e
8910 ZIIS.314 20.7W 0.221532 16.6
ts.« 5.2:le 132.1194 12.184 o.1.12S111
,s., 5.582 "'·783 12.908 o.141n
16.5 6.940 150.816 13.800 0. 150IIII
38 .,._, 11.880 301.752 271#)
SI DI.I $4.I "'- I 12.617 $2!J.412 211.3)2 O..:iio48 25.5 2S.6 8.462 240.335 21.964 o.2'«16 17.0 11.0 8.308 160.2ZJ 14,668 0. ll/024
38 8ISIS.2 .ss,., 35.., 13.4,c 340.718 s1.193 Q3'Q72 26.4 �., 10.oeo 255.sz, 23.372 025554 11.& 11., 11.101 110.356 15.5111 o.r1tl35
•....4 311.4 14.196 3611578 32.SIIIO ll3l505P :tl.., V..,' i0.647 270.434 24.735 0.27044 18.2 11.2 7.098 III0.289 16.480 0.1"121
40 101/10 .,.,.$ srs 15.000 .,,1.000 34.&48 1138101 28.1 al.I 11.250 285.750 26.138 � 111.7 18.7 7.500 190.500 17.424 1119060
41 1041.4 •• 31ll 16.828 401.'80 36.767 0.40199 24.I 28.I 11.869 301.473 27.57S D.30149 19.3 19.3 7.913 200.990 18.383 0.21XJ99
42 I061.I "11.I #.I 1&.718 42(586 38.835 0.42460 29.I 29.8 12.537 318.440 29 126 D.31845 19.9 19.9 8.358 212.293 19.417 0.21229
43 IOIIIU «ll 40.f 17.5117 "6.710 40.858 11"672 30.I 30.6 13.190 335.� 30 643 0.33504 20.4 20.4 11.793 2Zi342 20.429 0.22336
44 1111.I '2.0 '2.0 18.480 WJ.:192 42.933 0.46941 315 31.5 13.860 352.044 32.19!i 0352QS 21.0 21.0 9.240 234,6116 21.488 0,23470
41 19.386 4a2.5:l'l 45.058

45 114<, 41 0.4$1265 :JU 32.3 14.548 369.468 33.773 1136948 21.5 21.5 8.697 246.304 22.529 0.24632
517./501 ,1.342 o.51162 3:12 3:12
541.985 48-572 0.5'2()0 $4-0 34.0
5611.821151,864 0.566W 34-1 34.8
15.283 388.188 35.506 0.38821 22.1
111.003 406.411l 37.179 1140550 22.7
16.740 425.196 38.890 0.425.21 Zl.2
22.1 10.189 ,258.801 23.671 025881
22.7 10.669 210,1193 24.788 0.27100
23.2 11.160 2B3.'6125J10 Q.283,17
49 12".I '1.I 41.I 23.324 49:t� 54.186 o.Sl2� 36.7 3$.7 17.'93 444.322 40.639 0.444$3 23,8 23.I 11.662 296.215 27.IJ83 029622
50 1210.0 441
51 12116.4 .,., ..,
441 24.olOO
2IS 520
111.160 58.685 0.61i18 315.8 311.6
648.406 61l.1z:, 1164643 .,.,., sr»
173.606 81.611 11� 38.2 38.2
18-300 464-1120 42.51, 0.46483 24.4
1a.086 41K71U 44.3'2 11484112 24.9
19.890 �a:16 48.206 0.50522 25.S
2'.4 12.200 309.880 28.343 111lOS18S>
24.9 12.n, m1• 29.511 0.3?3?1
25.5 13.280 31J6.IIOI 30.805 0.33681
52 1.120., 61.0 61.0
53 13'U 6ZI 62.1 21.11:s 701.370 84.151 1170140 39.o 39.o 20.108 520.009 "8.11s o.� :ze.o 26.o t3.aoe 350.612 32.a7S O..!S01511
54 1371.I SU SU a.782 m.otl3 66.tfill 117311» 39.9 39.9 21.585 548.21U 50 149 1154131 26.6 26.6 14.391 365.531 33.433 0.36554
55 1"97.D 54.4 6(4 29.820 751.9681119.Slt! 0.1l5000 40.8 40.! 22.440 569.911l 52.132 0.56999 27.2 27.2 14.960 37'.Slfl4 34.155 1138000
51 1'22.4 SIU 55.5 31.0IIO 7119.432 72.206 QTIJ946 41.8 416 23..510 682.074 54.153 0.59209 7:1.1 21.7 15.540 394.716 38.102 1139472

57 1447.I 5U 6&1 32.2112 119.455 1,.9151 0.11949 '2.' a., 2'-186 614.578 56.213 0.61'61 28.3 26.3 16.131 40tJ 127 37.47$ 0."11J14

SB 147!2 57.I
151.509 n.as:i o.86154 43., 43.4
882.676 II0.734 0."212 4',I 4'.1
,1,,400 83.635 0.91443 45..o 45.o
25.1"3 638.632 58.412 o.6386S 28.9
28.()63 662.000 60.550
21.000 685./JOO 62.726
28.9 111.762 425.755 38.1141 11'2!571J
0.6&!0/J '29.4 29.4 17.375 441325 40.387 (J,44131
o.68582 30.o 30.o 18.000 '57.200 41.e11 1145721
IIO 1524..0 IIO.O liO.O

I'«*: For Urvta

Brl11sh System Me1Jlc System
No. 011,� (8. S.) (M. S.)

1. Tola! Mor*1C1> ReWal In MUllmelrO

2. Oeplll ol n.nall cl>e 10 ral"!aJI Milimelre
3. Y1eld of NnOll lrom c:a1chmal'II Sq Kmsln
perSq.Area M11Woncmtr

I. Water Requirement of Crops:

The quantum of water required for raising a crop in its base period during a
cropping season is called crop water requirement

2. Base Period of Crops:

(a) Semidry crops - 110 to 120 days.

(b) Wet crops - 140 to 150 days.

3 Estimation of \Vater Requirement of Crops:

(A) Duty Method:

The following 'duty' shall be adopted (For small tanks}

SI. 1\-tonsoon Type or Duty

No. Rainfall Cron KharilT Rabi
1 Upto 30" Wet 6 Acres per Mcft 3 Acres per Mcfl
(72 acres per cu sec) (36 acres per cusec)

Semidry 20 Acres per Mcft 12 Acres per Mcft •

(208 acres oer cu sec) < 120 acres oer cusec)
2 30" 1µ1d above Wet To be estimated by 3 Acres per Mcft.
consumptive use
Semidrv Should not be orooosed 12 Acres oer Mcft

(B) Consumptive use method. (For major tanks)

(i) "Modified Penman Method' is adopted for estimation of crop water

requirement on a fortnightly basis during the crop period.

The total water requirement is estimated considering the following·

(a) Land Preparation:

(I) For wet crops (paddy), the requirement of water for

puddling is considered as 200 to 250mm

(2) For semidry crops, the water requirement for land

preparation is considered as I OOmm.

(b) Consumptive Use:

(1) The monthly potential evapotranspiration (PE) for each
crop is taken from Annexure - 1.

(2) The crop Co-efficient (KC) is taken from Annexure • II.

(3) The consumptive use Cu is PE x KC.

(c) Percolation Losses:

Percolation losses at 3 to 5 min per day is added for paddy fields

during crop-grown period

The total water requirement is the sum of(a), (b) and (c) above.

ii) Effective Rainfall Contribution:

The monthly effective rainfall contribution is to be considered as
(a) Monsoon season 50"/o of 50% dependable monthly
(b) Non Monsoon season 65% of 50% dependable monthly

iii) Net Irrigation Requirement (NIR)

The Net Irrigation Requirement is arrived by deducting the

monthly effective rainfall contribution from monthly water

iv) Gross Irrigation Requirement: (GIR)
The Gross Irrigation Requirement is arrived with a field efficiency
of 60o/o.

GIR = NTR X 100

v) Unit crop water requirement are to be tabulated as per
Annexure - Ill

vi) After working out the unit crop water requirement for all the
crops under different cropping seasons considered for the
project, the total water requirement of all the crops are
tabulated as per Anncxure - TV.

4. Capacity of Tank:

a) Criteria for Fixing the Capacity of Tank

The gross , ield of water available at the tank site is assessed The balance
yield at site is arrived by deducting the total requirement of water for the
upstream and downstream committed projects from the gross yield The
net yield is then arrived after accounting for the dead storage and
evaporation losses of the tank from the balance yield Depending on the
net yield available, the capacity of tank is to be fixed by adjusting the
extent and nature of atchkat under the tank or by adjusting the capacity of
tank required to the extent of atchkat available below the tank.

b) Computation of Capacity of Tank

The contours, preferably at one-meter interval, are to be drawn on the
block level plan of water spread area of tank. Besides, cill level, F.T.L.,
MWL and TBL contours are to be specifically drawn. The area of
successive contours is measured The capacity is worked out from the
following formula

C = 1/3 ( At + A2 + ..J At
Where C = Capacity in Mcft between successive contours
At. Area in acres of successive contours.
Contour interval in feet.

The values are tabulated in a '.CAfACJTY T ABLI} and the total capacity
is cumulative capacity of all successive contours

SI. RLof Area of Cumulative Remarks

No. Contour Contour Reference Capacity capacity in
in feet
.1n acres 1n Mcft
From To Contour between Indicate cill
RL RL interval contours level FTL,
in feet h in Mcft MWL.etc.
I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

c) Evaporation Losses :
Evaporation Losses are generally considered at IO percent of gross storage
for small tanks.

The following figures may be considered for assessing the evaporation

losses in respect of major tanks.

SI. Month Evaporation in

No. loch es
I June 7"
2. Julv 6"
3 August 6"
4. September 6"
5. October S"
6. November 4"
7. December 4"
8. January 4"
9. Febru 4"
10. March 7"
II April 9"
12. Mav 10"

d) Fixing Filling of Tank

i) Empirical Method

Depending on the extent of rainfall in the area, the capacity of

smaJl tanks is fixed as noted below;

Annual Rainfall No.of fillinR._

Less than 25 • 1.00
25' to 35" I 50
More than 35" 2.00


Live Capacity of Tank = Net Y.ield available
No.of fillings.

Gross Capacity of Tank= Live capacity + only one

requirement of dead storage and
evaporation losses irrespective of
No. of fillings.

From the capacity table, the FTL, which gives the required
capacity of tank, is to be selected

ii) Wate.r Balance Statement

For major tanks monthly water balance statement is to be worked

out commencing from the month where sowing starts upto
harvesting of crop. The monthly inflows, monthly demands from
tank and monthly evaporation losses are analyzed with optimum
storage as per Annexure - V. The live storage considered shall not
be less than 50 percent of annual utilisation.

The water balance statement method shall be adopted for fixing the
capacity of tanks having atchkat more than 50 hectares.



(i) Earthen Bu11d

I. Buod:

' Earthen Dams' generally termed as 'Bunds' in Minor irrigation Tank Projects, are
built across natural rivers I streams to impound water for beneficial use Bunds
are constructed using selected naturally available soils to required slopes and

Bunds are classified as follows:

a) Homogeneous Type:

Homogeneous section of bund is best suited where the available soils in
selected borrow areas have little variation in gradation and permeability.
The bund is constructed using uniform type of soils thraugh out its section
and has relatively flatter side slopes for stability

b) Zonal Type:

Zonal section of bund is best suited where the available soils in selected
borrow areas have varied soil characteristics with regard to density and
permeability. The bund section comprises of inner impervious zone called
'llearting' and encased with semi-pervious/pervious soils called 'Casing'.

2. Seating of Buod:

All natural vegetation with roots, organic materials, kankar, lime etc , in the seat
of bund shall be removed. The original ground surface shall be stripped to a
depth of about O JO mtr , for the entire base width of bund to provide a proper

seating �ith the natural ground. All loose soil and silty soils in the seating of
bund shall be completely removed.

3. Height of Bund:

The height ofbund is the vertical distance from the stripped level up to the top of
bund taking the centerline of bund as reference The maximum height of bund is
the height at the deepest portion of the valley or gorge portion

4. Cut-Off Trench:

Cut-Off trench is provided at the upstream toe of the hearting zone. This is a
trapezoidal trench excavated into the foundation of bund, filled and compacted
with impervious soils as used in hearting zone. The cut off trench shall be,

(a) Taken upto 1/2 full storage depth or 0.6 mtr, in hard impervious strata
whichever is met with earlier.
(b) Restricted to length below F.T.L. irrespective of hearting.
(c) Bottom width to be not less than 2.50 Mtrs.
(d) Side Slopes:
1/2 to I in stiff clay, gravel murrum.
3/4 10 I in silty or sandy soil
I to I in very loose sand
(e) Concrete/masonry key wall should be provided, if hard rock is met with.
The key wall should be properly encased with good hearting materials
with proper compaction.

5. Foundation Treatment:

The foundation of bund shall be tested for its permeability by carrying out insitu
permeability tests. The following criteria are to be adopted for classification of
(a) Impervious· Permeability less than I foot per year

(b) Semi-pervious: Permeability between I foot & 100 feet per year.

(c) Pervious : Permeability greater than I 00 feet per year.

Treatment of foundation is necessary to arrest the seepage flow through pervious

foundations. Types adopted are:

(a) Curtain grouting: This is done by injunction of cement and

bentonite (clay) mixtures, silicate and other chemicals. The
selection of grout and appropriate technology requires considerable
field exploration and testing.
(b) Upstream clay blanket: The clay blanket is provided below the
upstream casing zone in continuation with the hearting zone and
extended upstream side The purpose is to increase the path of
percolation and decrease the quantity of seepage resulting in
reduction of exit gradient. The length of blanket shall be not less
than I OH., where H is the full storage depth above blanket with a
minimum thickness of one meter

The type adopted shall be based on its effectiveness and economic


6. Criteria for Design of Bund:

The following criteria shall be satisfied for design of an earthen bund.

a) There should be no possibility of over topping of bund by

b) The phreatic line should be well within the downstream face.
c) The upstream and downstream slopes should be stable under worst
conditions The upstream slope should be safe under sudden draw
down conditions, and the downstream slope should be safe under
steady seepage conditions.
d) The shear stresses in foundation should be within the safe limits.
e) The dams and foundation should be safe against piping

7. Selection of Soils:

The soils for hearting shall be clayey, plastic and impervious The soils for casing
shall be gritty, have higher density, more angle of internal friction and semi-

Relative Homogeneous Zoned Dam Impervious

Suitability dams Blanket
Impervious Pervious
Core Casina.
Verv suitable GC GC SW.GW GC
Suitable CL. CI CL. CI GM CL Cl
Fairly suitable SP, SM, GH GM,GC, SM, SP, GP CH, SM, SC,
Poor - ML.Ml.MH - -
Nol suitable - OL,01,0H, - -
Note - Refer to IS 1498 I 1970 - Classification and identification of soils for general
engineering ourposes

8. Stability Analysis

The slopes of the embankment shall be stable under all loading condttions They
should also be flat enough so as not to impose excessive stresses on foundation

For small dams stability analysis may not be necessary provided a good
foundation is available and the designer with his experience can decide adequate
side slopes However, where weak foundation conditions viz, fissured clay,
expansive soils, shales, over consolidated highly plastic clays, soft clays
dispersive soils, etc., are met within the substratum in the dam-seat, extensive

37 •
investigations of the foundation soils, etc., and borrow area soil are required to be
carried out and the design of the embankment/ dam carried out in accordance with
IS ; 7894 - 1975.

The design of small embankment/dam sections maybe divided into the following
three categories based upon the height of the embankment in its deepest portion

a) Embankments where the height is below and upto 5 m;

b) Embankments where the height is more than 5m & up to I Om; and

c) Embankments where the height is above IO m.

For small dams under category (a) and (b) above, the stability analysis may not be
necessary. General guidelines of the sections and the recommended slopes are
given below. However, the designer with his experience and judgement may
decide the adequate side slopes where special technical or economic
considerations may have to be taken into account. Stability analysis may be
carried out in accordance with JS : 7894 - 1975. (Code of practice for stability
analysis of earth dams), in the following cases

I. If the height of bund is more than IO Mtrs.

2. If the soil strata below the bund seat consist of weak foundation
confirmed by soil test

9. Section ofbund:

(A) For bund Jess than 10 Mtn. height:

In places where good foundations and suitable soils with desirable

properties are available in borrow areas, as confirmed by test results, the
following section shall be adopted.

i) Top Width:

The top width ofbund shall be 2.50 Mtrs In case a road is running
on top of bund the width shall be suitable for vehicular traffic.

ii) Free board:

Free board is the vertical distance between maximum water level

(MWL) and the top level ofbund. {TBL). Free board is provided
10 protect the bund from over topping by severe wave action.

The Freeboard shall be as follows:


SI. Catchment Area Free Board

No. Sa.Miles Sa.Kms. Feet Meters
I. 25 and below 65 and below 4 1.20
2. 25 to 75 65 to 195 5 1.50
3 Above 75 Above 195 6 1.80

Note. For Major tanks free board requirement in embankment dam may
be done by as per guidelines of IS 10635 - 1993 considering
effective fetch.

iii) Side slopes of bund:

Unto 9 Mtrs. Helzht Above 9 Mtrs. hei1Zht

Upstream slope 2 to l 2 1/2 l } below 9 mtrs
Downstream slope 11/2.1 2 to I l heiaht
Top width 1.80 Mtrs. '
Top level 0.30 Mtrs. above MWL
Side slope 1/2 to 1 or I to l (depending on the availability of
heartina material and relative cosj of casinz material).

iv) Berm:

ln bunds more than 9 mtrs., height, berm of2.50 mtrs , width shall
be provided on the down stream slope to increase the stability of
slope, and to break the continuity of downstream slope and also to
reduce surface erosion. A stone gutter shall be provided at the
inner edge of the rear berm with slight slope to drain off rainwater
from the downstream slope.

B) For bunds more than JO mtrs., height:

The soils to be used for the buad and foundation soils shall be
tested for their characteristics and the section of bund is to be
determined by 'Slip Circle Analysis'

i) For casing, hearting and homogeneous materials test results

of disturbed samples from borrow areas at optimum
moisture content and saturation are necessary. For

foundation material, test results of undisturbed samples at
saturation are necessary.

ii) 75% dependable value of cp (angle of internal friction) and

corresponding value of C (cohesion) and dry density shall
be considered for the casing material ofbund for analysis.

iii) 7So/o dependable values of C and corresponding value of cp

and dry density shall be considered for hearting,
homogeneous and foundation materials of bund for

iv) For casing, hearting and homogeneous materials under

saturation, the values of C and cp for saturated condition are
considered for analysis.

The mim mum desired values of factor of safety and type of shear strength
recommended for various loading conditions (IS 7894 - 1975)

Types of Shear Minimum desired factor of

Condition of Analysis Strength Test to be safetv
adopted. Without With
Earthquake Earthquake
condition condition.
Upstream slope-sudden draw RS* 1.30 1.00
down condition

Downstream slope-steady RS* I.SO 1.00

seepage condition

R - test - is consolidated undrained test.

s• - test - is consolidated drained test.

Note: S* test may be adopted in cases where the material is cohesion less and free

For bunds resting on soft foundations, shear stress in foundation shall also be
calculated and slope flattened if necessary, to prevent over stress in the
foundation. Average overall factor of safety against horizontal shear shall be at
least 2.00and minimum factor of safety against foundation shear to be I.SO

10. Drainage Arrangements:

Drainage arrangements shall be provided in the bund to drain off the water
seeping through the bund without disturbing the soil particles. This drainage shall
be provided in the form of filters using graded materials like jelly and sand. The
filter materials shall conform to:

(1) D 15 of the filter 5 · to 40 provided that the filter does not

DI 5 of the base material contain more than 5 percent of materials
finer than 0.074 mm <No.200 sieve)
(2) Dl 5 of the filter 5 or less
D85 of the base material
(3) oss of the filter 2or more
Maximum size of nine drain
The grain size of the filter material should be roughly parallel to that of the
base material.

The drainage arrangements shall be provided as follows: -

a) Sloping filters for Zonal Type:

Sloping filters shall be provided on the rear slope of hearting upto I Mtr.,
below full tank level and shall consist of 30 cms., thick graded jelly
encased with layers of20 cms., thick coarse sand on either side.

b) Filter for Homogeneous Type:

In case of Homogeneous section vertical or sloping filters with the above

specifications shall be provided. The location shall be as under;

i) Conforming to the imaginary rear slope of hearting section.

ii) Vertical at imaginary down stream toe of the hearting


c) €ross Drains:

The cross drains shall be provided at 15 mtrs., intervals on the down

stream casing zone, with a slope of I in I 00 towards main valley and
connected to the toe drain at the downstream toe of bund. The cross drain
shall be provided in trapezoidal section of 60 ems., base width, 70 ems,
height and side slopes 1/2 : I. The inner core comprises of 30 cms., thick
20mm , and down size jelly encased alrouod with an outer layer of sand of
20 ems thick,

d) Toe Drain:

A Toe drain at the downstream toe of bund shall be provided connecting

the cross drains and sloping toward, the main valley. The toe drain shall
be provided in a trapezoidal section of 90cms., base width, 60 cms., deep
below stripped ground level and side slopes of 1/2 : 1 . The inner core
comprises of 40mm, and down size graded jelly and surrounded on three
sides by a layer of20cm, thick 20mm and down size graded jelly layer and
encased by a 20cm., thick sand layer. In case of high bund more than 10
mts height, pipe with open joints shall be provided inside the drain

e) Rock Toe:

Rock toe shall be provided over the toe drain to prevent saturation and
consequent sloughing of downstream toe of bund. The height of rock toe
shall be 1.50 mtrs., above the stripped ground level or 0.60 m above tail
water level whichever is greater. The downstream slope of rock toe shall
conform to the downstream slope ofbund.

11. Revetment:

Revetment shall be provided to protect the upstream slope of bund fromtie effect
of wave action. The revetment shall be provided as follows: -

a) The top of revetment is to be taken up to 0.30mtrs. below top level


b) The revetment shall consist of 30 ems., thick rough stones laid

over a tilter of 20 ems., thick graded jelly of 40mm, and down size
and 20 ems, thick coarse sand (all measurements to be
perpendicular to the upstream slope ofbund).

12) Turfing:

Turfing to the downstream slope of bund shall be provided to safe guard against
erosion effects of rain.



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(ii) Surplussing Arrangements:

1. Objective:
The surplussing arrangement is an integral part of any Minor Irrigation tank to
safely pass the surplus waters of the tank during flood season to the down stream
valley, without endangering the structures. It is generally termed as 'Waste Weir'
and 'Draft Channel'.

2. Location:

(a) Waste Weirs are located as follows:

i) l.n flanks, in-continuation of bund, in line or at an angle with the

centre line ofbund and where hard foundation is available and also
a natural valley is available on the down stream for locating the
draft channel to dispose off the flood water.

ii) In a saddle separated from the bund by a high ground.

iii) At the centre in the main valley portion, if hard rock foundation is
available and economically viable

(b) Waste weirs are classified depending on their location as flank weirs,
saddle weirs and central spillways

(c) The flank weirs shall be located in full cutting with reference to maximum
water level (M W.L.) of tank.

3. Types of Waste Weirs:

i) Flat Crested Weir:

The Oat crested weir shall have a certain top width. If the width of weir
crest is more than 3 times the depth of flow over the crest, the weir is
tenned as 'Broad Crested Weir'

ii) Ogee·Weir:

If the weir crest corresponds to a parabolic profile i.e., shape of the lower
nappe from a sharp crested weir, the weir is termed as ' Ogee Weir '.
These weirs ensure a relatively higher co-efficient of discharge under
similar conditions of head on crest. Crest profiles recommended in
1.S.6934 - 1973 will provide a satisfactory design.
iii) Clear Over Fall Weir:

In which the water passing over the crest is dropped on to a horizontal

apron immediately below the body wall.

iv) Sloping Apron Weirs:

In which the water over the crest is delivered on to a sloping apron.

v) Flush Escape:

These are suitable in locations where the ground surface at the waste weir
site is at F.T.L. and is sufficiently hard not to be eroded by the surplussing
water and a falling ground is available on the down stream for the draft

4. Length of Waste - weirs

The length of waste weir is calculated adopting the following formulae.

SI. Type of weir British units Metric units

I. Clear Over Fall
i) Top width 3' or Q=I0/3 LH Q=l.84 LH 312
less (0.90 M or
ii) Top width above Q= 9/3 LH 3t2 Q=l.656 Lf.£3'2
3' (above 0.9m)
2. Slonino Anron 0=8/3 LH'· I i=l.472
LH '' ....
3. Flush Escane Q=7/3 LH"2 I 1= I. 288
4. Oaee Weir 0=3.90 LH' .. Q=2.153 LH'"

Where Q - Discharge in cusecs/ cumecs

L = Length of weir in feet/ meters
H = Spillage in feet/ meters

5. Spillage and Free Board:

SI. Catchment Area S, illaze Free Board
No. Sn.Miles So.Kms. Feet Meters Feet Meiers
I. 25 and below 65 and.below 3 0.90 4 1.20
2 25 to 75 65 to 195 4 1.20 s t.50
3. Above 75 Above 195 s I.SO 6 1.80

6. Stability Analysis of Weir Section.

(i) Requirement for Stability:

The design shall satisfy the following requirements of Stability

a) The weir shall be safe against sliding on any plane or combination

of planes within the weir at the foundation or within the
b) The weir shall be safe against overturning at any plane within the
weir , at the base, or at any plane below the base , and
e) The safe unit stress in the concrete or masonry of the weir or in the
foundation material shall not be exceeded.

(ii) Forces considered in the Analysis or Stability:

The following forces may be considered as affecting the design·

(a) Dead load

(b) Reservoir and tail water loads
(c) Uplift pressure
(d) Earthquake forces
(e) Earth and silt pressure
(I) Wind pressure
(g) Wave pressure

The forces to be resisted by a gravity weir fall into two categories as given

I) Forces, such as weight of the weir and water pressure which

are directly calculable from the urut weights of the materials
and properties of fluid pressures; and
2) Forces, such as uplift, earthquake loads and silts pressure,
which can only be assumed on the basis of assumption of
varying degree of reliability

For considerations of stability the following assumptions are made

I) That the weir is composed of individual transverse vertical

elements each of which carries its load to the foundauon
without transfer of load from or to adjacent elements
2) That the vertical stress vanes Linearly from upstream face
to down stream face on any honzontal section
(iii) Load Combinations:

a) Criteria:

Gravity weir design should be based on the most adverse load

combination given below using the safety factor prescribed. The
following loading combinations may be considered in the analysis.

i) Load Combination A - Weir completed but no water in

reservoir and no tail water.
ii) Load Combination B - Normal operating condition:- Full
reservoir elevation, normal dry weather tail water, normal
uplift and silt (if applicable)
iii) Load Combination C - Flood discharge condition -
Reservoir at maximum flood pool elevation, all gates open
(for gated structure) tail water at flood elevation, normal
uplift and silt (if applicable).
iv) Load Combination D - combination (i) with earthquake.
v) Load Combination E - combination (ii) with earthquake.
vi) Load Combination F - combination C with extreme uplift.
vii) Load Combination G - combination E but with extreme
viii) When the water is passing over the weir crest and the weir
is discharging with a free over fall case.

Note: Load combination B, C and E are applicable when drainage

gallery is provided in the weir section.

b) Uplift pressure:

Criteria for Design:

1) The uplift pressure shall be taken as varying linearly from the

appropriate reservoir water pressure at the upstream face to the
appropriate tail water pressure at the down stream face. The
uplift is assumed to act over 100 percent of the base area.

2) No reduction in uplift is assumed at the downstream toe of the

spillways on account of the reduced water surface elevation
(relative to normal tail water elevation) that may be expected
immediately down stream of the structure.

3) It is assumed that uplift pressures are not affected by


(iv) The Factor of safety against sliding may be calculated on the basis of
partial factor of safety in respect of friction (Ftj,) and partial factor of
safety in respect of cohesion (Fe) as given below.

Partial factor of safety against sliding.

(IS 6512 - l984)

SI Load For weir and
No Combination Ftj, the contact For foundation
plane with Thoroughly Others
foundation investiaated
I A,B,C. I 5 )6 4.0 4.5
ii) D,E I2 2.4 27 30
iii) F, G 1.0 1.2 1.35 I 5

(v) Tensile strength:

No tensile stress shall be permitted at the upstream face of the dam for
load combination B The Resultant force shall fall within the middle third
of the base width of weir Nominal tensile stress however may be
permitted in other load Combinations and their permissible values shall
not exceed the values given below

Values of permissible tensile stress in Concrete and masonry

Load Permissible tensile stress.

Combination Concrete Masonrv
c O 01 fc 0 005 fc
E 002 fc 0.01 fc
F 002 fc 0.01 fc
G 004 fc 0.02 fc

Where fc is the cube strength of concrete I mortar for masonry.

(vi) Transverse Contraction joints:

The spacing of transverse contraction joints shall be such as to suit the

methods of construction materials of the weir, the foundation conditions
and the convenience of the location of control gates of outlet, etc. A
spacing of 15 to 25 may be adopted for concrete weirs, larger spacing may
be adopted for masonry weirs The general requirement is that each joint
extends entirely through the structure

7. Approach Channel:

i) In case of flank and saddle weirs, the approach channels are necessary for
the floodwaters to flow from the water spread area of tank to the waste
ii) The velocity of flow in the approach channel shall be minimum to ensure
water to pass over the waste weir as uniformly as possible without eddies
and cross-waves
iii) The minimum depth of approach channel below weir crest level shall be
1/5 H where His the spillage.
iv) The alignment of the approach channel shall be a quadrant of a circle of
radius equal to length of waste weir with a straight reach of J 5m length
immediately behind the weir

8. Energy Dissipating Arrangements:

i) Energy dissipaters are necessary below waste weirs for dissipation of

excess energy of falling water and for adequate safety of the structure.
ii) For waste weirs of small heights, either horizontal solid apron or sloping
apron on the down stream will be adequate.
iii) For relatively high weirs, where high velocities are developed at the toe of
weirs stilling basin type is best suited for energy dissipation The design
of stilling basin is based on the principle of hydraulic jump
iv) The performance of stilling basin depends on the tail water conditions

9. Draft Channel or Tail Channel:

i) This is required to convey the floodwaters after surplussing over the waste
weir safely to the main stream. This is an open channel excavated along
the ground surface from the waste weir to the main stream.
ii) The maximum permissible velocities safe against erosion for different
tvoes o f strata at the s1id e and bed 0 f d raft c hanneI are:
Ordi t soil 2.5 to 3.0
Stiff Clav or 2111vel 4 .0 to 4.5
Hard veJJv soil 5.0 to 6.0
Soft rock .7.0 to 8.0
Hard Rock IO .0 to 12.0

iii) If higher velocities are developed in the draft channel due to steep fall
between the toe of waste weir and confluence with the main stream, then
the fall shall be negotiated through a series of vertical drops so as not to
cause bed scour or retrogression of levels between the drops.

iv) The width of draft channel may be conveniently flumed.
v) lf a super critical flow condition is obligatory, concrete chute with training
walls on both the sides is to be adopted.
vi) Water surface profile may be computed by standard step method. The
economical chute section shall be adopted for conveying maximum flood
discharge. Flow in the chute may be supercritical but in curves velocity
must be sub critical.

10. Irrigation Channel Crossing the Draft Channel:

The irrigation channel of the tank often has to cross the draft channel. In such a
case it is preferable that the;

i) Irrigation channel is aligned at right angles to the central line of draft

channel at the point of crossing.
ii) Irrigation channel is taken in an aqueduct across the draft channel with
minimum obstruction. In case, if level do not permit aqueduct crossing,
• the possibility of providing canal syphon may be examined .
iii) Adequate clearance is to be ensured below the aqueduct.

11. Bank Connection:

a) Requirement:

i) This is required to secure a good joint between the weir body wall and
earthen bund.
ii) This is necessary to have sufficient length of contact to minimize seepage.
iii) Bank connections shall be safe against piping action of water due to
upstream head of water by ensuring su.fficient creep length.

b) Abutment and Wing Walls

Abutment and wing walls are required for bank protection. The wings may be
either straight or splayed in plan. The core wall on both sides of waste weir is
to be provided for sufficient length to increase the creep path. The splayed
wings gives better approach to the waste weir and longer length for path of
percolation. The abutment and wing walls are to be designed as retaining
walls with or without surcharge condition. For hydraulic structures coming in
contact with water, weep holes shall be avoided.

Oii). Irrigation S/11ice

1. Purpose:

Irrigation sluice is intended to draw water as and when required, from the storage
of the tank and deliver it to the channel below to use for irrigation.

2. Location:

Irrigation sluice/s are to be located in full cutting below the natural ground surface
at the envisaged cill level for the sluice. If irrigation is proposed on both the
flanks, a separate sluice shall be provided at each flank.

3. Type:

There are two types of sluices viz., •wALL" type and "WELL• type However
•w ALL" type is preferred The sluice is commonly a row of RCC pipes/barrel of
required ventway provided below the bund seat level from upstream to
downstream toe. A heed wall is provided at the upstream for enabling to install
the gates for regulation of water. A cistern is provided at the rear end of pipe I
barrel to reduce the velocity.

4. Size:

The ventway of sluice pipes I barrel shall be determined by

Q = C Av 2gh = 1.50 A

Where Q = Discharge of cumecs.

C = Coefficient of discharge (0.62)
A= Area of cross section of pipe/barrel in Sq.Mtrs
H = Minimum head (0.30 M)

The minimum diameter of pipe shall be 250mm and shall be designed for 20"/o
excess of actual required discharge and for a mimmum head of0.30 mtrs

S. Laying of Pipes:

NP1 class pipes shall be used for the sluices. The pipes shall be laid in excavated
trenches and properly jointed. A cement concrete cradle upto half pipe level shall
be provided throughout. The trench shall be properly refilled and covered all
round the pipe with non-shrinkable soils in layers and well compacted.

6. Gates:
Mild steel gates with gear type controlling arrangements and necessary rubber
seals on all the sides and operating vertically in embedded groove shall be
installed in front of the sluice pipes I barrel at the upstream head wall

7. Foot Bridge:
A footbridge with hand railings shall be provided from the top of bund upto head
wall of sluice to facilitate operation of gates The footbridge may be laid over on
masonry supports with firm foundation

8. Rear Cistern:

A cistern shall be provided slightly beyond the downstream toe at the rear end of
the sluice pipe/barrel to safely deliver the water to the irrigation channel


(iv) Irrigation Cliannel and Cross Drainage Works

The "Manual oo Norms for Canal, Distribution System and Cross

Drainage works - 1991" published by the Chief Engineer, Minor Irrigation,

Bangalore, may be followed on the aspects of Irrigation Channel and C. D works.



1. Benefit Cost Ratio:

This is worked out to establish the financial feasibility of a Project.

2. Benefit:
(a) Pre-irrigated condition :

The total agricultural produce income from existing rainfed crops and the
expenditure on agricultural inputs like seeds, manure and labour etc, from
the lands to be benefited and submerged by the project for "Pre irrigated"
or "Before irrigation" condition are evaluated and net income (Total
income minus expenditure) is calculated.

(b) Post Irrigated condition :

Similarly, the net income from the proposed crops in the lands benefited
by the project is evaluated for 'Post irrigated' or 'After irrigation' condition

(c) Net incremental benefit:

The net incremental benefit from the project is the difference of net
income of post and pre irrigated conditions.

3. Cost:

The Annual cost comprises of:

(a) The interest amount on capital cost of project at 5% and 10% rate of
interest per annum.
(b) Depreciation charges of civil works at lo/o per annum.

(c) Annual maintenance charges at the prevailing maintenance cost per

hectare for the total atchkat under the project.

4. Benefit Cost Ratio:

This is worked out for 5% and I 00/o rate of interest separately as under;

B.C. Ratio Net incremental benefit

Annual costs.

5. Financial feasibility:
The project is considered financially feasible as per approved standards if the BC
Ratio al I O"/o rate of interest satisfy the following

(a) Non-Arid Zone 2 00

(b) Arid Zone 1.50

(c) Drought affected areas I 00

6. Typical Calculation of Benefit Cost Ratio are enclosed vide Annexure VII .



(i) Typical Report accompa11ying the Project

{This format is only for guidance. Necessary alternations shall be made to suit the
site conditions)

1. In trod uction
On the representation of Local MLA I ryots
of the area this tank project is taken up for investigation. The proposed tank project is
across nala which is in sub series of -----
series of basin. The tank project is situated at Latitude and
longitude and is about kilometers from
----- village This village is connected to Taluk Headquarters _

The occupation of the people in this area is agriculture The Agriculture

occupation is quite often affected by the ill distribution and untimely rainfall in the area
By the construction of this tank Hectares of CCA belonging to
_______ village will be benefited

2. The Project Area:

2.1 Location:

21 I The Project areas lies in the Northern I Southern part of� Karnataka State in
District and is at Latitude and Longitude
This proposed project covers a part of the Taluk of
------ District. The proposed Dam site is about from the
village and is approachable from on
-------- road at Kms.

2.1 2 The catchment area of the Project is ----- Sq Kms and the project will
irrigate Ha of CC.

2.2 Climate:

The temperature ranges from a minimum of in December to a maximum

of in May


2.3 Topography and Soils:

2.3.1. The Topography of the Project area is mostly plain. The general slope of
the ground is towards the nala which flows from direction.
The command area is very gently to gently sloping plains accruing on both
sides of the nala. The soils in the command area requires application of
lean doses of organic manure and by providing adequate drainage, high
and sustained yields can be obtained when the soil is put under irrigation.

2.4 Agriculture:

At present majority of the area is rainfed. The yields obtained are generally not
satisfactory. The crop grown in the area under rainfed condition are

2.5 Irrigation:

After the advent of irrigation mm3 of water will be utilised to create a

potential of I-la.

3. Project:

3. I General:

The tank project is proposed across a nala near village which is a

tributary to the proposed
project consists of an earthen dam of m long including spillway.
The project includes a canal net work to irrigate Ha., of CCA
The maximum height of the Bund is above the lowest nala
bed level. The proposed earthen bund is of zonal section and consists of
an impervious core of slope 1/2: I with casing shoulder of slope 2: I
upstream and 1.5: I downstream.

About mm3 of earth will be laid in the Dam. The reservoir so

formed will have a live storage of mm3 and a dead storage of
,---- mm with an utilisation of
mm3 inclusive of lake

The command of the Project is served by canal system taken off from the
bund. The left Bank canal runs for a length of m and has a
discharging capacity of cusecs and irrigates ha,
whereas the right bank canal runs for a length of m and has a
discharging capacity of cusecs and irrigates Ha.

3.2 Catchment Area:

The nature of catchment area of the project site is and is

accordingly classified as "Strange Good /Average/Bad" The total
catchment area at the project site is Sq.Kms and out of which
Sq.Krns, is intercepted by the tank upstream and the
independent catchment area is Sq.Kms, and the same has been
considered for computation of yield.

3.3 Yield:

The stream has not been gauged In the absence of discharge data, the
yield has been estimated from empirical means. There are rain
gauge Stations influencing the catchment areas as per the Thissen Polygon
drawn. The rainfall records of these stations are available for a period of
____ years. The 50".t.. dependable rainfall works out to _

The monthl y distribution of yield is noted below·



3.4 Upstream and Downstream Commitment:

There are M.I.works on upstream and downstream of this

proposed tank. The yield considered for the proposed tank take into
account the surplus from the upstream tanks. Construction of this tank
will not affect the lower down M.lworks.
3.4 I Inter State aspects are to be examined

3.5 Risk Factor:

In the event of any mishap the risk involved is very less since the village is
at a higher level than the stream bed.

3.6 Design Flood:

The maximum flood discharge is computed by The

surplussing works has been designed accordingly to pass off the design
flood of cumecs. The flood water will be led into the parent
nala after dissipating the energy in the spillway channel.

3.7 Cropping Pattern:

The cropping pattern proposed for this project is noted below.

i) Semidry KharifT ......... Ha.

ii) Semidry Rabi . . . . . . . . Ha.

The water requirement of crops is also worked out and appended to the

3.8 Water Balance Studies:

Irrigation Demand
KharifT mm3
Rabi mm3
Total mm3
Total Inflow mm3
Evaporation Joss mm3
Water availability for irrigation mm3
Surplus mm3

Monthly water balance statement enclosed

3.9 Dani and Reservoir:

3.9.1 Geology:

Trial pits have been excavated along the Central line of the dam as
well as spillway and draft channel. The trail pit indicate soils to a
depth of m and soft rock/hard rol-1c below the soils.

3.9.2. Alignment of the Dam:

The Earth dam including spillway is aligned straight across the

---,--,-- stream and extends on either flanks. The maximum
height of the dam is m, above the lowest nala bed. The
total length of the dam including spillway is m


The top width of the dam is 2.5m and the Earth dam proposed is of
zonal section and consist of central impervious core with casing

The sluices are located on either flank at Ch ----


3.10 Design or Dani and Construction J.\fethods :

The earth dam proposed is of zonal section The upstream slope is 2 I and
the rear slope is 1.5 I and the core slope is 0.5 to I The key trench is
proposed to be taken up to impervious strata or h/2. The earth for the dam
construction will be obtained from the borrow area and only the tested
materials will be used for the construction of the embankment

3.10.t Revetment:

The upstream face of the dam is protected with revetment 30cms , thick
boulders and is laid on graded filter 20 ems , thick coarse aggregate and
20cms , thick sand The over all thickness is 0. 70 Meters

3.10.2 Rock Toe:

The height of the rock toe shall be I 50 Meters above the stopped ground
level or 0.60 Meters above tail water level whichever is higher.

3. I 0.3 Filter:

The inclined filter is O 7m thick and consists of two layers of each 20 ems
thick sand and one layer of 30 ems coarse aggregate. The sizes of the
filter material should satisfy the filter criteria

3.10.4 Drains:

The cross drains are at I Sm apart at the base.

3.10.5 Spillway:

A clear over fall type spillway m length is proposed to be located at

the right flank / left flank to pass off a maximum flood discharge _
cumecs The flood water will be led in to parent valley through spillway
channel to negotiate a fall of m. Necessary protective works are
provided to contain the velocity.


3.10.6 Sluice:

Wall type sluice is proposed to be located at Ch ..

3.10.7. Submersion Area:

The total area coming under submersion is Ha. Consisting of

--:---,-, Hectares Private land, Hectares Government land
out of which Forest land is Hectares.

Provision for acquiring land is made in the estimate. For Forest land
necessary action is initiated to get clearance of Forest Department,

4. Cost Estimate:

The project cost includes the cost of land acquisition, cost of Tools and Plant cost
of dam and spillway, cost of main channels, distribution system etc. The total
cost of the estimate with the above provisions works out to Rs. framed on
the schedule rate of
5. Benefit Cost Analysis

With the advent of Irrigation Ha., will benefited. It is proposed to

develop Ha., CCA with the advent of Irrigation. The Benefit Cost Ratio
at 100/o rate of interest works out to . The Benefit Cost analysis is

6. Budgetary Provisions:

This project is included in the budget for the year and carries a grant of
Rs. _

7. Conclusion

With the advent of irrigation the total Agriculture production will be to

extent of tonne. The project estimated to cost Rs. is therefore
recommended for sanction and implementation.


A Name of the Project

B State .. ----
c District
D Taluk
E Purpose .. Irrigation I Multi purpose
F Storage or diversion

I. Head works �ocation}

a) Have the alternative proposals been
studied and their merits and demerits Yes/ No.
discussed, after site inspection by
competent authority

b) ls the present scheme proposed to be

executed in stages? If so, are its various
stages of execution and development Yes/No
Discussed in the report

c) Ne the effecrs of the Scheme on the

existing U/s and 0/s projects are Yes/ No.

d) Are there any Interstate issues involved ?

lf so, have these issues been identified. Yes/ No.

I] Surveys:
I Have the detailed topographical surveys been
carried out for the following items and maps Yes/No.

a) Reservoir Capacity Contour surveys , Yes/No

Head works surveys ( block level plan of
bund, sluice, Surplussing arrangements, Yes/�o
b} Canals, branch canals and field channels Yes/No

c) Canal structures (C.D. Works) Yes/No.

• 62

III l''oundation investie,ation:

I) Have the detailed foundation investigations

like Trial pits, Trial bores eic., have been
carried out for followings? Yes/No

a) Bund I Dam Yes/No

b) Weste weir, approach and draft channel Yes/No.
c) Channels Yes/No

2) Whether in-situ permeability tests for

foundation of bund have been done Yes/No

3) Are there any special features affecting the

design? If so, any remedial measures Yes/No

IV Material survt'ys :

I} Have the surveys regarding availability and

laboratory tests for the following materials Yes/No.
been carried out ?

a) Soils for hearting , and casing zones of

earth dam Yes/No
b) Sand Yes/No
c) Rock and aggregate. (metal) Yes/ No

V Hydroloe,ical and l\feteorolo2ical


l. Have the hydrological and meteorological

investigations been carried out and discussed Yes/No.
for the followings? If so whether relevant
data appended

a) Rainfall data Yes/No.

b) Stream Gauging Yes/ No
c) Discharge Yes I No.
d) Sediment Yes/No.
e) Water quality Yes/No
I) Evaporation Yes/No.

Vl. Hydrology
1) Has this scheme been included in the water Yes/No.

2) ls the hydrology dealt with details, been

included in the Project Report? Yes/No

3) Is an Index map showing the location of

various hydrometric, rainfall gauge stations
and the data availability at those stations Yes I No.
been appended?

4) Have the hydrological studies been carried

out to establish the availability of water for
the storage and to determine design flood for Yes I No.
surplussing works?

5) Have the details of crop water requirement

and reservoir water balancing statements
been worked out and appended? Yes/No

VII Land Acquisitions :

1) Have the type and extent of land Proposed to

be acquired for the Submerged area, project Yes I No.
area, canal and distribution System etc.,
been worked out?
2) Is the basis for provision of land Yes/No.
acquisition indicated. ?
3) Has any acquisition of forest land is Yes/No
involved ? lf so, prior permission from
Forest Department, is obtained.

Vlfl Desie:n :

I) Has the location of head works and Yes/No.

appurtenant works been finalized ?.

2) Has the block level plan of the various Yes /No.

components like head works, surplussing
works, been discussed in the light of site
condition, geology and foundation
characteristics etc. ?

3) Has the design been prepared for the Yes/No
following components?
a) Earth dam/masonry or concrete dam, Yes/No
spillway, etc.
d) Energy dissipating arrangements, training Yes I No
wall etc,
e) Opening through dams, head regulators,
outlets, sluices etc.,
d) Canal and water distribution 5Ystem Yes/No
f) Canal structures (CD.Works) Yes/No

4) Have the assumptions made in the design of Yes/ No

above components of the project been
indicated and basis of assumption discussed?

5) Have any model studies been carried out for
the profile of the spillway, energy dissipating
arrangements, outlets/ regulators etc?

6) Has the alignment of canals and branch Yes/No

canals been discussed?

7) Is the canal and distribution system being Yes/ No

lined, ifso what is the minimum capacity of
the canal proposed to be lined?

8) Is the location of canal structures on the main Yes /No.

and branch canals fixed after detailed

IX lrrii:,ation and Command area

I) Has the project comes under the command
area of any Major or Medium Irrigation

2) Has the command area surveys done for Yes I No.

fixing the irrigated area and for locating
distribution system ?

3) Has the method of irrigation like

Yes I No. .
'Warabandi' or' On and Off' and 'Rotation
Method' etc., discussed ?.

4) Has any water measuring devices like V- Yes/No.
notch, Cippoletti weir, Standing Wave
flumes etc., been proposed. ?

X Estimate:

I) Is the detailed Estimate appended? Yes/ No.

2) Is the year to which the rates adopted in the Yes/ No.

estimate, indicated ?

3) Have the approved analysis of rates for Yes/No.

various items of work for the components of
the project been appended?

4) Whether the following certificates have been Yes/No.


a) Site selected by Junior Engineer,

Assistant Engineer
Asst.Exe Engineer, ------�--�--
Executive Engineer ------------
Superintending Engineer

___ .,.______ --
b) Surveyed by
c) Estimates prepared by
d) Quarry Certificates
e) Scrutiny Certificates

XI Construction proeramme and plannine.

I) Has the construction programme been Yes/No.


2) Has the year wise phasing of irrigation Yes/No.

development as result of the project been
discussed? ·

XII Financial

I) Has the work included in the budget and if Yes/No.

so, adequate funds are provided.
2) Is the Benefit Cost Ratio been worked out Yes/No.
3) Whether the project is recommended for Yes/No

66 •
a) Index map

b) Topo sheet extract showing the site,

catchment area, rain gauge stations,
command area, quarries etc ,

2 Revenue survey map showing the bund, draft

channel, submersion area, canai alignment,
atchkat etc.,

3 Block level plan and Us ofbund - Tnal pit

details along the bund

4 Cross sections of bund

5 Contour plan showing capacity contours,

location of waste weir , draft channel, sluices

6 Waste weir:

a) Block level plan of waste weir

b) Trial pit details
c) Longitudinal section
d) Cross section

7 Approach and draft channel :

a) Block level plan of approach and draft

channel till it reaches main valley showing
the location of irrigation channel crossing

b) Us and C/s at suitable intervals

c) Trial pit details at suitable intervals.

8 Sluices:

a) Longitudinal Section

b) Plan

9 Irrigation Canal :

a) Us showing ground level .formauon level,

FSD, location ofC D Works etc,

IO Detail drawing of major C D works ( Plan and

11 Graphs ( \rea and capacity curves)

12 Quarry map with lead for various materials with

required certificates

...... •



I. a) Location: ---------
District -- .. --------------
Taluk -------�--------
Village -----------------
b) Longitude -----------------
c) Latitude ---------
d) Reference to Topo sheet. ---�--�--�-
2 a) Basin ---------
b) Sub Basin ------------
c) Whether availability of water as per
allocation is ensured. ---------
d) Whether comes in the command area of
any major or medium irrigation project

3. a) Nature of catchment area • Good Average Bad

b) Independent catchment area ----- Sq.Km

c) Intercepted catchment area ----- Sq. Km
d) Total catchment area Sq Km

4 Rainfall:
Rain gauge station considered and period of
rainfall data available and appended.
b) Average Annual Rainfall ---------- mm
c) Monsoon rainfall -- .. -----mm
e) 50"/o dependable rainfall ... mm

5. Suitability of water for irrigation:

6. Yield:
a) From independent catchment -----Mcum
b) Surplus from tanks above ----------- Mcum
c) Total yield available -----Mcum
d) Downstream commitments -----Mcwn
e) Net yield --------· Mcu.m

Khariff (Ha) Rabi (Ha)
7. a) Cropping panem and extent .
Semidry-- Semidry
Wet --- Wet

Total Total

b) Suitability of land for irrigation
Acres /Mcft/
8. Duty/Crop water requirement as per modified
Penman method (Hect /Mcum)

9. Stora2e Details :-
---- .... ----Mcum
a) Total Storage
b) Dead Storage
c) Live Storage
d) No.of Fillings.
e) Evaporation losses
t) Net Utilisation
g), Gross Utilisation -------Mcu:m
h) Surplus
Cusecs I Cumecs
10 a) Maximum flood discharge
b) Method of assessment
11 Bund
a) Type of Bund : Zonal I Homogeneous
b) T.B.L
RL --
c) M.W.L.
d) F.T.L.
RL -----
e) Length -------M
t) Top width -·. . ----M
g) Maximum height
h) Upstream slope
i) Downstream slope
j) Berm details : Level
k) Hearting Top Width
Side Slope . - ---
I) Whether bund section fixed by slip circle
analysis. Yes/No.
m) Drainage arrangement Mto- M
n) Cutoff: Chainage from ---
Chainage from --- Mto- M
Depth ---M
Bottom width ------M
Side slopes
12 Spillway
a) Type . .....-----
b) Length ......---M
c) Spillage ·--·-·--M
d) Free hoard --------M
e) Type of energy dissipater -·------·
13 Draft channel
a) Length -----··- M
b) Widlh ------- M
c) Depth of flow ----J\1
d) Side slope
e) Bed slope --------
f) Total fall to be negotiated ----M
g) Nature of strata, velocity developed and
treatment proposed. ·------
14 Sluices
Right Flank Left Flank
_) Location Chai nage _
_____ .,.
b) Type
c) Area benetucd ------- Ha ---------- Ha
d) Duty ----- Ha/Cumecs- ------ lltl
e) Discharge -------·-- Curnecs ·-·-C'I
t) Cill level RL RL
g) Size of vent -----------
Right Bank Left B.u1k
15 Irrigation canals
a) Length
i) Lined ------Km ------- Km
ii)Unlined ----------- Km ------- Km
b) Section
i) Lined
ii)Unlined -·--- ---------
c) Area benefited (Village-wise) -----Ha. -------- Ha.
d) Duty -------- Ha/Cumecs ----Ha/C
e) Discharge -------- Cumecs --Cumecs
f) Bed slope

R.B.C. t..B.C.

g) C.D. Works. ----- Nos.

i) Inlets --------- Nos.
------- Nos. ----- Nos.
ii) Outlets ----- Nos.
iii) Aqueducts -------- Nos.
.........----·- Nos. ------ Nos.
iv) Super passages
-------- Nos. ------ Nos.
v) Cartracks
--·-·---·· Nos. ------ Nos.
vi) Others. ----- Nos.
--..---- Nos.

16 Land Acguisition : Total

Govt. L11nd Forts\ Land Private Land

a) Submergence -- ......------- ·-------- Ha.

i) Bund ----- ___ ............ ---·----- -----Ha
ii) Canal Works --· --·----- ------- - ·----- I-la.
iii) Draft Channel ------ ·------- •• -··-- I-la.
iv) Others -·- ··--------- --··---Ha
c) Acquisition
i) Extent Total -·-- --··------ ------ Ha.
ii) Cost Rs. ---- ---·-- ·--------
17 B�nch mark details :
a) Location
b) Value (Whether connected to G T.S. or ------
Arbitrary) ·-------
18 Cost of the project

Bund Rs.-------
Surplussing arrangements Rs.-·---- .. --
Irrigation canal including C.D Works. Rs.------
d) Land acquisition Rs.-----·-
Other items like approach road , shed etc., Rs.-----
Miscellaneous unforeseen (5%). Rs.-------

Total Rs.------
19 Year of S.R. Adopted -----------
20 Benefit Cost Ratio at 10% interest. ·------
21 Source of meeting the expenditure and extent
of grant provided. -----

' •
Station Jan. Feb Mar Aor Mav June Julv Auz. Seot Oct Nov. Dec.
Coastal Mvsore
Karwar 106 10 110 0 143 8 140 9 1283 913 83.3 870 94 9 100.0 104.7 103.4
Honnavar 121 4 120.0 145.5 141 l 134.1 976 917 94 I 96.1 105 6 116.6 118 4
Mangalore 139.7 140 0 168 8 161 5 131 8 95.2 89.7 92.1 98. I 104 6 11'.l 2 126.8
Mangalore 136 I 136.1 163.6 153.6 140.9 96.2 90.6 95.3 99.5 108 8 115.9 128 3
Interior M sore North
Bidar 121.6 138.0 183.7 191 7 216.7 172.6 135.1 127.8 115.8 126 8 113.9 109.0
Gulbaraa 124 8 144 0 190.6 2096 234 8 184 7 151 6 147.8 130.9 145.9 129.7 117.5
Biiaour I 08.7 122.9 165 4 189.3 197.4 156.5 137 4 134.6 124.4 123 I 102.3 96.5
Raichur 131 6 144.8 193.2 201.9 224.4 188 9 169 5 163.S 142.7 141.9 126.1 121.3
Belaaum 113.2 124 7 166 5 171.0 271.5 113. 7 92 2 95.4 I 00.1 1173 109.6 105.5
Belgaum 137 I 153.S 197 2 194.8 292.0 142.4 111.4 ros.z 111 8 I 16.9 123.1 129.3
Gadaz 121 1 130.7 172.9 178.5 284.0 144 6 130 2 136 7 123.4 123 2 112.5 111.9
Interior M zscre South
Bellarv . I 15. I 128.5 170.9 180.9 194 8 167 0 155 7 152.8 138.4 123.4 106 0 104 0
Chitradurza 123 7 133 6 172 I 171.3 172 1 137 5 121 4 126.0 119.2 116 6 106.5 111.1
Shimoaa 108 5 117 8 152.9 152.8 144 7 110.4 95 4 97.5 100.8 10 I I 98.6 99.1
Hassan 110.8 119.2 156.8 149.4 146 0 110 7 100.4 103.6 105.7 104.7 98 I 100.0
Banaalcre 117 4 130 0 166 2 158 2 156.5 126.5 115. 7 114.2 108 9 105.1 98.3 102 9
Mvsore 128 4 133.5 165.9 154.2 147 6 123.5 115. 5 117.2 116.9 110.5 106.0 114.3

Note.- The values are taken from India Metrorological Department, PPSR - 136.


(in mm)
Cron Development Staaes Total
CROP Initial Crop Mid Season Late Season At Harvest growing
Develonment period
1 2 3 4 s 6 7
Trooical 0.4-05 0.7 - 0.85 l .0 - l.1 09 - 1.0 0.75 - 0.85 0.7 - 0.8
Sub trooical 0.5 - 065 0.8 - 0.9 1.0-1.2 1.0 - 1.15 1.0 - 1.15 0.85 -0.95
Green 0.3 - 0.4 0.65 - 0.75 0.95 - 1.05 0.9 - 0.95 0.85 - 0.95 0.85 - 0.9
Drv 0.3 - 0.4 0.7 - 0.8 1.05-1.2 0.65 - 0.75 0.25 - 0.3 0.7 - 0.8
Cabbage 0.4 - 0.5 0.7 - 0.8 0.95 - 1.0 0.90 - l .O 0.8 - 0.95 0.7 - 08
Cotton 0.4 - 0.5 0.7 - 0.8 1�05 - 1.25 0.8 - 0.9 0.65 -0.7 0.8 - 0.9
Grace 0.35 - 0.55 0.6 - 0.8 0.7 - 0.9 0.6 - 0.8 0.55-0.7 0.55 - 0.75
Groundnut 0.4 - 0.5 0.7 - 0.8 0.95-l.l 0.75 - 0.85 O.SS - 0.6 0.75 - 0.8
Sweet 0.3 � O.S 0.7 - 0.9 I.OS - l.2 J.0-1.15 0.95 - 1.1 0.8 - 0.95
Grain o.3 - o.s• 0.7 - 0.85* I .OS - 1.2* 0.8 - 0.95 0.55 - 0.6* 0.75 - 09*
Dry 0.4 - 0.6 0.7 - 0.3. 0.95 - 1.1 0.85 - .9 0.75 - 0.85 0.80 - 0.9
Green 0.4 - 0.6 0.6 - 0.75 0.95 - 1.05 0.95 - 1.05 0.95 - 1.05 0.65 - 0.8
Pea, fresh 0.4 - 0.5 0.7 - 0.85 1.05 - 1.20 1.05-1.15 0.95-1.1 0.8 - 0.95
Pepper, fresh 0.3 - 0.4 0-.6 - 0.75 0.95 - I.I 0.85 - 1.0 0.8 - 0.9 0.7 - 0.8
Potato 0.4 - 0.5 0.7 - 0.8 1.05 - 1.2 0.85 - 0.95 .70 - 0.75 0.75 - 0.9
Rice 1.1 - 1.15 1.1 - 1.5 1.1 - 1.3 .95-1.05 .95 - 1.05 1.05 - 1.2
Sunflower 0.3 - 0.4 0.7 - 0.8 1.05 - 1.2 0.65 -0.7 0.2 - 0.25 .65 - 0.7

I 2 3 4 5 6 "I

Soi:&!!:um 0.3 - 0 4 0.7 - 0.75 10 - I 15 0 75 - 0.8 .5 - 0.55 0.75 - 0.85
Sovabean 0.3 - 0.4 0.7 - 0.8 1.0 - 1.15 0.7 - 0.8 0.4 - 0.5 0.75 - 09
Suaarbeet 0.4 - 0.5 0.75 - 0.85 1.05 - 1.2 0.9 - 1.0 0.6 - 1.1 0.80 - 0.90
Suaarcane 04-05 0.7 - 1.0 LO - 1.3 0.75 - 0.8 0.5 - 0.6 0.85 - 1.05
, Sunflower 0.3 - 0.4 0.7 - 0.8 1.05 - l.2 0.7 - .08 0.35 - 0.45 0.75 - 0.85
Tobacco 0.3 - 0.4 0.7 - 0.8 I O - 0.80 1.0 - 1.2 0.9 - 1.0 0.75 - 0.85
Tomato 0.4 -0.5 0.7-0.8 l.05 - 1.25 0.8 -0.95 0.6 - 0.65 0.75 - 0.90
Watermelon 0.4 - 0.5 0.7 - 0.8 0.95 - I .05 0.8 - 0.9 0.65 - 0.75 0.75 - 0.85
Wheat 0.3 - 0.4 0. 7 - 0.8 1.05 - 1.02 0.85 - 0.75 0.2 - 0.25 0.80 - 0.90
Alfalfa 0.3 - 0.4 l.05 - I .2 0.85 - l.05
Clean 0.65 - 0.75
no weed 0.85 - 0.90
01.Jve 0.40 - 0.60

First figure · Under high humidity (R Hmm> 70% and low wind ( U<5m/sec).
Second figure . Under low humidity (R Hmm < 20%) and strong wind (>5m/sec)
Source : FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper No.33.

Crop • __
Season ------
Period ------- (in mm)
No. Particulars June July AUl!USl September October Total
I II I 11 I n r lJ I II Etc
I. Potential Evaootransniration (PE)
2. Cron co-efficient (Kc)
3. Consumptive use
(Cu= PE XKc)
4. Monthly water requirement (sum of
two fortniahts of a month)
5. Add for land preparation and
oercolation losses.
6. Total monthly water requirement
(SI.No. 4 -t- 5)
7. 50o/o monthly deoendable rainfall.
8. Monthly effective rainfall at 50% of
9. Net Irrigation requirement (NIR) •
(SI.No. 6 - 8 )
10. Gross lmgation requirement (GIR)
= N1R X 100


• I
Atchkat ------

Cropped area _


SI. Name of cropping season I Crop Area in Voit Water Total water Cumulative
No. Name of crop • •
mtensny in Hectares requirement in requirement in water

%age mm. Mcum. requirement in


. b)





Particulars June July Aug Sept Oet Nov Dec Jan Feb March April May Remarks
(Melt or M cum)

I Ooenina balance
2 Inflow
3 Total (1+2)
4 Demand
5Balance £3-4)
6 Mean capacity 0+5)
7 Water spread area
(Sa miles or Sa Kms)
8 Potential evaporation
finches or mm'
9 Losses 77 x 8'
10 Closing balance
11 Surplus
Check yield - Demand + Losses + surplus

I) Inflows (SI No 2) are worked out as per Annexure - V1

a) The monthly 500/o dependable rainfall are to be considered with weight factors
b) The monthly inflows are 10 be considered proportional to the 500/o dependable yield from the catchment.

2) The balance storage (SI No 5 in Annexure - V) for each month should be limited to the gross storage of the tank. The excess
balance storage beyond gross storage are to be considered as surplus (SI.No 11 Annexure - V)
3) Monthly potential evapo- transpiration values, are considered as rate of evaporation (SI No 8 Annexure - V)




SI Particulm Months
June Ju.Iv Aua. s L Oct Total
I. SO"/o dependable monsoon R1 R, R, R. &.$ R

2. Wei.a!!t factor o.so 0.80 1.0 1.0 1.0

3. Rainfall with weight factor R1(a) R, (a) R., (a) R.(a) R., (a) R(a)
SI No. (Ix 2) .
4. Proportional inflow x 11 &.(a) xa;Ri.(I) x 2' &.(I) x lli E,ul) u.&11) y
Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra

Where y = SO% dependable yield from catchment.

Rl, R2, R3 Etc., :Monthly figures ofSO"/o dependable monthly rainfall during the crop period.

Rl(a), R2(a), RJ(a) Etc: (SI.No. Ix 2) : Corresponding SO"/o dependable monthly rainfall with weight factor.


I. Type of Project New Minor Irrization Tank
2. Estimated cost of Project Rs.220 Lakhs.
3. Atchkat Benefited Khariff .. 862 Acres
Rabi .. 420 Acres
Total : 11282 Acre�

4. Cropping pattern Khariff : (1) Jawar - 250 Acres

. (2) Ground nut - 296 Acres
(3) Bajra - 316 Acres
Rabi : (1) Jawar - 420 Acres.
5. Extent of land coming under submersion and land 135 Acres.
reouired for bund, tail channel etc.,
6. Benefit cost ratio;
At 5% Interest 3.11 Vide calculations enclosed.
At I 0% Interest 1.73

NOTE: (1) The calculations are only for illustration and guidance.
(2) The yield/acre of crops, the rate/quitantal, the rates/acre for seeds, manure and hired
labour etc., should be got confirmed from the Agriculture Department and Talnk
Agricultural Produce Marketing Society .


l. Primary Benefits (Direct) Rs.in Lakhs.

1) Net benefit of Agricultural Produce
'After' the advent of Irrigation 60.034
2) Net benefit of Agricultural Produce
'Before' the advent of irrigation. 17.334
Net Benefit 42.700

II. Annual Cost:- Interest at 5% Interest @ l Oo/o

(Rs in Lakhs) (Rs. in Lakhs ).
1) Interest on Capital cost
of the Project (Rs.220 Lakhs) 11.000 22.000

2) Depreciation at 1 % 2.200 2.200

3) Administrative expenses at
Rs.40 per acre for 1282 acres 0.513 0.513

13.713 24.713

Benefit cost Ratio at 5% interest :

42.700 - 3.11
13. 713

Benefit cost Ratio at 10% interest 42.700 - 1.73

SI Name of Area Yield Total Rate Amount Remarks
No Crop
.1n in Qtls. yield per Rs. In SEEDS MANNURE Hired Jabour &
acres per in Qtls Qtl. Lakhs Bullock etc..
acre. in Rs Rate Amount Rate Amount Rate Amount
per Rs. in per Rs.in per Rs. in
acre Lakhs acre Lakhs. acres Lakhs.
in Rs. in Rs.
.10 •
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 JO 1I 12 13 14
I Jawar 670 3.00 2010 430 8.643 81 0.543 203 1.360 405 2.714
2 Ground nut 296 3.50 1036 1400 14.504 1000 2.960 225 0.66 486 1.439
3 Baira 316 3.00 948 1450 13.746 283 0.894 • 225 0.711 405 1.280
TOTAL 1282
4) Add 135 3.00 405 430 1.742 81 0.109 203 0.274 405 0.547
produce from
land coming
& required
for bund, rail
channel etc.
TOTAL 38.635 4.506 3.011 5.980

NOTE:- The yield of crops (Col.4) & Rate per quintal (Col 6)1 rate I acre for seeds (col.8), Manure (Col.10) & hired labour etc.,
(Col J2)have to be got confirmed from the Agriculture Department., and Taluk Agricultural Produce Marketing

Rs.in Lakhs
1. Gross Value of Fann Produce (Col.7) 38.635
2. Add for receipt at 30% of fodder expenditure (i.e. 30% ofRs.5.795 Lakhs) l.739


l. Expenditureonseeds(CoL9) 4.506
2. Expenditure on Manure (Co.JI) 3.011
3. Expenditure on hired labour and Bullocks, etc., (Co.13)
4. Fodder expenses at 15% of Gross value of produce 5.980
(i.e. 15% ofRs.38.635 Lakhs) 5.795
5. Depreciation of Implements at 2.70% of the Gross value
of produce (i.e. 2.70 ofRs.38.635 Lakhs) l.043
6. Share and catchment at 5% of the gross value of produce
(i.e. 5% ofRs.38.635 Lakhs) 1.932
7. Land Revenue at 2% of the gross value of produce
(i.e. 2% ofRs.38.635 Lakhs) 0.773
Total Expenses 23.040


Total Gross Receipts 40.374

Deduct Total expenses 23.040
Net value of produce 'Before' advent of Irrigation 17.334

SI. Name of Area
.10 Yield Total Rate Amount Remarks
No Crop in Qtls. yield per Rs. in SEEDS MANURE Hired labour &
acres Per in Qtls Qtl. Lakhs Bullock etc ..
acre. in Rs. Rate Amount Rate Amount Rate Amount
per Rs. in per Rs. in per Rs. in
acre Lakhs acre Lakhs. acres Lakhs.
in Rs. in Rs.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
1 Jawar 250 10.00 2500 430 10.75 81 0.203 300 0.750 405 1.125
2 Ground nut 296 10.00 2960 1400 41.44 1000 2.960 350 1.036 500 1.480
3 Baira 316 5.00 1580 1450 22.91 283 0.894 300 0.948 450 1.422
Jawar 420 10.00 4200 430 18.0 81 0.340 300 1.260 450 1.890
TOTAL 1282 93.16 4.397 3.994 5.917

NOTE:- The yield of crops (Col.4) & Rate per quintal (Col 6)/ rate I acre for seeds (col.8), Manure (Col. I 0) & hired labour etc.,
(Col.12)have to be got con.firmed from the Agriculture Department., and Taluk Agricultural Produce Marketing

Rs. in Lakhs
l. Gross Value of Farm Produce (Col.7) 93.160
2. Add for dung receipt at 30% of fodder expenditure
(i.e. 30% of Rs. 13.974 Lakhs) 4.192


1. Expenditure on seeds (Col. 9) 4.397

2. Expenditure on Manure (Co.11) 3.994
3. Expenditure on hired labour and Bullocks, etc., (Co.13) 5.917
4 Depreciation of Implements at 2.70% of the Gross value
of produce (i.e. 2.70 % ofRs.93 16 Lakhs) 2.515
5. Fodder expenses at 15% of Gross value of produce
(i.e. 15% ofRs.93.16 Lakhs) 13.974

6. Share and catchment at 5% of the gross value of produce

(i.e. 5% of Rs.93.16 Lakhs) 4.658
7. Land Revenue at 2°/o of the gross value of produce
(i.e. 2% ofRs.13 .16 Lakhs) l.863
TotaJ Expenses 37.318


Total Gross Receipts 97.352

Deduct Total expenses 37.318
Net value of produce 'After' advent of Irrigation 60.034

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